
Monster Unit

A team of monsters who go to Salem Academy, a school for uprising Hunters and Huntress. A world were mythology is real, but still kept secret. But it's mostly about the team doing their thing.

JAC_Comics · Action
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63 Chs

Chapter 46

WARNING: This chapter has dark themes of rape that may cause some to feel uncomfortable, unsettled or triggered. So please read with discussion.

It would be later as we see Isaac getting ready at his dorm, putting his gear on. He then flashed back to the moment in the office as Van was with his small team, while Abe approached him.

"Let me help!" Said Abe.

"No, Abe. You need to be kept in a safe place. Which means you're not leaving this campus. It's the safest place for you." Said Van.

"That's not fair! I want to take part! I want to kill him for what he did!" Abe yelled.

"Ana said the same and look what happened to her!" Van yelled.

Abe became silent as everyone kept silent as well.

"This is awkward." Said Christine.

"(Clears throat) Um, we can leave." Said Yuko as everyone agreed.

"No…I'll be in my room." Said Abe as he walked out.

"Abe…um, when can I speak to Delilah?" Lilith asked.

"I will let you know. Go to him." Said Merlin.

"Yes, thank you." Said Lilith as she left as well.

"Van, don't you think that's a bit much." Said Isaac.

"Maybe. But I'm not going to lose him as well. And if it means I have to be a total asshole. Then so be it." Said Van.

"Can we start this meeting? The more time we waste, the more time that demon is out there." Said Jennifer.

"Yes, I agree. Take a seat or whatever you're comfortable with." Said Merlin.

"Jenny, where have you been?" Isaac asked.

"North Winchester is here. Like I was going to show my face around them. Imagine the conversations they'll have about me being at this school. Oh, Jennifer. Attending Salem Academy, are we? Mm, you have my sympathy. I'll have none of that rubbish!" Said Jennifer.

"I've been getting her grocery." Said Christine.

"Yes, and again, thank you." Said Jennifer.

"Gotcha. But where have you been all this time?" Isaac asked.

"Oh, in my room." Said Jennifer.

We see Jennifer in her dorm sitting and watching TV as she was eating breakfast. She was calm and normal, until she placed her dish down hard as she stood up.

"UGH! HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN!?" Jennifer yelled.

She looked outside and saw that students and people just arrived as it was the first day.

"I'm going to die here." Said Jennifer as we fade back to the present.

"Lucky for me. Thanks to my random encounter with your witch friend, Scarlet. I found a new hobby. But I'll save that for later." Said Jennifer.

"Now that we're all here. Besides a few others. Let us start the plan. I want this taken care of before the tournament can start again. I was only given two days. So let's hunt down Bram." Said Merlin.

"Hell yeah." Said Yuko.

"Do you have a plan, Van?" Christine asked.

"Yeah. So listen up. We have one shot at this. And I intend to execute this right. So I need everyone to give 100% percent on this. Is this understood?" Van asked.

"Yes." Everyone responded.

We see Abe walked back to his dorm, upset and furious. Lilith was right behind him as she was running and trying to catch up.

"Abe!" Lilith shouted.

But she bumped into the same man who was trying to hit on her from the first day of the games.

"Hey, where are you rushing off to?" Said the man as he grabbed Lilith from her arm.

Lilith froze as she was shaking from his touch as she was having a panic attack.

"What's wrong? Shy? Don't worry, I'll show you a good time." Said the man/

But those words worse her panic attack as she remember a similar moment in her past. Lilith couldn't move or say anything, trembling in fear as she felt absolutely helpess. Until Abe stepped in and rams his fist into the man's face, knocking him far back and on his back. Abe had broken his jaw and knocked some teeth out.

"AH! You bastard! You broke my jaw! And my teeth!" The man yelled.

But he immediately fell silent as he saw Abe glaring at him with intimidatingly. His glare was like Ana's when she got serious, giving off a presence that put fear into the man.

"How about you stop thinking with your damn dick! And leave alone the girls who obvious aren't into your ass!" Abe yelled.

The man got up and ran away and screamed in fear as Abe slowly calmed down. He noticed everyone made distances from and were watching him.

"Lilith, we need to—" Said Abe.

But he saw Lilith on her knees, still in the middle of an attack as she was shaking and crying.

"Lilith—" Said Abe as he tried touching her shoulder.

"NO! Please…" Lilith cried, slapping his hand away.

Abe then crouched down on one knee and held his hand out to Lilith as his hand was in front of her eyes for her to see.

"Lilith, please. Take my hand." Said Abe in a calm voice.

She looked and him for a second as she then slowly grabbed his hand. He gently grabbed her and carried her in his hands. He then used his life force and jumped high up onto the boys dormitory's roof top. He landed on his feet but felt the full pressure on his feet and legs as they trembled. But he let Lilith down as she stood up as he immediately fell on one knee.

"Aw, man! If it weren't for my training with Isaac. I'd probably broke my ankles. Are you okay?" Said Abe.

"Mm-hmm. A-Are you alright?" Lilith asked.

"Yeah." Said Abe.

Lilith still looked unsettle and stressed as it would be a few moments later and they were sitting together on the roof. They were leaning against the ledge walls as they were drinking tea.

"Drink up. Tea helps with anxiety and stress. I think. I don't know. I thought it would've been better than coffee or water." Said Abe.

"No. This is fine. I appreciate the thought." Said Lilith.

"I'm sorry for putting you in that position. If I didn't storm off like that…that would've have happened. Damn it! What the hell is wrong with me?" Said Abe as he glanced at Lilith.

He saw that she was still trying to calm down as Abe placed his hand on her hand. Lilith looked at Abe as he was surprised she didn't yell at him.

"Sorry, I was trying to comfort you." Said Abe.

"It's fine. I'm okay with you touching my hand. You have soft and gentle hands." Said Lilith.

"Like a girl?" Abe asked, a bit annoyed.

"Now that you mentioned it. But I like them. They're not rough like some. But they're also firm and strong." Said Lilith.

"Thanks. But if you want to talk about it. I'm here. Talking to Ana helped me with some of my problems. So don't be discouraged to talk to me. You can trust me. But that's up to you." Said Abe as they were holding each other's hand.

Lilith was silent for a second, letting go of Abe's hand as she curled up and hugged her legs.

"You're not the only one who's been hurt by Bram. He's the reason…I have an episodes whenever some touches me." Said Lilith as Abe had a shocked look.

Part 2- Lilith looked down towards her cup that was at her side, while Abe listened.

"Remember what I told you before. When my mother sold us. Before she sold us, she used us for labor and doing her errands. She waited for us, until we were of a useful age. Right after we hit puberty was the best time. Delilah gained her demonic powers quickly, while me…my body matured fast. I'm actually fifteen. Did you know that?" Said Lilith.

"Wha…? I thought you were older. H-How?" Abe asked.

"Demons age faster. And because of that, it brought a lot of attention to other male and female demons. But it was Bram who bought me and Delilah. He trained Delilah and showed no mercy to her as she was unable to move. And me…he…he…to advantage of me." Lilith cried.

Abe's other hand clenched tightly with rage, but he kept his gentle touch with his other hand.

"I'm…so sorry." Abe teared up.

"There wasn't a day that he didn't have me in his bedroom! And I hated it so much! I even tried to kill myself. But…she was there for me…Delilah stopped me every time. She was always there and I knew she need more as much as I need her. She always promised that it was going to end soon." Lilith cried.

"(That…That son of bitch). But how did you escape?" Abe asked.

"Delilah…she found a way to let me escape. She hid me in a sack of trash. The smell was horrible, but it masked my scent. The trash was taken away from Bram's home and it took me to a junkyard. And so I ran as far away as I could. That's why I want to help Delilah for what she did for me. She's not a bad person, Abe. She's my sister…how can I abandon her after everything she's done for me." Lilith cried.

"We'll find a way. I swear to you, Lilith. We will help your sister and stop Bram." Said Abe.