
Monarch: The Invader

In a world where monarchs wield absolute power, they are not just rulers of nations but masters of realms. Chosen by the will of the world itself, monarchs possess the unique ability to traverse different realms and select the strongest individuals as their retinues. As countries spring up across various worlds, monarchs have the power to assimilate resources, land, civilizations, and cultivation systems, expanding their territories and advancing civilization at an accelerated pace. In this world of monarchs, power and sovereignty can only be attained through invasion, death, and war. As factions clash and alliances form, the struggle for dominance becomes a relentless battle for survival and supremacy. Will the chosen monarchs rise to greatness, or will they fall in the face of relentless opposition?

PHONEIX_PRIMA · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


[The Invader's Sign-In System is activated…]

"T-This.. " Miguel was shocked as his eyes widened.

Invader's Sign-In System? Wasn't this the system of the Invasion game that he had played before?

The function of this system was very simple. It can allow the player's to sign-in when you meet a 'special' character, it comes with a promising rewards that help you in your adventures as an invader.

'To think that it was actually activated in this world?!'

A strong sense of excitement rose in Miguel's heart.



[It is detected that there is another system inside the soul of the host...]



[The Invader Sign-in System cannot finish the process of activation due to another system vying for ownership to the host...]

[Finding for solution...]


[It is detected that the two systems has a 100% percent compatibility rate... ]

[Requesting permission to merge.. ]

[Accept] [Refuse]

"Uhh.. Accept"


[The Merging Shall Now Commence]


[10%....50%....90%....100%... finished. The merging process has been successful.]

[Activating the system...]






[Search for the most suitable new administrators to guide the host...]

[Administrators found: 1]

[Transfer administrator rights to the new administrator!!]



[The transfer of system management rights to the new administrator is now complete...]


[Installation of the beta system "Gaia"...]

"W-Wait it's still not done!?"

[...10%....Almost there host.....30%....50%.....]

[...90% ....98%...]


[....100%.... Installation completed!!]

"??? "

[... Launch of the "Gaia" system in 10 seconds without delay...]




After ten seconds of silence, a girl's soft voice resonated in his head

[Hello, I am "Gaia" delighted to be with you for the rest of your life... please take care of me Host...]



As Miguel stared at the interface before him, curiosity gripped him tightly. "What... kind if system are you?" he asked, his voice filled with wonder.

[The system functions as both the merge system and contains information about monarchs, including how you were chosen as one, as well as the game-like scenario of an invader.]

"What do you mean?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Gaia continued, its soft voice resonating within Miguel's mind.

[To know more about the system, I will help the host to understand it.]

Before Miguel could react, a burst of light flooded his consciousness, and a torrent of information began to materialize. The influx of knowledge detailed precisely what Gaia intended to convey, illuminating Miguel's understanding of his newfound role and the intricacies of the system.

Digesting it Miguel finally gave a long sight of relief as a huge sense of excitement filled his entire body causing it to start shaking

The information basically contained 3 things

Firstly, we have the monarchs, chosen by the world's will to expand its influence and strengthen its dominion over different realms.

Since the awakening of the Akashic Record five years ago, the wills of various universes have stirred, driving a desire to expand and evolve the ecosystem.

Now, Earth has found its successor and it's him. As a monarch he was endowed with the ability to traverse worlds, learn from their civilizations, and integrate their uniqueness into the monarch's realm.

Secondly, upon being chosen, the world's will has granted him half of its life force to utilize on his expeditions.

The universal life force, present across all universes, has been reshaped, molded, condensed, and altered and was used in every world to bring forth different ecosystem and civilization.

Now, his current objective is to acquire the life force of other worlds by assimilating them into the monarch's realm, thereby enhancing his strength. Half of the life force obtained from these worlds will be directed back to Earth, fortifying its ecosystem. This influx of energy may catalyze the evolution of Earth's environment, potentially fostering conditions conducive to the advancement of its inhabitants.

Finally, there's the reassuring Invasion Sign-in system, which promises aid on his monarchic journey. This system enables him to sign in when encountering 'special' characters, unlocking rewarding opportunities to invade other worlds.

"This is amazing!"

[Host, I would suggest opening up the inventory and checking for the starter pack that you have received earlier on to assist the host in this situation]

"Ok... " Without wasting any more time, Miguel opened up the inventory which revealed a panel of boxes, and, he identified the item which he received at the beginning.

'So these are the ones that I received when I was chosen huh... '

Using his fingers to open up the Starter pack, he received items beyond his expectations.

[You have opened up the Starter pack and have received: ]

[ Basic Sword Mastery ]

[ Passive skill: World's Information ]

[ 100x Citizen ]

[ 1,000,000,000 $ ]

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