


An oppressive tension hung heavily over the Royal Capital of Chu. The people could feel the looming threat of war, a dark cloud casting a terrifying shadow upon their hearts.

The Qin rebels had breached the defenses of several cities and were now closing in on the Royal Capital. Their tactics were as unpredictable as the wind. Each time Chu's scouts reported their movements and Chu prepared its defenses, the rebels would suddenly change course, attacking different cities instead. With elite regiments at their disposal and their lightning-fast assaults, the Royal Capital's feeble attempts at defense crumbled.

The sheer ferocity of the rebels made it clear that the Qin Clan had concealed its true strength, lurking in the shadows after being forcibly relocated. Perhaps the Royal Clan had foreseen and feared this very scenario, which led to their mistreatment of the Qin Clan and their attempts to strip them of military authority. But it seemed their preparations had not been thorough enough.

Eventually, the Royal Clan made the drastic decision to abandon other cities and divert all their forces to fortify the Royal Capital. This move signaled that the final, decisive battle to determine Chu's fate would take place within the city's walls.

The Chu Dragon Guards and other elite allied forces of Chu were racing back to the Royal Capital in a frenzy.

The chaos in the Royal Capital had captured the attention of every citizen of Chu. In this power struggle, who would emerge victorious? Confidence in the Royal Clan, which had ruled Chu for over three thousand years, was dwindling. Some even speculated that the Royal Clan might fall in this impending war.

Before Qin Wentian entered the city, he had already heard reports of the Royal Capital's turmoil. Moving discreetly through the shadows, he infiltrated the city and made his way to the Divine Weapon Pavilion. An Liuyan had always been favorably disposed towards Qin Wentian and harbored deep-seated resentment toward the Royal Clan. Moreover, Qin Wentian held considerable authority within the Divine Weapon Pavilion himself.

Naturally, his visit to the Divine Weapon Pavilion remained a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few. Qin Wentian spent a total of seven days in seclusion, making use of the Pavilion's vast resources and enlisting the help of its master craftsmen to forge various divine weapons. The master craftsmen were awed and even a bit fearful, as they had never witnessed such skill. Qin Wentian tirelessly inscribed Divine Imprints on the weapons with astounding speed and precision, turning the forging operation into a one-man show.

Of course, Qin Wentian didn't intend for the Divine Weapon Pavilion to incur any losses. As a token of his gratitude for their support, he left behind numerous blueprints for divine imprints for the grandmasters to study. He even included some extremely valuable 3rd level divine imprints. Simultaneously, An Liuyan spared no expense to hire the services of the Sky Transport Network, one of Chu's three major companies, to deliver the divine weapons to the rebels stationed outside the Royal Capital.

Every step was executed in utmost secrecy, and as expected, chaotic times proved to be highly profitable.

When the Royal Clan eventually sensed that something was amiss, it was already too late. The Sky Transport Network had completed its deliveries, and Qin Wentian had left the Divine Weapon Pavilion. With Chu teetering on the brink of peril, they couldn't afford to provoke two major powers like the Divine Weapon Pavilion and the Sky Transport Network.

Upon receiving the divine weapons delivered by the Sky Transport Network, the Qin rebels were invigorated, like tigers given wings, advancing at breakneck speeds. They eventually positioned their forces outside the Royal Capital, laying siege to it.

Atop the city gate of the Royal Capital, a line of formidable experts stood side by side, including the current Emperor of Chu, Chu Tianjiao. As far as their eyes could see, the black-armored soldiers of the rebel forces appeared inexhaustible in number. Furthermore, a fervent light burned in the rebels' eyes. It was the zealotry of fanatical devotion, an obsession with power and revenge.

If they could overcome this final hurdle, the Chu Empire would cease to exist.

"Have you located Qin Wentian?" Chu Tianjiao inquired calmly, his face betraying no signs of anger.

"We haven't found him yet," a subordinate replied with a bow. "We've deployed agents to monitor the Sky Transport Network and the Divine Weapon Pavilion. If Qin Wentian appears there again, he will be captured immediately."

"Spread this news: In three days, at the Chu Emperor District, the execution of Mustang will take place, and Luo Huan will be given to Qiu Mo," Chu Tianjiao ordered without hesitation.

"I will ensure it is done promptly," the subordinate acknowledged before retreating. It appeared that this decision had been made under external pressure, and no one could have anticipated that Qin Wentian, a wanted man throughout Chu, would manage to send such a substantial gift to the Qin rebels right under the Royal Clan's nose. Undoubtedly, this posed a significant disadvantage for the Royal Clan.

Soon after, the news reverberated throughout the entirety of the Royal Capital. It was announced that in three days, Mustang would face execution on the platforms of the Chu Emperor District, while Luo Huan would be handed over to Qiu Mo to do as he pleased.

Qiu Mo's face darkened upon hearing the news; this was highly unfavorable for his reputation. His image was tarnished, and he was now widely regarded as a beast. In response, he decided that after enjoying Luo Huan, he would promptly leave Chu.


Near the tranquil Bamboo Lodge, the river flowed gently, casting an air of peace and serenity.

Qin Wentian sat by the river, with Mo Qingcheng quietly beside him. She had also received the news and was simmering with anger. The fact that Chu Tianjiao used Mustang and Luo Huan as bait for Qin Wentian showcased his complete lack of scruples. It didn't bode well for the future of Chu when its leader exhibited such moral bankruptcy.

Qin Wentian rose and made his way toward a nearby straw hut. Inside the hut, a veiled maiden sat silently, as if she had always been there.

Upon seeing Qin Wentian's approach, she inclined her head, her clear gaze fixed on him while exuding an air of aloof indifference.

Qin Wentian had long been aware of this maiden who had been shadowing him since he left the Celestial Lake Palace. She had trailed him through the Dark Forest, his encounters with the statues, and his meeting with the group of supreme experts. It was as though nothing in the world could perturb her. This led Qin Wentian to silently ponder just how formidable this mysterious beauty was.

"Are you here on behalf of Fairy Qingmei?" Qin Wentian asked in a hushed tone, gazing at her.

The maiden continued to silently fix her gaze upon him.

Feeling a sense of helplessness, Qin Wentian inquired once more, "You've always protected me from the shadows. Why are you so close to me now?"

Her aloof eyes remained wordlessly fixed on him.

"Apologies for the intrusion," Qin Wentian said before turning and leaving.

"Many people have their eyes on this place, and I must ensure your safety," a clear and melodious voice resonated. Qin Wentian turned his head, a smile flickering in his eyes as he beheld her unparalleled beauty.

"Will you help me deal with my enemies?" Qin Wentian inquired once more.

The maiden gently shook her head, still exuding an aura of icy indifference.

"Very well," Qin Wentian chuckled. "My name is Qin Wentian, what's yours?"

The maiden's long eyelashes fluttered, as if she were contemplating. Then, she replied, "Qing`er."

"A beautiful name," Qin Wentian remarked, offering a smile before he walked away.

Noticing Qin Wentian's return, Mo Qingcheng teased, "So... am I more beautiful, or is she more beautiful than me?"

Qin Wentian's eyes sparkled with mischief. Back in the Celestial Lake Palace, he and Mo Qingcheng had already seen Qinger's unveiled countenance. Her beauty was so breathtaking that it left people speechless. However, her beauty differed from Mo Qingcheng's; Mo Qingcheng possessed an elegance and gentleness filled with youthful vigor capable of toppling kingdoms and empires, while Qinger's beauty transcended mortality, exuding an icy coldness like a celestial maiden descending from the heavens.

"Wait, are you jealous?" Qin Wentian grinned mischievously.

"Hmph," Mo Qingcheng huffed, but her heart warmed at seeing Qin Wentian's mood improving.

At that moment, a figure approached, standing beside Qin Wentian.

"How did it go?" Qin Wentian inquired calmly.

"Many wished to participate. The pavilion lord wanted me to ask you, how many do you wish to hire?" the figure asked.

"What are the strengths of those who wish to join?"

"With the allure of the divine weapons you created, we managed to find about twenty individuals at the 3rd level of Yuanfu willing to join your cause."

"Twenty it is, then. For the other Yuanfu cultivators below the 3rd level, hire thirty for me. Provide each with a low-tier, 3rd-grade divine weapon of their choice. The Divine Weapon Pavilion will cover the cost. Any issues?" Qin Wentian replied in a low tone.

"The arrangements will be made." The figure nodded confidently and added, "Do you have any other instructions?"

"I need information. No matter the cost, help me monitor the actions of all the important individuals in the Royal Clan. I want detailed reports, including their meal choices, locations, and habits," Qin Wentian stated.

"Understood. Scouts will deliver their reports here intermittently. In any case, regarding the situation here, everything is under control. If your enemies make a move against you, we'll send immediate reports and prepare a new safe location for you."

Qin Wentian nodded, knowing that this location had already been discovered by his enemies. As Qing`er had mentioned earlier, many eyes were already fixed on this place.

"Then, I'll take my leave," the figure said, bowing, and departed. Although he appeared composed, his heart was filled with wonder. The youngest Grandmaster in Chu's history, with his talent in divine inscription, had secured the support of the Divine Weapon Pavilion.

No one knew which way the winds of war would blow. The conflict was fraught with countless uncertainties, and no one could predict the outcome.


In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.

Today, in the Chu Emperor District, countless formidable guards and soldiers were stationed there for protection. Mustang was tied up on the platform beneath the Azure Dragon Jadeite Seat. His clothing was torn and bloodied, his hair disheveled, bearing witness to the suffering he had endured during this time.

Luo Huan's face appeared worn and weary, yet she still wore a beguiling, devilish smile filled with charm. Every so often, she would cast a glance in Qiu Mo's direction, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Hmph, what can she possibly do in that condition?" Qiu Mo snorted. "Very soon, you'll be in my grasp." Qiu Mo's eyes shamelessly roamed over Luo Huan's ample curves, his lust unabashed. With his reputation already in tatters, there was no need to feign gentlemanly restraint.

Luo Huan responded with nothing but a cold, mocking laugh.

"Qiu Mo, you'll meet a gruesome end, believe me," Luo Huan jeered. Qiu Mo froze, taken aback. "What a 'potent' mouth you have. Tonight, I'll see just how 'potent' it truly is."

As he gazed at her seductive figure, his mind raced with fantasies of what he would do to her. Qiu Mo's lust surged even higher.

"Why hasn't His Highness arrived yet?" Qiu Mo shifted his attention to the Jadeite Seat. This day was of paramount importance. Why hadn't Chu Tianjiao shown up?

At that moment, Qiu Mo noticed several powerful experts appearing one by one. They were all under Chu Tianjiao's command. Today, if Qin Wentian dared to show his face, there would be no escape, even if he had wings.

"Word has it that the Qin rebels are currently assaulting the city gates," someone murmured to Qiu Mo. This revelation left him dumbfounded. Why was the timing of the Qin rebels' attack so precise?

Outside the Royal Capital, the cacophony of battle cries filled the air, accompanied by an oppressive and stifling atmosphere. Some Yuanfu cultivators even flew directly into the Royal Capital to engage the defenders.

The troops under the command of the Qin rebels had launched their assault on the Royal Capital!