
Chapter 829 The 'City of Immortals' (2)

After traveling for 3 full days and nights, the 'Purple-scaled desert worm' had covered a massive amount of distance, before its enormous figure suddenly came to a halt as it stopped in front of a vast desert that seemed to span for countless miles.

In the last 3 days, the worm had traveled across the territories of more than a dozen cities the size of Luoyang city, and yet this was the first time that it had actually stopped by itself.

Raising its head, the 'Purple-scaled desert worm' stared at an enormous city that seemed to be hovering in the sky right above the desert, while hints of fear could be seen inside its 6 eyes as it stared at it.

Noticing that the 'Purple-scaled desert worm' had suddenly stopped moving, Jiang Tianfang and the others all opened their eyes before they turned their attention towards the massive city that was floating above the desert as well.