
Chapter 1 The Fateful Meeting

'Inner Monologue/Thoughts'

"Normal Speech"

'" Telepathy Speech"'

Location: Bakugou Adoptive Parents house

Bakugou Pov:

AGE: 4

'I remember flying or at least fell like I was flying. I remember my so-called flight very well. I found it being quite peaceful. The most peaceful I found myself enjoying in my almost five years of living in this shitty world we all like to call home. Even thought I was at my most peaceful I couldn't think of anything I wouldn't give to live in another. I think it lasted about three to five seconds but to me it lasted longer than I was alive because at that moment I never felt more alive than I did at that moment. It was the best moment in my life but much like all good things it came to a crashing halt.'

Third Person:

A figure could be seen getting throw out a second-floor window of a small run-down apartment. The figure was quite small about 3 feet maybe a little more than that. It wore a black shirt and a pair of green cargo shorts.

It had a mop of blond hair with traces of red in it. If looked at a little closer, it could be guessed that the figure was male, white, and maybe 4 years old. As the kid hit the floor it looked like the boy tried to scream in pain, but the pain was to great that no sound came out.

If looked at from the second floor they could see the child had some injuries clearly not from the fall since he landed on his back. His nose is broken and some of his teeth are missing. His body seems to be twitching from the pain. He also has a black eye on the left side of his face.

As the child twitches from the pain. A man walks out of the room that the child was seen to fly out off. He is seen wearing some black slacks and a dress shirt. He also noticeably has a small butter knife in his hand.

He walks down to the area of where the boy landed and looks at the boy in disgust as he gets in front of him. He stares the broken boy down with a glare evident on his face. He then kicked the most likely already broken ribs.

Bakugou Pov:

'All I could feel is pain there wasn't a part of my body that I didn't feel like cutting off to get rid of the pain. I wanted to scream so badly but I couldn't find myself able to. It if my own body rejected the action. I could barely see threw my left eye while the other was blurry. The only thing I could make out where little white dots in the sky. I didn't even know where I was or how I got into this situation in the first place. Until I felt a sharp pain to my side, and I felt my body roll a bit until I was staring back at the sky. I wasn't even able to clutch my side because that would simply cause more pain.'

Third Pov:

The man who kicked Bakugou gained a wicked smile on his face seeing Bakugou in pain. He then crouched to the side of Bakugou wounded body and picks him up by the collar so their eye to eye. "Did you really think just because you had a quirk for a couple of months that you could really go against me." The man said with a tone filled with arrogance and pride.

At this current moment because of the pain he couldn't even remember who this man name was or how he knew him. The only thing he did know was that he hated him with all his being, so he did the only thing that came to mind beside all the pain.

He spit in the man face and with the remaining energy he had he open his left eye to stare directly into the face who he felt so much hatred for. Once he opened his eye, he met a face of pure anger with the blood he spit in his face still there. The man didn't say anything still looking at Bakugou with pure hatred in his eyes.

"The thing I hate most about this is not you spit on my face but the fact you think you can stare at me like were equals. After doing such a heinous act towards me and not looking at me with fear in your eyes. I guess I have to give you a reminder of who you should you fear." He said as he brings the butter knife to his face.

Couple Moments Later

"I guess I did my job of showing you who's boss now I need to go pick up more drinks don't die or do at least you died knowing who was more superior." He said as he spit on the kid who faced was covered by the shadows. He then turned around got into his car and started going to the market.

As he turns his light on, we see a glimpse of Bakugou the left side of his face had a cut mark going all the way to the forehead to straight down the side of his neck. The cut mark went over his eye making him completely covered in blood now.

Time skip A Month

Bakugou Pov

'I guess there is someone out there looking out for me because that very night that bastard got what was coming to him and that was a trunk trucker running a red light. People always so no matter the person accidents are always sad. I couldn't have disagreed more. I guess someone was also nice enough to call 911 cause a few moments after he left an ambulance came rushing in almost ran me over. The doctors say it a miracle I didn't lose my eyesight from my left eye. The doctors also say the cut mark will leave a scar that would not be able to fade with time.'

'After he died, I thought me, and my adoptive mother could have a normal life with him gone. Like most things in my life I guessed wrong. She had started doing pills when she started having trouble paying the bills. She started to have random guys around. She usually hid them when a lady in a suit came to aspect the house. One day she took a drug from a pill bottle I had never seen before. She got mad and started yelling at me cursing me and my existence. She got a knife, but I escaped before things took a turn for the worse.'

Time skip

'That was a week ago, I have been living on my own ever since then. It been a struggle simply to stay alive since my injuries haven't healed. I'm no doctor but I would say I have been getting worse. My bandages are dirty and I my adoptive mother had taken my pain pills for her own use. It had started to rain but I was able to find safety by breaking in an abandoned house.'

Third Pov

A large figure could be seen in front of an abandoned house. He looks at the bits of a chain that has been blown off. He walks inside and sees a child of maybe four or five of age. He was male, slightly tan skin, blond hair, covered in bandages, but the thing the stranger focus was on the red eye visible glaring at him.

The stranger takes a step closer but the injured Bakugou raised his hand where small sparks start to go off. The stranger raises his hand to show that he means him no harm. Bakugou keeps his hand raised ready to defend himself at any moment.

The stranger continues to look at Bakugou as he starts to speak," Kid where are you parents." His voice was old and ruff. His tone told Bakugou that he already knew he just wanted confirmation.

"Where do you think." Bakugou stated obviously as he gestures to the broken-down house around them. The stranger sighed as he sits down cross legged on the floor." Am sorry." The man stated confusing Bakugou. Bakugou scoffed and let down his sparking hand." Don't apologized for something you had nothing to do with. I hate it when someone gives me their pity."

After a few moments of silence, the stranger decided to do what he came for." Well I am not completely innocent. I am your grandfather." After a moment of silence Bakugou scoffed," Why do I care that you are a father of a dead drunk." Bakugou stated not caring on who he was.

"I'm not speaking of your adoptive father." The stranger stated and that made Bakugou freeze up. He had never known who his real parents were hell he didn't even had a picture of them. Most people he had asked about them simply said that they were dead.

"My real parents are dead don't bullshit me." Bakugou said with anger growing in his tone of voice. He raised his hand to his side causing sparks to come of his hand giving him a menacing appearance for a kid who was barely going into his fifth year of life. The stranger was not affected by this.

"That is something I can't deny. They are dead." The stranger said with grieve in his voice. Bakugou anger went down if who this man said was true then his parents were truly dead. It's different hearing it who claims to have known the people everybody else said was dead. The sparks died down as he put his hand down.

Bakugou knew what he said could be lying his whole identity could be a lie, but his brain couldn't stop itself from asking 'What If' if he was really telling the truth. This could be his only chance to know what happen to his real parents even though he knew that this could all be a lie.

"What happen to my parents?" Bakugou asked with uncertainty in his voice." Do you know of the Whitebeard association in America?" The stranger who claimed to be Bakugou grandfather asked. Bakugou was he had never heard of any hero association in Americans he only knew of the ones in Japan and that was simply by luck over hearing people talking about it.

"No, I never heard of them are they a big deal or something?"Bakugou said in a questioning tone of voice. The stranger nodded as he stated," I believe them being number one America would make them quite popular." Bakugou eyes widen in surprise at this statement." That nice and all but what does have to do with my parents' death?" Bakugou questioned with confusion in his on what this had to do with his parents' death.

"Because your parents were heroes. Your father was known as "the Dragon" his real name was Monkey D. Dragon. His quirk was explosions. Your mother was known as "The Black Cage" her real name was Hina. She didn't have a last name. She was orphaned as a child. Her quirk was full body she could turn parts or her whole body to metal light and stronger than steel." The stranger stated with a tone of remembrance in his voice.

The possibility that his parents might be heroes put a shock to Bakugou system. He had to find out more but before he could ask another question the man continued to speak." They were both in the top ten list for heroes in their hay day and that because they were both lucky enough to have developed second quirks later in their lives. Don't get mistaken they would have both made it to the top ten even without their second quirk. Those quirks only added to their amazing strength."

Bakugou was speechless at this he had never heard of people having two quirks. This was something new entirely to Bakugou. He had so many questions in his mind right now but the one that escaped was," What were my parents second quirk." Bakugou said with curiosity dripping from his voice.

"Your father second quirk was called Conquer he could exert his own will power over others. Your mother second quirk was called Observation it allowed her a sixth sense to determine the location, strength, and emotions of other around her. She could also use it to gain limited precognitive abilities."

Bakugou was amazed at the abilities that his parents had. He then looked at his hand where he started to ignite sparks from. It was a nice feeling for Bakugou to finally learn where he got his quirk from but Bakugou decided it was time for the real question." You keep telling me about my parents except for the one thing I asked. What happened to my parents?" Bakugou asked the question to his suppose grandfather.

He looked at Bakugou with sadness in his eyes already knowing he would not like the answer to his questions." Your parents died protecting you. Your parents being top ranked heroes also meant they had a lot of enemies. As preparation to your birth they would go to Japan by boat to birth you there but when the boat was being prepared. Your parents were attacked. A villain had hired other villains to make sure his plan was successful." There was an uneasy silence that fell between them.

"What was his plan." Bakugou asked with a slight tremor in his voice. It was a few moments of silence between them before he could answer." His plan was to make sure your parents didn't make it to the boat or if that wasn't possible to make sure you did not survive the attack." Bakugou eyes widen in pure shock and confusion. 'Why make sure I wasn't born.' Was the question that kept repeating itself in his mind.

"The real reason you were the target was so he could get revenge your parents and make them feel the same misery and pain that they had caused him." The stranger looked at the kid who looked down at the ground with a downcast look on his face. He then sees the child close his fist and look directly at him." How did they die." It was the one question he wasn't but should have expected from the child.

"They were caught by surprise since the pregnancy had but a strain on your mother Observation quirk. Even thought they were caught by surprise doesn't mean they weren't prepared for the worse. They had asked a few of their close friends to help them if anything went bad on their departure. Though they weren't prepared for the number of villains he had hired to help him achieve his dream. Your father had stayed behind to make sure your mother made it on the boat and departed safely. They were doing well until the unspeakable happen."

The stranger said this last sentence with anger and murder growing in his voice. Bakugou was confused and curious on what had happened to cause the end of his parents' demise. After a few moments the stranger was able to get his bearing together and continued to speak.

"One of your parent's closest friends a fellow hero had betrayed them by stabbing your mother. She was able to use her Observation quirk to dodge it going into her stomach or her heart. She couldn't dodge the blade entirely."

Bakugou was shocked that the fact a friend of his parents a fellow hero had betrayed them and had tried to kill him before he was even born. It almost comes out as a whisper as he asked," Who was he?" The stranger looks at the kid who eye had a growing image of a man who had nothing to lose.

The man sighs as he states," The man who betrayed your parents, stabbed your mother, and tried to kill you. He was a man known as Marshal D. Teach current villain name "Blackbeard" former hero name "Teach" quirk Darkness."

The stranger could see the anger grow in the child in front of him. The child in front of him looked him in the eye. He would never say this to anyone, but he was scared on what he saw. He saw a demon in front of him he no longer saw a child he saw a demon with one eye craving for vengeance.

It took a few moments, but the stranger decided to speak," I know this might be difficult, but do you wish to know the rest of the events that unfolded that day." The stranger asked with uncertainty in his voice not knowing what the answer will be. It took a moment, but he finally got his answer in a form of a nod.

"As your father saw what was going on. He jumped into action and use an explosion strong enough to get him away but weak enough not to hurt you or your mother. Although injured your mother was able to get on the ship to escape.

As the ship was leaving Blackbeard had gotten back up and use his darkness to create a sword to throw at your mother to finish the job but your father threw himself in front of the sword to protect your mother."

Bakugou was amazed of the heroism of his father." We don't know what happen after that. I believe your mother mix of emotions at the time her body responded by having her water break. As I told you she was injured, and she had needed to have you for an additional five months." That made Bakugou raise his eyebrow in question." What does that mean.' Bakugou asked with a tone filled with child innocents. The stranger was contemplating on what to say next.

Should he give a five-year-old the bird and the bees talk or explain it another way. He decided to choose the better option.

"A mother gives their energy to the baby before it born to make sure it grows healthy. Most women do it for nine months, but this was the first recorded birth where both the parents had two quirks. You, the baby, needed more energy so you could possibly survive in inheriting all their quirks. If you didn't get that more energy there is no telling what kind of side effects you could have at birth or even later in life. There was even a possibility of you not even surviving the birthing process in the first place. It was all a gamble, but your parents took that gamble at the chance of having you."

This put a whole another question in Bakugou head." Why would they do that they never even got to meet me, so they died for nothing." He said as he looked down at the grown with sadness in his voice. Not even one seconds later he was got out off his feet to the stranger who claims to be his grandfather. Once he is raised off the ground, he sees the face of angry man with tears in his eyes.

"Don't you every say that again. Your parents both died to make sure you were born so you could have a happy life. Don't you dare but your parents sacrifice to shame and say they died for nothing. They loved you very much even though they never got the chance to meet you or even got to know you." Bakugou eyes widen as he hears the conviction in this man voice. A couple of tears and sobs escape Bakugou as he was put down by the man.

A couple moments of silence later and the grandpa and grandson are both sitting across each other in cress cross position." So why are you here?" Bakugou asked with curiosity in his voice." Isn't it obvious am here to take you to America with me. I can't leave you here knowing you are in such a bad situation. You are also the last of any remaining family I have so it my responsibility to take care of you."

Bakugou eyes widen in surprise as tears start to build up in his eye. He then quickly hugs the stranger and he hug back as tears escape his eyes. Bakugou say," Thank you." In a happy tone of voice. As he separates from the hug, he wipes his tears away as he stares at his grandfather with a fire in his eyes.

"Can you train me." Bakugou asked his grandfather with conviction in his voice. This made the grandpa raise his eyebrow in curiosity." Why do you wish for me to train you." The grandpa had his suspicion on why he would want to get stronger." I want to avenge my parents so to do that I need to be stronger than they ever were." Bakugou said with conviction in his voice.

His grandfather looked at his grandson with admiration in his voice for such a strong conviction in such a young child." So, do you wish to be a hero like your parents." His grandfather asked with curiosity in his tone of voice.

Then his next word surprised him to the core." No, I won't be a hero. I will become a monster." This got the grandpa to raise his eyebrow in confusion and in some anger." So, you wish to become a villain?" He asked with confusion on his voice.

"No villains simply care for destruction and heroes don't seek out revenge. So, I will become a Monster that seeks out his own justice." Bakugou declared to his grandfather. That declaration diminished any anger that build up inside his grandfather. His eyes in admiration for the young child. Bakugou face widen in surprise that he didn't even know his own grandfather name," Hey I just realized that I don't know your name." Bakugou said to the elder gentleman.

His grandfather had a face of surprise that he never told him his name." Oh, I guess I did never tell you my name. My name is Monkey D. Garp."