

In order to avoid competitions of supernatural powers, a law was made that every baby born with a mark on its body must be killed. He had contact with Maul and he changed it from been killed immediately to be thrown into the Sokpou Sea. Unluckily for Mojo who was born with a mark on his chest was thrown into the sea. He was rescued and taken into the sea.

Ayomide_Emma · Action
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24 Chs

The Truth

(Many years later living under Sokpou sea, Mojo is now a grown man. He helped Mathias and Meena Alot cause they are both old a bit now. The day Mojo has been waiting for finally came as he decides to see what's up above the sea).

Mojo: I've been waiting for this and I will not allow this to slip off my hands. (He looked around and saw no one. He swims up the sea as his head got to the top of the sea). Wow! what's this place? (Suddenly he heard a loud scream as she ran out of the sea. Mojo became scared too and dived into the sea. He stopped swimming for a while). Wait a minute, she has two feet just like me not a tail like my parent and every other beings in the sea. What's really going on? What's mum and dad hiding from me? (He sprinted home as he start to question Meena). Mum, why do I have legs but not a tail? Why am I different from all creatures under the sea?

Meena: I don't understand what you're saying. Why asked such questions?

Mojo: I saw a woman up the sea washing her face. She saw me and ran away. She had legs like me not a tail. Outside this sea looks new to me. Mum tell me... who am I?

Meena: You went to up the sea!?

Mojo: I demand to know the truth.

Mathias:(Comes in). You are a human being just like the woman you saw outside the sea.

Mojo: Please elaborate more... I want to understand how is it possible.

Mathias: Your biological parent threw you into the sea. My wife found you and we decided to keep you as our son and train you in the ways of mermaids. I also discover that the mark on your chest has powers. When you were three, you used the powers and killed three guards saving the mermaids.

Mojo: I didn't know what entered me back then... I felt powerful.

Mathias: Because of your powers, I named you Mojo, it means power actually.

Mojo: So I'm not a mermaid? This is not my home? You are not my parent?

Meena: Calm down Mojo, the world is cruel and dangerous. We are protecting you because we love you.

Mojo: I want to know who my parent is.

Meena: I don't know your parent nor seen them. Seeking your parent should not be the only thing bothering you. You are safe with us Mojo please don't leave us.

Mojo: I've heard you mum. (He left to his room with his mind filled with thoughts as light fades).