
Momonosuke's Destiny: The Lust of One Piece

In a world where adventure knows no bounds, Momonosuke, the young scion of the Kozuki clan, embarks on a journey with the legendary Straw Hat Pirates. But unlike his companions, Momonosuke bears a unique gift - the Lust System. With each intimate encounter with key figures in their adventures, Momonosuke receives a mysterious lottery, shaping his destiny in unforeseen ways. As he navigates through perilous seas and treacherous foes, Momonosuke must grapple with the power of his desires and the consequences of his choices..

Ethan_Storm · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


As the experimental kids were handed over to the Navy for safekeeping, the Straw Hats and Law prepared to set sail on the Thousand Sunny to continue their alliance and confront Doflamingo. However, as they gathered on the ship, Kin'emon inquired about Momonosuke's whereabouts.

Nami appeared, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Oh, Momonosuke? He's currently taking a bath with Robin."

At her words, Kin'emon, Brook, and Sanji's expressions darkened. "That bastard! How dare he," they exclaimed in unison, their anger evident.

As Robin carefully attended to Momosuke's bath, she couldn't help but be surprised by the sight before her. "Oh my," she murmured, her gaze falling upon Momosuke's large manhood, which appeared particularly prominent compared to the rest of his slender dragon form. Despite her best efforts to maintain composure, she couldn't help but find the situation amusing.

Suppressing a smile, Robin continued with her task, appreciating the unexpected humor in the moment.

Feeling a sudden jolt as her hand inadvertently made contact with Momosuke's manhood, Robin froze in surprise as she noticed it swiftly becoming erect and hard. Momosuke let out a pained cry, his voice strained with discomfort. "It's hurting so much, Robin," he managed to say through gritted teeth.

Realizing the unintentional consequence of her touch, Robin quickly withdrew her hand, her expression filled with concern and apology. "I'm so sorry, Momosuke," she exclaimed, her voice laced with regret. "I didn't mean to cause you any pain."

Feeling Momosuke's distress, Robin's heart went out to him. With determination in her eyes, she gently took hold of his manhood, her touch careful and deliberate. "Momo, just hang in there. I'll relieve your pain," she said softly, her voice filled with empathy, her fingers moving with a soothing rhythm.

As she began stroking Momosuke's manhood with gentle movements, her focus solely on easing his discomfort, Momosuke's tense expression slowly began to relax. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Robin remained steadfast, determined to provide him with comfort and relief.

Momonosuke said, 'Robin, I feel like something is coming.'

As Momosuke uttered the warning, Robin's attention snapped to him, her senses heightened with anticipation. Before she could react, a white, thick liquid shot out from Momosuke's manhood, cascading over her breasts in an unexpected torrent.

[Host made Robin give a Hand job] 10 points awarded

Momentarily stunned, Robin blinked in surprise as she felt the warm liquid coating her skin. Her gaze shifted from the milky substance on her chest to Momosuke's now-settled manhood, realization dawning upon her.

A flush of embarrassment colored her cheeks as she comprehended the nature of Momosuke's reaction. Quickly regaining her composure, she met Momosuke's gaze with a mixture of understanding and amusement, her lips quirking into a wry smile.

"Well, that's unexpected," she remarked, her tone laced with humor as she gestured to the evidence of Momosuke's release on her chest. "Looks like your manhood finally settled down."

As Momosuke apologized for the unexpected mess, Robin waved off his concerns with a reassuring smile. "No problem at all," she assured him, her tone gentle and understanding.

Efficiently, Robin proceeded to clean herself off with water, swiftly removing any traces of the liquid from her skin. She then swiftly changed into a fresh dress, ensuring her appearance was immaculate once more.

Not one to overlook her companion's needs, Robin also took the initiative to find a new outfit for Momosuke, ensuring his comfort and cleanliness.

With both of them refreshed and ready to face the world anew, Robin gently lifted Momosuke into her arms, his brief contact with her chest forgotten in the midst of their camaraderie.

Exiting the bathroom and emerging onto the deck, Momosuke and Robin joined their comrades, the earlier incident now a humorous memory shared between them.

As Sanji, Brook, and Kin'emon protested Momosuke's proximity to Robin, their voices filled with concern, Nami swiftly intervened. With a swift and precise punch, she delivered a powerful blow to each of the three troublemakers, sending them crashing to the ground with broken teeth and stunned expressions.

Caught off guard by Nami's swift retribution, the trio could only groan in pain as they nursed their injuries.

With a smirk playing on his lips, Momosuke watched the scene unfold, his amusement evident in his eyes. Seizing the opportunity, Sanji, Brook, and Kin'emon attempted to retaliate, calling Momosuke a "little goblin."

However, before they could act further, Nami stepped in once again, this time with a gentler touch. Embracing Momosuke warmly, she looked into his eyes and declared, "From now on, you'll sleep with us, Momo."

Momosuke's smile widened at Nami's words, touched by her gesture of acceptance and inclusion. 

As the Straw Hats and Law began discussing their plan to invade Dressrosa, Luffy's hunger became apparent, prompting him to request food from Sanji. Ever eager to please, Sanji agreed to prepare dinner.

However, Momonosuke surprised everyone by offering to cook as well. Sanji, taken aback by Momonosuke's claim, expressed doubt, questioning Momonosuke's culinary skills.

Undeterred, Momonosuke insisted that his cooking abilities were top-notch. Kin'emon, skeptical of Momonosuke's claim, chimed in, urging him to leave the cooking to Sanji.

With a determined glint in his eye, Momonosuke brushed off their skepticism and declared that he would prove his culinary prowess. "Alright, you guys wait here. I'll prepare food for all of you," he said confidently.

Sanji, intrigued by Momonosuke's boldness, challenged him to showcase his skills. "Oh, really? Then show me what you've got, brat," he remarked, curious to see if Momonosuke could live up to his boast.

As Momonosuke entered the kitchen, a determined gleam in his eye, he closed the door firmly behind him and turned the key, locking it securely. With a sense of purpose, he shouted to the others outside, "Don't come in until the food is prepared!"

Outside the kitchen, the rest of the Straw Hats and Law exchanged curious glances at Momonosuke's unexpected behavior. Shrugging off the mystery for the time being, they resumed their activities, each member engrossed in their respective tasks.

Meanwhile, inside the kitchen, Momonosuke wasted no time getting to work. With swift and practiced movements, he gathered ingredients and utensils, his focus unwavering as he began to prepare the meal for his comrades.