
Monarch: The Invader

In a world where monarchs wield absolute power, they are not just rulers of nations but masters of realms. Chosen by the will of the world itself, monarchs possess the unique ability to traverse different realms and select the strongest individuals as their retinues. As countries spring up across various worlds, monarchs have the power to assimilate resources, land, civilizations, and cultivation systems, expanding their territories and advancing civilization at an accelerated pace. In this world of monarchs, power and sovereignty can only be attained through invasion, death, and war. As factions clash and alliances form, the struggle for dominance becomes a relentless battle for survival and supremacy. Will the chosen monarchs rise to greatness, or will they fall in the face of relentless opposition?

PHONEIX_PRIMA · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


In a cluttered bedroom a news reporter's somber voice fills the room as footage of a bustling street corner plays in the background.

The headline reads: "Fatal Accident: Man in His Thirties Struck by Truck."

The reporter, with a grave expression, narrates the tragic event. "In a shocking incident earlier today, a man in his mid-thirties was struck by a speeding truck at the intersection of Oak Street and Maple Avenue. Witnesses describe the scene as chaotic, with bystanders rushing to the victim's aid."

As the report continues, images flash on the screen showing emergency responders attending to the injured man before he's loaded into an ambulance. "Despite the efforts of paramedics, the victim was pronounced dead on arrival at St. Mary's Hospital," the reporter announces, her voice tinged with sorrow.

The camera cuts to a solemn-looking police officer addressing the press. "At this time, the driver of the truck involved in the accident is still at large," he states, his words punctuated by flashes of police cars and officers combing the area for clues.

In this cluttered bedroom, a teenager sat in his gaming chair, staring at the computer screen. His expression was a mix of shock, astonishment and disbelief.

The teenager was about 175 cm tall, medium length black hair which can be considered quite neat and messy at the same time. He possesses sharp green eyes which fall under his thick eyebrows. He looked like he was about 17–18 years old. If calculated by normal beauty standards, this teenager would score 85 points.

"This is fucked up"

That teenager suddenly spoke up; he felt like his head was about to collapse, as he felt dizzy about his situation.

His name was Miguel; he was from this world; Earth, but the thing is he already died and somehow transgressed into this body.

For a person who often reads novels and watches anime like him, reincarnation and transmigration was a dream come true.

However, he didn't want to cross over again in the same world with only different circumstances.

In his former life, he enjoyed a steady job, income, and lifestyle. Despite being an orphan with few friends and no romantic partner, he found contentment in his circumstances.

It was paradise to him.

But now... He's starting all over again.

"Haah... " Miguel let out a sigh as he leaned back in his chair, resting his head.

"This suc- Ack!!"

Just then, a flood of information appeared in Miguel's head, causing him to frown. His head hurt; it was as if someone had hit him with a hammer.

"Aarrgh.. Fuck!!"

Fortunately, the headache only lasted a few seconds and then disappeared; otherwise, Miguel would have fainted from the headache. However, at this moment, a lot of information appeared in his mind.

After a few minutes of digesting the memories, Miguel look at the ceiling with lifeless eyes.

He doesn't know what to do anymore, his predecessor before leaving this world was fired from his part time job and now he has no money.

His stocks of food are only cup noodles that can only last for two days and now he had to faced the daunting task of finding a way to pay his rent within the week before the landlady demanded payment.

"Arrrghh!!" Miguel exclaimed in frustration as he furiously ruffle his hair.


"What now?"



"Coming!" Miguel exclaimed. He slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the door, opening it to find a delivery man standing outside.


Upon opening the door, Miguel noticed the delivery man placing a box among a stack of others in front of his doorstep.


Letting out a weary sigh, the delivery man wiped the sweat from his forehead before turning to Miguel and asking, "Are you Mr. Guerrero?"

"Yeah it's me"

The delivery man then retrieve a pen and clipboard from his pocket, extending them towards Ivan.

"Please sign here," he requested.

"Ah, sure," Miguel replied, briefly pausing before accepting the pen and clipboard. With a signature, he acknowledged receipt of the package.

"Here you go, thank you," he added, returning the items.

The delivery man nodded slightly and departed, leaving Miguel to ponder the situation.

"That's odd," he muttered, eyeing the six boxes piled together.

Just then, Miguel's phone began to ring, filling the air with a familiar melody.

Dring!! dring!!.... How are you?

Dring!! dring!!... WOOF!, WOOF! WOOF... Aiaiai I'm ur little butterfly... Aiaiai I'm ur little butterfly... Aiaiai I'm ur little butterfly~

Miguel cringe at the ringtone before quickly retrieving his phone and answered the call, eager to learn the reason for the interruption.

"Hello?" he inquired, anticipating the caller's identity.

"Hello Miguel, it's Riri. Your package should have arrived by now. It contains the uniforms you ordered," a cheerful female voice greeted him, providing information about the delivered package.

As Miguel listened to Riri's explanation, a memory resurface in his mind. The previous owner of this body was a military enthusiast and anime lover, who had ordered 31 sets of military uniforms from a local tailor.

These uniforms were intended to serve as costumes for the school event where students were tasked with creating stalls to sell their own items.

Their Classroom Grade 10 section A-2 initially planned to create a coffee shop with an anime military theme. However, due to the influence of a particular individual, the theme was altered, resulting in a maid cafe concept.

Prior to the change in theme, the previous owner of this body fell victim to the class president's persuasion, being convinced to purchase costumes upfront. The plan was for classmates to reimburse him upon the costumes' arrival.

Trusting the class president implicitly, his predecessor used his hard-earned part-time job earnings to order the costumes.

However, a problem arose when the coffee shop's theme shifted, rendering the costumes unnecessary. As a result his classmates refused to pay for the costumes, leaving the the previous owner of this body financially strained.

This financial strain ultimately led to his demise, as he resorted to eating inexpensive cup noodles to stretch his limited funds. Accustomed to a diet of rice and other affordable, nutritious foods when he had money, the sudden change in diet contributed to his untimely death by choking on a cup noodle.

'What an anticlimactic way to die' Miguel thought as he shook his head.

"Thank you, Riri," Miguel expressed his gratitude with a hint of weariness.

"No problem, Miguel. If you have any more orders, don't hesitate to call," Riri replied cheerfully.

"Alright," Miguel affirmed before ending the call.

"Now what?" Miguel thought, feeling loss as he look at the boxes in front of him.



Miguel hoisted the boxes onto his shoulders, muscles straining as he carried them into his bedroom. With a determined expression, he carefully placed them on the floor.

Each one emitting a soft thud as it landed on the floor.


With a final, decisive drop, the last box found its place among the others. Miguel shook his hands vigorously, sending dust particles scattering into the air, and exhaled deeply, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand before kneeling down to inspect their contents.

"Now let's see if the uniform is really good," he muttered to himself, a hint of anxiety in his voice. "If not, I really don't know... I might just cry out of depression."

Gingerly, Miguel opened one of the boxes, his heart pounding with anticipation. Inside lay the military uniform his predecessor had ordered. With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, he lifted it out and held it up to the light, examining the fabric and texture.

"The cloth is soft, and the texture is very good," Miguel remarked, nodding in approval. "Let's try it."

Quickly, he shed his current attire and donned the uniform, pulling on the pants and boots with ease.

Standing before the mirror, Miguel admired his reflection, a grin spreading across his face.

"Woah, the uniform looks cool, and it suits me," he exclaimed, turning this way and that to get a better view.

The military uniform consists of a long-sleeved black coat with light green details including the shoulder epaulettes

which has a brown Sam Browne belt passing diagonally over his right shoulder and two rows of gold buttons on the front.

Along with that, he wears a pair of white gloves and a white web belt with a gold waist-plate. He also wears the uniform trousers and black boots which go over the trouser's leggings it even have a black cape as well.

As he scrutinized the uniform, a thought occurred to him.

"This uniform kinda looks like the same as the one the Japanese Imperial Demon Army or JIDA wear in Seraph of the End," he mused aloud, noting the resemblance with a hint of amusement.


Just as he moved to start tidying up, a sudden and unexpected sight caught his attention.


A dialogue box materialized in front of him, its appearance startling Miguel and leaving him momentarily bewildered.

[ Congratulations, you've been chosen by the will of the world to be an awakened Monarch. Will you accept it? ]

[Accept ]

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