
Fearsome Poisonous Blood

Fearsome Poisonous Blood...

Surprise etched across Qin Wentian's face as he locked eyes with Mu Feng, sensing the venomous loathing and fury simmering within Mu Feng's gaze. It was as if Qin Wentian was the embodiment of Mu Feng's deepest enmity.

"Are you mistaken? This is our first meeting, I assure you," Qin Wentian responded, genuinely puzzled by Mu Feng's vehement demeanor.

Yet Mu Feng's aura only intensified, surging even higher in response to Qin Wentian's words. His eye glinted with escalating killing intent, a fervent flame seemingly ablaze in his gaze.

"You guys should go ahead," Qin Wentian suggested in hushed tones. An uneasy sensation had settled over him—the poison Mu Feng exuded was already infiltrating his body. Engaging a poison user in battle was truly a daunting prospect.

Bailu Yi's expression darkened, a foreboding omen of the turmoil brewing within her. Observing her reaction, Bailu Jing's surge of killing intent rivaled that of Mu Feng's. "HOLD YOUR HAND!"

A glance at Bailu Yi prompted Qin Wentian's own features to darken with anger. A fiery rage ignited within him—Qin Wentian had no prior connection to Mu Feng, and yet, Mu Feng had deliberately deployed poison, causing harm to innocent bystanders.

In Grand Xia, poison users were synonymous with dread. Despite their lower cultivation levels, their mastery over poisons made them formidable adversaries, capable of defeating foes even stronger than themselves.

The name "Poison Monarch" was whispered with trepidation throughout Grand Xia. His reputation was so fearsome that some transcendent powers chose to avoid any confrontation, unwilling to provoke his ire.

Grand Xia's history bore testament to the Poison Monarch's ruthless massacre of an entire sect. Legend told of his youth, when he belonged to a prominent clan. Handsome and hardworking, he nurtured his cultivation diligently. Yet, tragedy struck when his betrothed was kidnapped and brutally slain. Seeking retribution, his clan met the same fate, leaving him the sole survivor. Subsequently, the Poison Monarch sequestered himself, emerging years later as a master of venom arts. In a vengeful rampage, he erased any trace of his enemies, sparing not even the innocents among their kin. Driven by fury, he annihilated a major power of over ten thousand, mercilessly erasing them from Grand Xia.

Henceforth, the Poison Monarch became a fearful specter in Grand Xia, a name none dared to provoke.

Facing poison users, utmost caution was paramount. A momentary lapse could lead to death or worse.

Qin Wentian's blood boiled as he perceived Bailu Yi's poisoning. His grip quivered, and a girl near Mu Feng shrieked in agony. "If you persist, I'll kill her immediately," Qin Wentian declared coldly.

Mu Feng's gaze locked onto the distressed girl before him, responding icily, "Didn't I tell you to leave earlier?"

With his words delivered, Mu Feng redirected his focus onto Qin Wentian, his eyes fierce and determined. "Very well, spare her. My sole target is you."

"Everybody, back off," Qin Wentian cautioned, urging the others to maintain a safe distance. The designated battleground boiled down to the space between him and Mu Feng—two combatants locked in a standoff.

A gust of black-tinged wind swirled, seeping into Qin Wentian's body despite his attempt to hold his breath. His blood surged involuntarily, inciting a fiery sensation throughout his veins.

"The Blood Mandate," Qin Wentian reflected, acknowledging the deadly potency of Mu Feng's prowess.

Mu Feng levitated gently, his palm slicing open to release a trickle of black-hued blood. The crimson fluid mingled with the wind, propelling Mu Feng toward Qin Wentian at lightning speed. In reaction, Qin Wentian felt a searing agony in his eyes and the skin of his body corroding, subjecting him to unfathomable torment. Combatants who fused the Blood Mandate with venom arts were truly an arduous challenge.

His bloodline surged, an awakening of his dormant potential. Demonic energy enveloped him in a scale-patterned armor, while a potent spiral of energy formed in his palm. With a fierce thrust, the energy congealed into the form of a dragon, roaring and surging towards Mu Feng.

Unfazed, Mu Feng expelled another spurt of black blood into the whirling tempest. The swirling vortex encapsulated his clenched fist, bolstering his entire being as he met Qin Wentian head-on. Their fists collided with brute force, a concussive explosion rocking the space around them.

Qin Wentian instinctively retreated, a rare occurrence during a contest of pure strength. The threat of Mu Feng's poison-laden body was ample cause for his cautious step backward.

Beyond the Blood Mandate, Mu Feng had mastered the Wind Mandate. His Windspeed insight achieved the pinnacle of Perfection, propelling his movement speed sixteenfold. This formidable mastery was a crucial asset in his combat arsenal.

Qin Wentian's eyes flared with a ruthless determination upon witnessing Mu Feng's incredible speed. His Yuanfu pulsed with Divine Energy, channeled into his arms alongside the might of his bloodline.

Suddenly, instead of retreating, Qin Wentian surged forward, his hands morphing into the powerful claws of a golden dragon, pulsating with an unyielding force.

A collision of terrifying proportions echoed as their palms clashed mid-air. Mu Feng expelled more of his venomous blood at Qin Wentian in close quarters. Dodging with a sidestep, Qin Wentian managed to evade the worst of it, but some of the corrosive droplets landed on his palm. The intense sensation of decay tore through his flesh, gradually spreading throughout his entire body.

In an instant, Qin Wentian's once-crimson blood seemed to turn pitch black. The corrosion gnawed at his internal organs, contorting his face with pain.

Panicking, he sprang back from the clash, collapsing onto the ground, his gaze fixed on Mu Feng in disbelief.

Mu Feng fared no better. The force of their impact shattered the bones in his arms, causing his inner organs to vibrate violently. Blood sprayed as he was flung through the air, finally crashing into the earth.

"Feng gege!" The young girl rushed to Mu Feng's side, her tears streaming as she trembled uncontrollably.

"Wentian!" Bailu Yi and the others hastened to Qin Wentian's aid, their expressions grim.

"Mu Feng, ranked #7 on the Heavenly Fate Rankings," Bailu Jing explained. "Although his combat abilities may be slightly lacking for his rank, his venom arts are formidable. Wentian is likely afflicted by his poison."

Qin Wentian's body was consumed by the circulating black qi, the effects of Mu Feng's potent venom overwhelming him. Even a Heavenly Dipper-level cultivator would find themselves in a similar dire state if exposed.

"Why are you doing this? We have no quarrel, I barely even know you," Qin Wentian questioned Mu Feng, struggling against the venom's effects. He had experienced the devastating impact of facing one of Mu Feng's attacks directly, and with his companions nearby, Mu Feng would face his own doom if Qin Wentian succumbed to the poison.

The extent of Mu Feng's hatred perplexed him.

"No quarrel? No reason?" Mu Feng's words tore through the air, anger and anguish melded into his voice. "Qin Wentian, you monstrous bastard. You seduced my little sister, violated her, and then killed her. You drove my family into madness and death before releasing them from their torment."

Mu Feng's voice resonated with raw fury. Each word dripped with venom, his gaze boring into Qin Wentian. His anger eclipsed even the physical agony he suffered.

The grotesque images of his sister, violated and lifeless, her eyes eternally haunted by horror, haunted Mu Feng's memory. The same images were applied to his parents, their bodies mutilated beyond recognition. The pain from Qin Wentian's betrayal cut deeper than any physical wound. He had regarded Qin Wentian as a brother, and Qin Wentian had mercilessly betrayed that trust.

"How ironic, how laughable," Mu Feng seethed, recalling the vow he and Qin Wentian once shared, pledging to fight side by side in the rankings battle, brothers united.

Qin Wentian's expression twisted into a grimace as he listened to Mu Feng's accusations. Every word Mu Feng spat out painted a gruesome picture, though Qin Wentian was innocent of the crimes described. Yet Mu Feng's appearance betrayed a sense of authenticity.

A perplexing situation unfolded before them. They had clashed in violent combat due to an alleged grudge that Qin Wentian knew nothing about. It seemed preposterous that their fierce battle was rooted in something he had no knowledge of.

"I'll say this once," Qin Wentian retorted, his eyes tightly shut. The black qi within him surged, threatening to plunge him into the abyss of death.

Amid the tension, Qing`er materialized by Qin Wentian's side. Pale and trembling, she surveyed the scene, her heart aching for him.

"I didn't anticipate..." Qing`er's voice faltered, weighted with self-blame. She hadn't predicted the extent of the danger Qin Wentian would face, and regret now gnawed at her.

"Don't blame yourself," Qin Wentian reassured, summoning a faint smile before closing his eyes again.

Rage surged within Fan Le and Chu Mang, their Astral Bows at the ready, taking aim at Mu Feng. Their intent to kill was palpable and overwhelming.

"DIE!" Fan Le's cry pierced the air.

"NOOOO!" The young girl flung herself in front of Mu Feng, arms outstretched, her tear-streaked face pleading with Fan Le and Chu Mang. "Please, I beg you both, spare him."

"Step aside," Mu Feng ordered with a steely tone, yet the girl remained resolute, her tearful eyes fixed on Fan Le and Chu Mang.

"Foolish girl," Mu Feng snapped, but her determination remained unwavering, her tears flowing without end.

"Even if he dies, let it be with the truth," Fan Le declared, locking eyes with Mu Feng. "Did you really witness my friend commit those atrocities against your family? Where was he when you claim these events took place?"

Mu Feng met Fan Le's gaze with silence. The girl sobbed, her plea echoing pitifully, "It was in the Spirit Continent, half a year ago. Because of this, his qi deviation from the venom arts left him crippled. Yet, he chose to embrace even darker venom arts to exact revenge. You're all so heartless, helping someone so cruel."

"Bullshit!" Fan Le's fury ignited. "Half a year ago, we were in the Unmatched Realm on the Azure Continent. Immediately afterward, we challenged the Heavenly Stele Steps and made our way here to Ginkou. Do you think we have the power to teleport? Your lies won't save him."

Chu Mang's voice joined in, adding, "This happened during the time countless people saw us in the Azure Continent. If you doubt us, go ask around."

The young girl paled. "Impossible, how can this be?"

"I can vouch for them," Qinger interjected, her presence exuding truthfulness. The girl recognized the sincerity in Qinger's aura, sensing that Qing`er would not deceive. At this point, outnumbered and cornered, what purpose would there be in lying?

"How can this be? We've spent so many days together; how could I mistake him?" Mu Feng's cough was accompanied by a splatter of blood. His venom arts had wreaked havoc on his body, even claiming his heart through qi deviation, leaving him handicapped. His cultivation now focused solely on venom arts, driven by revenge. He barely had the strength to make it here from the Spirit Continent, supported by the young girl's aid.

With painstaking effort, he'd mastered venom arts that coalesced poison within him, honing his power to confront and kill Qin Wentian. How could it be a case of mistaken identity?

Qin Wentian was at a loss for words. The intensity of Mu Feng's attacks made it clear he was telling the truth. If so, only one possibility remained: someone had taken on his identity, orchestrating events to the point of luring Mu Feng across vast distances to execute a deadly plot against him.

As the candle flame touched the venom within Qin Wentian, it devoured the poison relentlessly. Relief flooded him; his second bloodline conferred immunity to poisons.

He had been saved by a hair's breadth. The ordeal had been a close call. Given Mu Feng's venom mastery, even the top-ranked Heavenly Fate contenders would be wary of him. None could guarantee victory or even escape unscathed in a confrontation with Mu Feng.