The next day at De hotels, the doorbell to the VIP room rang, and Qi Mozi who was sitting on the couch typing away on the laptop paused.
When it rang again, he went over to receive the door, only to be taken aback at who was standing there.
"Is he in?" the female voice asked.
"Ahem." He cleared his throat. "Vivian, what are you doing here?" Mozi stared at the beautiful girl with clear eyes, dropping eyelashes, curved thin brow, high check bone, smooth face, and silky blonde hair. 'she has changed her hair color' he thought.
"I have something important to discuss with him." She said as she bat her lashes at him.
"Come in" he stepped to the side letting her in
with her flowy red gown. 'is she walking on a red carpet?' he thought.