
Modern World Genie

What would you do if someone gives you the power of a genie, Well... [Author] I'm writing this novel to improve my English skills. Feel free to burn me to ashes, I will learn quickly that way

Mister_Ren · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 5 – Torture Game

The two kidnappers woke up feeling excruciating pain around their wrist and lips. They've noticed that they are in a very dark room. They've tried to speak but find it impossible due to their stitched lips.

"Well, It seemed that the two of you have woke up." Said by the mysterious voice. Suddenly the lights turned on. The kidnappers took their time to adjust their eyes to the sudden brightness. They've noticed they are inside of a big cage tied up on a chair with a barbwire around their wrist.

"Hello, fellas, It is not that fun if you're on the other side of the rope, isn't it?" They heard a scary voice in front of them, when they look in front they've caught the sight of a man staring at them while grinning

One of the kidnappers who remember Ren has his eyes wide open. He remembers how easy Ren subdue him.

"I don't want to waste time to get to know each other, so let's just play a game," Ren stated while looking at the two, then added, "The barbwire around your wrist will open after I press this button that I am holding." Ren then shows them that he is holding a rectangular object with a red button in the middle. Ren continued, "You both have different kinds of tools beside you. Both of you only have five minutes to give me one of your own limbs or two of your partner's limbs. Ohh, you can't kill your partner if you kill your partner, I will kill both of you after skinning you alive. The timer starts now, Goodluck." Ren pushed the button, and the timer on top of them starts counting down. The barbwire split open, and the stitches on their lips cut loose.

"Brother, I want you to live a normal life, so I want you to cut down both of my legs." Kidnapper one said if his brother survives without any injury, he will be able to support him even if he loses his legs.

"No brother, what kind of life will you face if you lose your legs here." Kidnapper two said. It seemed that he is starting to have a mental break down already, and added, "Let's just cut each of our legs, you didn't even know if you can survive the trauma of cutting both of your legs."

"If you insist on doing that both of us will perish, who knows, where is this place, I will just cut your legs or arms your choice. Please, at least one of us should be able to work without disabilities, I will work vigorously so we both can live properly." Kidnapper one stated, trying to convince his brother to make the sacrifice.

Kidnapper two understands his brother's point, if they both cut their legs, they will both die before they could find any help, "Brother, I decided, cut both of my legs. I can't live without my arms, how can even I fap without my arms!?" kidnapper two replied with a resolute expression as if it is him making his last joke.

'What the hell, Did he go crazy? How can he think of fapping right now?' Ren thought then said, "The clock is ticking four minutes left."

Kidnapper one quicky get the ax, three pieces of clothes and bandages then said, "brother bite on this." His brother bites on the cloth as kidnapper one tied another piece of cloth around his legs to put pressure on it.

"Ready? on three, one, two, three!" Kidnapper one starts hacking his brother's legs using all of his power, blood splatter everywhere, and the metallic smell of blood is spreading in every corner of the room.

Ren observes the scene while smirking. He can see tears forming on Kidnapper one eyes. 'I don't know who is more in pain,' Ren thought.

"You've done it, I'm impressed," Ren said, provoking kidnapper one. Ren continues to speak, "Leave your brother behind, he will be dead soon anyway, all the weapons, have a deadly poison coating them. Congratulations on surviving." Ren smiled mischievously then left the house.

After five minutes, the door of the cage opened, but Kidnapper one didn't leave, his eyes are hollow and devoided of any emotions.

"I survived by killing my brother." He stands up then insanely laughs. He took the knife then violently cut his throat.

I can't control this story, this story controls me.

Mister_Rencreators' thoughts