
Model Ceo

Having the society judging you for your taste on different things can lead of the destruction of yourself thinking that you are the one at fault for not following the social rules like everyone else . That's the problem everyone is different from each other and have their own taste but people doesn't seem do understand that uncomplicated fact . Taehu was weak sentimentally and easy to fool around and now he's a Ceo of one of the biggest company of modeling . People tried to destroy him but were undefeated by how he managed to fight through every difficulties with a great sense of thoughtfulness . He always try to speak the truth out , trying to show people the different colors of this beautiful rainbow that each one of us as which is Life . Life is full of difficulties you have to meet them , greet them and defeat them . Each one of your difficulties are not here to destroy you but to help you realize your hidden potential , to help you see how much power you have to see how much you're special on your own way . Most of the problems in Life is because of two simple reasons : we act without thinking or we keep thinking without acting . That's where some people are going to be block even after dying . In the topic of love he always attract the gold digger ones who only want him for money and by those people he got the title of a Sugar Daddy . He wishes to find the right one for himself . Someone who can stay by his side even tho the situation is hard unlike his first love who was heartless . Even tho if he could find the right one , Will society let them leave peacefully happy ever after ? Like they usually say rich people always have everything they want but no one knows that each one of them is craving for one thing that a normal person could find boring to have . They also think that it's easy to be rich but they don't know how much of obstacles there was on this road for those rich people to get where they are today . It's easy to talk about what you see isn't it ?

Dallya_1 · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


" Ok how do i start ? " He asks panicking more .

" Oh my God the first option is to just start from the beginning for me to understand unless your second option will be you dealing with your problem alone . " Taehu said holding his hand in the air has a surrender while Nam looks at him with big eyes clearly disapproving the second option .

" You're not gonna do that you're gonna help me . " He said in a threatening voice .

" Woah ! wait bro before bulling me on whatever shit you did what is the problem ? Did you take a pic or a video of your ass and sent it to the wrong person . " Taehu said laughing at his own joke .

Nam looks at him with a ' what the fuck face you know i'll never do something like that ' until he said " ok ok so some days ago i started to send to someone "

" Ahhh ! I knew it your sending nudes to someone you don't know , you're disgusting . " Taehu cuts Nam off while doing a fake disgusting face .

" You brat here me out . " Nam said heating Taehu on the head who whines from pain and now a sulking Taehyung with pouty lips while Nam continues to talk like his life was about to end .

" As I was saying i sent to someone some anonymous flowers saying that i am their secret admire like the popular cliche of korean dramas and i sent one today also , as an information kook knows about all this and he's the one who helped me through this but since he wanted me to confess he changed the little no- "

He took at deep breath before continuing really done with this other brat " he changed the note when i sent him to give it to the delivery boy he sent me a picture by messages of the note which said today i 'll come to your restaurant and we'll have dinner wherever you want i'll come with a big bouquet of flowers so it'll be easy to recognize me and now i'm a bit scared i don't know what to so if i should go or not ? i can't leave him hanging . i'm gonna kill kook by the way I didn't saw him since then cause he's avoiding me he knows i'm gonna kill him . "

Taehu laughs about what kook has done that's really smart of him to do so but Nam's mistake was to be incognito cause you can't always stay anonymous forever one day he'll have to step out of this comfort zone he created cause it'll not last . And kook really helped him in this case .

" Why are you laughing ? " Nam said offended feeling like he's not gonna help him .

" Do as the note says . " Taehu answered briefly after laughing his ass out .

" What do you mean ? " Nam said while messing his hair that were neatly fix .

" First you have to wear a tuxedo and a big bouquet of flowers that's it just this . And go to that someone's restaurant to have dinner with him . " Taehu said like a pro in this domain .

Nam tip toe on his foot and twirled like a ballerina from to much happiness about Taehyung's brilliant idea which was simple but he got stop by an abrupt stomach ache " Oh Shit i need to use the restroom . " He ran way towards his office , leaving a laughing Taehyung with his office door wide open .

Nam was always like that when he's stress about something he gets diarrhea .

Time Skip_____ 💜_____⏳

While making his way to his door to close it he saw kook getting out of his cabinet . His attires was always elegant with a pair of short black heels which completed the outfit perfectly .

Taehu closes the door behind him leaving his office . Since he had nothing else to do only the photoshoot of today maybe that's were kook was making his way .

The guards bowed in front of kook which make him surprise but he still reciprocate it back , he didn't know they bowed down because of Taehu who was behind him . The boy was a bit a head from his boss making him not noticing his presence .

The elevator's door was about to shut butTaehu stops it from doing so by putting his hand between the gap that was left .

kook was checking his outfit through the elevator's mirror until he mentally panicks after seeing Taehu through the mirror , he didn't want to be close here with him he was trying so hard to avoid him but he's always unlucky as usual the elevator's door close behind him doing a * Ding * sound .

Taehu walks towards kook who slowly turns around , he puts both hands near the boy's head trapping kook from going anywhere .

" Why are you ignoring me ? " Taehu said going right to the point .

kook's expression said ' dude you know the answer of that Damm question . '

" I'm sorry ! " kook said now doing an innocent face .

" No I'm the one sorry for what I did I should've of ask for your consent before anticipating what i did . " Taehu said straight forward making kook blushes remembering about what had happened .

They look at each other so intensely like they wanted to eat each other like there is no tomorrow .

" It- it's nothing . " kook shutters feeling Taehu leaning forward going near his right ear " Can I ? " He asks gently sending his warm hot breath to his hear making the boy blushes furiously , he sucks the boy's earlobes gently making him shiver .

Taehu kisses slowly his forehead , near his lip , staying really close to each other Taehu's body engulfed kook's petit frame in the corner of the elevator . He stops moving waiting for kook's answer but got surprise by the bold move of the boy which was a passionate kiss . Both of them lost track of themselves lost into each other with so much passion , feeling until everything was stop with a * Ding * of the elevator .

Kook pushes Taehu gently signaling him that they arrived at their destination . Both of them made their way out together while smiling with a slight blushing Taehu who got the hang of himself for no effect of suspiciousness and a tomato smily kook who couldn't get a hold of his facial expression .

Time Skip_____ 💜_____⏳



" Sir you can go now . " The photographer said looking at the pictures . Taehu makes his way to the makeup artist and he also changed his clothes for another set of pictures .



Both kook and Taehu are in the makeup room where Taehu shows different part of himself that no one knew about .

" Sir your sun glasses are broken . " kook said looking at Taehu's clueless face .

" really , ahh that's why I was seeing two different colors " Taehu said taking it off making kook chuckle

i again apologize for not posting at all

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

i'll try to be more productive

Dallya_1creators' thoughts