
Father's Love and Support

" Who are you?" Father asked

"GusuLan sect second Young Master, Lan Wangji. Also called Hanguang Jun, the current Xiandu. The father of the soon to be GusuLan sect leader, Lan Sizhui. I am married to the infamous Yiling Laozu." I introduced myself to my Father with a perfect Lan bow.

"You are indeed from the future. How many years from now?"

" Nearly 4 decade."

" Too far... Your 46 now?"

" Still 45 turning 46 if i didn't die"

" How did you come here?... Time travelling seems impossible."

" If my love heard you saying impossible he will be making it possible... But as of now I never know it's possibility... Only learn after I killed myself." I said with a tint of sadness in my tone.

"Y-you... you k-ki-killed...yo-your-yourself..." He said with worry

"Mn... Promised myself not to live any second if I loss him again." I said monotonously

" Again?... You made it sound like she died twice..." Father joked but he did not expect my answer.

" No twice but HE died thrice."

" He?... Died thrice?... I wanted to make make a joke Wangji, I never expect your answer. And you married a man? How did you have a son?" Father asked curiously.

" He did die 3 times first after he secretly gave his golden core to his dying brother, he was caught by wen Chao and was thrown into the burial mounds. He was later saved by resentful energy and thus gave birth to the grandmaster of demonic cultivation, the infamous Yiling Laozu. Because of his powers, many got jealous. I wanted to help, but he always misunderstood me. Later he was framed I tried to save him but his brother came, the brother whom he gave his golden core with grab his sword and struck it at the rock, I'm standing in holding his arms so that my love won't fall, for me to die with him. Unfortunately, even in the point of dying he still saved me, leaving me and my son behind for 16 years. He was later saved by his enemies half brother by a summoning ritual. After clearing his name and making peace with his brother, we eloped because I know for sure that if I return to cloud reccesses uncle will force us to separate. We went back to cloud reccesses after 2 years of roaming the world. We were married for the third time in cloud reccesses as requested by his brother, who already know about the truth about his golden core. After 7 years of living in cloud reccesses he became close with uncle and finally got accepted as my other half. Sadly, year after we died. As for Sizhui, my love adopted him when he saved them. The kid was from those he saved from the cruel treatment of the so called 'righteous cultivators' after he died I adopted him and bring him to cloud reccesses. Due to the trauma of losing all his family figure and of losing my beloved he had caught a fever which made him forget about his past. I called him Sizhui which become his courtesy name, because I'm longing for his Xian-gege. He remembered it when he saw my love's ghost flute. They had their reunion before we eloped. Many thought that he was my bastard son, but he was not, even if he is our biological son we had him not out of wedlock. He adopted him not out of wedlock."

"Wait I am having an information overload. First question... Not out of wedlock? You married before he died?" He asked curiously.

" Mn...but he don't know. We were married in the cold cave. Hands tied with my forehead ribbon. Bowed to Lan Yi twice and after going out of the cave he bowed to me and I bowed to him sealing our marriage unknown to him." " Sorry for the lengthy explanation. My first time to speak more that 10 sentence." I continued.

" You're not much of a talker Wangji..."

" Mn... Also called walking iceberg by people. Caused the misunderstanding because of lack of speech." I said. I really know that people called me that that is why they are afraid of me. Only my Wei Ying melt my ice.

" Have you tell him later that you are married?"

" Told him after our third marriage." I still can't forget the face of my Wei Ying when I told him that our second marriage was my third marriage.



Jinshi day after our marriage

"Lan Zhan are you happy that were finally married formally not just bowing around the corner?" Wei Ying ask joyfully

" Mn... Very happy at my third wedding." I said with a smile while looking at him. He was taken aback with the phrase ' third wedding' 

" Th-third we-wedding ... La-Lan Z-Zhan?" He asked.

"Mn... Married at sixteen when you were attending lectures in our sect. Married at the cold cave." I said while kissing his temple.

" Is she beautiful... Lan Zhan?" He said with a sad tone

"Yes he is very beautiful. I love him very much." I said looking at him and kissing his nose.

"Lan Zhan if you want we can still divorce." He said while tears formed in his eyes

" What!? Why!?" I said aggressively. Why on earth does he want to divorce me.

" You said you love that person very much. So we can divorce so that you could go to him and lived happily with him. I-I w-will h-he-help y-you lo-looked for h-him." He said with tears falling from his face.

I wiped the tears from his eyes and smirked. I kissed him aggressively. After breaking the kiss apart, I asked,

" Do you want me to describe him to you?" I said with a smile on my face.

"If you want...s-so th-that I c-can help y-you lo-looked for h-him." He said

"Okay... He is very beautiful, very smart, yet very dense. Has hero complexity he love me like how much I loved him." I said as my hand roam around his body.

" What is his name and why did we not know or witness your wedding?"

" Wrong..." I said with a smirk how can Wei Ying be so dense is he doubting my love for him?

" What wrong?" He asked innocently

" Wei Ying was there during my wedding in the cold cave no one knows apparently except my brother because even my partner don't know" I said kissing his cheeks I already wanted to devour him but he must know first. I can wait.

" How can your partner not know?"

" Too dense"

" Also I didn't get to witness your wedding"

" No witness except Lan Yi"

" You said I was there, but why now I haven't get to witness and Lan Yi disappeared after handling as the Yin Iron" Wei Ying I'm giving you the most obvious details you still haven't get it. I must directly tell you as I am growing impatient

" Wei Ying not a witness but my partner. If you notice Lan's wedding includes tying our hands while performing 3 bows which we did. We bowed once to our ancestors represented by Lan Yi herself. Second bow to parents which again is represented by Lan Yi which is my Great-grandmother. Third when we outside we bowed to each other sealing our marriage. After that I took the forehead ribbon again and so we are married." I said

"Lan Zhan why haven't you told me. You know I was scared because I thought you had a lover other than me, but it is just me after all you made me jealous to myself" he said. After that I devoured him

Flashback ends


"Wangji... Your smiling" Father said pulling me out of my thought

" Remembered the time I told him. He was jealous of himself."

"Why did you not tell him directly after your marriage?"

" Uncle don't liked him."

"Wangji your always saying uncle. Where am I during that time I'm sure I'll be attending your wedding." Father said which made me sad

"Father is so stubborn and won't go out of seclusion. Father died when the wens burn cloud reccesses. I saw father first time inside the coffin." I said sadly

" Wangji I'm so sorry." Father said while hugging me

" Father, it's fine that is why I want you to return to us. I also need your help so that my love will not die"

" Don't worry Wangji I'll make thing right right now... Who is this love of yours? Do you want me to send engagement proposal in his sect or family ahead? It could be my first mission after I end my seclusion." He said

" No need father I'll do it my way."

" Okay if that is what you want Wangji. I will always support you. As for your secret I'll keep it for myself."

" Thank you father." I said with a smile and hug him. Oh how I long to hug my father like this at least now I have him back I only lack my Wei Ying. I must prepare everything before I'll go look for him. Starting from saving the innocent wens getting the 2 yin Iron one from Dafan another from Tanzou. I won't get the cloud reccesses' yin Iron to avoid suspicion and to have an adventure with my Wei Ying.

" I can't believe my 6 years old son talking about his love life on the first day of visiting his father I'm jealous and aren't you too young for that." My father teased me. I just smile and hug him tighter.

I spend my night with my father and slept in his arms.