
Monarch: The Invader

In a world where monarchs wield absolute power, they are not just rulers of nations but masters of realms. Chosen by the will of the world itself, monarchs possess the unique ability to traverse different realms and select the strongest individuals as their retinues. As countries spring up across various worlds, monarchs have the power to assimilate resources, land, civilizations, and cultivation systems, expanding their territories and advancing civilization at an accelerated pace. In this world of monarchs, power and sovereignty can only be attained through invasion, death, and war. As factions clash and alliances form, the struggle for dominance becomes a relentless battle for survival and supremacy. Will the chosen monarchs rise to greatness, or will they fall in the face of relentless opposition?

PHONEIX_PRIMA · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


[ Congratulations, you've been chosen by the will of the world to be an awakened Monarch. Having the power to travel otherworlds and conquer or invade them ]


"T-This.. "

Miguel stared at the dialogue box on the screen, his mouth hanging open in disbelief.

For a few moments, he was frozen in shock, unable to comprehend what was happening.

Then, as if a switch had been flipped, his expression transformed into one of unbridled joy.


He pumped his fist into the air as a wide smile spreading across his face.

"Seems like the world's showing me some mercy," Miguel murmured gratefully, before shaking his head to compose himself.

As Miguel regained his composure, he redirected his focus to the screen, his excitement still tangible.

With eager anticipation, Miguel tapped the accept button.


Then a visible ripple emanated from the screen, distorting the air around him. But instead of a moment of triumph, Miguel was suddenly overcome by a searing pain in his chest.

"Arhgg.. "

Gasping, he clutched at his heart as the agony intensified that is threatening to overwhelm him.

"F-Fu.. ck!"


With a thud, Miguel collapsed to his knees, his body wracked with spasms.

He struggled to remain conscious, but the pain was relentless, coursing through his veins like fire.

His vision blurred and his thoughts grew hazy. He felt his eyelids droop, and he realized he was losing consciousness. Miguel's last coherent thought was a desperate question: "WhY dOeS FaTe aLwAys infLict pAin oN Me wHen I'M noT a mAsoChIst?"

Then, darkness enveloped him as he succumbed to the excruciating pain, slipping into unconsciousness.



Miguel lurched forward as he sat up out of the floor.

His body was covered in fine beads of sweat, his mind still clearly left shaken from heart wrenching pain he was put in.

Huff.. huff... huff

After spending a few seconds adjusting, Miguel suddenly felt the back of his right hand itched, pulling him out of his stupor.

Lifting his hand Miguel looked at it in disbelief.

"T-This.. "

A small, triangular-shaped rune formed on the back of his right hand. It was smaller than a marble and could easily be mistaken as a uniquely shaped mole.


[The Monarch's Rune has been established]

"What's this?" Miguel questioned aloud, only to have another dialogue box appear, seemingly in response.

[This is a monarch rune, used by monarchs to harness the world's energy and open a portal to their territory.]

"Ohhh" Miguel exclaimed. His heart was beating wildly in excitement, and he didn't even notice that he was subconsciously urging the Monarch Rune to open a portal to his own territory.

As if in response to his subconscious desire, space cracked open, and a radiant light flooded the room. The crack expanded in size until it was large enough to let Miguel through.

Miguel gazed at the portal in awe, his senses overwhelmed by its beauty. Swallowing nervously, he took a hesitant step forward.

"Incredible." Miguel muttered as he look at the luminescent white space crack that radiated an even brighter light.

With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, Miguel extended his hand towards the portal.

His fingers trembled slightly as they made contact with the shimmering barrier. Slowly, he pushed his hand through, half expecting something terrible to happen.

To his surprise, nothing happened. His hand passed through the portal unscathed, leaving him momentarily stunned.


He quickly withdrew his hand and examined it, relieved to find it unchanged.


Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Miguel made a decision. With determination in his eyes, he stepped forward and entered the portal, disappearing into the radiant light.


At first, Miguel found himself engulfed in darkness, unable to discern anything around him except for a powerful suctioning force tugging him onward.

His confusion deepened as white stars suddenly materialized, and the fabric of space itself seemed to twist and warp.

Gradually, his perception of time slipped away, leaving him disoriented.

When he finally reopened his eyes, he found himself in his own territory.

A gentle breeze caressed his face, and sunlight filtered through the dense canopy of towering trees. The air was warm and humid, teeming with life unlike the concrete jungle of his previous surroundings.

Surrounded by unfamiliar terrain, Miguel stood in awe of the vibrant landscape before him.

Miguel could tell that his surroundings were full of life the moment he emerged from the spatial crack. The sound of birds chirping, and some beast roaring reached his ears, making him feel excited.

He turned around to take a good look at his territory.

Miguel found himself in the center of a small clearing. The open space was surrounded by tall trees and thick vegetation. It was illuminated by rays of sunlight that had been filtered through the canopy. It created a warm and inviting atmosphere.

His gaze then wandered to the two structures in the territory.

One was a large circular object that seemed to be made of some kind of metallic material. It looked like a massive round mirror but without the glass in the and there was even a stage right before it that stood there grandly, with its simple yet imposing appearance.

"That's fucking cool" Miguel said then he turned his attention to the castle.

The castle was made of stone bricks and its had vines and shrubs of all kinds growing around it's walls. The castle wall was high standing at about 5 meters tall. People can even stand on top of the wall, which means that the castle can actually be used as a war fortress.


[Entering the territory for the first time, the Monarch system has been activated]


[ Monarch's Information ]

[ Name: Miguel Guerrero ]

[Title: Monarch ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Bloodline: None]

[ Physique: None ]

[ Monarch's Talent: Plunder, Impart ]

[ Skills: Cooking ]

[ Inventory: 1x Starter pack ]

[ Description: An ordinary monarch with a special talent. Other than that, there is nothing extraordinary your still a trash ]

Was this his status panel?

Just when he thought this was everything, a translucent line of text appeared at the bottom of the attribute panel.

[The Invader's Sign-in System is activated…]

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