
Model Ceo

Having the society judging you for your taste on different things can lead of the destruction of yourself thinking that you are the one at fault for not following the social rules like everyone else . That's the problem everyone is different from each other and have their own taste but people doesn't seem do understand that uncomplicated fact . Taehu was weak sentimentally and easy to fool around and now he's a Ceo of one of the biggest company of modeling . People tried to destroy him but were undefeated by how he managed to fight through every difficulties with a great sense of thoughtfulness . He always try to speak the truth out , trying to show people the different colors of this beautiful rainbow that each one of us as which is Life . Life is full of difficulties you have to meet them , greet them and defeat them . Each one of your difficulties are not here to destroy you but to help you realize your hidden potential , to help you see how much power you have to see how much you're special on your own way . Most of the problems in Life is because of two simple reasons : we act without thinking or we keep thinking without acting . That's where some people are going to be block even after dying . In the topic of love he always attract the gold digger ones who only want him for money and by those people he got the title of a Sugar Daddy . He wishes to find the right one for himself . Someone who can stay by his side even tho the situation is hard unlike his first love who was heartless . Even tho if he could find the right one , Will society let them leave peacefully happy ever after ? Like they usually say rich people always have everything they want but no one knows that each one of them is craving for one thing that a normal person could find boring to have . They also think that it's easy to be rich but they don't know how much of obstacles there was on this road for those rich people to get where they are today . It's easy to talk about what you see isn't it ?

Dallya_1 · Urban
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19 Chs

Sunshine's come back

Taehu back down all calmly like nothing happened cause he knew what he was doing was right .

He said looking at the cameras " Kids one more thing never be someone disrespectful always be kind heart to the one who truly deserve it , respect everyone with no expectations even tho they are poor , but also don't be to kind to let people use you as they please . "

Hose was standing there with shock expression like everyone he could not process what was happening and could not believe his bestie change this much like a kind hearted baddy . He turned around and bowed again sincerely thanking Taehu for his help . He really didn't want to loose this job since he likes it a lot and Taehu clearly remembers how his friend always wanted to be an interviewer . Distance , Years cannot separate two true best friends soul .

" A stop it Hose and sit down . " He said with a slight smile which dissappear to his cold expression going back to his professional attitude .

He turned to the camera and said "  From now on Jung Hose is the manager of this enterprise and i named it ."  He stayed silent for a moment and said " kim's society . "

Hose was speechless looking at his best friend with shock expression his brain couldn't load all those informations at once .

" To answer your previous question about my next moves , Mr Jung is to never tell people about your next move . It has to be unexpected and sometimes i'm also impressed of how fast everything is going ,  just be ready for everything is always important . " He said looking at Hose .

Going back to the audience and camera he said " I will do my interviews here if other companies want to do some interviews with me or ask questions you can call up Mr Jung Hose from now on . For new updates of what's happening in my company which is named kim cooperation ,  kim's society will make sure to do so . "

"  If one of the companies want to cooperate with mine or want an appointment with me just come up to kim cooperation where everything will be done and the news will be out in kim's society ,  were of course doing journals too to spread the news if some people didn't watch the announcement on TV . "  He says .

Turning to look at Hose he said " Can you conclude for the end of this interview Mr Jung ? "

Hose processing the rest of the informations , he said " When it's Mr Kim Taehu who's interviewing i am responsible to accompany him during the indwelling for having this opportunity to be manager of Kim's society . Because for me it's the only way to thank him for his kindness , so here is the end of our interview . Goodbye everyone see you another day . " Smiling brightly at the end .

Taehu looked at him stunned from the initiative and said " We should catch up from all the years  we didn't saw each other ,  what do you think ? "

" Of course with pleasure . " Hose responds happily .

Time Skip _____💜_____⏳

At the restaurant ,

" So what are you taking ? my favor . " Taehu said .

" Thank you bestie . " Hose responded smiling brightly which was whipped away by Taehu saying " Don't bestie me you left without saying anything . "

" I'm sorry about that you know my dad didn't really like you , generally my group of friends after learning about you guys sexual orientations he said that it'll affect me to do the same , and he  finished in jail for abusing my mother and other women and since then the cheerful lady that you knew was all gone . I lost all my contacts she supposingly said that's a way for my dad to not locate us , for a proper security and we flew to New York . " He said making his hand doing the gesture of flowing away .

" Where i st- ! " Hose was cut off by someone saying ,

" What can i get the two gentlemen ? " A Server said politely ,

Hose turned to look at the one and only Kim Seko aka" WWH " ( World Wide Handsome)  that's the named of his 5 start restaurant the most popular of all of them and the best chef in town .

Hose stands up abruptly charging with a hug towards the said man and says happily " Oh my God ! Seko hyung . "

" How are you ? Little one mama is mad you left without saying nothing i'm not happy . "  He pouts acting like the mother who misses his child , he will always be the mother of our group of friend , always taking care of us and scolding us when we do something bad .

Hose laugh and explained everything all over again and continued where he was cut of with Taehu .

" Where i study and here I am back to Korea but i left my mom since she did not want to come back she said she has to much bad memories she proposed it's better if she stays , it wasn't a beautiful experience to , it's was difficult to make some friends and I was always bullied cause they always laugh at me calling me Chinese head . " He said .

" I'M FREAKING KOREAN . " He yelled rolling his eyes while someone people were horrified from the out burst which Taehu and Seko laugh at .

He looked at his friends not caring about his surroundings and said " You think i'm joking . "

" No we didn't say that . " Seok replied quickly fearing he could be caught laughing at his friend .

" So are you still mad at me bestie ? " Hose said pouting cutely .

" Apology accepted bestie . " Taehu replied and Seko chuckle at the duo ' clearly in love of how both boys are so attached to each other even tho after all those years . It's like they were long lost brothers reunited . ' Getting out of his thought he said annoyingly " This old man is crazy ."

" He is "  Taehu replied .

" Who are you talking about  ? " Hose said .

" Your dad , who else ? " Taehu respond .

" Oh ! You right but you should know how my mom destroyed this poor phone . " Hose said recalling the tragic memory of his poor phone .

" What did she do ? " Taehu asks curiously wanting more information about the topic .

" She smashed it to the wall , stepped on to it , boiled it , and she buried it while pouring water onto it like a flower . She was so scared that he might find us she wasn't use to electronical things and thought by just having the phone on your hands he could locate us . " Hose said holding his laughter for his friends to understand .

Taehu had tears of laughter pouring down his face while Seko started to look like a tomato from laughing to much .

" You know what my treat for the comeback of the sunshine . " Seko said hearing a squeal from Hose .

While Seko makes his way back to the kitchen , both boys chat about the company and some jokes here and there until Seko comes back with a tray of food in his hand followed by his trustworthy assistant who is named Suka , twin of Seko hyung , he's three minute older than her , who's also very skillful in cooking .

Settling it on to the table .

The food brought was composed of some kimchi fried rice with a special sauce and salade made by the chef which is a secret recipe . A milk shake for Hose and a strawberry one for Taehu which is composed of his favorite fruit . All cook food and juice made in this restaurant had a special recipe which lead them to have a mass of popularity in town .You couldn't find this taste anywhere else except in this restaurant so some people where addicted to it .

No sound came out from Hose's open mouth from to much beauty everywhere , a  beautiful female who brought the other beauty which is the food  " A fly mite settle in . " Taehu said shutting Hose's mouth with his index finger .

Since Taehu saw the difficulty the older had to speak so he speaks up for him " Amazing Seko hyung and Suka unnie thank you . " Suka smiled making Hose breath uneven while she left not aware of what she made the boy felt .

" No problem Taehu . " Jin ruffled both boys hair and make his way back to the kitchen were his sister was already back to work .

" Don't tell me he is the one who cooked all of those envious food . " Hose says literally drooling over this envious looking food just hope it tastes just as it looks .

" Yes he is and with his sister  even tho he is the owner of this place he wants to be the one cooking , he really likes to do that one of his hobbies so let's dig in . " Taehu answered .

They enjoyed their meal happily while talking .

" Do you have Suka's phone number ? " Hose shyly asks .

" No I do not go ask her yourself bud . " He responds dryly .

" Ah- whatever ! " He huffed while pouting clearly visible that Taehu was not caring to give a bit of help even tho he has her phone  number  .

" Do you perhaps have a crush on her ? " Taehu teases , making Hose blush whining happily .

" Whatever so how come you stayed with a cold gaze during all the interview ?  Not even a glimpse of smile like you are doing right now what happened to you ? , you were so cheerful when you were kid . " Hose said trying to get away from the teasing .

Taehu clearly saw what he's doing but just didn't take any initiative and said " I smile only when it's necessary to do so , and when I do smile during those things they are always fake , work is work nothing can mix with that . And i'm fine i just change during the years , a lot of things changed when you left , you can't always stay the same . "

" Oh- i understand you're taking it very seriously , no playing around when you're working , I get it ! " Hose responded .

Taehu says seriously " Exactly i work hard for it , why would I ruined it at the end ?  And we have a lot of ennemies so better watch out . It's for that I have some body guards to guide you during all your journeys from now on ."

'' Oh-okay ! " Hose surprisingly responds with no arguments being understanding .

They thank Seko and Suka for this delicious meal and make their way to their respective home to relax from this long and hectic journey .

Thank you for reading .

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