
Mommy, Who Is My Daddy?

Three men in her life… "Don't you have other things to do than follow every movement I make?" I flared at him as he trapped me against the wall, his breath fanning my face as his nose brushed slightly with mine. "Do you think I would make the mother of my son go around without protecting her? What if someth-" "Uncle, do you want to kiss mummy? I'll close my eyes," Nathan's words made I and Leo snap our heads toward him. "No! We are not kissing," I say in shock. What could be worse than a betrayal from the people you love and trust the most? Layla's world crumbled before her very eyes when she caught her beloved best friend and husband in an affair in their matrimonial home and to top it all, her husband threw a divorce file at her with his signature on it already. Heartbroken, Layla found herself in a club ending up in a one-night stand with someone she knew nothing about. Layla left the country immediately to start her life afresh... A few years later, Layla is back with a cute little son and is determined to make all those that trample on her fall on their knees. She vows that she doesn't need anyone, but one thing is sure in her heart, 'REVENGE'. What happens when Layla is back to make her ex-husband and best friend regret what they did to her and also ends up meeting the real father of her son, who happens to be her ex-boyfriend? Will she give in to the desire of this handsome and powerful young man who happens to be her ex and is feared in the business world now and fulfill the wish of her son, who wants him as his daddy?

Daisy_Springs · Urban
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60 Chs



Lately, it was crazy how work couldn't even distract me from thinking about her, it was like I was under her spell, like I was caught up in the thick web she had created. Celine was saying something, but I couldn't catch it. She tapped my desk frantically, bringing me back from my reverie.

"I'm sorry about that...what were you saying?" I adjusted my tie and coughed slightly.

"You have a meeting at two, sir." She repeated.

"Sure. Remind me, with whom?"

"Mr. Zhou, sir." She said.

"All right. Is that all?" I adjusted my seat.

"And, Mrs. Cooper phoned..." Nana came in.

"Hmm-hmm." She cleared her throat. I sighed.

"I was just about to tell the CEO about your--"

"As you can see, I'm here now." She cut Celine off and took her seat on the couch.

"I'll excuse you now." Celine walked out. I watched how Nana's eyes trailed after her with the utmost disdain.

"What's the matter now?"

"Her shoes make a hell of a noise." She dexterously tucked a trespassing strand of hair away. I rolled my eyes.

My Nana was quite impossible.

"All shoes do when they touch the ground, Nana." I returned my gaze to the plethora of files on my desk, searching for the one to sort out first.

"I'm here for only one thing..."

"Ariadne!" We chorused.

"I'm glad you have an idea." She gave a self-satisfied smile.

"I'm quite busy right now, talking about Ariadne would only be a waste of invaluable time."

"Ariadne," she began. "Is more invaluable than you could possibly imagine." I clicked my tongue.


"For two years, Leonardo, two years, you've made her chase after you like a jobless whore. Is that fair to her?"

"Is it fair to me that you force her on me, to be with me? I don't love her, Nana. Am I not being transparent about that?"

"Is it Celine?"

"Sorry, what?"

What the hell was she driving at?

"I know, office romance is a hip these days." She crossed her legs, reclining on the couch.


She was unbelievable.

"Is it Celine? Tell me, and I will do what is necessary right away. Has she bewitched you? Tell me, Leonardo!"

"You are incredible, Nana. Celine has nothing to do with this."

"Who is it then? Ariadne told me you are seeing someone. Who is this good-for-nothing nobody?"

"Shit!" I was pissed.

"Don't you dare curse in my presence!" She warned.

"Where are your manners?" She added.

"Oh, don't lecture me about manners, Nana." I shot back.

"I see you've become so defiant...you are bent on doing as you please..."

"It's a clear fact I'm no longer a child, Nana. I can make decisions for myself, I can likewise discern the favorable ones from the shitty ones." I blurted.

She fell silent for a moment.

"Two years, Leo, two years and I'm still quite struggling to get you on the right track..."

"Ariadne is not on the right track, Nana." I cut in.

She nodded quietly.

"At least tell me who she is. That is on the right track of yours. When shall I meet her?" Her insightful pair of emerald eyes were staring seriously at me.

I swallowed.

What was I supposed to tell her?

That I didn't even know this woman whom I was madly in love with?

That the memory of a night with her was what I was holding on to?

That I couldn't actually recognize the woman who abided in my delusions if I accidentally passed by her on a walkway?

It was maddening. She was consuming the entirety of my being and it was insane. I couldn't help it.

"Hmm?" She frowned, twitching her thin brows.

"She's not in the country." I plainly said.

"What is her name? Who is she? Does she not have an identity? A photo? Hmm?" Nana was impatient.

"Who is this woman who makes you reject a conglomerate's daughter so bluntly? Tell me."

What could I say to save myself from Nana's tense interrogation?

"She is, sh-she is..." I found myself stuttering.

"She's out of town and will be returning in two months. I'll introduce her when she returns." I hoped my lie sounded like a complete truth, genuine enough to keep Nana mute for a while. Her eyes seemed to be piercing through my skin, making me feel hot.

"I anticipate that, but I'm afraid I must find her a superior to Ariadne, or the welcome ends at my threshold." She replied, to my relief.

"Sure," I mumbled. She rose to her feet, clutching her purse.

"For the time she's not here, be good to Ariadne. A man is allowed the liberty of multiple companionship. Give her what she wants..."

"Oh, Nana. She wants me to fuck her." I didn't hesitate to say.

"Then go ahead, do it. You are not impotent, are you?"

"Nana?" I couldn't believe she could say this.


"I can't. I'd be a cheat." I stated.

"And she? Your imaginary woman? Do you trust her not to fuck other men while you are away?"

Her mentioning imaginary suddenly made the reality more real, more true, and it gave me a sour feeling.

"She's not..."

"Do good by Ariadne, we are quite indebted to her family." She finally said. The door shut closed with a soft sound.

I couldn't deny the fact that I was at a crossroads. I was there, keeping myself for her, but I didn't know where she was or whom she was spending her days and nights with. It was the worst feeling I'd ever felt.


A trip around the sun couldn't have guaranteed the happiness I'd felt when I had set my eyes on Aunt Layla that morning. I had wanted to curse at her and even hurl things at her for leaving behind. Where had she gone and returned with a cute son?

"Go to your room, Sofia." Mrs. Carter's wicked voice came saying as soon as she laid eyes upon Aunt Layla.

"She stays. I have come to see her." Aunt Layla disagreed.

"I don't want to go to my room," I said aloud, much to the discontentment of Mrs. Carter. She shot a fiendish glare at me.

"Who do you think you are? You think you can just waltz in here and do as you please?" She was being mean to Aunt Layla.

"Well, I haven't come to fight or argue with you. Sofia is who I care about. Come, Sofia," Aunt Layla urged, and I ambled across the room to her. I watched as Mrs. Carter's eyes gradually studied the little boy who was clutching Aunt Layla's hand.

"You haven't brought a child born out of wedlock into my house, have you?" She sat on the sofa, cross-armed.

"I believe it's best you keep your concerns to yourself, Mrs. Carter. My son is quite harmless as much as I am concerned," Aunt Layla responded.

"Hmm." I didn't expect Mrs. Carter to keep mute thereafter. I know her to be particularly hard on people.

"Can I have a seat?" Aunt Layla asked.

"You once sat here, it will be no crime to sit here again." I guessed that was Mrs. Carter's way of saying 'You are welcome, have your seat, please.'

"Very well," Aunt Layla said, helping her son up on the sofa. "How have you been, Sofia? Your teen freckles are sparing." She continued.

"There's so much to ask and tell you..." If I began, I wouldn't end in a month.

"I know, I know...I owe you my time, Sofia." She stroked my hair as she used to before she went out of the country.

"I missed you every day..." I sniffed, recollecting those times when I'd longed to see and hear her voice. When Mrs. Carter had outright denied me any communication with her.

The witch! I caught her staring deadpan at us.

"There's a lot to tell you, too, about Africa and..."

"So, it's true you fled to Africa..." Mrs. Carter cut in. She could do well to keep mute all through, but she wouldn't.

"Yes, Africa, Kenya..."

"Kenya!" I chirped with excitement.

"Yes, Sofia. Kenya." Aunt Layla smiled.

"I wish you had taken me with you." I cried.

"I'll make it up to you." She assured me.

"I bet you returned as you left, besides..." She stopped talking, directing her face at the little boy.

"Nathan." Aunt Layla said.

"The boy." She said in a contemptible tone.

Aunt Layla scoffed.

"You are quite mistaken, Mrs. Carter," Aunt Layla refused.

"Might you explain how?"

Aunt Layla fell silent for a while, staring at Mrs. Carter. I wondered what was on her mind.

"The design of your dress is a prominent one in my portfolio." She announced loftily.

I couldn't comprehend it at first. She continued.

"Laynat." She chuckled.

"What are you talking about?" Mrs. Carter asked, by then I had already googled Laynat.

"Oh my God," I couldn't hold back my shock. "It's one of the top three designer brands in the world at the beginning of this year." I read out loud.

"Do you own the brand?"

"Yes." Aunt Layla smiled.

"You don't expect me to believe that, do you?" Mrs. Carter pouted.

"I don't. It's hard, you know, it's hard for people like you who leave others in a lurch to believe in an outstanding comeback such as this. I surely don't." Aunt Layla stated.

"The President of the company is..."

"Amanda Donaldson." She said before I could.

"I put her in that position, I'm the boss."

I was awed.

"Why? Why are you not known? Why is she there when you are the CEO? I queried.

"I have my reasons, Sofia, and they are not so trivial to be disclosed anywhere." She responded.

I nodded.

"Mommy, I want to pee," Nathan said.

"Sofia, could you take Nathan to the restroom?" Aunt Layla asked.

"Sure," I replied. "Come on, Nathan." I took his hand and led him to the bathroom.


I was so content with the look on her face. I knew she was only restraining her true feelings.

"I am happy Ethan's betrayal and your desertion gave me the opportunity to fully unlock my potential."

"I want to know if you are now a threat..."

"I'm afraid every feeling shall be duly reciprocated. Be it enmity or amity, ma'am," I responded.

"Why did you come back to the States, Layla?"

"It felt right to come back home, Mrs. Carter. And besides, Nathan should know his roots. Do you not think so?"

I could sense she was bothered.

"Is there anything else I must know?"

"No, not at all...but I'd like to take Sofia out twice a week. We have a lot of catching up."

"Hmm." She didn't hesitate to show her displeasure.

That night, after Sofia had finally let me go, several thoughts plagued my mind. I stared lingeringly at my reflection in the mirror; I was certainly another creature, a better one at that. Four years ago, I had never imagined I would be what I was at the moment.

I never imagined that something so big could happen and turn my life completely around. I touched my ring finger, recalling that night when I had flung my wedding band into a vast body of water before finally packing my luggage for Africa.

I had fled, only in my heart that was what I could have only done, and I was glad I did. The past shouldn't get to me now, I have a beautiful new life. And love? Oh, love! I doubted it still had a chance for me. Whatever love I must share was with my son and, perhaps, Sofia, who was clearly in want of affection. I'd only love these two and nobody else.

Did I ever think of him? Had I ever wondered who he might be? Whether he was a stranger. Whether he was not at all a stranger? Of course, I did. I had these thoughts. What did he look like? Where was he? What was he doing on each passing day? I had little restraint in thinking about him.