

The blackbird touched down as the hatch was opened instantly as a few teenagers and a blue ape carrying a wounded girl quickly left the aircraft. 

Hank carried Ororo and bolted to the X-Mansion, the rest of the team following behind. As they jogged, they started to draw attention to themselves as the surrounding students and staff noticed the unconscious Ororo being carried away. Worried for her safety, they followed the team, gasping and asking if she was ok.

Soon they made it to the medical ward where Hank placed Ororo on a hospital bed as he pressed on her wound, trying his best to stop the bleeding as countless doctors and nurses surrounded them.

"Everyone stay here. We're going into surgery. I promise she'll be fine." Said Hank as they pulled away the patient.

A nerve-racking hush was all that followed until the sound of wheels rolling broke the silence. The students made way for the Professor who was accompanied by Alex. After a few seconds, Alex asked what happened, however, he was met with still silence as everyone stared at Wukong.

Professor Xavier didn't waste time as he read the minds of all the quiet mutants, he too then stared at Wukong with intense eyes which he returned.

"You got anything to say?" Asked Alex with a voice ripe with accusation as he noticed all the stares.

After a few seconds of silence, Wukong placed his staff on his shoulder.

"It's been a long day." He said, walking past the interrogator. Before Alex could do anything, he felt a touch on his arm as the Professor shook his head.

Wukong left the medical ward and walked with quick steps. However, he didn't go to his dormitory room, as one would think after seeing his exhausted eyes and the dried blood on his clothes. Instead, he made his way to the danger room.

After entering, he quickly summoned his favourite blue man as he took his stance. The blue man stood still as it waited for its opponent to make a move. Despite the look of the blue man, it had a certain level of intelligence. It learned from every fight they had and never made the same mistake twice.

Wukong slowly approached the enemy with caution and after a few seconds, he made his attack.

"Ruyi, Expand." As he said this, the staff expanded in length as it cut through the air. However, this proved ineffective as the blue man jumped in the air, dodging the staff and preparing an axe kick.

"Idiot." Said Wukong with a large grin as his staff retracted and he held it out.

"Expand." The next second, a loud BOOM was heard as the end of the staff collided with the danger room wall, cracking it. The blue man was decimated and reduced to the blue pixels it was born from.

Wukong slumped on the ground. He had been through a lot today and the constant expanding and retracting of his staff had taken a lot out of him. Nevertheless, he was still proud he was able to finally beat the blue man. Granted he wouldn't be able to do it again. He was already lucky in the first place since the blue man decided to jump into the air where it couldn't use its speed. If it had decided to duck below the staff, it'd have been over for him. If he had a rematch, he would most likely lose.

"Why couldn't I be reborn as… a Superman or something. I wonder if there are any of those out there." He said with a sigh.

After a few minutes, Wukong picked himself up for round two, thinking about the events that happened today. For some reason, it gave him determination. Perhaps because it reminded him that he was still weak. Weak enough to die from a gunshot or a natural disaster such as an earthquake. He needed to get stronger, Fast.

~16 hours later~

Wukong laid on the danger room floor in a comical position as he snored. Soon he felt a small tapping on his shoulder. After slightly raising his eyelids to check who was disrupting his sleep, he was met with a male with slick black hair and hazel eyes.

"Hey, I've been looking all over for you." Said Dave as he smiled. Wukong didn't say anything in response, only giving unenthusiastic groans.

"Do you not want breakfast?" Said, Dave. Before he could say anything else, Wukong sprang up, already on his feet as he walked to the exit.

"Aren't you coming?" Asked the fully awakened Wukong. Dave gave a smile as he followed him shortly after.

"Have you heard anything about Ororo?"

"How would I? I was in the danger room since yesterday."

As they continued to talk, they soon came to the school corridor, where they saw a familiar green-haired girl walking by herself as people pointed and stared at her, whispering as she held her head down. Soon she met with her friend who noticed what was going on.

"Don't you guys have anything better to do!" Yelled Anna, and soon after, the small crowd dispersed.

"Hey, don't give them any attention. They're just nobodies who have nothing better to do." Said Anna as she consoled her friend.

"Yeah, whatever. Can we just go eat?" She said as they made their way to the cafeteria, bumping into Wukong and Dave.

The two groups stared at each other without saying a word. That's when Wukong noticed the gloves the brunette was wearing. He then remembered who she was. The infamous rogue who could steal other mutant powers with just a touch. As he remembered this, his eyes sparkled with light as he grinned from ear to ear.

"Hi. My name is Illian, nice to meet you." Said Wukong as he stuck his hand out. Anna looked at his hand as she started to sweat.

"I'm sorry, I can't…" Before she could finish, Wukong interrupted.

"You can't what? Come on, shake my hand." He said, triggering her PTSD as her heart started to beat rapidly. The gloves would disrupt her ability so that it didn't work, however, she still felt uncomfortable with touching people, as it made her remember some bad memories.

"No, I really can't…" 

"Can't what? Do it, shake my hand."

"No, please."

"Shake my hand."

"Enough!" Shouted Alex, as he stood behind Wukong.

"You're a disgrace. I heard what you did on the mission. You have no place here. You're just an orphan reject who belongs in prison." 

Wukong stared at him with sharp eyes. He didn't like the fact that someone was interfering in his mischief, but this guy was also a condescending bigot. 

'Just because I don't do the things they like or I have different morals, I'm suddenly a reject and belong in prison.'

"You know, I heard you got injured the other day. Did you fall down the stairs or something? Oh no, that's right. It was me who broke your face and you didn't do a damn thing about it." 

Alex had reached his breaking point. Red energy started to gather as Wukong held his staff with a grin, ready to finally put this cockroach in its place. Everyone in the area quickly moved away from the impending battle. Knowing both fighters, there was going to be mass destruction.

However, before anyone could make a move, Hank grabbed onto Alex's shoulder. As if they were communicating telepathically, Alex calmed down.

'How boring.' Wukong thought as he walked away to the cafeteria.

"Hello, Mr Chef. How you been?" Greeted Wukong as he saw one of the few people he appreciated. And apparently, the feeling was mutual. The Chef has been spotted outside the kitchen and serving the teenagers more often than before.

"Ah, I've been well, young man. I made sure to prepare your basket of peaches. Good choice of fruit, it's one of my favourites as well." Said the Chef as he gave a wholesome smile.

"These are good, but I've tasted better. Peaches that are much sweeter and way more delicious. When I run into them again, I'll be sure to bring you a basket full of them." Promised Wukong as the old man thanked him sincerely.

Wukong sat at the same table as Dave, carrying 3 trays and a basket between his teeth.

"What was that in the corridor? Why was everyone acting like that toward the green-haired girl?" Asked Wukong as he started to eat his feast.

"Do you not know? That's Magneto's daughter. THE Magneto. Because he's such a notorious figure, that bad reputation's fallen onto his daughter after she sought refuge here. She's…not really accepted by everyone." He said as they witnessed the same thing happening in the cafeteria again. 

"Anyway, what were you doing in the danger room all night?" Asked Dave as he reminded Wukong of his goal. 

He needed to get stronger, however, the limitations of the human body were crippling his true potential of reaching the gods. He needed to break through the normal human boundaries. And he knew exactly where to start. But first, he needed to leave the X-Mansion. 


Professor Xavier rolled through a familiar white corridor as Hank walked behind him, briefing him on every detail of the mission.

"After seeing the events of the mission, I think it further supports my theory." 

"What would your theory be?" Asked Xavier.

After a few seconds of silence, he answered. "I don't think that kid is a mutant."

Professor Xavier showed a face of indifference as if he thought the same thing.

"The boy has shown no supernatural abilities outside of his staff, bringing me to my main point. I think his staff is a sort of magical item, something bound to him that only he can use. Similar to Thor's hammer."

"Yes, that is an admirable and brilliant theory. Paired with the fact that the child is highly skilled in a unique martial art, makes him all the more suspicious. I hate to say it, but I think we must start thinking of that boy as a threat to the school and everything we stand for."

As they kept walking they came across a door with a blue X across it. After entering, they walked on a thin platform that led to the centre of a humongous room.

"As for your mutant theory, we'll soon find out." Explained Xavier as he leaned toward a metallic helmet.

"I was under the assumption that you couldn't read his mind."  

"I can't. However, I won't need to read his mind. All I need to do is check if he has the mutant gene using Cerebro." He explained as he placed the helmet on his head.

After a few minutes, Xavier removed the helmet as he breathed heavily and sweated profusely.

"Professor, are you ok? What did you see?" Asked Hank as he came to his aid. After a few seconds, Xavier caught his breath and looked up.

"He's a mutant. However, I know for a fact that his mutant ability has nothing to do with that staff."


Meanwhile, a couple of miles away from the X-Mansion, countless black SUVs could be seen driving toward the school.

"Agent Coulson, are you in position?" Asked a dark-skinned man with a goatee.

"We are in position, Director Fury."

"Then everyone stay on guard, we might be in for a hell of a battle. I doubt he's going to come willingly."


Author's Note: Hello if you are enjoying the novel so far I would appreciate the powerstones. They really help. Alright, thank you all, Bye.

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