
How do you want him to die?

How do you want him to die?...

A sinister crimson hue painted the skies beyond the Royal Capital's gates, casting an eerie pall over the surroundings. An unmistakable air of tension and impending violence permeated the atmosphere.

Atop the city gates, Chu Tianjiao stood with an air of calculated composure, flanked by a few trusted experts acting as his protectors.

"Qin Wu." His gaze pierced through the distance, locking onto an armored figure in the far-off battlefield. The figure's eyes burned like fiery torches, cutting through the blood-soaked rain and locking onto Chu Tianjiao with unwavering determination.

Chu Tianjiao harbored a deep respect for Qin Wu's uncanny wisdom and far-reaching vision. To remain hidden in seclusion for so many years, secretly amassing power right under the nose of the Royal Clan, was nothing short of remarkable. Such a figure was not to be underestimated.

Unbeknownst to Chu Tianjiao, within the city, on a tall pavilion near the city gates, a figure cloaked in white observed the scene with a heavy expression. This figure was none other than the former First Prince, Chu Wuwei. Stripped of his title after Chu Tianjiao ascended to the throne, he had been granted no other position or recognition by his younger brother.

Beside Chu Wuwei stood two individuals. One was his younger brother, Chu Mang. The other was Immortal Drunken Wine, ranked third among the ten prodigies of Chu. Immortal Drunken Wine and Chu Wuwei shared a long-standing friendship.

"What are your thoughts?" Immortal Drunken Wine inquired in hushed tones, directing the question at Chu Wuwei.

"My third brother is overly eager for success," Chu Wuwei replied with serene wisdom. "It's a double-edged sword. His methods are too radical, moving with the fury of a storm. Success will bring him everything he desires, but the slightest setback will leave him vulnerable."

"Why not take his place?" Immortal Drunken Wine asked nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather. He knew the exceptional capabilities of his friend. If Chu Wuwei decided to claim the throne, victory would almost certainly be assured. Immortal Drunken Wine had no doubts about that.

"I will only consider such a move if the situation truly spirals out of control," Chu Wuwei replied calmly. "I made a promise to my father to protect the Chu bloodline."

"Let's make our way to the Chu Emperor District and see what's unfolding there. With the rebels throwing their full might at the city gates, something significant must be brewing," Chu Wuwei declared, turning on his heel. Chu Mang and Immortal Drunken Wine fell into step behind him. If he could anticipate it, how could Chu Tianjiao not?

What about Qin Wentian? Was he not also considering these possibilities?

The once guileless youth, Qin Wentian, had transformed into someone far more calculating.

Within the Royal Palace, a heavy silence hung in the air. Occasionally, scouts breached the layers of defenses to deliver reports on the ongoing battle beyond the city gates. These updates held the undivided attention of everyone residing within the Royal Palace. In a time like this, any news regarding the war held paramount importance.

The Royal Palace's gates were fortified with numerous troops, forming an impenetrable defense. However, the tranquility was shattered when a thunderous shout rang out.

"Enemy infiltration!"

The Royal Palace's serenity was instantly shattered. All eyes turned toward a group of masked figures in black, advancing with alarming swiftness.

Though they had yet to unleash their Astral Souls, these black-clad assailants moved through the air, unmistakably at the Yuanfu Realm. The guards stationed at the Royal Palace knew their fate was sealed, their expressions turning ashen. It was clear that their chances of survival were slim, as the attackers were clearly formidable Yuanfu Realm experts.

Piercing cries echoed through the air, and in mere moments, the ground where the guards stood was drenched in their blood. Trails of black smoke served as signals, and the massacre was observed by others within the palace. Chaos erupted as Royal Clan-affiliated experts rushed towards the source of the smoke signal.

The Royal Palace's defenses, unbroken for countless years, had been breached this day.

This audacious sneak attack couldn't have been better timed. It aligned perfectly with the assault by the Qin rebels at the city gates, drawing away most of the Royal Clan's forces.

"Who dares to defy us?" A furious voice thundered. Despite dispatching a significant portion of their experts to defend the city gates, the Royal Clan still had formidable trump cards hidden within the Royal Palace. The Royal Clan was far from lacking in peak-level Yuanfu experts.

But simultaneously, a figure appeared in the skies, radiating an imposing aura. Like the Royal Palace's protectors, this individual was also at the peak of the Yuanfu Realm. This led many to believe that the Qin rebels had carefully planned this attack, thoroughly investigating the Royal Palace's protectors and their power levels.

Within the Watermoon Pavilion, the residence of the young Princess of Chu, the chaos of the Royal Capital had led her to stay at her home.

However, as she observed the rapidly approaching group of black-robed assailants from a distance, the reality far exceeded her earlier expectations. The scope of this storm was much grander than she had anticipated.

These intruders had thoroughly scouted her residence, knowing that among all the princesses of Chu, hers was closest to the Royal Palace's exit.

"Little Princess, we must leave immediately!" A female servant implored, trying to snap her out of her daze.

"It's futile," the young Princess replied with a shake of her head. "My third brother used Mustang to threaten Qin Wentian, and now his enemies are employing the same tactic against him. Given the current situation, I doubt those at the Chu Emperor District or the city gates are aware of this incident."

Despite her youth, she displayed remarkable intelligence. Today, the Royal Clan had deployed too many of their experts, either relocating them to defend the city or stationing them as protectors at the Chu Emperor District. Approximately fifty Qin rebels assaulted the residence, all of them possessing cultivation levels in the Yuanfu Realm, including peak-level Yuanfu experts.

When a group of such formidable experts united and launched a forceful attack on a single target, how could the already weakened defenses of the Royal Palace withstand their assault?

By the time the Royal Palace could muster or recall their forces, the attackers would have vanished like smoke in the wind.

The little Princess was swiftly abducted by the group of black-robed men, and no other protectors dared to intervene. This instilled intense fear in those within the Royal Palace. In its three-thousand-year history, this was the first time the Royal Palace had suffered such a devastating blow.

Speculation ran rampant regarding the identity of the individual who wielded the power to command such a substantial group of experts.

With this formidable force, if they were to reinforce the battle outside the Royal Capital's city gates, it would be akin to a decisive checkmate move.

The Royal Palace acted swiftly, dispatching messengers on flying demonic beasts to rush past the city gates and reach the Chu Emperor District with this crucial news.

Before long, the word of the little Princess's abduction had spread throughout the city.

In the Chu Emperor District, the experts of the Ye Clan wore grave expressions. They had meticulously set up an airtight net, primarily to capture Qin Wentian. Yet now, with the little Princess abducted, they faced a dilemma regarding what to do with Mustang. Should they proceed with his execution or not?

Meanwhile, not far from the Chu Emperor District, a figure strolled leisurely toward the scene. Countless eyes locked onto this silhouette, recognizing it immediately.

Qin Wentian had finally made his appearance.

No one dared to impede him or those accompanying him. He proceeded directly to a location near the platform where Mustang and Luo Huan were held captive, a hint of regret in his eyes.

"Teacher, Sister Luo Huan, I apologize. I've brought all this upon both of you," Qin Wentian said with sincerity.

"I knew you would come," Luo Huan smiled. For reasons unknown, despite Qin Wentian's relatively low level of cultivation, she had unwavering confidence in her Junior Brother.

Luo Huan then turned her gaze to Qiu Mo, who stood nearby, and added with a touch of sarcasm, "Qiu Mo, didn't you say you wanted to kill Junior Brother Qin? He's right in front of you now. Why don't you give it a try?"

Qiu Mo's expression froze, a malevolent glint in his eyes. It was evident that he held an intense hatred for Qin Wentian.

"His Majesty has decreed that if Qin Wentian appears, we are to kill him without mercy," Qiu Mo stated coldly, casting a glance at the individuals Chu Tianjiao had assigned for the task before fixing his gaze on Qin Wentian again.

However, no one made a move. The other experts merely closed the gap between them and Luo Huan and Mustang, staring at Qin Wentian with cold determination.

"Is the little Princess in your custody?" An elderly man standing beside Qiu Mo suddenly spoke, his voice sharp as a sword.

"What do you think?" Qin Wentian responded calmly, causing the old man to fall silent.

"What do you want?" The old man glared at Qin Wentian.

"A hostage exchange," Qin Wentian replied succinctly, yet his words left the old man speechless.

Chu Tianjiao, the current Emperor of Chu, had issued a clear command: Qin Wentian must be mercilessly slaughtered. Missing this perfect opportunity would make it difficult to lure Qin Wentian out again. The old man present was here to deal with the experts accompanying Qin Wentian.

"I can't agree to your terms," the old man replied faintly, awaiting Chu Tianjiao's order.

"I don't have time to wait or play games with you. After one incense stick's worth of time, if you still refuse my request, you'll bear the consequences," Qin Wentian responded firmly. He hadn't initially wanted to resort to this method, but Chu Tianjiao's actions, abducting Mustang and Luo Huan to threaten him, had pushed him to this point. If Chu Tianjiao was willing to stoop so low, then from now on, Qin Wentian would stop at nothing to achieve his goal of overthrowing Chu.

The old man fell silent, glaring at Qin Wentian before stating, "If anything happens to the little Princess, you too shall accompany her in death."

"You're overestimating yourself," Qin Wentian retorted, stepping forward. He fixed his gaze on Qiu Mo as he approached him.

The black-robed men surrounded Qin Wentian, mimicking his every move.

Ye Liuyang's eyes gleamed with an icy resolve as he watched Qin Wentian approach. How audacious could one be to venture into the tiger's den? Wasn't he afraid that the Royal Palace's forces would disregard consequences and kill him?

Suddenly, an exquisite silhouette, graceful and delicate, appeared behind Qin Wentian. No one had sensed her presence until that moment.

This surprised the old man, who narrowed his pupils as he stared at the graceful figure. Who was she?

She exuded an icy demeanor, an aura of an ice princess. Her beauty was otherworldly, as though she had descended from the heavens. She stood there, motionless, yet her presence radiated an unmistakable sense of danger that sent shivers down the old man's spine.

Qin Wentian smiled, his heart filling with a sense of security upon realizing Qing`er was present.

Perhaps Qing`er's strength would astonish him beyond measure.

Qin Wentian continued advancing toward Qiu Mo, positioning himself beside the old man. However, no one dared to make a move against him.

"How would you like to die?" Qin Wentian asked coldly, locking eyes with Qiu Mo. In the next moment, Qiu Mo's Astral Souls erupted as he roared in fury, "Why haven't you killed him yet?"

No one paid attention to Qiu Mo. Qin Wentian's figure blurred as his palms shot out toward Qiu Mo with lightning speed. Qiu Mo's expression darkened, and with a mad howl, he unleashed his strongest attack at Qin Wentian.

Yet, as their palms clashed, Qiu Mo felt an overwhelming and domineering force crushing his body.

"Crack!" Qiu Mo's arm snapped, and Qin Wentian seized him by the throat, slamming him onto the ground. He dragged Qiu Mo along like a lifeless doll as he approached Luo Huan. Qin Wentian's killing intent filled the air, so potent that Qiu Mo's very soul trembled in terror.

"Sister Luo Huan, how do you want him to die?" Qin Wentian asked, ignoring the others as though they were the only two people in the surroundings.