
Modern Military System and Demonic System

[Welcome To The Military System] In a world plunged into chaos, the northern continent faces a nightmare scenario: undead creatures and husks roam freely amidst an Ebola-like outbreak, signaling the downfall of the once-mighty demonic empire. As law and order crumble, the survival of the fittest becomes the harsh reality, further complicated by human interventions. Amidst this turmoil, Bell, a former member of the demonic elite, discovers a ray of hope. He is granted a miraculous system with the power to summon advanced military resources, weapons, and vehicles from a time beyond his own. This isn't just a tool for survival; it's a chance to rewrite destiny. Bell's quest is both thrilling and daunting. He must navigate through dangerous alliances, face formidable foes, and outsmart cunning rivals in a world where trust is scarce. His journey is filled with action, adventure, and strategic battles as he aims to resurrect the fallen empire, piece by piece. When talking fails, it's time for the AC-130 to take over and make a statement from the sky. Facing a huge group of husks? Bring in the M109 artillery to quickly deal with them. A dragon causing trouble for the people? Time for the F-15 to fly in and handle it. When the humans push forward with their northern offensive, it's our cue to introduce them to a real meat grinder – a brutal showcase that would make their previous battle a child’s play. ======== This is actually an original work, but I'm trying to test water first. If you like the story, feel free to add it to your collection, thanks.

Blare_ · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Saven's New Arrival

The following morning, Bell's phone vibrated with a message from Eldrin, providing him with an update on the 120th Air Assault team's progress. They had successfully established a forward operating base (FOB) near Saven, with minimal disruption to the local population. Eldrin's men were currently working in coordination with the town's officials to ensure the smooth delivery of humanitarian aid.

This development was quite remarkable, especially considering that only 12 hours had passed since the 120th Air Assault and 1st Strategic Response Divisions were deployed from the base. Along with the messages, Bell also received some pictures.

A makeshift airfield had been created by compacting the snow and adding matting for additional support. The C-17s efficiently handled logistics, despite the substantial amount of cargo they transported. Eldrin even sent footage of them taking off and landing on the makeshift runway.

But the efforts didn't stop there. Moore and his helicopter squadrons were tirelessly shuttling between Saven and Frostwood, transporting patients in need of advanced medical care and modern medicines.

Additionally, the SRDs had deployed a company of mechanized infantry, including Puma and Abrams vehicles, along with the standard tactical vehicles used by the Federation. Rows of armored vehicles were neatly parked in the motorpool of the FOBs, awaiting further orders.


Bell found himself seated in the cargo bay of the C-17, surrounded by pallets of MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) and medical supplies destined for Saven. With a population of 10,000, the town was simply too significant to overlook. Bell had already devised a plan to integrate this small town into the Federation, and the military occupation marked just the beginning of his strategy.

It was essential to understand that allowing a foreign state to operate within your borders was akin to inviting an occupation. However, Bell's strategy was to ensure that the town became heavily reliant on him. Furthermore, convincing Hanna, the key figure in Saven, would be relatively easy. All he needed to do was provide irrefutable proof of his survival.

Turning to one of the aircrew members, Bell inquired, "We're landing in ten minutes, correct?"

"That's correct, sir," replied one of the aircrew members.

Peering out of the aircraft window, Bell observed as the aircraft circled around Saven, awaiting clearance for the runway, which was currently occupied by another C-17 taking off for an additional supply run to the town. He was well aware of the substantial financial implications of this humanitarian assistance operation.

After circling for ten minutes, the aircraft began its gradual descent towards the ground. As it descended, the sprawling, snow-covered landscape of Saven unfolded beneath them, with the organized chaos of military activities visible below. From this vantage point, Bell could see individuals moving pallets of supplies into trucks, efficiently distributing them to the small town.

At the town's outskirts, several IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicles) were engaging with hostile forces, their 7.62 machine guns mounted on turrets firing in response.

The landing itself was remarkably smooth. As soon as the cargo bay doors swung open, Bell was the first to step out, followed closely by the soldiers from the 1st SRD. Pallets of MREs and advanced medical supplies, including the latest modern medicines, were swiftly offloaded and loaded onto a waiting truck. Bell then moved away from the massive runway, gazing at the town from its edge.

Bell took a moment to appreciate the mesmerizing beauty of the sea, some parts of which were delicately covered in a thin layer of ice, a testament to the winter season. In the distance, he spotted the ship previously mentioned in the picture. It was a sail ship equipped with an icebreaker ram at its forefront, currently engaged in loading wooden crates from the port.

To reach the command center, Bell caught a ride with one of the trucks. The command center itself was a complex comprised of numerous instant tents, their chimneys billowing smoke from the wood stoves used to keep them warm.

Upon entering the largest building at the center, Bell found Aurora, who was holding a walkie-talkie in one hand while studying a map on her tablet resting on the table. She was no longer in her customary white dress; instead, she wore a combat uniform adorned with the rank of a captain.

"Hey, Aurora, where can I find Eldrin?" Bell inquired.

"Ah, sir, he's currently at the town hall, meeting with the mayor," Aurora replied.

"Could you give me a brief overview?" Bell asked.

"Of course, I don't see any issue with that," Aurora agreed.

She then invited Bell to examine the map on her tablet. The husks had been emerging predominantly from the western side of the village, mainly from the forested area. Just before their arrival, the husks had also taken over Saven's farmland. Initially, these husks were manageable, resembling little more than walking corpses.

However, the report also indicated that after the incident in which Aya had enhanced the husks, Saven had faced a more significant challenge. Melee weapons had been added to the husks' arsenal, driving the townsfolk to evacuate the farmland out of fear.

The husks' infestation had further isolated the town from resources in the west. Husks' meat was inedible, and hunting with husks lurking about was tantamount to a suicide mission.


"How did the mayor react to our presence?" Bell inquired.

"Positively," Aurora responded, a hint of smugness playing on her lips. "As fellow elves, Eldrin quickly established rapport, and when you consider he's married to a literal deity in elven culture, you can probably guess the direction it took," she added.

"Yeah, I understand," Bell acknowledged.

"However, we have a bit of an issue with the vice-mayor," Aurora continued.

Bell raised an eyebrow. "What's the problem?"

"He doesn't trust us," Aurora explained further. "He believes that we will eventually attempt to occupy the town by making them reliant on aid from the demons."

Well, that had been Bell's plan all along, but he couldn't help but find the vice-mayor's suspicions somewhat astute. In Bell's mind, he aimed for the town to willingly choose to join the Federation rather than struggling alone when assistance was readily available. There was only one logical explanation for the vice-mayor's skepticism.

"Let me guess, he's a human," Bell chimed in.

Aurora nodded. "Correct, a retired officer from the Kingdom of Zugspitze."

"The lost kingdom?" Bell added.

"Lost kingdom?" Aurora echoed.

"Zugspitze is long gone, the entire kingdom in the mountain range was wiped out," Bell explained. "How on earth does that person still exist?" he wondered aloud.

The enigma surrounding the Kingdom of Zugspitze had deepened with its sudden and complete disappearance. This mysterious vanishing had become a widely circulated rumor during the mid-stages of the Human-Demonic War. Zugspitze had once been a significant contributor of troops and supplies to the war effort, but then, all contact had abruptly ceased.

No more soldiers or supplies came from Zugspitze, and those from the kingdom who had joined the Southern Coalition and tried to return home never returned. Zugspitze, once a known entity in the region, seemed to have vanished without a trace. All attempts to explore or investigate the area had failed, as those who ventured toward the kingdom never returned. Even air units avoided the mountain range, treating it as an unspoken no-fly zone. The mysterious fate of Zugspitze had evolved from a concern into a legend, shrouded in rumors and uncertainty.

"Regardless of his past," Bell spoke up, breaking the silence. "We can't afford internal dissent, especially not when we're trying to stabilize the town."

Aurora nodded in agreement. "Exactly. The vice-mayor holds influence, and the human's voice is essentially his voice. If he's not on board, it could complicate our operations here."

"Couldn't have put it better myself," Bell added.

"Do you believe the Empire might have had something to do with Zugspitze's disappearance, sir?" Aurora inquired.

Bell shook his head. "I don't think so. Even under ideal conditions, establishing a supply line for an invasion into Zugspitze would be nearly impossible. It would be more logical to cut their supply lines by invading the surrounding kingdoms. Horses would freeze before reaching the peak in the winter, and not every demon is trained for mountain warfare."

"I see," Aurora replied.

Just then, Eldrin entered the command tent. "Ah, Bell, you're here."

Bell turned to him. "Anything to report, Eldrin?"

"Besides Hussar being a pain in the arse? No, I don't think so," Eldrin replied.

"Hussar, huh?" Bell chuckled.

"Anyway, Linda and the others from SRD are currently clearing the farmland of husks. However, it will take some time before the townsfolk can return," Eldrin informed.

"Without Aya, the Southern Coalition likely can't summon waves of husks across the continent anymore, perhaps just localized attacks," Bell remarked. "They no longer have the capability for those large-scale assaults."

"Still... Longinus," Eldrin muttered.

"Right, those magical cruise missiles," Bell added. The counterbattery radar couldn't track them without Ilya firing the barrage again. It likely required a substantial amount of magical power, limiting its frequency of use. The thought of such power in the hands of an individual was unsettling.

"Anyway, the mayor has requested your presence, Bell," Eldrin said.

"Alright, Eldrin, lead the way."