
Using poison against poison

Using poison against poison

Amidst the tension and the imminent clash of arrows and hostility, Chu Mang and Fan Le gave zero regard to Mu Feng's words. Whether it was an unfortunate case of mistaken identity or just a colossal misunderstanding, one thing was certain: Mu Feng was about to meet his end.

"OUT OF THE WAY!" Chu Mang's bellow reverberated as he faced the young girl standing defiantly in front of Mu Feng. Simultaneously, Fan Le's arrow shattered the air, hurtling towards its target faster than a caffeine-infused cheetah.

"Wait just a cotton-pickin' minute," a sudden voice cut through the charged atmosphere. Everyone paused. Even Fan Le's confident aim wavered, diverting his arrow slightly at the last possible instant. Frowning in puzzlement, he swung his head toward the source of the interruption.

Lo and behold, Qin Wentian had something to say from his comfy spot. His words were like an unexpected plot twist in an action-packed movie, causing even the most serious of expressions to falter. Fan Le's puzzled countenance mirrored the confusion everyone felt, but then his eyes widened as if he had just seen a rainbow-colored unicorn tap-dancing.

But Qin Wentian wasn't done with his drama. His eyes remained shut, resembling a mystical monk in deep meditation, or perhaps someone who had way too much spicy food and was now regretting life choices. The golden blood strands were doing their magic dance throughout his body, waging a war against the malicious black poison that had taken root.

In a stroke of luck—or narrative convenience—the darkness on Qin Wentian's face began to retreat like a startled cat burglar. Bailu Yi and company almost burst into applause; the mood was lifting as if the main character had finally remembered he's in a hero's story.

With a theatrical exhale that could put a wind turbine to shame, Qin Wentian popped his eyes open like a curious child. Qing'er, who had been staring at him as if he owed her money, couldn't help but let a glint of relief slip into her eyes. It was like catching a Pikachu after years of Pokémon hunting.

Qin Wentian sensed the change in atmosphere, probably from all the relieved sighs around him. He decided to play his hand with a cheesy line: "Ah, the sweet taste of not being poisoned. Truly refreshing!"

Qing'er's facial muscles twitched so subtly that even a microscope would need glasses to catch it. She quickly switched her gaze to the nearest dust particle, giving it the attention usually reserved for star-crossed lovers in romantic comedies.

"Qing'er, you've got a smile that could outshine the sun," Qin Wentian grinned, leaning into the awkwardness like a daredevil flirting with a rollercoaster.

Unimpressed, Qing'er continued to give her utmost attention to that fascinating dust speck.

Resurrecting from his heroic nap, Qin Wentian strutted over to Mu Feng, who seemed as if he had just witnessed a unicorn tap-dancing alongside the rainbow. How could this be? Qin Wentian had survived his deadly blood's version of a Black Friday sale?!

"Are you, beyond any reasonable doubt, absolutely, positively, without a smidgen of doubt, sure that I'm the guy who wiped out your family tree?" Qin Wentian's gaze drilled into Mu Feng, as if trying to unearth any hidden gems in his soul.

Mu Feng sweated bullets as he nervously examined Qin Wentian from top to toe. He even squinted at Qin Wentian's eyes, as if the answers to the universe's most complex problems were hidden there.

"This doesn't compute. Error! You look alike, but your vibes are like... polar opposites. Your body too, it's like comparing a watermelon to a walnut. What sorcery is this? Am I in a reality show for the gods?" Mu Feng's face turned the shade of sour milk, his brain short-circuiting to the point where he coughed up another jet of black blood, as if his body was determined to mimic a malfunctioning inkjet printer.

"Let's hash this out," Qin Wentian declared, like a courtroom drama ready to unfold. His words cut through the charged air like a knife through a tension-filled cake. "I've been playing hopscotch around Ginkou and hanging out on the Azure Continent for the past year. Killing your clan wasn't on my to-do list. Also, during our little combat spectacular earlier, I was just as baffled as a cat trying to understand quantum physics. If your words aren't as fake as a three-dollar bill, it means the Qin Wentian you knew was a professional impersonator, and trust me, he's the one who deserves a not-so-friendly encounter with the Grim Reaper. What's the guy's power level?"

Qin Wentian was on a mission, and that mission had "Clear My Name" written all over it in neon letters. That shifty scoundrel who had been masquerading as him and wreaking havoc was about to have a reckoning.

"I had a quick tango with the imposter," Mu Feng recounted, rubbing his chin as if reminiscing about a particularly juicy slice of watermelon. "Dude had some serious moves. We were practically ballroom dancing with swords. Cultivation-wise, he was my twin—ninth level of Yuanfu."

Qin Wentian ran some quick mental math and sighed. "And here I am, chilling at the seventh level of Yuanfu. It's like bringing a butter knife to a chainsaw fight."

Taking a dramatic breath, he radiated an aura that screamed, "Behold, my level of power!" It was as if he'd just entered the Ultimate Power Pose Championship.

"Shu Ruanyu, my dear ex-enemy," Qin Wentian turned his gaze towards her, sending surprise waves rippling through the crowd like a rock thrown into a serene pond. "You can vouch for me, right? A year ago, when I was but a young Yuanfu sapling, just sprouting my leaves, I was nowhere near the mighty fifth level. I was more like a wobbly baby trying to stand for the first time."

Shu Ruanyu looked as if she'd seen a ghost, or perhaps a panda juggling flaming torches. Qin Wentian's sudden monologue had caught her off guard, like a plot twist in a K-drama that no one saw coming.

Mu Feng furrowed his brow, puzzled at the seemingly out-of-nowhere support. This was the woman who used to hate him more than Monday mornings. Her grudge ran deeper than a treasure-hunter's love for shiny things.

"No offense, Mu Feng," Shu Ruanyu started, her tone surprisingly gentle, like a sheep in a den of lions. "I was kidnapped by this dude once. And to my amazement, he was a true gentleman. Not even a hint of inappropriate touching. And look at these beauties by his side!" She pointed dramatically at the array of ladies around. "Why go for your sister when you've got a menu full of Michelin-star dishes?"

Mu Feng stared at her as if she'd just spoken in Morse code. Had the world gone topsy-turvy? But then again, it made a twisted sort of sense. If rumors had spread about her captivity, she was basically playing "Clear My Name" Bingo, and Qin Wentian was her free space.

Mu Feng shifted his gaze between the gorgeous women standing there, like he was inspecting fine art at a gallery. His sister was nice and all, but compared to these leading ladies, she was like a local theater production trying to outshine Broadway.

Was he just a pawn in someone else's game? A realization hit him like a ton of bricks made of epiphanies. His face twisted in agony, like a melodramatic villain finally realizing they're the real villain in their own story. Who, oh who, had pulled the strings and manipulated his mind like a master puppeteer?

He didn't mind risking it all to end Qin Wentian's life, but the problem was that he had almost killed the wrong man. As if that wasn't enough, he didn't even know the true identity of his adversary, the person responsible for reducing him to this wretched state. Hatred was too feeble a word to convey the turbulent emotions swirling in his heart.

As he pondered this, the last vestiges of strength he had summoned to restrain his venomous qi dissipated, unleashing a noxious cloud from within him. In an instant, his body succumbed to the poison, transforming his skin into a grotesque shade of obsidian as it voraciously consumed him in a vengeful onslaught.

Startled witnesses retreated hastily, their eyes wide with disbelief. None dared to approach the unfolding calamity. Their hearts pounded violently; they had never fathomed that Mu Feng would journey this far, barely containing the venom coursing through his veins with sheer willpower. And now, as the final reservoir of strength collapsed, he had willingly let the venom overtake him.

He didn't mind sacrificing himself to the poison if it meant killing Qin Wentian.

"Feng gege!" A young girl's face drained of color as she rushed forward. With a flick of Qin Wentian's hand, a potent surge of energy enveloped her, immobilizing her in place.

Qin Wentian materialized by her side and yanked her away. "Approach any closer, and you'll meet certain death."

"If Feng gege dies, I die with him." Tears streamed down the girl's cheeks as she implored Qin Wentian, "I'm so, so sorry for what happened. Please find it in your heart to forgive us. Feng gege may practice the venom arts, but he's not a bad person! He was deceived by that monster. The entire incident shattered him psychologically, and in his pursuit of power, he turned to cultivating venom, even though he couldn't fully control it. He planned to end his own life after killing you, which is why he pushed me away. He acted harshly to make me abandon him because he didn't want me to follow him to the grave!"

Qin Wentian gazed at Mu Feng, a deep sigh escaping his lips. Though Mu Feng had come dangerously close to ending his life, he couldn't hold a grudge. Any human would be driven to madness by such circumstances. Who could be so heartless as to go to such lengths to destroy both Mu Feng and himself?

Furthermore, that person must have known that Qin Wentian would eventually come to Ginkou for the ranking battle. It was likely why the imposter had struck a deal with Mu Feng, proposing that they journey to Ginkou together as sworn brothers. It was this agreement that had prompted Mu Feng, with venom coursing through his veins, to travel over a thousand miles to execute his mission.

Had their epic showdown not culminated with both Qin Wentian and Mu Feng teetering on the precipice of death, this thorny affair would have remained unresolved. It would have concluded with the somber toll of either Qin Wentian's or Mu Feng's death knell. That shadowy impostor was undoubtedly a master of cunning and malevolence.

"Allow me to tend to him," Qin Wentian entrusted the young girl into Bailu Yi's care and approached Mu Feng. Despite the venomous turmoil wracking his body, Mu Feng's mind remained lucid.

"You practice the venom arts, yet you find yourself in this predicament," remarked Qin Wentian, curious.

"In a moment of impetuousness, I chose the most ruthless path in mastering the venom arts. Regrettably, I lack the means to fully expel the venomous qi from my body. I can only employ my strength to temporarily subdue it, allowing it to seep deeper into my bloodstream," Mu Feng's voice trembled with weakness. He turned to Qin Wentian, "I nearly took your life. I don't seek your forgiveness, but I can't rest until I've personally slain that man. If you ever discover the impostor's identity, promise me that you'll exact vengeance. And please, don't be too hard on Lumi. She's young and pure-hearted. I hope you'll show her kindness."

"I know of a set of needle techniques capable of unleashing one's latent potential, restoring every fiber of your being to peak vitality. However, this technique is extraordinarily perilous. If you can't endure it, it might even lead to your demise. Do you wish to give it a shot?" Qin Wentian inquired solemnly.

Mu Feng scrutinized him silently, contemplating the fact that Qin Wentian could snuff out his life with ease at this very moment, rendering such a circuitous method unnecessary.

"Life and death are ordained by the heavens. Since I'm already knocking on death's door, what do I have to lose?" Mu Feng's voice was barely audible, and Qin Wentian nodded in agreement. Kneeling before Mu Feng, Qin Wentian produced a set of gleaming silver needles and deftly inserted one into the center of Mu Feng's forehead, then behind his ears, on his temples, chest, arms... Swiftly, Mu Feng's body began to convulse, and the agony etched on his face was nothing short of harrowing.

"You're absolutely right. Life or death, let's entrust it to fate. Although the odds of death are high, if you seek revenge, you better make it out of this alive," Qin Wentian remarked casually, as if discussing the weather. This set of needle techniques, known as the Limit-Exhaustion Needle Art, had been passed down by Uncle Black. Its primary purpose was to unlock a person's latent potential, pushing their organs, even their very blood, to peak activity. But if one couldn't bear the strain, it could result in a catastrophic implosion. Even if they survived, they would be left in an extremely weakened state once the enhancement wore off.

This needle technique was undeniably perilous, but with Mu Feng teetering on the brink of being completely consumed by poison qi, it was their only viable option—to fight poison with poison.

After administering the technique, Qin Wentian stepped back, leaving Mu Feng's body to convulse in silent agony. The needles embedded in him radiated with Astral Light, channeling Astral Energy into critical points throughout his body.

"Feng gege," the girl Bailu Yi cradled couldn't help but weep at the sight. She longed to rush to his side, but Bailu Yi wouldn't allow it. Spectators stood at a distance, their expressions stoic.

The poisonous miasma surrounding Mu Feng continued to spread, and even his appearance grew more ghastly by the moment. The pain was so excruciating that death would have seemed a welcome relief.

Lumi's tears flowed incessantly as she watched, her worry evident. Despite the relentless convulsions wracking his body, Mu Feng clung to life tenaciously. No matter the agony, he refused to yield.

Even as his screams sent shivers down spines, his eyes burned with an unwavering resolve. He had to survive, couldn't die before unmasking his true enemy.

"The disciple of the Poison Monarch, ranked #7—Mu Feng is in dire straits," some in the crowd lamented.

"If he does die, it means one less formidable contender for the top three spots. A huge advantage for the others."

A few secretly wished for Mu Feng's demise. His reputation as a Poison Monarch disciple made him someone best avoided.

"ARGHHHHH!" Finally, Mu Feng unleashed an earth-shattering roar. The poison qi saturating the air frenziedly retracted into his body. Then, his head slumped to the side as his struggles ceased.

"Is he dead?" Frozen expressions filled the crowd. Mu Feng had perished, just like that?

Qin Wentian approached, sensing Mu Feng's breathing—there was still life in him.

Squatting down, Qin Wentian extended a hand and placed it on Mu Feng's. But in an instant, he recoiled when he realized his hand was covered in a blackish-qi. Qin Wentian's heart raced; it seemed the poison qi within Mu Feng was even more formidable than before.

Then, Mu Feng's eyes flickered open. He stared at Qin Wentian, his gaze as cold as death.

His body twitched slightly before he managed to rise to his feet. Mu Feng surveyed the area before fixing his intense gaze on Qin Wentian. Then, with an unsteady gait, he walked away.

"Feng gege!" Lumi rushed forward, supporting him. Qin Wentian noticed that Lumi remained unaffected by Mu Feng's poison qi. This revelation made Qin Wentian take a deep breath—Mu Feng's mastery of poison had reached a new level. Fighting poison with poison hadn't weakened him; if anything, he seemed even stronger than before, able to walk on his own.

He had survived because he possessed an indomitable will and an unquenchable thirst for revenge. He couldn't die here.

As his figure gradually disappeared into the distance, the crowd dispersed. None of them knew that this young man would, in the future, become a figure as fearsome as the Poison Monarch, striking terror into the hearts of many. What's more, he would surpass even his master in terms of terror!