

In order to avoid competitions of supernatural powers, a law was made that every baby born with a mark on its body must be killed. He had contact with Maul and he changed it from been killed immediately to be thrown into the Sokpou Sea. Unluckily for Mojo who was born with a mark on his chest was thrown into the sea. He was rescued and taken into the sea.

Ayomide_Emma · Action
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24 Chs


(Milla not yet sleeping. She is sitting on her bed reminiscing how Mojo saved her life).

Minda:(Comes into the room) What's wrong Milla? Why are you not asleep?

Milla: Mum, that little human being saved me.

Minda: Whoa! He is so powerful. He punched the shark with him small hand and the guard got destroyed. I wander how he got his powers.

Milla: His mother called him Mojo.

Minda: Mojo? I really have a lot to ask Meena. Milla go to bed, tomorrow is another day.

Milla: But... Mrs Mathias didn't respond to me when I told her Mojo saved my life. She just ignored me and went away.

Minda: Sleep Milla, I will go see her tomorrow.

Milla: Goodnight mum. (She laid down to sleep as light fades).