
Monster Reaper

Its a story about the boy who lives in apocalyptic time where monsters starts to exist and humanity struggles for their survival. 98 years after the apocalypse occur, humanity now gained the power and skills to defeat and fight monsters. Various technique and development are employed. Join Adam in his adventure to become the strongest with his power 'Death', and gain skills and companion pets along the way! Warning!!! This novel employed slow development of the character.

Khier · Games
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39 Chs

Hunter Examination! 4

After the woman spoke. The participants then ponder what their desicion would be.

The participants take their time thinking, its not a simple desicion after all, since they could lose their life once they continued the test!

After two minutes, one of the participants finally spoke up.

" I...i withdraw from the test! ", muttered the participant, feeling a bit shy and embarass from his decision

But, no one dared to retaliate with the boy, nor make fun of him, as his decision was comprehensible.

Later on, other participants gathered their urge and starts withdrawing one by one, then followed by another one, then another one.

Soon, 8 participants withdrew from the test. Some of them were middle-aged and seems to have their own family to care for, so withdrewing was the best decision after all. There's also some who are only F-rank, meaning, them surviving in an E-rank portal was so slim, so they chosed to withdrew intensively.

Now, only 22 participants remained!

The stunning woman then began speaking again after the minutes given, ended.

" Those who wished to withdrew from the test will be transported back to the city, while those who wished to continue may now starts forming your team or make party! ", said by the woman

After that, the participants began forming their own party, this was to increase their survival rate inside the portal! since the only requirement to pass the portal was to remain alive until the portal was cleared.

But of course, those who managed to kill the monster boss would have a greater reward after the test!

This test was actually meant to give the participants an experience of a portal hunting!

Meanwhile, Adam thought of forming a party with the timid boy, since they had gotten a bit closer during the previous test! So Adam began approaching the timid boy who were like before, still having his head lowered.

" Do you want to form a party with me? " , Adam asked sincerely and in a persuasive tone as possibly

The timid boy got a bit startle at Adam's proposition. He never expected that someone would ask to form party with him, considering that he looks weak and so timid.

He immediately raised his head and shake it a little to extinguish this thought and clear his mind.

Soon, the boy opened his mouth for the first time and spoke his first word to Adam.

" Yes! " , the boy said with a glistening eyes like a puppy.

He was so happy right now that someone shows care for him. He actually never experienced being invited by others before.

Adam got a bit surprised at the boy's overreaction. ' I just invited him right?! ' , Adam thought confusedly

Soon, Adam began introducing himself to the timid boy, which then responded by the other..

" Wi....william..", muttered by the timid boy, feeling a bit shy

William was the name of the timid boy, he was only an inches shorter than Adam but seems much younger due to his poor body build!

He was thin and a bit messy compare to youth of same age. He had a curly hair and had his bangs curly as well.

Soon, after little introduction, Adam then looks towards the other participants who are forming their own teams!

There was a group of five people who seems to be close friends since before, considering their closeness shown currently.

There was also two groups with four members each. Then one group with three members, one group with two members and the group of the red haired boy with his comrade, forming a group of two.

As Adam take a glance at the remaining two participants, he got a bit shocked as he saw them standing on their own! Not forming nor socializing with other participants.

' They like being solo huh ' , Adam mumbles

One of the two was familiar to Adam, as he was the first participants who managed to stand up easily amidst the aura of A-rank hunter earlier. He was wearing a fitted leggings and body armor, it didnt hinder his movement at all as the item was highly flexible.

The other one was holding a saber with his right hand, standing there mightily as if even a storm cant move him!

Compare to guy earlier, this guy seems to be rich as he was well-equipped with glistening armor from head to toe, but this seems to hinder his movement a little.

After that, Adam and William talk for a while about stuffs, but Adam never dared to ask for William's skill and uniqueness as that was taboo among hunters!

Privacy of their own skill and uniqueness was highly important to every hunters as it can help them to take their enemy by surprise and also as precaution.

Soon, seeing the participants formed their own teams, the woman began speaking again!

" Now that you formed your team, let me give you the details of the test again! " , the woman paused

" Requirement is to clear the portal within 7 days! Those who survived will past the test, and those who killed the monster boss will be given an additional reward! If you were not able to clear the portal within 7 days, the government will send a rescue team and the test will be considered invalid, meaning no one will pass the test! ", the woman briefed to the participants

The participants listened attentively to the short speech of the woman..

Later on, after a short paused, the woman continued..

" Dangers are expected inside the portal, but remember your dreams and persevere! Just do your best and survive! Thats all for the briefing, you may now enter the portal! I wish you all good luck! ", the woman ended in hopefull manner..