
Modern World Genie

What would you do if someone gives you the power of a genie, Well... [Author] I'm writing this novel to improve my English skills. Feel free to burn me to ashes, I will learn quickly that way

Mister_Ren · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4 - After School Adventure

Ren is in the library right now, having some peace of mind. He didn't notice Angel is coming his way.

"Hi Ren, I didn't know you like to go to the library too," Angel said while smiling charmingly at Ren.

"Hello, my Angel. Sometimes, The scent of books and the peacefulness in the library calms me down," Ren stated while gesturing to her to take a sit.

Angel blushed, she sat down and said, "Why is there something bothering you?" with a hint of concerns on her face.

"It's nothing serious just need some time to reflect on my actions," Ren said then stood up and added "Well, see you, tomorrow Angel,"

Angel nods while smiling, then added, "See you tomorrow, and I hope you get better soon."

Ren had arrived at the park, thinking about his past actions. 'Status' Ren said then a small screen forms in front of him.

[Happiness: 1,040,000]

[Magic Stability: 70% - Increasing drastically because of a high density of happiness in this place]

'I should have a manual on how to use my power properly.' Ren thought gloomily. 'The power that I received corrupts me so easily. I'm an idiot, thinking that I can control my desires. I promise that I will not use my power to kill without any good reasons.' Ren thought, his eyes are showing exceptional resolution. Ren stayed at the park for six hours before his magic stability fully reached one hundred percent.

[Happiness: 1,040,999]

[Magic Stability: 100% - Will decreased if the user uses a large scale or complex magic. Example, Memory altering. Memory altering is considered a complex form of magic. Even a God can not freely control human emotions, but you can]

'Finally, I can leave now.' Ren is ready to depart, but then he notices a white van near the park opening its door, and a man wearing a face mask came then grabs the girl that was playing near the slide.

The girl struggles to get free but unsuccessful, the abductor covers her mouth, while forcefully dragging her to the van.

Ren wanting to atone for his sins hastily dashes towards the kidnapper and throw a rock enhanced with his magic to the face of the kidnapper. The abductor lost his consciousness because of the impact of the throw.

The mother of the girl noticed the situation then quickly grabbed her daughter.

Ren didn't stop and run towards the van. Ren knows that a vehicle cannot drive itself. The van driver didn't know what to do he is confused, should he rescue his partner or run by himself?

Ren took this opportunity to subdue the driver using his magic sleeping punch. Ren knows that he is weak as a rubber duck physically, but he plans to change that later.

Ren kneels to match the child's height then gently says, "Are you alright?" Ren put his hand inside his pocket, then spawn a cute hair cliff and give it to the child.

The child took the hair cliff then says, "Thank you, mister." He patted the head of the child then shift his attention to the milf...erm mother.

"Thank you for saving my daughter. I will do anything to repay you." The mother bowed to Ren showing her gratitude and respect to Ren.

"Anything?" Ren said while grinning like a fox. Ren quickly realized what he said. "Just kidding, just the simple thanks is enough I will leave now." Ren then proceeds to go home.

On his way, home Ren thought, 'So it's not the magic's fault this is just the real me, the hidden me that I suppress because I was powerless. Well, now I am powerful I will live to my desires...welcome to the dark side.' Smiling wickedly, he is thinking about what kind of torture method those two kidnappers deserve.