

She is a South African Detective and he is an American Detective. Intertwined by their past and the current case they are working on, will they be able to do a good job? Detective Mmakwena Nkwana is a woman trying her level best to fix her country and keep the person she loves. Pessimistic and sceptical are the words that define her the best. "Finding her is important because she's the closest thing I'll have to family other than my sisters." She told herself after her best friend disappeared from the face of the earth. Detective Thomas Wilson is a man who just wants to be with the woman he loves. He became a detective hoping that just maybe they would one day meet again. He hopes to fix it and ask for her forgiveness. He hopes to be with the woman he loves. Optimistic and Charming are the words that define him the best. "Ana, I want to be with you more than anything in the world. I know I don't deserve you but please let me prove to you that I'm sincere." He begged the picture in his hands. Their case? Something she believes to be out of the world and something he finds amusing to a certain degree. Their suspects? Her best friend and someone who could pretend to be her best friend. Their clues? A man who claims to be from heaven

_zuriakua · Urban
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12 Chs

Explosive to me


Mmakwena Nkwana

"And do you think your sorry would mean something to me now?" I asked him with eyes filled with anger.

He looked shocked at me with eyes filled with regret. He looked apologetic but that meant nothing to me. Who does he think? Did he think that He would apologize to me and I would forgive him? Did he think his sorry would give me closure? To me, his sorry was something I did not want even if kept apologizing because when I needed him to apologize back then and to tell me the truth...He... He just broke my heart and I could...


The school bell rang and I sighed relieved. I had been waiting to talk to Thomas all day and it was finally lunch break. I ran out of class towards the cafeteria when I heard whispers.

"I feel sorry for her." I heard.

"I feel embarrassed for her. I hope she does not go there or it would be disastrous. "

I looked at the people talking as I walked into the cafeteria. My eyes searched thoroughly for him. Until they found him...

My heart broke when I saw it... when I saw him. He had his arm around Lily, the girl who used to bully me... he had her in his arms. It didn't make sense to me. None of it made sense to me. He had said that he loved me but here he sat with his arms around Lily. No... Let's not jump to conclusions... 'They are probably just friends or relatives' I thought.

I walked towards them and he... He looked at me and scrunched his nose in disdain as he frowned. Why did he stare at me like that? We were dating and... His stare shook my expectations.

Had he ignored me for a week because he was busy with this? He would not do this to me. He loves me.

"Babe? Isn't that your ex?" Lily asked in a mocking tone.

I faltered in my steps as I heard her call me his ex. What she had said did not make sense. He never broke up with me. He never told me that he was breaking up with me.

"Is she really eligible to be considered an ex?" he asked in a mocking tone.

His words pierced through my soul as he said that. He... He... I have to get answers.

"Tommy, can I talk to you?" I asked.

He stared at me and scoffed before he kissed Lily. I could hear people gasping as he kissed Lily. I stared at them as they kissed. Tears were threading to fall from my cheeks but I held back. I had to hold back...

Once they were done kissing, he stared at me with a stoic expression on his face.

"You are still here?" he asked, mocking me.

"Why?" I managed to croak out.

"Ana, did you really think that I was in love with you?" he asked, scoffing.

The sound of my heart breaking ran through my ears like a sad melody being played. His words continued stabbing my soul like it was a whack-a-mole game. My chest hurt... It ached. I was shocked and my... My voice felt constricted by the shock I was in.

"So you played me?" I asked, scoffing as tears ran down my face.

I did not know that tears were falling from my eyes until I blinked. It seems I couldn't hold it in anymore. I looked at Thomas with tears in my eyes. The tears blurred my vision but not my heart and mind. I felt my heart shattering. The boy I love was acting like someone I did not know and that broke my heart.

"Ana, did you really think I wanted to be with someone like you?" he asked, scoffing.

"I only dated you as a joke, me and my friends can laugh about it," he added.

Everyone started laughing at me. I could hear them whispering as they laughed. It felt like shit to see and hear it.

"You are so pitiful." Lily let out, laughing

I nodded my head and I walked away. He made his choice and that was it.


"I don't deserve your forgiveness An…Detective Ank-wana," he let out, bringing me back from my memories.

"But I am really sorry. I don't even have the right amount of words to tell you how sorry I am." he added as he sighed.

I stared at him scoffing. He was acting... It felt like an act that he had found somewhere and wanted to use to get rid of his guilt. I could not forgive him. I would and will not forgive him.

"Ana." he spoke softly and gently.

I kept staring at him before I left the room. Why did his apology sound sincere when his eyes did not? Why now after eleven years?

Thwarted and sullen I took my phone and I called Alia's number.

[ You've reached the voicemail of *beep* Thalia Millards, please leave a message after the tone. ]


"Alia, where are you? I need you...I need you so much. Thomas is here and he is fucking handsome but he's also the asshole who hurt me. Please come back. I want to read with you and solve puzzles and word search games with you. I...I nee... I need you so much and I want to cry. I want you to beat his bullshit ass so I can feel better. Please I need you." I let out silently crying before saving the voicemail.

For the last month...I had called Alia's number daily so that I could leave her a message. I left messages where I would apologize or just vent about my troubles...

Why didn't I believe her when she told me? Why was I such an ass? Why did I see it as an impossible Phenomenon?

I walked down the stairs as I thought about all the events that had happened. I snapped out of my thoughts when heard my phone ringing. It was Thato.

"Detective Nkwana, Thalia or her duplicate is in the hotel and she had a bag with her… One that looked like a bag containing a b…"

There was suddenly an explosion and the stairs I stood on shook and vibrated before it suddenly went down crashing with me falling under heavy rubble... It was dark and my body hurt. I didn't know where my phone was but I could hear Thato's voice from a distance. I tried to get up and I felt discomfort and pain throughout my body. It hurt like a bitch and I found myself screaming in pain. I looked down at my feet and my feet were stuck under big rubbles. I felt the pain piercing through my skin. It was like the rubble was trying to flatten me.

"Mmakwena! Are you okay?" I heard Thato's voice.

My head felt heavy, I felt dizzy. I struggled to keep my eyes open. I kept blinking as I tried to stay conscious.

"Silly you. " a voice spoke.

It was so familiar… It was Thalia's voice. I knew it was her voice.

"I am not Thalia but her twin sister from the Celestial kingdom." she let out.

I groaned in pain as I heard questions running through my mind. Where was Thalia and why was this person here?

"Thalia is unfortunately present on the earth you know." she answered.

"And as to why I am here?" she scoffed.

She crouched down to where I was and she stroked my cheeks before roughly grabbing them. I groaned in pain as I felt her pulling my body too.

"I'm here to make sure That Thalia realises the severity of MY powers." she responded with a grimace.

"It hurts." I spoke half-conscious .

"That's to sad." she scorned laughing.

Her laugh was similar to Alia's that it made me shudder in fear.

"Aww. Are you scared?" She asked in a child-like voice.

"Please... Tell me where can I find her." I let out through the pain.

I had to figure out where Alia was.

"Find me at Mellon Champagne bar & lounge - nightclub, when you find Nkosi and then I'll give you Thalia." she let out before flicking my head.

It felt like I had been hit with an iron rod on my forehead, that is how painful her flick was... I tried keeping my eyes open.

"Mmakwena!" I could heard Thato's voice but I could not see him.

"Mmakwena! Don't close your eyes." he added

"Detective Wilson will be dare soon." he spoke to me.

I hummed as the excruciating pain rang and danced through my body excitedly. It felt like I was getting enough air.


As I tried really hard to keep my eyes open, my eyes closed and everything that I had seen became pitch black. The sound that I could hear became as quiet as a mouse... And my body... My body became as stiff as an Iron rock.