
Monster Ascent

After being held in disdain and having his life put in danger, a child from the Wind family, Ainsley Wind, has discovered an unexpected special in his body—an ability that gives him the power to transform into any monster, drastically changing Ainsley Wind’s life after using it. This is the story of Ainsley Wind’s journey toward his ascension. ----- Reminder In volume 1: Family. Mc will explore his family personality, and life, shaping his personality and determining whether he will be a villain or a hero.

HoldMySword · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Listen to my story(2)

Staring at her, Ainsley contemplated in his mind: what kind of story would she tell? Her life? Or someone else?

As far as he knew, there was nothing dramatic that happened in the family, besides fighting for power, which was far from, "You hate me, I'm leaving!" or something like that, of course, according to his knowledge, since he secluded himself from the world.

Not saying anything, he let her do the talking, and he nodded.

Melori smiled and giggled, seeing how cute he was when nodding and hugging her knees as she gazed at the star.

"Sometimes I wonder, what's behind the star? Or what is the star? When I was a child, I always accompanied my mother, father, my sisters, and my brothers to watch the stars at night. We were happy. We even shouted our wishes when there were shooting stars, and my mother laughed, and my father giggled.

My father was gentle and kind. He was looked up to by my brother because he was strong until... sniff." Melori paused, tears forming in her eyes.

'Until, what?' Ainsley curiously thought. However, seeing her state, he said nothing.

The story Melori told was true; he remembered when he was 13 and Melori was 10, and it was the first time he felt truly happy, and his family didn't hate him; instead, they loved him to the point of spoiling him.

That happiness has been forgotten.

And now, as he listened to her, it was not forgotten. It disappeared.

After wiping the tears, she continued.

"At age of 17, the people from church will awaken the affinity of children, determining their elements for magic, my second brother, was Forsaken… its great blow toward us, but fortunately it was not shown in public, so the outside doesn't know what happened. And... after that, my father changes, which causes him to become merciless and stricter, which causes my brothers and sisters to change as well."

As she was about to continue, Ainsley cut her as he said, "Your father changed because of your second brother? If I was the father, I'd not hate my children because they are forsaken. After all, he is still my child, my blood child, no matter what."

"Hmmm, that was also my question, but I can't let it out, I don't know... My brothers and sisters begin to blame my second brother for why my father changed, and they repeatedly bully him... but, instead of stopping them, my father just looks coldly as if he never cares at all. No, he never really cares. For me, I can't do anything at all, I can only watch...

And then... I don't know who it is, but I know it came from inside, telling me my second brother was dead..."

"Dead?" Ainsley narrowed his eyes. 'Then who am I?'

"And you believe it? What is your second brother's name?" he continued.

"Hmmm…" Melori look into his eyes and said, "Ainsley."

Hearing this, Ainsley shuddered. Of course, he knew who the second brother she was talking about was, but for some unknown reason, he felt scared when the name came out of her mouth.

"I didn't believe it, because my brother was still alive, and I don't know whose voice it was." Melori shook her head.

Ainsley frowned, 'If she was talking about the voice inside, then I could only think of her dual personality, but being dead... I still remember in my memory all my life, including all my embarrassing moments... but I never remember dying…'

"That's why I throw this demon heart." Melori raised the demon heart she picked up from the ground, as the moonlight reflected on it.

Ainsley guessed that it might have fallen to the ground, and she picked it up, Ainsley guessed.

"I don't want my family to crumble again." She mumbled, fist tightly clenched, but he still heard her.

Ainsley looked at her with complicated emotions and then looked at the lake. Many thoughts ran through his mind. Hearing all she said, Ainsley felt like thinking about whether or not to continue.

'No, I'll continue my revenge!' Ainsley thought. 'They change because of me, but I also don't wish to become like that. I don't know why I was born forsaken, but instead of comforting me, they push me to the cliff... They have done many cruel things to me because I'm different…'

With this thought, he nodded his head and asked, "So, what will you do now?"

"I don't know, Mr. Cat," Melori said, still gazing at the star.

An idea flashed through her mind. She jumped, and her eyes shone. She smiled as she said, "How about you teach me to fight, Mr. cat. I'm still 15 years old, so I couldn't do magic."

"T-teach you how to fight?" Ainsley stammered. How? He didn't even know how to fight.

"Yes, because you are strong. You defeated four bad guys, which I can't do, so I want to become like you and protect my family!" Melori raised her fist as she proclaimed.

"Wait, ability. Don't you have a unique ability?"

"Hmmm, I have, but I don't know what it is. My father warned me that it was dangerous and that I should not use it until I was 17 years old."

'Yeah, her ability was truly dangerous. But she seems to not know it. ' Ainsley thought he witnessed how she killed four men alone without them fighting back and could detect him.

Unlike magic, which would be awakened at the age of 17, the unique ability would show itself the moment the child was born. There were many abilities, some dangerous or not, and this ability was ranked from level 6 to 1, safe to most dangerous.

Obviously, the most dangerous was the most powerful.

categorized by Vision, Adaption, Enhancement, Mind, Manipulation, and Transformation.

Melori's abilities were level 3, manipulation, and transformation type.

Stopping time and having two personalities, Ainsley thought this level was not enough. Stopping time was difficult to achieve.

As for his ability, allowing him to transform into six monsters or beasts and regain their abilities, Ainsley put it at level 2, transformation type.

"Why don't you ask your father or brother to train you? You came from the Wind family... oops." Ainsley suddenly slipped his tongue. He glanced at her and found Melori, who was looking at him with wide eyes, then quickly replaced by a twinkle as she smiled.

He could guess what she was thinking, something like, "Wow, Mr. Cat knows anything," or "Mr. Cat may have asked the bad men."

"I have a teacher, but I don't like him because he was looking at me with weird eyes, and my father and brother were always busy."

Ainsley frowned. "Your teacher must be a pervert. Did you tell your father this? "

"Hmmm... No, because my teacher was a powerful man and my father paid a lot of money to hire him, so I don't want to waste my father's money… but he was not powerful as Mr. Cat!"

'She's too kind. I will check with her teacher later…' Ainsley thought.

"Anyway, I really have nothing to teach you."

He was busy getting stronger, and teaching others would waste his time. Importantly, he doesn't even know how to fight.

What could he teach? Scratch? Punch? Compared to him, Melori was more powerful than him. Her physical strength was like the Minotaur, and three men couldn't even move her. But with all this strength, she seemed afraid to fight.

'Genius was really built differently.' Ainsley sighed.

just as she was about to open her mouth.



Five men appeared behind them. The leading man walked forward and said, "Young miss, we are here to escort you home."

"Hmmm…" Unwillingness filled her eyes as she looked at them, then at the cat. With no choice, she could only say, "Can we meet again, Mr. Cat?"

Ainsley looked at the guard with a thoughtful look and then turned to her and said, "Yes," then whispered, "I will come to your house if I have time."

"Really?!" Melori's eyes lit up, and happiness filled her eyes. "Then I wait."

Ainsley nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Cat!"

The leading man glanced at him before leaving with Melori and others.

"Interesting," Ainsley smirked. "They saw five bodies and a talking cat, but they didn't ask her if she was okay, and their faces looked like they didn't care at all. They must be professional guards without emotion, or something else... Is this part of a plan?"

Shaking his head, he decided to go home because its already late, he didn't expect to meet his sister making him forget what he was doing. But, he gained a piece of important information.