
Monster in a world of heroes and villains

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

a real one

(POV: Noah)

I felt the whole building shaking as I smiled and grabbed Deus by the leg, dragging him along the ground. He was regenerating, but much slower now; his face was almost completely destroyed. Despite his healing abilities, it was clear he was struggling. I picked him up without difficulty and slammed him into the ground repeatedly, each impact causing the ground to crack and tremble.

"This is all you have!?!" I screamed in annoyance, slamming him down again and again. "You are a disappointment!! You are nothing, you don't deserve that power!! YOU ARE NOTHING!!" My voice echoed with fury as I continued to batter him. I felt angry—this wasn't a fun fight. Deus was weak. He didn't make my blood boil with excitement; there was no ecstasy, nothing.

"WORTHLESS GARBAGE!!" I screamed, grabbing his other leg and whipping him harder. The building was on the verge of collapse. I pulled Deus closer to his almost completely destroyed face and sneered, "You are nothing, you are no fun, you have no honor. I smell it in your blood. The old man was more worthy than you. Besides... I smell your fear, you can't hide it."

I saw what looked like an eye on Deus' nearly destroyed face. He spoke with his shattered mouth, "Ah... ah, fuck you..."

"Ha... hahaha... HAHAHAHAHA!!" I laughed uncontrollably and slammed him even harder, causing the building to begin collapsing.

"I'm fed up. I decided: vampires are not worthy in this world. It seems I will have a change of plans. I... I will kill all the vampires. They are not worthy of that honor. Trash. From now on, I... Alucard, will destroy them. I will collect their souls. This is a promise," I declared with a grotesque smile. Finally, I had a mission in mind. For now, I would put aside the X-Men, I would put aside S.H.I.E.L.D. I finally had an idea in my mind. I would become the strongest vampire in the world.

Deus looked at me with almost lifeless eyes and weakly said, "No... it's impossible... our king... will kill you—" I hit his body hard, causing it to explode and blood to splatter all over me. The blood soaked into me like I was a sponge, and I felt an immense satisfaction.

I grabbed what was left of his body and devoured it. Thoughts and memories flooded my mind.

"Transylvania... it seems the 'vampires' will meet the real one... it seems I will be the Van Helsing of this world," I said with a smile. I had gained information about the 5 houses, the nobility, and the nobles, but the information abruptly cut off. Not bad...

"Hahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I laughed out loud, as if I had heard the best joke in the world. It seemed I finally had a good mission on my hands, but first, I would rid Pennsylvania of all its vampires—all of them.

I smiled and decided to get out of there. The building was about to collapse completely, and the sound of approaching sirens told me the police were close. I felt a great sense of satisfaction.


"What the fuck did you do now?" John asked, showing me a television screen. The news was covering a collapsed building, with a reporter standing in front of the wreckage. She didn't look bad at all.

"Nothing, I just went for a night walk and found something interesting," I said, sitting on the couch. Jess was eating a chicken sandwich, watching the television with boredom, while John looked at me with annoyance.

"Oh, a night walk, a fucking walk that caused a fucking earthquake in a part of the fucking city?!?" John said, his face red with anger.

"Yup," I replied, grabbing an old newspaper and glancing at it.

"Ha... shit, Alucard, do you ever think about the consequences of doing this?" John asked, rubbing his forehead with annoyance.

"I know, people are going to come looking for me, lock me up like a monster and blah blah blah. I know that, but that's what's fun for me. Although I didn't have much fun today," I said, lying down on the couch.

"Ah... shit..." John muttered, closing his eyes and massaging his forehead. He looked quite upset.

"Oh right! From now on, I will start hunting vampires throughout Pennsylvania. Do you want to accompany me?" I asked casually, examining the "Jackal" in my hand. What a peak, my god.

"Vampires...? But aren't they yours?" Jess asked, confused, with her sandwich still in her mouth.

"Nah, they are worthless trash. Probably the vast majority are trash. Besides, I think there's only one who is worthy," I said with disdain. I didn't like these vampires; they didn't seem worthy to me. Shit, I think the card is affecting me, but I don't feel that bad. Killing vampires could give me much more XP than killing weak humans.

"Okay...??" Jess said, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "So... killing vampires, that's new..."

"Do you want to join?" I asked, looking at her. She started to think, but John interrupted, yelling, "Wait! Are you seriously considering that? If there are vampires, they are obviously more dangerous than mercenaries!"

Jess looked at John with annoyance. "I'm an adult now. If I want, I can join, John..."

"Yes, John... your daughter is an adult now, isn't she?" I said with a smile. He shot me a deadly look, and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

John sighed, exasperated. "Well, killing vampires... but could that really help us in our current situation?"

"Money. Well, it seems that for now, you two are terrorists wanted throughout the country because you are with me, right?" I said while cleaning my dark red glasses. They didn't look that bad.

"Yes, that's obvious, but why the hell do you want to go hunting vampires? I don't think we have the equipment to do that," John said, searching for an answer.

"We could make weapons with silver. I think that could work. Plus, I can kill them easily. You need proper equipment with silver things, like bullets or something like that," I said, getting up from the couch.

"Silver... but here comes the most obvious question. Why do you want to hunt vampires, and why do you want the two of us to join you?" John asked, looking for a clear answer.

"I do what I want, I think what I want, and I also consider you friends, colleagues," I said with a smile.

John sighed. "Okay...?"

I laughed a little. "Besides, being alone is boring. At first, I thought being a lone wolf was entertaining, but it's pretty dull. Having company is fun. At least I can have fun!"

Jess looked uncertain. "I don't know if I should join. Normal life isn't that bad."

"Come on! I even have a name ready for the team," I said with a sad smile.

Jess's curiosity piqued. "What name did you come up with?"

I smiled broadly. "Hellsing."


(third person)

Somewhere in Transylvania.

A large and imposing castle stood amidst a fierce storm. Lightning struck the ground occasionally, and animals fled in fear. The castle exuded a terrifying and powerful aura.

Inside, the hallways were grand, adorned with various paintings and luxurious wooden furniture of ancient architecture. In a vast room, an imposing figure sat on a gloomy throne. He had white hair and red eyes like rubies. Clad in red and black armor made of expensive and durable metals, a great sword rested beside him, emitting a terrifying and powerful aura.

The figure on the throne was Vlad Tepes Dracula. He looked down at a person kneeling before him. "So... what happened?" Dracula's voice was imposing and serious.

The kneeling figure trembled almost imperceptibly. He had short white hair and wore a completely black formal suit. "One of our candles of life went out. It seems that one of the sons of the founder of one of the five houses was murdered in Pennsylvania," he said with respect.

"Pennsylvania... it wasn't there... what was the boy's name? Deus, wasn't it?" Dracula mused, barely interested.

"Exactly, my lord. He was a nobleman of the great Whiteblood family, one of the five houses," the kneeling person replied firmly.

"Whiteblood... they weren't that bad. His father was a duke, wasn't he?" Dracula asked, his voice bored.

"Exactly. His father was made a duke 200 years ago. His father is furious and wants your permission to go to Pennsylvania to avenge his son," the voice echoed through the throne room.

"No... that sounds boring. Don't let him go. Besides, I have an interesting feeling..." Dracula said with a slight, almost imperceptible smile.

"Send some experienced soldiers to Pennsylvania to assess the level of the person who dared to kill the son of a duke. I want to know more," Dracula commanded, his eyes fixed on the kneeling figure.

"Understood, father!" The man in the black suit and white hair suddenly vanished into the darkness.

Dracula sighed and murmured, "It seems that entertaining things are finally going to happen after centuries..."

Dracula rose from his throne, grasped his sword, and disappeared with absurd speed. He reappeared outside, staring at the torrential rain above his castle. "What an annoying rain. I want to see the moon," he muttered.

Drawing his sword, he pointed it skyward. The clouds parted, revealing a dark, starry sky with a brilliant moon casting its light over the land. Dracula sighed, "I want to be able to fight seriously. After centuries, I want to feel my blood boil. I want a worthy fight..."

A peculiar smile crept across his face. "I hope you, stranger who dares to attack the vampire nobility, have the guts to come see me."


(POV: Noah)

"So, I'll build the weapons, and John will accompany you. I really don't feel like fighting and killing; I'm bored," Jess said, standing in front of me. It wasn't a bad idea at all. I didn't expect John to agree, but he seemed to accept just for the sake of it. Plus, he didn't seem like someone who enjoyed doing nothing for too long.

"How about it? Do you accept?" Jess asked with a smile.

I thought for a moment before responding, "Well, the Hellsing team is done."

Jess smiled. "Okay, so... how do you kill a vampire? You should explain it, right?"

"Oh, yes," I said, grabbing a glass of orange juice and taking a sip. "As I mentioned before, silver is very useful against vampires. A silver bullet directly into their heart will probably kill them. Stabbing them in the heart with something silver will also work."

"I think I have some silver... I could make some weapons with it. It'll take a while, but I'll make them for John. You can handle killing them yourself. It'll take some time to make decent equipment, but at least that old man taught me how to make weapons," Jess said as she sat in a chair.

"Okay, I think I'll wait until morning and then head out," I said, moving to a couch and lying down. I didn't need to sleep, but it felt good.

I closed my eyes and time flew.


I was lying on a rooftop, watching a video on my cell phone. People seemed to think there had been an earthquake or something. Hell, it seems I hit him really hard.

I got up from the ground and decided to traverse the city via the rooftops. I would explore the entire city until I had killed many vampires. John would join me in the future, which felt good.

Time passed quickly as I looked over the city from above. I stood on a ledge, looking at the night city, and licked my lips. Now that I think about it—

[You have leveled up!]

I had forgotten about the system and that I had leveled up.

[Upgrades: Increased strength, increased speed, increased senses!

Alucard (Hellsing): 4 / 30!]

Not bad. I had leveled up to level 4. I thought I would only reach level 3. Good luck.

Suddenly, I heard some sounds in the distance. I ran toward the source, leaping across rooftops. Bingo. I saw a vampire biting a woman's neck in an alley. I jumped to the ground almost silently. The vampire, startled, turned around with the girl as a shield.

"You bastard!! Who are you!?! Don't come close or I'll kill the gi—" I ignored the useless chatter and pierced through both the girl's chest and the vampire's. Double soul. The vampire looked at me with shock. The woman died quickly. "Bad luck..."

I removed my arm and grabbed the vampire's head, squeezing until it exploded. Sighing, I decided to explore more. By dawn, the vampire would crumble into dust.

I smiled and ran along the rooftops. While running, I closed my eyes and let the sounds guide me. Initially, I heard nothing peculiar, but after a while, I heard strange noises. I opened my eyes and found myself at an old apartment building.

I jumped into the building, using my intangibility to pass through a wall easily. I landed in an old hallway, listened, and approached a door.

"Idiot!! I told you not to bite him without my permission!" someone whispered angrily.

I smiled and said loudly, "Mail!"

"Mail...??" the voice responded, confused. "Wait here! Hide the body, I'll distract them."

I heard their whispers as clear as day. Idiots.

The door opened, revealing a 17-year-old girl. Hell, she was pretty young. I smiled at her and said, "Miss, I have your mail!"

"Ah yes, can you—" I thrust my arm through her face. Her body instantly went limp. Trash, playing innocent...

I threw her body inside and saw a 16-year-old boy trying to hide the body of a fat man who looked around 60. The boy turned pale when he saw me and looked at my bloodied hand. I smiled, and he tried to escape through the window. I grabbed his leg easily. He tried to bite me, but I grabbed his jaw and said, "Uh... shame, you're quite young."

I squeezed his jaw, dislocating it, and began to break it quickly. The boy screamed in agony, but I covered his mouth with my other hand while destroying his jaw. "Your destiny is shit, boy. You shouldn't have chosen this..."

I quickly grabbed his head and twisted it. I bit his neck, absorbing his soul, and let him go. It seemed even young people were becoming vampires. I sighed.

Suddenly, I felt something hit me. I turned to see the girl. Her face was regenerating quickly. I hadn't gone through her entire brain. I sighed and decapitated her with my claws. Her head fell to the ground, and I stomped on it, causing blood to splash.

I don't care how old they are. I will kill all the vampires in this city, in all of Pennsylvania...

I walked over to the refrigerator and opened it, finding a box of orange juice. Taking it out, I popped open the carton and started drinking, relishing the sweet and smooth taste.

As I enjoyed my juice, I heard a voice from the door of the apartment. Setting down the carton, I walked over to see an adult woman standing there, looking concerned.

"It's okay, miss! Just a little accident, you can come back!" I reassured her with a smile.

"Are you sure...? I heard a scream..." she replied, her frown deepening.

"Ah, that's it! It's just a movie. I accidentally turned the volume up too high. I almost fell off the couch because of the noise, hahaha!" I chuckled, hoping to ease her worry.

"Ah, okay... Be careful. Bye," she said before turning to leave. But before she could, I grabbed her hand, surprising her.

"Hey, what's going on—" she began, but I quickly intervened.

"When you return home, you will not remember what happened here. You will go to your bed and sleep soundly... You will not remember what happened here," I said firmly, pointing my fingers in front of her.

Her eyes glowed slightly red as she repeated after me, "I... Bed... Forget..."

Satisfied, I released her and watched as she stumbled back to her apartment, following my instructions without question. With a smirk, I phased through the wall and continued on my hunt, my eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"It's time to hunt the rabbits," I muttered to myself, my amusement evident in my glowing red eyes.


[Alucard (Hellsing) : 4 / 30


Pseudo Immortality:

When Alucard takes fatal or incapacitating damage, the damage is redirected to his soul pool, using a soul to instantly recover from almost any injury.


The power to manipulate objects and people with the mind, allowing for control and movement without physical contact.


Alucard can control the minds of people weaker than him, making them follow simple or complex commands.

 Ultimate Regeneration:

Alucard can regenerate from severe damage, such as decapitation, dismemberment, and incineration. When heavily damaged, his body turns into a shadow-like substance and reconstitutes itself.


The ability to pass through solid objects.

Shadow Manipulation:

The ability to manipulate shadows into physical forms for various uses.


Alucard can transform himself or parts of himself into various forms, including bats, insects, snakes, ??? , amorphous darkness, and other human forms.


The ability to suck a person's blood and absorb their soul, along with their knowledge and memories.




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