
Monster Ascent

After being held in disdain and having his life put in danger, a child from the Wind family, Ainsley Wind, has discovered an unexpected special in his body—an ability that gives him the power to transform into any monster, drastically changing Ainsley Wind’s life after using it. This is the story of Ainsley Wind’s journey toward his ascension. ----- Reminder In volume 1: Family. Mc will explore his family personality, and life, shaping his personality and determining whether he will be a villain or a hero.

HoldMySword · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Listen to my story (1)

There was no witness, only the moonlight shining on the scene taking place beside the lake, which sparkled as it witnessed this scene.

Of course, there was a cat, but no one noticed because his black skin was perfectly camouflaged against the surroundings while his blue eyes witnessed the event unfolding in front of him.

"S-Stop it! My father will be angry… if something will happen to me!" 

A purple-haired girl was fighting against the three black-robed strangers, pushing and punching, but her petite body couldn't do anything against the black-robed stranger.

'How come she wasn't using magic?'' Ainsley was confused.

Since they were children, they had received elite training from an expert as Wind family children. Except for him, of course.

Even though they were four enemies, she was struggling like a little girl. Not like this, she should be fighting back.

"Let go!!! You jerk!"

"Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up! Shithead! "

A shout came from the lake, and a black-robed stranger in the boat was waving his hands.

"She's tough, man! Like a bull!"

"Dammit, use your magic! Otherwise, the guards will be here right now! And we're gone."

"Then undo the fucking seal!"

The three were fighting each other, while the stranger in the boat was staring at them because he was wearing a robe and his face was obscured by darkness; Ainsley couldn't tell his expression, but based on their voices, he should be a man.

"Who the fuck is the little girl here!"

The stranger in the boat dashed over to them, pulling something from his robe, but before he could pull the seal, he tripped, causing the seal to roll on the ground.

It rolled into Melori's feet, whether by chance or not.

Melori's face revealed a struggle as she contemplated whether or not to destroy the seal.

"Dammit! Get that thing quickly!"

Melori had no choice but to kick the hourglass.


No one knew why it suddenly happened, but Melori's face flushed as she smiled.

"Fufufu~ Wow... so many cretins!"

Melori smiled as she touched her head. Evil? Ecstasy? Joy? No one knew what kind of smile this was, but one thought kept running through everyone's head: "Danger! "

That smile was dangerous!


The strangers in black robes cursed as the situation became dangerous.

"It's your fault, dammit! This would not be the case if we simply kidnapped her without fucking fighting!"

"W-What? Kidnapped?" Melori's eyes smiled, her face flushed, and she made a strange movement, "What will you do after you kidnapped me? Torture? Abuse? Rape? It appears that I met my kindred!!!"



"How did she obtain the weapon?!"

The heartbeat of the stranger in the black robe skips as they freeze as they see their companion's head roll into the ground, second? Minute? It happened so quickly that they had no idea when she appeared behind their companion.

'Is it stop time?'

Ainsley frowns beneath the tree.

Melori was talking when one of the black robe man's heads rolled on the ground, and she didn't move.

'What a powerful ability, and if she can master it, she will be considered one of the future's powerhouses. But to think they're this powerful, showing that I didn't know enough about them... well, that's understandable given that I kept to myself, not bothering to show my face.'

Ainsley clenched his teeth. How powerful was his younger sister if not the other? So, how about him? ... He thought for a while, but he didn't let this discourage him because that was to be expected, in order to gain his freedom, he would have to face his family, and what he did with them would be entirely up to him.

After some thought, determination filled his eyes. Then he turned to face the scene in front of him. He became immobile.


Melori stood there in the moonlight, laughing, holding the head in her left hand and the scythe in her right, dressed in a black and white gown with purple hair tied into two ponytails.

"So... you're next? Kitty, kitty cat?" Melori smiled as she turned her head in his direction.

Ainsley's eyes widened, and his chest nearly leaped from his throat.

"So, you're not showing yourself..." Melori's head bowed, her voice dark.

He walked toward her meowing, gritting his teeth, and ignoring the "Kill!" roaring in his head.


Melori's eyes narrowed as he raised the scythe.

"Wait a minute!"

"Fufufu, you do speak, after all, your funny cat."

Ainsley inquired, "How do you know?"

"Unless I pull your brain out, your eyes are filled with intelligence... Your eyes are filled with violent and dark emotions, like you want to kill me, very, very much, right~?"

Melori leaned her head forward, with amusement written on her face.

Before he could speak, Melori spun as though she was dancing, in the middle of the night. It's quite a beautiful sight, and she continued.

"Oops, oops, don't deny it, after all, I'm sensitive to dark energy, and if you deny it, I will kill you... um, thought I wanted to kill you very, very much, but... my sister loves cats like I love killing... nyahahaha!"

Ainsley blankly looked at her who was laughing.

"Um, who are you?" Ainsley was confused about her identity and the only thing he could think of was, "dual personality," so he asked to confirm this speculation

"Hmmm… aren't you my broth... Oops, it's time. Bye, bye."

"Wait! How do..." Ainsley's eyes widened as he heard her words. Melori, on the other hand, closed her eyes as the black scythe vanished into smoke and was sucked into her body.

"... you know..." Ainsley paused as he noticed the girl's naïve and innocent eyes.

"Fueh, where am I?" rubbed the girl's eyes, then her gaze shifted to Ainsley's cat form. "Cat?! Cute!" her eyes twinkled.

The girl grabbed him and rubbed her cheeks against him.

Ainsley started rubbing involuntarily as well, until he realized what he was doing and exclaimed, "Wait! Wait, stop!"

"It can speak, wow, so lovely," Melori said, hugging him tightly and almost suffocating him.

Ainsley snarled as his eyes turned red, scratching her cheek.



Ainsley was thrown to the ground and regained his composure at that point.

'Damn! It's happening again.'

Whenever he was near the people who had caused his trauma, he would lose himself and go berserk. Fortunately, it was still weak, so he could easily control it. However, it was different near this girl. Ainsley could control his personality, but not his emotions, especially after gaining the ability.

Perhaps it was the bestial nature of the cat that affected him. He didn't know. The only thing he knew was that it would grow stronger and stronger as he 'collected' more monsters to transform.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have touched you; I know what I'm doing is inappropriate, but... But it's been years since I touched a cat, let alone one this cute! Will you please forgive me?"

Melori apologized and bowed her head. She sounded as if she was about to cry.

Ignoring her apology, he asked glumly, "Why are you here by yourself? Do you know what happened to you?"

Melori smiled and didn't mind if he ignored her apology. Despite her disappointment, she replied, "Um, I want to throw the Demon Heart that my brother collected, but I'm afraid they'll be angry, so I sneaked out, b-but bad men suddenly appeared and then... then."

She put her chin on her finger, and as she thought, it seemed like she had forgotten what happened.

"Uwa! I forgot. I'm sorry!" 

Ainsley narrowed his eyes as he thought, 'Seems like she lost her memory when her other personality took over.'

"Looked around you," Ainsley said.

But different from Ainsley's expectation, Melori's eyes shone, and as she said, she seemed excited, "Uwa, did you do this, Mr. cat? So strong, so cool~!" 

"Cough!" Listening to her, he almost choked. However, seeing her happy expression, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind, "Ahem, yes, they did something bad to you, so give them what they deserve."

"Really? Your strong Mr. cat, your my hero!"

Just as she was about to hug him, she stopped, remembering he hadn't accepted her forgiveness yet and backed down with a sad expression, at which she quickly smiled.

Ainsley noticed this but decided to ignore her. He asked, "So… why did you decide to throw the demon heart? It is not expensive and important? Maybe you come from a rich family just to throw that away."

As far as he knew, demon hearts were rare as mana stone and expensive, costing 1 gold each, depending on the rank of the item. Only rich people could afford to waste it like a thousand-year-old wine.

"Um." sat down, gazing at the moon, she said, "Do you mind listening to my story, Mr. Cat?"