
Modern Monster

"Everyone's a monster. Some just show it less than others." A small meteor struck the earth close to central Europe in the late 1800s. No one knows how or why it happened, but shortly after, monsters started appearing in the populace, ravaging and eating humans alive. However, the appearance of monsters was merely the tipping point that changed society forever. Along with the phenomenon, humans started to change, causing their senses to heighten. Almost as if it were a superpower. From then on, humans began cultivating their new-found powers, but counterintuitively, the dangers of monsters kept increasing along with the phenomenon. Far into the future, the story follows Sen, a white and black-haired 16-year-old boy. He was smart, blunt, and concise, acting on critical thinking rather than emotions. However, not everything came naturally to him, like his genius brain. He was deprived of a necessary power the rest of the world welded... A Super Sense. Regardless of his disability, he was determined to find someone, someone who had been taken from him all too soon. Along his journey with twists and turns, he uncovers deep-rooted secrets that were better kept sealed while realizing the future that would inevitably come. Or are the future, past, and present all connected?

SenTheSenseless · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 28– Bullseye


"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" Hana exclaimed. "How long are we going to walk aimlessly in this tunnel-like dungeon? I don't even know what this is supposed to be. It just looks like a never-ending tunnel!"

They had been walking for what seemed to be hours, but every time Hana checked her Techno watch, only a few minutes had passed. The tunnel, seemingly made of brick, was lined with torches, providing some relief from total darkness. "Techno watch? If we follow this tunnel, we'll escape this place, right?" Hana inquired.

"I am programmed not to give any hints, but I can provide a map," the watch answered.

"A WHAT NOW? Are you saying you could have given us a map this whole time? Why didn't you tell us sooner!" Baru exclaimed angrily. "You know I'm breaking up with you, Techno Watch! I thought we would have lived happily ever after, but this has crossed the line!" he lamented.

Oh God, I honestly would fail on purpose just to get away from this guy. Hana grimaced.

"Here is the map. Use it wisely; you never know what's lurking," the watch said ominously.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Genkai wondered.

"Not that you would know," Ayame retorted dismissively to her brother. "You couldn't even if you tried."

"Aww, come on, Ayame, don't hurt me in front of people. I might just cry. WHAAAAAAA!" Genkai's outcry was theatrical.

"Stop acting like a child. You always do that," Ayame muttered under her breath.

Hana wasn't so sure. I see his childish side, but it seems unfair to judge him for trying to lighten the mood—although it does seem to irritate her even more.

Regardless of the reason, she decided it was best not to concern herself with other contestants' family affairs—it was a waste of time, especially since she barely knew them. And I don't plan on getting to know that bi*ch. She was about to slice my goddamn fist off. 

Hana decided to leave out the part where she was slightly responsible for the conflict. She was just too stubborn to acknowledge that fact. 

Maybe it's best to keep it that way. Soon, it'll just be our team after the first challenge ends. It wasn't just Ayame and Genkai she was cautious of; Hana also had reservations about Hono and... she didn't even want to think about Baru. Ever since they met a few hours ago, he had been pestering her nonstop with sly and immature comments. Tsk, stupid idiot.

But it didn't matter. They would have to manage as long as they didn't jeopardize their chances in the challenges.

"This is exactly why mom isn't with us anymore," Ayame murmured, her words inadvertently reaching Hana. The quiet comment made Hana pause.

I wasn't going to eavesdrop on their family drama, but I can't just ignore that. What da hell?

From Ayame's words, it was implied that Genkai was somehow responsible for their mother's death, or at least, that was Hana's interpretation.

An awkward silence followed as they continued walking. Then, Genkai stopped in the middle of the brick tunnel, casting a shadow over his eyes, his lips flattening.

"You know it wasn't my fault… stop bringing that up," he replied expressionlessly.

"Well, maybe if you hadn't run off like you did back then, Mother wouldn't have been killed by... that... THING!" Ayame's voice rose with anger.

Genkai stood motionless, his face solemn as he stared at the ground, opening and closing his mouth as if struggling to find words. Hana noticed Sen giving Ayame a swift glance, his usual calm expression betraying a trace of exasperation.

Deciding the argument was too personal, Hana resolved not to intervene, half expecting Genkai to retaliate. However, he simply patted Ayame's head, breaking his immobility.

"It's fine. One day, you'll understand. Let's not fight about the past. We should focus on passing this test," he said with a smile.

That's not the reaction I expected. Perhaps there's more to him than meets the eye, Hana reflected.

Genkai's response struck a nerve within Ayame. Her fists clenched in annoyance, and her lips pursed, opening and closing as she contemplated what to say. At this point, the siblings' conversation had even piqued Sen's interest, although Hana couldn't say for certain whether it was interest or annoyance.

"Sorry to make you guys stop like that," Genkai laughed, looking guilty. "Let's get moving, shall we?"

"No, t-that's alright, I guess," Hana responded unpremeditatedly. Genkai passed them with a smile, but it quickly faded before he was out of Hana's sight. It was brutally obvious he was covering his feelings, playing it off as no big deal.

A person with common sense could obviously see that. Well, if you guys are going to argue like that, at least explain to me what the hell happened! Hana wanted to exclaim but realized it probably wasn't the best time for that.

Gradually, they all started moving again, not even bothering to look at the map. This time, it was in complete silence. Even Baru appeared too uncomfortable to make his usual inappropriate remarks. Maybe it was for the best. It'll make us more focused on the exam ahead of us.

Hana's wish for silence, unfortunately, came to an abrupt halt.

"Typical of you," Ayame muttered. "Always trying to earn sympathy from others. Give me a break. All you do is whine and say retarded things, and when I call you out, I'm the bad guy?"

Hana held her breath as she came to a halt. Maybe she was imagining things, but she was certain a deep blue aura oozed out of Genkai. A cold shiver ran along her spine. Genkai was certainly at his breaking point—

 "This probably isn't my place to interject," Sen finally spoke up after observing their argument, "but is that really something you want to say to your brother?"

"Tsk, I'm not here to listen to your opinions on our life, okay? You guys have no idea the life I had!" she snarled aggressively. However, her display of anger proved to be quite useless against his calm composure. Sen even let out a slight murmur of amusement.

"What's so funny, Snow Head!" she scrutinized him with a glint of annoyance flashing in her eyes. Hana herself was confused by her brother's reaction. It's almost like he's enjoying this.

"Oh, nothing really." Sen waved his hand dismissively, turning his back on Ayame.

"So you're just going to walk away like that? Hmph, pathetic. If you're going to confront me, at least follow through with it." Ayame's words made Sen pause mid-step.

Did her words finally get to him? Hana wondered to herself. No, it couldn't be. Sen wouldn't get mad over such things.

"Hmm, well, if you insist." He whipped around to face Ayame. "I'd thought I'd keep it to myself, but I think I recognize both of your names from somewhere."

Ayame turned pale.

"I don't have the best memory, but I think I remember seeing a news article about a monster attack long ago. Of course, I could be wrong. However, I couldn't help but find the story awfully similar to yours—"

"Shut your mouth right now…" Ayame's voice dropped to a whisper, her confidence escaping her body.

"About a decade ago, a well-off aristocrat went on vacation with his family," Sen continued.

"I said shut up…" Ayame interjected weakly.

"Reports say he and his family went into a so-called safe zone from monsters. In fact, they knew it was safe because they had traveled there every year or so—"


"That year was no different than any other. They enjoyed themselves until something horrific happened… can you guess what it is?" Sen narrowed his eyes, his smile hinting at a dark amusement.

Both Ayame and Genkai's eyes widened in pure traumatic horror.

"During their peaceful vacation, their mother was attacked by a monster. And sadly, she ended up being brutally torn apart by it. They couldn't even retrieve the body." They all gasped irrepressibly, unable to hide their horror from Sen's information.

Hana was disturbed by the story. However, she couldn't help but ask herself how Sen had even known this story from the start. To call it a coincidence was one thing, but the fact he remembered the story at such a young age was an entirely different matter.

Hana glanced worriedly at him. I thought I knew my brother, but the more these challenges go on, the more I question how much he's hiding from me. For once, it seemed that Ayame was at a loss for words. She dreadfully stared at the ground, her breath coming in short gasps. Her pupils shrank and twitched in horror as she recalled dreadful memories. It was obvious that Sen had hit the bull's-eye.

"Don't get me wrong. I still have no idea what you've been through. But if I'm going to be honest, I don't care." Sen stared down at her. "If you're using these incidents as an excuse, I think that's pretty pathetic. It doesn't matter how tough your life has been. This isn't the place to pity yourself. I don't think you should waste the talent you have by complaining."

Sen's gaze drifted to Ayame's fingers, clenched tightly with emotion. "Any other person would assume you're a good-for-nothing, cantankerous teenager. But it's evident to me that you do have the resolve to be stronger. I can see that from the bruises on your hands."

Hana tilted her head in confusion. Bruises on her hands? What does that have to do with anything? Hana decided to take a closer look at Sen's observation, which turned out to be quite accurate.

Clusters of red wounds were exposed brutally on Ayame's hands, some grey and desiccated. Although Sen's statement was true, Hana still didn't understand what it meant.

"So I'll say this again: don't let the strength you have go to waste. I'm not trying to be your family therapist here. I'm just trying to pass the challenge. Which I highly suggest you focus on yourself. If you have a problem with what I just said, be my guest and complain. If not, then let's get moving, shall we?" Sen presented a false smile before he turned around and began walking away.

Silence caught the throats of not only Ayame but also her brother, Genkai. After all, Sen wasn't trying to save him from humiliation. He merely said what was necessary to silence Ayame. And as a result, it affected Genkai in the process.

They both shared traumatic memories, so it would be imprudent to think Ayame would be the only one affected by the information Sen revealed.

"Whatever…" Ayame murmured without making eye contact.

Hana couldn't help but look at Sen with yet again a mixture of amusement and suspicion.

I just don't get him.

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