
Modern Military System and Demonic System

[Welcome To The Military System] In a world plunged into chaos, the northern continent faces a nightmare scenario: undead creatures and husks roam freely amidst an Ebola-like outbreak, signaling the downfall of the once-mighty demonic empire. As law and order crumble, the survival of the fittest becomes the harsh reality, further complicated by human interventions. Amidst this turmoil, Bell, a former member of the demonic elite, discovers a ray of hope. He is granted a miraculous system with the power to summon advanced military resources, weapons, and vehicles from a time beyond his own. This isn't just a tool for survival; it's a chance to rewrite destiny. Bell's quest is both thrilling and daunting. He must navigate through dangerous alliances, face formidable foes, and outsmart cunning rivals in a world where trust is scarce. His journey is filled with action, adventure, and strategic battles as he aims to resurrect the fallen empire, piece by piece. When talking fails, it's time for the AC-130 to take over and make a statement from the sky. Facing a huge group of husks? Bring in the M109 artillery to quickly deal with them. A dragon causing trouble for the people? Time for the F-15 to fly in and handle it. When the humans push forward with their northern offensive, it's our cue to introduce them to a real meat grinder – a brutal showcase that would make their previous battle a child’s play. ======== This is actually an original work, but I'm trying to test water first. If you like the story, feel free to add it to your collection, thanks.

Blare_ · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

The Council of The Three

The JLTV rumbled down the cobblestone road, its tires occasionally crunching over the snowy terrain. Periodically, a patrol of four individuals could be spotted strolling down the streets, vigilant and armed, on the lookout for husks to eliminate. Snowflakes continued to descend, accumulating on the bulletproof glass at the front of the vehicle, while the car's heater worked tirelessly at maximum capacity.

As Eldrin expertly maneuvered the JLTV through the snow-dusted streets of Saven, he turned to Bell with a question. "Bell, if you don't mind me asking, what's our objective in Saven?"

Bell contemplated the question for a moment before responding, "Having a port town would be advantageous. After all, we already possess an army and an air force; why not add a navy to the mix? Furthermore, there are numerous ways we can enhance the lives of these people."

Eldrin nodded thoughtfully as the vehicle glided through the picturesque streets of Saven. The architecture bore the marks of a colonial era, adorned with ornate facades and wrought-iron balconies that graced the buildings. Despite the evident impact of the ongoing crisis, the town's historical charm persisted.

Street lamps designed to resemble gaslights cast a quaint and almost nostalgic atmosphere over the surroundings, creating a stark contrast with the modern military vehicle and the armed patrols on the streets.

The JLTV's sturdy construction ensured a safe and smooth journey through the challenging terrain. It was clear that the townsfolk were somewhat perturbed by the increasing presence of military vehicles in their neighborhood, compounded by the fact that the diesel engine's roar often startled the horses pulling carriages along the streets.

The town hall stood proudly in the heart of the town, displaying a robust facade adorned with arched windows and a prominent clock tower that reached toward the sky. The main entrance featured large wooden doors, and three horses were tethered to a post located in front of the building.

Bell was curious about the horses and asked, "Whose horses are they?"

"Hussar, Falael, and Hanna," Eldrin responded, skillfully parking the vehicle on the side of the building.

Exiting the vehicle, Bell entered the town hall. He was greeted by an administrative desk before his gaze settled on the meeting table located just beyond it. The table was separated from the administrative desk by a thin partition wall.

The receptionist acknowledged Bell and said, "Please, this way."

Bell followed the receptionist down a hallway that led to three doors, one in front of him and one on each side. The receptionist opened the front door, revealing a room where three individuals awaited him, seated on couches surrounding a singular table. Among them, Bell recognized Hanna, the demon with white hair.

"Bell?" Hanna inquired.

"Mrs. Chancellor," Bell greeted her with a smile.

"Please, sit down, Minister Radcliffe," Falael welcomed him.

"Please, call me Bell," he replied before taking a seat in one of the vacant chairs.

"We are deeply honored to have you here, Bell, and we appreciate your assistance for our village, including the military help against the husks," Falael expressed.

"It's my pleasure; after all, we should help each other, shouldn't we?" Bell added.

"Yes, indeed," Falael concurred. "The husk situation has been dire. Your intervention has given us a glimmer of hope. But, I must ask, what does the Federation envision for the future of Saven?"

Bell leaned forward, his expression sincere. "Our primary goal is to ensure the safety and stability of Saven. While the husk threat is our immediate concern, we also see the potential for a mutually beneficial relationship. Saven's strategic position as a port town is not something we overlook, but we are equally focused on enhancing the lives of its residents."

The third person in the room, a middle-aged man with a stern demeanor, finally spoke. "And what about my concerns regarding potential occupation?"

Bell responded calmly, "We respect your perspective and understand the importance of preserving Saven's sovereignty. We are not here to occupy but to provide assistance and collaborate."

"Do you realize that we're on a thin leash with the Southern Coalition, right?" Hussar questioned.

"I am more than aware of that, Hussar," Falael, the white-haired elf, responded. "However, considering that we've received nothing from them, I don't believe collaborating with our closest ally would prove harmful."

"He's right," Hanna chimed in.

"Hanna, I understand your perspective," Hussar said, addressing her directly. "But your collaboration with Bell may not necessarily reflect the broader sentiments of Saven's residents, particularly the human community."

Falael then turned to Bell, seeking his suggestion. The reality was that demons and elves were minorities in comparison to the human population, which reproduced at a much faster rate. Even though Hussar was just one voice, his sentiments were echoed by many more.

Bell considered the situation carefully. "I believe the presence of the Federation's military is justified, especially as we aim to distribute aid equitably and securely. We view the military presence as an absolute necessity."

"I agree with Bell, and furthermore, having the Federation's military on hand would provide a measure of protection in case the Southern Coalition decides to attack us," Hanna added.

Hussar let out a sigh of resignation. "You two will really lead us to our doom, won't you? The Southern Coalition wields far more power than any army the Federation can muster. My kingdom perished overnight thanks to these... demons." With that, he rose from his chair and bid farewell to the room.

Hanna commented, "Well, that's one person out of the room, it seems."

Bell couldn't help but inquire, "Am I that unwelcome?"

Hanna responded gently, "Let's just say Hussar has a history with the demons."

As Bell contemplated the situation, he couldn't help but think about the potential consequences of having some of the devastating capabilities at his disposal. However, his intentions were far from destructive; he aimed to work collaboratively with the people of Saven toward shared goals.

"That aside, Falael, are you okay with our arrangement?" Bell inquired.

Falael shrugged, displaying a sense of acceptance. "I see no problem with it, Bell. As long as you do no harm to our people, you will be welcomed here. I'll handle Hussar myself."

"That's good to hear," Bell acknowledged.

"Besides," Falael added, "Hanna and Sylva presented a compelling proposal at the end of the day."

Bell nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the aid is essential. However, regarding industrial development, I'm not entirely sure what you envision for this port town."

"Well, quite a few things, to be honest. Allow me to explain," Hanna offered.

Hanna leaned forward, ready to elucidate her vision for Saven's industrialization, bridging the gap between the town's 1890s setting and the 21st-century capabilities of Bell's Federation.

"The first aspect is upgrading the town's infrastructure. We need to introduce modern utilities, such as electricity and improved water systems. This would enhance the quality of life and attract further investment," Hanna explained.

"I'll entrust that to you, Hanna," Bell agreed.

"Thank you," Hanna replied.

Bell then inquired about industrial development. "What about industry? While I've already established a goblin-based ammunition factory, it's possible this town might require something entirely different. My strength lies in managing the military and its supporting industries, but civilian management is not my forte."

Hanna continued to lay out her plans. "We should explore mining and resource extraction. This region may possess untapped natural resources, and establishing mining operations could provide valuable raw materials for industry and trade. Plus, we have an Umbrilium hotspot here, but with what we have, the process will be slow and challenging."

Bell considered the proposal. "Mining operations could indeed be lucrative, and I can assist in setting up modern mining facilities."

Hanna then suggested another avenue. "I've heard from Sylva that you possess a commissary terminal. We can utilize that technology to produce more items and then sell them using the same terminal. For example, we could transform raw resources into higher-value products."

Bell nodded, acknowledging the potential of this approach. "That's a smart idea, Hanna. We can certainly leverage the commissary terminal for civilian purposes."

With these discussions, the vision for Saven's future was taking shape, with the collaborative efforts of Bell and the town's leaders at the forefront.

"Hard agree on that."

"If it will lead to a better live for our town, please, feel free to do what you need," Falael added.

"Thank you," Bell said. "Do you have any place where we can start doing this and that?"

"Sure, follow me."