
Monster Unit

A team of monsters who go to Salem Academy, a school for uprising Hunters and Huntress. A world were mythology is real, but still kept secret. But it's mostly about the team doing their thing.

JAC_Comics · Action
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63 Chs

Chapter 51

"She's an angel? But why doesn't she have feathered wings?" Madeline asked.

"Half angel. Only full-blooded angels have feathered wings. But that doesn't mean she can't use them." Said Van.

Christine then flew into Bram and immediately dropped kicked him in the face. Bram stumbled back, but her touch burned his skin. Bram then slammed his fist down on her, but Christine blocked them with her wings. Christine's arms were covered in holy magic as she jab and shot out blast of light at Bram's eye. He yelled out in pain as she pushed his arms away with her wings and fired another blast with both her hands. Bram was knocked back as he slid across the ground, leaving a long trail on the ground. Christine was starting to pant but controlled her breathing. We then see Yuko punch Kanika into the ground as he crashed and made a crater from the fall. She was weakened but enraged as she yelled out loud.

"That's it! I'm not holding ba—" Said Kanika.

But Yuko had dashed int front of her and uppercut her in the stomach as she was knocked out. Yuko let her fall to the ground as she turned and saw Isaac and Jennifer having trouble with Vladimir. He thrust his hand at Jennifer as he put up a magic shield. But his hands broke through as his claws were at Jennifer's face. Until Yuko caught his hand with her hand as she pushed it away, forcing Vladimir to slide back.

"Ai, help Christine. Jennifer, protect Abe and Lilith." Said Yuko.

"Right, thanks." Said Isaac as he ran off.

"Make sure you hit him for me." Said Jennifer as she ran into the mansion.

"Oh, I will." Said Yuko.

"I'm guess Kanika lost. Makes sense. She was the most arrogant and brattish of the entire group. She has power but lacks a mind and skills to use them effectively." Said Vladimir.

"Yeah, I could tell she hasn't fought that much. But me on the other hand, I was born to kick ass. Are you?" Said Yuko as she put her sword away and stood ready to fight with her hands.

Vergil saw that he had taken care of most of the demons, while Lucy had sent flying drones to fire on the rest.

"I got them. Help out the others." Said Lucy.

"Much appreciated." Said Vergil as he stopped playing.

His army faded away, while we see Adriana noticing that all of the demons were gone. She sighed as then summoned two dark golems that had magic crystals within and on them. They both attacked Emilio and Hans aggressively as they could only dodge as they were getting tired. Adriana smirked as she made a summoned circle next to her as a gigantic black serpent slithered out and made its way to the mansion.

"The sooner the boy dies, the sooner I can head back to Richard." Said Adriana.

It charged through whatever was in this way as everyone surprised by the snake. Until Vergil pulled out his violin again and started to play eastern style song that sounded bold and powerful as an eastern dragon construct appeared out of his violin as it grew to the same size as Adriana's snake. His dragon flew to her snake as it hiss and the dragon roared. Both clashed as they coiled around each other as they bit each other. Adriana looked annoyed, while Vergil smirked. We then see that everyone was getting tired from their fight, but they kept on pushing. Emilio, Hans, Josephine, Regina, Yuko, Vergil, Christine, Jennifer and Lucy. Van was shooting demons down as Madeline shot holy magic blast at them. Christine kicked at Bram, but he caught her leg as he was about to pull her to him. But Isaac jumped at him and kicked him in the face as he stumbled back, only to be chuckling.

"I was actually kind of worried. The busty lady and the cute angel were the only ones I was afraid because of what they can do. But they both lack stamina for battle. C'mon, make this easier on all of you. And let me kill the kid." Said Bram.

"Like hell we'll let that happen." Said Isaac.

"Isaac, he's right, though. I'm running out of steam. And I can't keep my angel form up for too long." Said Christine.

"I have to think quick. If only I had Rely, I could let Christine put her energy into the sword I can cut him down. But it's in Berta and she's too far away." Said Isaac.

But he was punched in the face as Isaac flew into the mansion. Christine shouted out Isaac's name in worry, until Bram grabbed her from her neck. He then started choke Christine as Van ran to him, but Bram fired a hellfire blast at him. Van was hit as he fell hard to the ground. But he quickly recovered back on his feet and kept on running. Christine's angel form then went away as she fell unconscious. He then tossed her to Van as she crashed into him, while he caught her. Van was wide open as Bram hurled his fist into his face as Van flew back and slid across the ground, while Christine fell to the ground.

"I'll come back for you, angel." Said Bram.

He walked to the mansion as Madeline stood in his way as he only stared at her chest. She stood ready, until Lucy dropped down from the mansion in her battle form. Her nanites had covered her body and legs as her metal tendrils popped out of her back.

"Emilio!" Said Lucy.

"Mm." Said Emilio.

Emilio looked at Hans as he quickly understood what his face was trying to say. Hans then whistled as Gunter attacked Emilio's golem, while Emilio shadow walked out of Lucy's shadow as he stood with her.

"We're not going to let you pass." Said Lucy.

"Hey, I just realized that you're part of that girls team. The hot babe that I kill. Man, she was one tough ass girl. But I beat her until she could even move. You should've seen her. All bloody and beaten." Said Bram.

But Lucy made her arm tendrils attack Bram as he smirked and swung his chain around. They were heated up as they were hot red and cut through her tendrils. But Emilio walked out of his shadow and quickly sliced Bram's leg's tendons Bram fell on his knees, while Emilio held his right hand out to Bram as he froze. Lucy then set her arms up as they combined into a spiraling rail gun rifle. Massive amounts of electricity quickly charged up as she quickly aimed and fired a large a metal rod. It pierced through Bram's chest as it left a large gaping hole in his chest. Emilio then ripped the sleeve from his right arm, showing his tattoos. The tattoos spread throughout his body as his whole body was black and white eyes. He bolted to Bram as his whole body was regenerating back. But Emilio reached him and started to slash his body with his blade multiple times. Bram swung his claws at Emilio, but his hand only pass through his body as if his body was all smoke. Emilio then swung his blade at Bram's eyes. He blinded him for a second as he yelled in pain and stumbled back. Lucy then commanded her drones to fly and bombard Bram as there were many explosions that hit him. Bram's body was shredded up and parts of his body was missing, but he was still regenerating. Lucy then passed Emilio a knife as he threw it into Bram's head. The knife was full of nanites as they all went into his body was and all microscopic bots were ripping up his body from the inside. Bram yelled out in pain, until he laughed and burst with fire. Lucy and Emilio stood back as he uses his hellfire to melt the bots in his body as they liquid metal dripped out of his body.

"Did you get everything out of your system?" Bram asked.

We then see Isaac getting back up as Abe and Lilith were helping him.

"Isaac, are you okay?" Abe asked.

"I'm alive, right? Better than being dead." Said Isaac as he slowly got back up.

"Isaac, be honest with me. Can you guys stop him at all?" Abe asked.

"I don't know if we can." Said Isaac.

"Then what are we going to do?" Lilith asked with fear.

"Just because I don't know. Doesn't mean I'm giving up. He needs to be stop now. And I'll do whatever it takes." Said Isaac as he looked at his hands.

The curse marks showed on his hands as he about to use Excalibur's power.

"Isaac, no! If you use that, you could die!" Said Abe.

"What other choice do we have? Sister Madeline doesn't have enough power. And Christine is unconscious." Said Isaac.

"Wait, just think for a second! Um, instead of summoning Excalibur. Why don't you draw from its power? Have you tried that before?" Abe asked.

Isaac looked at Abe with surprised, but awkward look as he felt dumb not thinking of that.

"I feel so dumb." Said Isaac.

"Then try it!" Said Abe.

"But I don't have a sword with me." Said Isaac.

"W-What about the girl with magic swords?" Lilith asked.

"No, her magic isn't refined enough to withstand Excalibur's magic. Yuko…" Said Isaac.

Isaac then ran outside as Abe and Lilith watched him, while he saw her still fighting Vladimir.

"Yuko! I need Shinken!" Isaac shouted.

"What!? Alright, here!" Yuko shouted as she tossed it to him.

Isaac caught it and ran back to the mansion, while Emilio and Lucy were doing their best to fend back Bram.

"I'm going to need a few minutes to get this right, since I've never done this before. Alright, let's see." Said Isaac.

But Lucy and Emilio were tossed into the mansion as they both were unconscious. Bram walked into the mansion as he stood in front of Isaac, Abe and Lilith.

"Ugh, I thought I knocked you out. But at least I got one left to get to the boy." Said Bram.

"Isaac…I'm going to buy you some time." Said Abe.

"What!?" Isaac responded.

"Abe, no!" Said Lilith as she grabbed his hands.

"Yeah, no. Stop him for me, Lilith." Said Bram as he activated his spell.

But Lilith didn't react to his spell as he looked surprised.

"Madeline had that spell temporarily neutralized. It's not gone, but she won't be doing what you want her to do!" Said Abe.

"Smart move on the busty lady. But what are you going to do, boy?" Bram asked.

Abe then ran up the stairs and quickly made it to the second floor. Until Bram jumped out of the second floor's floor, blocking Abe's way. Bram swung at him, but Abe quickly rolled under his fist and between his legs and kept on running around the mansion hallways, but Bram burst out of the walls to catch Abe as he used his agility to slip away. We see Isaac slowing learning how to draw out Excalibur's magic as we see a faint aura around Isaac. Lilith saw he was progressing, but he need more time. She then heard Lucy coughing as she made her way to her.

"A-Are you okay?" Lilith asked.

"I really need a cup of joe, right now." Said Lucy.

"You need help." Said Lilith.

"No, I'll be fine. My nanites will take care of me and Emilio. But here…take this gun. It's not going to do much. But I'll slowdown that bastard. I feel so damn useless for once. I want to kill him myself, but I can't. Not the way I am. I'm so sorry, Ana." Said Lucy as she teared up.

"D-Don't worry. We will stop him." Said Lilith.

But we then see Abe get thrown out of the mansion as he landed on the ground hard. Bram landed in front of him as Abe tried crawling away. But Bram stomped his foot down on his back as he screamed out in pain.

"Yeah, that's right! But don't worry, unlike with you sister. I'll make this quick and gentle." Said Bram.

But he was then shot in the back by an energy gun as it did heavy damage. He turned around and saw Lilith aiming at him as she was shaking and looked afraid, but at the same time determine to protect Abe.

"You get away from him!" Lilith yelled.

She then opened fired at Bram took the hits as he made his way to her. The shots only nudged him back as he didn't show any signs of pain, only the evil smirk on his face.

"I'm not afraid of you! You have no power over me! I am no longer your slave, Bram!" Lilith screamed.

But Bram grabbed the gun, pulled it away and punched her across the face. Lilith landed hard on the ground as Bram grabbed her face and held her close to his face.

"Keep telling yourself that, Lilith. But after all of this is done. I'm taking you back and I'm to use you as much as I want, until I'm satisfied. It's going to be just like old times." Said Bram as Lilith had a terrified look on her face.

"Let go of her…" Said Abe.

Bram looked at Abe as he had gotten back up and made his way to him. He stood up to Bram, while standing in a fighting stance. Bram then laughed at loud and dropped Lilith as he walked over to Abe.

"Okay, I'll bite. C'mon, boy. Fight me. I'll make sure you'll get the same treatment as your sister. But I don't you'll last as long she did." Said Bram.

Abe was silent, but his hands clenched tightly. Until his life force energy was emitting out of him. Until it started to make the wind blow strongly as his life force energy was intense, while his pupils contracted intensely.

"I'm going to make you eat those words!" Said Abe.