
The Black Flame

KIHO found it easy working with the Fire Mages.

[I don't need to voice out the plan.]


It was the method that they were using against the flying Crades who didn't have high intelligence. Hence, the man-eating monsters didn't realize that the Fire Mages– that were acting as the 'beaters'– were actually driving the Crades towards the 'hunter.'

And the hunter was none other than Kiho.

All the Crades that the Fire Mages brought him were instantly frozen by his ice power.

But the monsters didn't stay frozen, though.

The wicked Princess Nia fed the Crades that she raised using the hearts of the Fire Mages that she had killed in the past.

[Including the heart of my mother-in-law.]

"Blasted monsters," Kiho growled, gripping the sword in his hands tighter. "I'll end you all here."

The Crades that succeeded in melting his ice didn't get to live long.

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