
Modern Gu Cultivation

You can start reading from Volume 4: Maha Vishwavidyalaya --- In a world teetering on the edge of light and shadow, Sam Walker discovers an ancient map leading to realms beyond imagination. As he navigates the treacherous landscapes of Durinia and the mysterious Pushp Lok, Sam encounters legendary creatures, secret societies, and a mission that could alter the fate of two worlds. From battling abyssal beasts to uncovering the secrets of the Maha Vishwavidyalaya, Sam’s journey is a riveting blend of adventure, intrigue, and discovery. Haunted by a cunning adversary and guided by enigmatic allies, Sam's quest for truth and justice takes him from bustling towns to the eerie confines of an otherworldly prison. With the power to traverse dimensions and a burgeoning strength fueled by mystical realms, he must protect the vulnerable and unravel the mysteries that bind his fate to the ancient prophecy. Join Sam as he embarks on a thrilling odyssey where every step unveils new challenges and every decision could tip the balance between hope and despair. "Modern Gu Cultivation" is a captivating tale of courage, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of a hero determined to shine light into the darkest corners of existence. --- Mass Release Chapter 16-20 on Date 13th June 2024 --- Support UPI: cosmicmystery@ybl

CosmicMystery · Fantasy
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134 Chs

Chapter 33: The Perils of the Central Jail

Nitin moved through the shadows of the central jail with practiced stealth, his senses heightened by the danger that permeated the air. The central jail was a place of legend and horror in Durinia, known for its utter lawlessness and the creatures that roamed within its confines. There were no cells here, no guards to monitor the prisoners. The only rule was survival, and the only escape lay in stealing a Guard Key from the sentinels outside before entering.

As he navigated the labyrinthine corridors, Nitin's thoughts were focused solely on finding Sam. The dim lighting cast eerie shadows on the stone walls, and the sounds of distant growls and shuffling footsteps echoed through the air. This place was a nightmare, a true testament to the depths of Roy's cruelty.

After what felt like hours, Nitin finally spotted Sam, sitting against a wall in a relatively quiet corner. Sam's eyes lit up with a mixture of relief and determination when he saw Nitin.

"Nitin!" Sam whispered urgently, rising to his feet. "You found me."

Nitin nodded, his expression serious. "We need to get you out of here. This place is worse than I imagined."

Sam's face darkened. "I've noticed. There are no guards inside, and the prisoners are free to roam. The creatures... they're the real jailers here."

Nitin glanced around warily. "We need a plan. The only way out is with a Guard Key, and I didn't manage to grab one before coming in."

Sam frowned. "So, we're stuck here unless we find a way to get that key from the outside."

Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled, and a deep, guttural growl echoed through the corridor. Sam and Nitin turned to see a humongous creature approaching, its massive form casting a long shadow down the hall.

"We don't have time," Sam said urgently. "Do you have any way of hiding us from that thing?"

Nitin's mind raced, but he shook his head. "No, I don't. But I think I'm strong enough to fight it off. Probably."

Sam looked at him incredulously. "Are you an idiot? If you start a battle here, we'll be discovered immediately."

Nitin smirked. "There's no one to discover us. There's no monitoring or surveillance inside the jail. It's just us and the prisoners."

Sam's eyes widened in shock. "That's not how prisons work on Earth. This place is insane."

The creature's footsteps grew louder, and Sam knew they had to act fast. "Alright, pick me up and run. Even if you can fight it, there's no way I'll survive a battle with that thing."

Nitin didn't hesitate. He scooped Sam up and started running down the corridor, his footsteps echoing against the stone walls. The creature roared behind them, its massive form shaking the ground as it chased after them.

Nitin pushed himself to run faster, but the creature was gaining on them. Sam could feel the hot breath of the beast on his neck, and panic began to set in.

"Nitin, put me down! Save yourself!" Sam shouted over the din of their desperate flight.

"No way! I'm not leaving you behind!" Nitin replied, his voice strained with exertion.

Sam knew there was no time for arguments. "I'm not sacrificing myself. I can use my ability to escape temporarily and come back. Trust me!"

Nitin hesitated for a fraction of a second before reluctantly lowering Sam to the ground. "Be careful."

Sam nodded, focusing his mind. He had learned to harness his connection to Pushp Lok, the hidden sanctuary. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the portal, willing it to open. A faint glow surrounded him, and within moments, Sam disappeared from sight.

Nitin turned to face the creature, his muscles tensed and ready for a fight. The beast roared, its eyes locked onto him, and charged forward. Nitin braced himself, knowing that this battle would be unlike any he had faced before.

Just as the creature was about to strike, Sam reappeared behind it, holding a sharp piece of metal he had found in the jail. With a swift, calculated move, he plunged the metal into the creature's back, aiming for a vulnerable spot. The beast howled in pain, its attack faltering.

"Nitin, now!" Sam shouted.

Nitin didn't need to be told twice. He lunged forward, using the beast's momentary distraction to deliver a powerful blow to its head. The creature staggered, disoriented, giving Nitin and Sam a precious few seconds to regroup.

"We need to find a way out of here," Sam panted, his eyes scanning the corridor for any possible escape route.

Nitin nodded, wiping sweat from his brow. "There's a maintenance tunnel nearby. It might lead us closer to the entrance."

They sprinted down the corridor, the sounds of the wounded beast echoing behind them. Nitin led the way, his knowledge of the prison's layout guiding them through the maze of passages. They reached a small, hidden door and quickly slipped inside.

The tunnel was narrow and dark, the air thick with dust and the scent of decay. Nitin and Sam moved cautiously, their footsteps echoing in the confined space. The tunnel seemed to stretch on forever, but they kept going, driven by the desperate need to escape.

Finally, they emerged into a dimly lit chamber. Nitin's eyes widened as he recognized their surroundings. "We're close to the entrance," he said, his voice filled with hope.

Sam nodded, but before he could respond, they heard more footsteps—this time, the heavy, deliberate steps of guards.

Nitin cursed under his breath. "We need to hide. If they find us, it's over."

They pressed themselves against the walls, trying to blend into the shadows. The guards passed by, their conversation a low murmur that echoed in the chamber.

"We need to increase the patrols. There's been talk of an escape attempt."

"Yeah, I heard. But who'd be crazy enough to try and get out of here?"

Nitin and Sam exchanged a glance, their hearts pounding. As soon as the guards were out of earshot, they moved quickly towards the main entrance.

But just as they were about to reach the door, a loud alarm blared through the prison, its deafening sound echoing through the corridors.

"They've found us!" Sam shouted over the noise. "We need to move, now!"

Nitin nodded, his expression grim. "Follow me. I know another way."

They sprinted through the maze of corridors, the alarm still blaring in the background. Nitin led them to a small, hidden door that led outside to a narrow alleyway. As they emerged into the open air, they were met with the sight of several guards blocking their path.

Sam's mind raced, trying to come up with a plan. "We need a distraction."

Nitin nodded, looking around. "There," he said, pointing to a stack of barrels nearby. "If we can knock those over, it might give us a chance to slip past them."

Sam nodded, and together they pushed the barrels, sending them crashing to the ground. The guards turned towards the noise, giving Sam and Nitin the opportunity they needed.

They darted past the guards, slipping through the narrow alleyways of Durinia. The sound of the alarm began to fade, but they knew they weren't safe yet.

"We need to find somewhere to hide," Nitin said, his voice breathless.

Sam nodded, scanning their surroundings. "There's a safe house nearby. It's hidden, but I know the way."

They made their way through the winding streets, their footsteps echoing in the quiet night. Finally, they reached the entrance to the safe house, a small, nondescript building that blended in with the rest of the town.

Inside, Sam collapsed onto a chair, his body aching from the ordeal. Nitin sat across from him, his expression a mix of relief and determination.

"We made it," Sam said, his voice filled with exhaustion.

Nitin nodded, but his mind was already racing with plans for their next move. "We need to figure out what Roy's next move will be. We can't let him win."

Sam's eyes narrowed with determination. "We won't. We'll stop him, no matter what it takes."

Just as they began to plan their next move, the door to the safe house creaked open, and a shadowy figure stepped inside.

Sam and Nitin sprang to their feet, ready to defend themselves. The figure stepped into the light, revealing a familiar face.

"I've been looking for you," the figure said, their voice filled with urgency.

Sam and Nitin exchanged a glance, their minds racing with questions.

"Who are you?" Sam demanded, his voice steady.

The figure smiled, their eyes glinting with determination. "My name is not important. What matters is that I have information that can help you defeat Roy."

### To Be Continued...