
Chapter 2 The Enemy

'Inner Monologue/Thoughts'

"Normal Speech"

'"Telepathy Speech"'

(Author Speech/Note)

Location: Miami, Florida


Third Person Pov:

AGE: 12

Bakugou can be seen wearing a loose, black, long-sleeved shirt, loose-fitting white pants, yellow slash around his waist, and tai chi slippers. He could be seen having a height of 5'4 feet. He had a slight athletic body type.

He could be seen training inside deep of the forest as he fights against his own grandfather Monkey D. Garp. Garp could be seen wearing his normal marine outfit as he fights his grandson.

"Iron Fist- Metal Stream Iron Breaking Fist!" Balugou shouts as he throws a barrage of attacks toward his grandfather The Hero of The Marines which he meets with his own barrage of attacks. Each of his kicks and punchs was meet with his grandfather own kicks and punches. Garp throws a strong left hook that connects and sends Bakugou threw a bundle of trees.

Bakugou quickly gets back up as he charges straight toward Garp." Second Gear!" Bakugou yells out as he brings his fist back as smoke starts to come off of Bakugou body. As he puts his arm behind him as an X-Ray visions shows us mini explosions go off in a chain reaction as even more smoke starts to come off his right arm.

Garp charges right toward his grandson with his left fist ready to knock his lights out. As soon as they are about to clash Bakugou arm gets covered in his armament quirk as the smoke starts to give off sparks of fire as Bakugou small flames start to surround his arm." Iron Fist- Hawk Bullet!" Bakugou yells out loud as the two forces meet causing a giant shockwave pushing everything near the two forces.

It was a clash of the titan as neither grandson or grandpa was giving up in this struggle of power.( If you want a clearer picture in your head think of the king haki struggle between Luffy and Doflamingo) As neither family member was giving up Bakugou put more power into his arm as more smoke and sparks of flame start to appear. As it can be seen that Bakugou was gaining in this struggle.

An a X-Ray vision look of things in Bakugou right arm his bones can be seen struggling in this amount of pressure as his bones start to crack and break as he puts more pressure into his right arm." Hmm boy your getting stronger, but your still light years away from ever reaching my level!" Garp shouts at his grandson as he breathes in and out as he puts more in strength into his punch as Bakugou is knocked back as his grandfather punch hit him square in the face, sending him threw even more trees, and knocks him out.

Garp walks up to his fallen grandson as he looks down at his knocked out grandson." Hmm, your getting, so strong right in front of my eyes that I almost can't believe it. Your parents would be so proud of you, if they could see you now. I'm so sorry that I couldn't save you son, but I will make sure that he will never be able to get his hands on him that is my vow!" Garp says as he looks to the sky as if his son was looking right back.

Time skip

Bakugou wakes up to someone hitting him constantly in the face as his eyes adjust to the sun as he turns to see a familiar face. It was Poco! Poco was a blond haired little girl standing at a height of three feet and five inches.

Poco Hughes

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Wake up!" Poco says as she continues to slap Bakugou in the face repeatedly." Poco stop it." Bakugou says in a tired tone of voice as he rolls to his side as he tries to ignore Poco, but as he forgot nobody ignores Poco. As proven when Poco merely doubles her slapping power with not one, but two hands.

"Muda, Muda, Muda, Muda, Muda, Muda, Muda!" She yells each time she slaps Bakugou as she gives a mighty slap every time. It doesn't even take five seconds for Bakugou the son of the Dragon, the Black Cage, and the Grandson of the Great Marine Hero Garp to surrender to the Great Power of the slaps of POCO!!!

"Alright, alright I surrender. I surrender now what do you want?" Bakugou ask as he gets up from the ground." Did you get beat up by your grandpa again?" Poco asks as she looks around the broken done trees that surrounded Bakugou knocked out form." Hey, hey, hey I was close this time. He just got lucky with that last hit." Bakugou states as he cracks his neck to get all of the kinks out.

"Okay, then did he get lucky the last hundred times as well." Poco asked with a voice filled with child innocents." Your lucky that your adorable, and it hasn't been a hundred times. Its only been ninety four times." Bakugou states as he get all of the kinks out of his body." I know that what my mom says as well." Poco says as she climbs the back of Bakugou.

"So, why did you come here for?" Bakugou asked the five year old kid." My mom and dad wanted me to ask you if you wanted to come to dinner?" She said as she hangs off of the right shoulder of Bakugou." You know your parents are so nice, I have no idea how come your so annoying." Bakugou states to the blond haired kid.

"You mean how am I so cool. Well young boy, when I was born my parents knew I was something special..." Poco continues to speak all the way as Bakugou traveled to her house which was about a mile and a half away. She talked all the way there, and did not stop talking even once.

Time skip

"... And that my friend was the day I defeated Global Warming!" She states with many hand signs and wonderful imagery that would be burned into Bakugou minds for the rest of his life." Alright where here you can stop now." Bakugou practically begged the blond haired child as he sat her done in front of her house.

A nice cabin could be seen coming into Bakugou vision as he walks with Hana on his shoulder. The nice cabin could be seen having bamboo trees around the house although some of the bamboo trees look different then the others as they almost seem fake.

"You know your going to regret being, so rude to me. When I'm the number one hero of the world your going to wish that you where more nicer to me!" She declares as she enters the cabin."" Oh I wish I where nicer to Ms. Pico then maybe I could be as cool as her."" Pico says in an a high pitch imitation of Bakugou voice.

"Little munchken I hope your aren't bullying old Bakugou!" A feminine tone of voice said coming from the kitchen area as a blond haired women standing at a height of five feet and five inches can be seen coming out of the kitchen." I do hope that you treat our guess nicely." The woman said in a strict tone of voice toward the little devil.

Hana Hughes

"It's alright miss Hughes am basically use to it by now." Bakugou tells the blond woman." Bakugou what have I told you about calling me that call me mom." She says in a childish tone of voice." I'm sorry mom it won't happen again." Bakugou says in an reluctant and apologetic tone of voice." It better not or I'll show you why am top dog in this house!" She says in a tough tone of voice as she puffs out her chest similar as animals show dominance.

"BAKUGOU!!! Are you making trouble for my wife! If you are I'll make sure that you never do anything ever gain!!!" A man shouts as he can be seen walking out of a room with a throwing knife in one of his hands. A black haired man that was six feet in length." Honey what have I told you about threatening little old Bakugou." She said in a playful tone of voice even though the very real knife was still in his hand at the ready.

"But honey he's related to Garp we have no idea what type of screw looses are missing where there suppose to be." The man said in a defensive tone of voice." Jeez thanks Mr. Maes." Bakugou says with a sarcastic tone of voice." That's Mr. Hughes to you Monkey." The man responds with a general tone of voice.

Maes Hughes

"Honey what did I tell you be nice to little Bakugou!" Hana orders the black haired man." If not then I'll never forgive you!" She tells him as she turns her back to him and crosses her arms over his chest." Am so sorry my beautiful wife I will never anger you ever again!" The mans says on his hands and knees as he bows as low as he can." Now that better isn't now get up where going to have dinner soon so go get cleaned up!" She orders the three which they listen to the T.

Scene Change

In an abandoned ware house a dark shadow figure can be seen sitting on a sort of make shift throne made of melted down police, thugs, and Marine weapons and badges smashed together." I have gotten almost every single clown that help put me in jail except for that BASTARD GARP AND THE ONE WHO GAVE HIM THE INFO!!!!!" The man yells as he starts to emit a heat that starts to melt the throne he was sitting on.


Enel is a pale-skinned man with a well-toned yet somewhat wiry build, standing very tall at 266 cm (8'9"). He has a slim face, usually seen with a relaxed, half-lidded expression accentuated by a calm, confident smile. He has blond hair that is set in a large perm, albeit always tucked under a close-fitting, white skullcap. His eyebrows, contrastively, are black, rather thick, and top grayish-blue eyes with prominent bottom lashes. His nose is slim with a marked, flat bridge that has several lines run horizontally across it. Very distinctly, Enel's earlobes stretch all the way to his chest, being weighted down by gold earrings with diamond-shaped pendants

The man was known as Libra "The Lightning Demon". He was an S-class criminal that held great power and wealth, until one day he was caught. It was the "Great Marine Hero" Garp that came knocking down his door, but while Libra was in jail. He had came to the realization that he must have had a mole in his groups since no one had known where he was unless he had a mole in his group.

He had five generals when he was in power. They had all snitched everything and everyone putting a shut down on his operation, but he had already put them down for the count. The fifth and final general was supposely killed when they raided there warehouse.

For the crimes he committed he was sentenced to death by electrocution.' How fitting.' He had thought as he sat in the chair about to get electrocuted. He would have died that night if not for his little friend.

'"抄���⸸毫 باوவ米 ⸸ខ្ញុំبيລក ອاویو வاو米'ቲ ☥កខ្ញុំ米 ក米ອቲहខ្ញុំ米☥ 送ລاو毫 ອអ⸸⸸ខ្ញុំ米☥ ក⸸⸸ بកອ!"' A dark voice can be heard from out of nowhere and everywhere at the same time." I know I know, but I don't know what else to do." The man says speaking to the unknown thing that was speaking to him.

His friend is what had kept him alive on the inside, but dead to the world around him. He dug himself out of his own grave by pure anger alone. Lucky for him he was buried exactly where his fifth general was. He dug up his grave to quench his suspicions and he found an empty grave AN EMPTY GRAVE! He had betrayed him and even faked his own death. He had given his location to the Marine Hero!

'"抄ក⸸毫 باوவ米 ខ្ញុំ हក♆អ بيអអ米 🜏អកລ抄हខ្ញុំ米☥ 送اوລ ��हអ 毫ក米 ቲहកቲ हកب ក हក米ب ខ្ញុំ米 پییوቲቲខ្ញុំ米☥ ອاویو ខ្ញុំ米 ចកខ្ញុំ⸸!"' The dark voice speaks to him once again." And what did you find!" He asked the voice of the voiceless.

'"ខ្ញុំ हក♆អ 送اویو米ب ቲहកቲ हអ हកب ក வខ្ញុំ送អ ក米ب بកیو☥हቲអລ ቲहកቲ हកب ⸸ខ្ ញុំ♆អب ខ្ញុំ米 ቲहអ 送اوລអ🜏ቲ!"' The dark being told the man." So, your saying that I could find him if I find his family that live in one of the forest around this city!?" He asked the one of the many. It didn't responds as it simply nods its form." Well I guess I have some hunting to do." He says with a malice smile on his face.

Scene Change

Bakugou could be seen walking out of the Hughes house with a happy Poco hanging off his shoulder." Hey how come you don't just sleep over?" She asked the blond haired boy." Because I prefer the woods I feel more at home you know." Bakugou says as he sits on the porch." No." She answered back simply.

"Then I couldn't tell you kid." He says to the kid as she hangs off his shoulder." Hey Bakugou if somehow in an impossible scenario like I mean this wouldn't happen in twenty years. You would be more likely to win the lottery a hundred times before this even would ever happe-" Poco was cut off by Bakugou.

"Poco what is it?" Bakugou ask the blond haired girl." If maybe I don't become the number one hero right away as soon as everybody just looks at me! Could you maybe you know?" She ask in a shy tone of voice." Huh, The Great Poco is asking me to be the Number One Hero for her." Bakugou ask the small child in a dramatic tone of voice.

"No way I just need some one to warm up the seat before it ready for the true Number One Hero Pico The Great King of all Dragons!" She said announcing it to the world." Why a dragon?" Bakugou said with a raised brow." Because there the strongest and fiercest creature to ever live on in this world just like me, and because my dads fire turns into dragon when he attacks!" She says with a big smile on her face.

"Sigh Fine I will do you this one favor and be the Greatest Hero in the world only until you are ready to take the mantle." Bakugou says as he gets up and shows his hand toward her in a form of a handshake to solidarize there deal which she happily accepts and shakes his hand with eagerness.

"Alright see you later Pico." Bakugou says as he starts to walk away from the cabin with a wave." See you later slow poke." She yells at the walking away Bakugou who only shakes his head with a smile on his face." You give her a step she wants a mile." Bakugou says to himself as he walks deeper into the forest.

Maes Hughes can be seen sitting in a chair as he has a cup of coffee as he reads a book in the kitchen. He looks outside to see a roll of thunder clouds coming toward his home. He feels a shiver come down his spine as memories of having to work as an undercover spy under that horrible man.

Maes had found out that someone had been hunting the former five generals of Libra old crew. This person had already gotten the four generals, but Maes had faked his own death as the fifth general, so that he could live his life with his family. Although he does has to live in the woods, but he would live in a volcano, so that he could live with his family.

Although, he gives Bakugou a tuff time he is actually really grateful to him and his grandfather Garp. Without Bakugou Hana would have nobody to talk too. She was really quiet and shy when she was a baby before he came and when he did it as if her personality did a one eighty. She was way more energetic and outgoing then she was before he got here.

And Garp was nice enough to give me and my family a home when we didn't even know where we would end up. He owns the Monkey family a lot, but he not one to properly show gratitude. As it simply comes out as insults and mocker, but he gets the feeling Bakugou and Garp knows the true meaning behind his words. I think everybody who knows him does.

Scene Change

The clouds could be seen changing as it darkens as thunder rolls in the clouds. On top of the cloud, Libra can be seen as he is looking for any sign of life that someone was living in the forest." Just you wait!! I will be coming for you and everyone you love!!" He yells to the world as he continues to look for the fifth and final general that had betrayed him.

Time Skip

Libra can be seen looking as clouds cover the whole forest." Damn It! Damn It! Damn It! WHERE ARE THEY!" Libra shouts to the heavens as lightning starts to go off him as the clouds he floats on start to thunder as well." ቲहអອ កລអ 抄⸸او🜏អລ ቲहក米 ອاویو ກ米 اوவ!" The dark whisper says as he forms a dark hand as he points towards a general direction. This puts an evil smile on his face as he turns his body into lighting as he charges in that area.

He sees a house covered in a bamboo, so that it could be hidden overhead if not looked for carefully. Libra started to charge up his attacks as he stops above the house as he starts to go higher in the air as the lightning starts to become smaller and with less energy. Until he reaches as far as he could as the lightning could now only be small spark coming off Libra.


He then comes straight down as even more lightning start to build up even faster and stronger!


As he gets closer and closer to the home of the Hughes as he gets threw the clouds as the lightning start to take a form of a Lion!


As the Lion start to take a darker form as dark red black lighting starts to show making the Lion a symbol of death.


As it becomes even closer as the Lion becomes as big as a building as it get even closer!


Scene Change

Bakugou wakes up with a start as he hears a loud bang from the Hughes house. Bakugou eyes widen in panic as a breath get stuck in his throat as his minds start to go threw every bad situation he could come up with. But, he then quickly slaps himself as smoke starts to come off of him as he runs as fast as he can toward the Hughes house hoping for the best.

To Be Continued