
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

the cavalry arrives

(third person)

In a large nightclub, people danced non-stop to the thumping beat of the music. Ecstasy filled the air, some danced, others kissed passionately, and a few sipped a strange red drink with wide smiles.

In one corner of the nightclub, a man in a red suit looked at his cell phone, reading a message that said, "Did you find them?"

He replied, "Yup, time to have some fun..."

Putting his phone away, he got up from his seat and made his way through the crowd to the DJ booth. Approaching the DJ, he shouted over the loud music, "Hey bro! Can you turn it down a little...?"

The DJ, annoyed, snapped back, "Fuck you and enjoy!"

The man in red sighed, pulling out a large gun. Without hesitation, he shot the DJ in the head, causing it to explode like a balloon. The music abruptly stopped, and the crowd ceased dancing, staring at the man in red.

"Ladies and gentlemen!!" he announced with a broad grin. "You are going to be the first people to witness the debut of the great team that will eradicate you!! I hope you enjoy from Hellsing..."

Alucard smiled wider and declared, "That's right... worthless garbage, it's time to serve me."

Noah pulled out his guns, shouting, "Bitches love cannons..."

He began to fire at everything that moved, his bullets tearing through bodies, blood splashing everywhere. Heads exploded like balloons, and the floor became slick with gore.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Noah laughed maniacally. Some tried to attack him, but he kicked them away, their bodies exploding into blood and organs.

Minutes later, the floor was littered with corpses. The stench of blood was overwhelming. Noah stood over a bald vampire in a luxurious suit, who looked at him with terrified eyes and tried to crawl towards the exit.

Noah stepped on the vampire's back, saying, "No, no... I smell your fear, you're trash... now be a good bunny and die."

He crushed the vampire's head with his foot, blood splattering. Noah's shadow began to writhe and crawl, consuming all the vampires and their blood. He licked his lips.

[You have leveled up!

Upgrades: Increased strength, increased speed, increased senses!

Alucard (Hellsing): 5 / 30!]

Noah smiled at the system screen. He had killed hundreds of vampires throughout the city in the past four days. Though there were many more to go, he was enjoying himself immensely.

Exiting the nightclub, Noah walked up some stairs and emerged into a jewelry store. The place was abandoned, marked by signs of battle but devoid of blood or bodies.

Smiling, he phased through a wall and jumped onto a rooftop, surveying the city. "It looks like my playground is still dirty..." he mused with a small smile.

Running across the roofs, Noah decided to head to another place, a neighborhood. He had acquired the memories of someone particularly strong, perhaps on par with Deus.


Noah stood before a house in a quiet neighborhood. He knocked on the door, and a few seconds later, a half-naked woman answered. "Is Sam home?" Noah asked.

The woman's eyes widened as she recognized him. She quickly slammed the door shut and ran inside.

"Looks like I'm already famous..." Noah said, grinning widely.

The woman ran to a specific room where a fit man with blonde hair lay on a bed, his lower half covered by a sheet. "SAM!! IT'S THE GUY IN RED!!" she shouted frantically.

Sam, looking annoyed, got out of bed and began putting on clothes. "I know... I heard his voice. Shit, how annoying..." he muttered. He walked into the main room, where he found Noah sitting on the sofa, watching television. "What the fuck do you want...?" Sam asked with irritation.

Noah sighed. "Kill the vampires. Simple, right?"

Sam, realizing that talking wouldn't work, suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Noah with incredible speed. Noah dodged easily, causing the sofa to split in half where he had been sitting. Noah then appeared behind the woman. "Is she your girlfriend or something?" he asked, smiling.

"DO NOT TOUCH HER!!" Sam roared with fury.

Noah smiled darkly. "It seems so..."

Suddenly, the woman exploded into thousands of pieces, blood splashing everywhere. Sam looked at the remains with eyes full of sadness and anger. He gritted his teeth and screamed, "SON OF A BITCH!!"

He charged at Noah with such speed that the furniture flew and the floor cracked. Noah dodged and kicked Sam in the back, sending him crashing into a wall. Sam fell to the ground, bloodied and wounded. He stood unsteadily, asking, "Why...? Why the hell are you doing this!?!?!"

"Because I can," Noah replied with a smile. He appeared behind Sam, grabbed his head, and slammed it into the floor, causing the house to shake. Sam screamed in pain, the intensity unbearable even for someone like him.

"How weak. I thought you'd be better," Noah said with a disappointed smile. He grabbed Sam by the hair and threw him onto the remnants of the couch. Sitting in a chair in front of Sam, Noah watched as Sam's face slowly regenerated.

"You're a damn son of a bitch with no mercy, right?" Sam said, smiling painfully.

"Obviously. Also, it seems you already know me... Am I famous?" Noah asked with interest.

"In this city, who doesn't know you...? The vampire hunter in red... the crimson madman. Some even call you the red bastard," Sam said, his smile filled with anger.

"Being famous is complicated, haha!" Noah laughed.

"Fuck you, you fucking dog shit," Sam spat with disdain.

Noah smiled. "Hey, since we're here, let me try something!"

Noah grabbed Sam by the face and dragged him to the street. He stood in the middle of the road, smiling as he threw Sam to the ground. Sam got up slowly, asking, "Now what the hell are you going to do...?"

"A cut," Noah said with a smile. He shaped his hand like a sword, raised his arm, and said, "Bye bye."

He brought his hand down swiftly, creating an immense air cut that sliced Sam vertically in half. The concrete of the street shattered, the force of the cut extending over 40 meters, destroying what was left of Sam. The remnants of Sam's body hit the ground with a thud, his face frozen in shock.

Noah's shadow deformed and quickly enveloped Sam, devouring him. In less than a second, nothing remained. The lights in several houses turned on due to the immense noise caused by Noah's "skill."

Noah smiled, saying, "Not bad..." He slowly faded into the darkness like a shadow.


(POV: Noah)

I was watching TV while Jess worked on a silver spear. It seemed like he got the silver pretty quickly.

"So... how many vampires are you killing?" Jess asked, looking at the half-finished spear.

"I think about... 400?" I replied, unable to give an exact number, but I was confident it was around that.

"Damn, that's a lot," Jess said, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Yeah, but there's still a long way to go to kill all the vampires in this city. We also have to go all over Pennsylvania," I said with a smile.

"Yeah... lots of traveling," Jess said, examining his spear carefully.

"Yup," I said casually, sipping a glass of orange juice, the only drink available here. I wasn't complaining, though.

I got up and said, "I think I'll head out."

"Wasn't it that you were only going out during the night?" Jess asked, slightly confused.

"I have no problem going out during the day. Plus, it's likely that vampires do things during the day too," I said, opening the door to the place.

"Well, don't do another stupid thing in a big way," Jess said.

"Yeah, I know!" I replied with a smile.

I left the "house" and walked around the city, changing my height to be more average and my face too, though I kept my clothes modern with red and black touches.

As I walked through the city calmly, it seemed like nothing bad was going to happen during the day, probably...

I noticed a strange feeling, like I was being watched. A while later, it disappeared. As I walked the streets, the feeling returned. It seemed like someone was keeping an eye on me.

Suddenly, I felt someone watching me from afar. I looked behind me and saw a person on a building rooftop, dressed in a black suit that completely covered their form and body, surveying the entire part of the city. It seemed they sent an elite vampire. I caught their scent from far away. When I looked at them, he disappeared.

Interesting. It seems they have equipment that prevents them from getting sunlight. I sighed and murmured, "It looks like they sent a much more decent cavalry..."

I walked through the streets, sometimes buying food, sometimes something sweet. Slowly, dusk was approaching.

I took out my phone and sent a message to Jess, "I won't be able to come back for a while. It looks like they sent some quality cavalry."

I put my phone away and decided to go to an abandoned building in the city. I arrived and climbed to the roof, looking at the dusk with a smile. The sun was slowly going down. I felt like I was finally going to have a decent fight. Deus was weak and boring.

"It looks like it's you," said a voice behind me. I turned and saw a person in a big black trench coat, a completely black and smooth mask covering his face, and black leather gloves. Damn, he looked epic.

"So they finally sent someone decent," I said with a playful smile.

"Ha... it seems like I'm the first one to find you. Well, I should do the job quickly," he said, suddenly disappearing like a blur. I dodged the blow, feeling a piece of my cheek break and come off my face. His speed was more than dozens of times faster than sound, maybe even much faster.

"Oh... not bad, you dodged that," the guy said, his voice amused. I couldn't see if he was smiling or not.

"Well, it looks like I'll have to take this off. You're... dangerous," he said, removing a glove. I felt his aura increase twice as much. A limiter?

I flew back and crashed to the ground, feeling like I was going through the earth. Blows rained down all over my body. This... THIS... THIS!!

"This feels good!!" I shouted with a big smile. Finally, ecstasy appeared. Yes...

I dodged a blow and hit him hard in the chest, watching him fly up. Suddenly, wings of blood sprouted from his back. It seemed he could control blood.

I landed on the ground, got up, and smiled.

"YES... THIS IS..." I began, my blood bubbling with excitement, my brain in ecstasy.

Suddenly, I was slammed to the ground with force. I saw a leg on my chest. He had kicked me hard, and the ground under me split, cracks expanding outward.

"Are you a weirdo or what?" the guy in the black mask said, his voice full of amusement.

"No, no... I'm the real one. Finally, something interesting..." I said with a big smile, grabbing his foot and throwing it hard into the air. I jumped up and kicked him in the face. That mask was pretty tough, huh?

The guy went through a wall on this floor. He stood up and touched his mask, seeing that it had quite a few cracks. "Damn, you could have broken this. You're a pretty dangerous guy." He took off his mask, revealing his face. He looked to be about 30 years old, with short, floppy hair and a scar on his lip. A scar? Couldn't he regenerate? Interesting.

"Before we continue, what is your name?" the boy said with a smile.

"You can call me Alucard," I said with a small bow. It seemed like he could finally use a lot of force.

"You can call me Alan, a royal guard of the big family," said the guy named Alan with another bow. Suddenly, we both disappeared at high speed. I dodged a blow and hit him hard in the chest. Alan flew and crashed into a wall, but he quickly recovered and jumped into the air. I saw a sword made of blood appear in his hand. Damn, I have that ability, but I don't think I can use it yet. Curse.

I dodged a slash from his sword and saw the ground split very easily. I dodged several more slashes from that sword, quickly ducked down, and kicked his legs. The guy almost fell, but I took advantage and grabbed him by the chest, clenching my fist and saying "AMEN!"

I walked through the big hole Alan walked through outside the building and yelled, "Is that all you have?!?"

Alan stood up and said, "That hurt..." He took off the other glove and I saw his power increase even more. He disappeared and suddenly a blow pierced my chest. I saw his arm crossing my chest. I just smiled and said, "Ha...what the fuck?" I quickly grabbed him by the face and slammed him into the ground with all my might.

Everything shook. Several nearby buildings shook uncontrollably and the ground split into dozens of pieces, forming a large crater.

"AHHH!! SHIT!" Alan said, teeth clenched in pain. He jumped into the air and landed on the ground, as black blood slowly poured out of his mouth.

"Shit, you're really strong, huh?" Alan said with a smile.

"Obviously," I said with a playful smile.

"I haven't turned this on in decades," Alan said. He slowly took off his raincoat. The coat fell to the ground, causing the ground to sink and small cracks to appear. That coat was really heavy.

Underneath him he wore a tight black T-shirt that showed off his wonderful and well-worked physique. He stretched a little and I suddenly felt his aura increase significantly. Alan sighed and said, "Well, now you'll see a royal guard in action..."

Suddenly, I went flying and crashed into several buildings. I could see it, but I managed to protect myself. This guy was really strong.

I fell to the ground and the cement beneath me cracked. I jumped up and looked at Alan in the distance. Blood poured from the pores of his arms, quickly covering them with red armor.

"Looks like it's time to kill you for real, huh?" I said, changing into my usual form. I looked at him with a smile and said, "HAVE FUN!!"

We collided again, our hands gripping each other as the ground beneath us shattered into a crater, the air tearing apart from the force of our clash.

"HAHAHAHA!! GOOD ARMOR, EH?!" I yelled, grinning wildly. His armor was completely red, like a medieval knight, though it reminded me a bit of Igris from Solo Leveling.

I brought my hands down hard, kneed him in the face, and sent Alan flying. He bounced off the ground but managed to hold on to the concrete with his hands. He sighed and said, "Hey... try to dodge this..."

Alan's legs turned bright red. Suddenly, I felt like I was impaled. I looked down to see my lower body completely destroyed, but it quickly regenerated.

"HAHAHAHAHA!! GREAT!" I laughed, exhilarated by the challenge.

"Damn, what a crazy regeneration ability..." Alan muttered.

"Thanks for the compliment," I said with a grin.

"Well, it's time to hit you and make you shit..." I said, my smile widening.