
Monster Card Master

Hans Slynn is a professional in monster card battle and other strategy game , he is is well known in the circle of player as “Thousand Trick Man” he get this title because of his slyness when in the game. In an accident he was reincarnated into body of a baby. In his new life he was given name Hans Kallan .but he soon realized that the world where he reincarnated have many beast roaming the world and that everyone in the world can awaken a monster card inside their body and use the card dropped by beast of this world. The world uniqueness not deter him and instead make him excited living in the new world. "This is going to be an exciting life." Note: The Chapter is around 1000-1500 word sorry if it was so short '-') I am quite shy and someone who talk a little so i probably won't show up that much.

NeoIsMyName · Fantasy
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99 Chs

The Crane Appeared

The team reach the deepest part of the Valley after some time, the lake could be seen by them from afar. They also see Ryouma' team in their surrounding were a corpse of monsters it could be seen that they had just finished their fight since all of them still have their monster standing beside them.

They go closer toward but just as they get closer, Ryouma waved at them and said, "Get down from your monster and quickly come here. We get a serious problem right now." His face is dead serious, Hans' team realize that something is going on right now. They do as he say and get down from their monster, they gathered with the other team member.

"What's going on?" Hans asked, his feeling told him that something that can make even his brother grow serious like this must be a big problem.

"Look at the thing perching on that big tree over there." He pointed toward a tree in the distance, On top of it was a figure with frathery body it had red crown on its head and its height is almost two meter from the look of it. Even though it was considered a small monster no one in the team dare to treat it lightly, since it was the Lord Tier monster of this area.

[Monster Name] : Yin Feathered Wing Crane

[Monster Level] : 41

[Monster Grade] : Purple

[Monster Condition] : Healthy

[Monster Potential] : 100

[Monster Weakness] : Electric

[Monster Type] : Bird

[Monster Element] : Water

[Monster Skill] : [Water Prison Level 3] [Water Cannon Level 3] [Water Tornado Level 2] [Yin Domain Level 2]

[Monster Ability] : [Master of Water]

[Monster Bloodline] : 100% Yin Feathered Wing Crane

[Monster Evolution Path] : Two Evolution Path Possible

[Monster Description] : The Yin Feathered Wing Crane is a red crowned crane but after its turn into monster, the crane's bloodline is purified leading its evolution to a Yin Feathered Wing Crane. The crane is a master in controling water, not many people dare to face it near a body of water since it was their domain.

"How the hell you guys ended up provoking it like this? I thought you said that we should avoid it." Hans glanced at Ryouma, they in a bad situation right now and not only that this place is near the river just by it description. He know that they will be in a bad situation if they ended up fighting it, fighting a monster in an enviroment that boost its power is basicaly a suicide.

"I don't know why it appeared right now, it just perching on that tree and watch as we fight againts all of these mosnter." He also don't know what's going to happen soon, when they were in middle of a discussion the crane flap it wing and approached them.

"Everyone, prepare youself for the worst." Ryouma shouted, he can't guarantee that he will be able to protect all of them when fighting it, he look at Hans worriedly that brother of his shouldn't get hurt here or else he can't show his face to his boss anymore.

The crane fly toward them when they think that it will attak them the whole team become tense and get closer to their monster for protection even so they still feel unsafe knowing that they will face a Lord Tier monster.

To their surprise the crane landed in front of them before opening its beak, they become more suprised when the crane started to talk, "Human, i mean no harm toward all of you. No need to be so guarded." The whole team's mouth is hung open when it started to talk, with the exception of Ryouma who seems to be not surprised by it.

"Lord Tier monster can speak just to let you guys know." Ryouma calmly explained to them, even his subordinate from the military don't know about it. Only the government and Monster Card Master that own a Lord Tier know about this, it wasn'r revealed to the public for some reason.

"That's right." The crane noded its head, its seems to have no intention to attak them but they still not let their guard down since it could be a trap after all. This monster may try to attack them all when they let down their guard.

"I am Ryouma Hiyashi one of Colonel of Eastern Continent Army, we don't have any thought of disturbing you." He cupped his head and bowed slightly at the crane, if they can avoid a fight then it will be a good thing for them.

"Is that mean you are important person among the humanity?" The Crane look at him with intresered look, everyone is wondering what make this crane look intrested like that.

"You could said so." He politely give his answer to satisfied the crane.

"I'll take you to the lake to meet someone, he was the real boss of this place. He said that he need to meet a big shot among the human, but most people that i meet are faking their identity so i ended up kiling them." The crane seems to lost on its thought for a while before continued its speech. "Follow me then everyone."

"What's the plan sir? Should we run away?" One of the member asked their leader for his decision.

"We can't run just follow it, i also want to know who is this real boss it talk about." He turned around and stare at Hans, "You should stay here instead."

"What no way how can i stay here." Hans raised his eyebrow at him. "If you go then i will come along too, you can't change my mind"

"Hey human, quick follow me my boss is waiting for us." The crane impatienetly said, then it flap its wing and fly toward the lake.

"Fine, but stick close to me." He can't reason with him right now and just concede with what he want, in the end the team followed the crane toward the lake without knowing what is laying ahead for them.