
How he died

I woke up at 5 together with my father. I smiled at him while he shuffled my hair.

"How's your sleep Wangji?"

"Only proper sleep taken for the past week."

"Why so?"

" Spend time waiting for him to wake up for about a week." I responded.

" Aren't you too faithful my little Wangji...?" Father teased.

" By the way you haven't told me what happen how did my son in law died? I'm too curious." Father asked. I know his curiosity will bring him to ask this question. I smile sadly at him because my Wei Ying's death is partly my fault...



" Hanguang Jun, Senior Wei, the Jin sect sent an invitation for a joint night hunt for Gusu, Yunmeng, and Qinhe. The other 2 sect already accepted the offer. Will we join?" Sizhui asked us.

" It's good for Jin Ling to initiate an activity like this, it's secure his place for a long time." Wei Ying said.

" Sizhui we will join." I said answering Sizhui question.

The 4 major sect currently is having a good relationship all thanks to my Wei Ying. My love really have a great ability of maintaining close with the four major sect sect leader. Yunmeng Jiang Sect Leader is his adoptive brother, Lanling Jin Sect Leader is his nephew, Qinghe Nie Sect Leader is his best friend. Gusu Lan Sect Leader is his brother in law and the soon to be Sect Leader is his Son, and the Xiandu is his husband. With Wei Ying around, the 4 major sect relationship will not be endangered.

" I will send a letter to Sect Leader Jin now. Thank you for your time Hanguang Jun, Senior Wei." Sizhui said with a smile. He the bowed to us and turn and went to another direction.

★fast forward★

"Da-jiu you came!" Jin Ling shouted and hug my husband as we arrived to the hunting grounds. I cleared my throat because he is hugging my husband tightly and he don't look like he has a plan to let go of my Wei Ying.

"Oh sorry for not noticing you Hanguang Jun."  He said apologetically while letting go of my husband. I pulled Wei Ying close to me after Jin Ling let go of him which earned a chuckle from Wei Ying.

" Sect Leader Jin you just made his Excellency jealous, poor you." He smiled while saying jokingly. My ears started to blush and Jin Ling looked down.

" Da-jiu you're at it again... I'm sorry Hanguang Jun..." Jin Ling said

" Don't worry Sect Leader Jin, everyone in the cultivation world knows that his Excellency is overly possessive and love his partner so much." Said a new voice coming from the rear view. Nie Huaisang.

" Well he must be, because even if he is the Xiandu, I won't hesitate to break his legs if I can see a single tear coming from my Shixiong's eyes." Said  a new person coming. No need to look back to know the person who is speaking.

" Need not to worry, I know how to appreciate everything he did to me. Atleast I trust him more than the rumours." I said with my coldest monotonous voice.

"You ..." He said glaring at me. Even until now I still hate him to the nerves. I still can't accept the fact that because of him my love list his golden core. Because of him my beloved lived alone in the burial mounds without his support. Because of him my heart let go of my hand when I am trying to save him. Because of him my Wei Ying died twice.

"Aya... When will you two stop bickering? Lan Zhan... Jiang Cheng... You are both important in my heart. Please don't fight everytime you see each other." Wei Ying said in an annoyed tone.

We both know that Wei Ying hate seeing us fighting but we both can't help it, for 24 years we hated each other. This unspoken war between us will never be resolve. Wei Ying is the only reason why Yunmeng and Gusu has a good relationship.

" Wei Wu Xian tell your LOVING husband, who is too 'righteously cold.'" Jiang Wanyin said.

" Jiang Cheng... Stop it already..." He said I was about to argue but Wei Ying beat me to it. " Lan Zhan don't you dare argue with him... Both if you must not dare argue with each other or I won't talk to both of you." He said while going near to Sect Leader Nie.

"Nie-xiong let's leave them first so that they can talk with each other."  He said and he talk with Nie Huaisang.

After he left I glared at Jiang Wanyin and he did the same.

When the hunt started, Huaisang and Wei Ying just talk not minding me and Jiang Wanyin who is trailing behind them. Jin Ling, Sizhui, and Jingyi were ahead them.

"Hanguang Jun, people said they heard strange noises here in Yiling but don't know where it came from. How can we lure the creature out? Da-jiu's phantom attraction flag didn't work." I also don't know what the creature is but hearing that the phantom attraction flag did not work I was curious.

"Maybe not evil. You only said that they only heard noises." I responded

"Not evil?... Hanguang Jun according to what my nephew told me yesterday about this creature 30 rough cultivators are already lost looking for the said creature. BailingOuyang lost the 10 people they send to scout and my uncle from MeishanYu reported that yesterday they sent men here all are currently missing." Jiang Wanyin said coldly.

"Not informed of the situation." I said to my defense.

" The great Hanguang Jun, the man who came wherever chaos is did not know that chaos is happening." He said with an insulting tone. I glared at him.

"Fight more... We can really find that creature if you fight it will be attracted because the mighty Sandy Sengshu is bickering with the great Xiandu, Hanguang Jun." Wei Ying said while rolling his eyes. We both shut our mouth up.

"Wei-xiong I really loved your power of silencing the two of them without any charm." Huaisang spoke.

"Because they know what will happen if they continue to fight." Wei Ying said while starring intensely at us. After about 10 seconds of starring intensely at us, Huaisang and Wei Ying walked fastly leaving us.

I stared hatefully at Jiang Wanyin before looking for Wei Ying. I finally found him encircled by black smoke that looks like resentment but instead of protecting him he was attacked. Huaisang was unconscious protected by the new barrier talisman he once made 6 years ago.

"Wei Ying!" I shouted and gained his attention. He looked at me.

" Lan Zhan... Stay away from him bring the children to safety I'll be fine here." He told me. I hesitated. This doesn't feel right my mind keeps telling me go near him font leave his side. He gave me a reassuring smile that is somewhat telling me he'll be fine.

But fate is truly against us. Just as Wei Ying was about to turn and face there, I saw a black figure running to him. Demon... Not just an ordinary demon but a death demon.

" Wei Ying watch out!!!" I ran to him as I shouted those words.

Unfortunately, I was late, the demon already entered him. I lay unconscious in the ground I picked my guqin and dispel the resentment and we t near him. Huaisang was already awake and went out the barrier Jiang Wanyin and the junior also went to where we were.

" What happen?" Jiang Wanyin asked aggressively.

"Wei-xiong and I. We're getting away from the two of you because you kept on fighting. He was hoping you would talk it out. While Wei-xiong was joking we heard noises here and we were attack by resentment I don't know what happen after." Huaisang explained.

"Need help... Expel the demon... The demon entered him..." I said while sobbing

"Lan Wangji what kind of demon entered my brother!!" Jiang Wanyin shouted.

" Let's not fight now for Wei Ying sake.... Death demon entered him ..... Help me everyone please. I can't loose him again...." I said crying while kneeling in front of them. Seeing me in a weak sake they panicked and within a second everyone encircled my love and dispel the demon.

It took us 3 hours to dispel the demon. After the demon left the body of my love, Jiang Wanyin encaged the demon and after that I directly carry Wei Ying and rode my sword fastly to Cloud reccesses.

When we reach there I was running towards the infirmary. Many disciples look at me. I know that I was breaking the rule but my heart and sanity is more important than the rules. When I arrived at the infirmary/healing pavilion I began to shout, " Bring the best doctor here now. You must save him... Save him at all cost..." I said still crying.

I cried and cried. Today I already broke 3 rules but who cares. My brother arrived the healing pavilion worriedly. The disciples told him that I arrived home crying and running towards here carrying Wei Ying. He sense something terrible has happen during the night hunt.

"Wangji... What happen?" He asked worriedly

" Xiongzhang, I failed to protect him again... I can't loose him again Xiongzhang... " I said while crying my heart out.

My brother hugged me to comfort me while saying, " A-Xian is strong Wangji, he will survive him. If he can see you like this he will surely tease you. You know. The Yiling Partriach is strong he even came back from the dead ofcourse he can escape from death."

" Don't mind if he tease me...but Xiongzhang it's a death demon he don't have a golden core..."

" Wangji let's just trust him he will try his best to live. He won't leave us."

" Wangji what happened? Where is a-Ying?" Uncle came and asked.

Xiongzhang pointed towards a bed in the infirmary where Wei Ying is laying and said "Death Demon."

Uncle moved backwards. He was so surprise. He and Wei Ying just mend their relationship a year ago. He is even more close to uncle now than me and Xiongzhang.

"Wei Wu Xian, don't you dare die. a-Ying your son's succession ceremony is two months from now you promise to attend it. Wei Wu Xian I will make cloud reccesses a rule free place if you lived. Just please wake up..." Uncle sob in my Wei Ying's body.

"Grandmaster Lan we will do our best to save Master Wei. He is also like a family to us. His inventions really helped us here. We won't rest until we save him." The head healer said.

We waited there. For 3 days I was neither eating nor sleeping. After the fourth day, Xiongzhang forced me to eat saying Wei Ying will not be happy when he wakes up when he find me unconscious because of not eating. So from the fourth day till the seventh day I ate but I never sleep. I was thinking maybe he will wake up while I was asleep so I waited. On the seventh day the head healer send us a life changing news.

"Hanguang Jun we're sorry for your lost. We did everything we can, but senior Wei's condition is really terminal" the doctor uttered

Wei Ying, my Wei Ying left me alone. This is not true, my Wei Ying will not leave me. My heart shattered knowing I lost Wei Ying, I lost my world again. This is the 3rd time I lost Wei Ying. First for 3 months, next for 13 years, and now that we loved happily and uncle had just accept him he left me again. 'Wei Ying, why oh Wei Ying, do you have to leave me again. Gods do you take pleasure on seeing me in pain in losing my love again and again?'

"Wangji..." Brother called out

"Xiongzhang* why did he have to leave me again and again? Why is faith so cruel for both of us? Why do they not allow to be happy with him?" I cried while saying those words to my brother.

Sizhui arrived with Jin Ling and Lan Jingyi. Seeing my situation Sizhui eyes turned red.

"Hanguang Jun..... Senior Wei?" He ask. I directly hug him and cried louder. Sizhui is our adopted son. He is the reason why I didn't die when Wei Ying killed himself at nevernight.

By the way I reacted to his question he knows that Wei Ying his Xian-gege, his mother figure is no more. I can feel his shoulders shakes and his heartbeat slowed down.

" No Xian-gege told me he won't leave. Hanguang Jun you're joking right? Tell me you're joking...Zewu Jun this is a prank right? He won't leave me right? He promise me that he would be present in the succession ceremony next year he won't leave me..." He said while crying. He then ran to Wei Body lying in the bed. " Senior Wei this is a joke right? If you won't wake up I will call you a-niang. Senior Wei.... Xian-gege don't play a joke on us..." He said weeping in my beloved's body.

Jingyi also join Sizhui beside my loves body.

" Senior Wei wake up now. I promise to bring more emperor smile here in cloud reccesses, even if Zewu Jun will punish me. Senior wei just wake up. I will do anything that you wanted me to do, even if you ask me to follow rules. Even how hard I will follow, like if you ask me to be friends with Young Mistress Jin, I will follow. Please Senior wei, please wake up" he said crying.

Jin Ling just stand on the door he was obviously confused. He looked at Xiongzhang, then look at me, then looked at Xiongzhang again. He looked like he is asking a question about what is happening. Xiongzhang went to him, tap his shoulders and said " I'm sorry for your loss Sect leader Jin."

" No... That's not true Da-jiu* if you won't wake up I will help jiu-jiu* break you legs..."

He was already  joining the other junior while weeping for my beloved. Xiongzhang also went near to them while I was still facing my back to them while hearing their cry...

I know I couldn't take this anymore I cannot live a single day without him he is my everything. How can I the light bearer live without his light.

Wei Ying wait for me there I'm coming...

I unsheathed Bichen* and place the blade unto my neck

"Wei Ying I can't live without you" this is the final word I utter after I slide the blade cutting through my neck

"Wangji. No.!!" Was the last word I heard from my brother...


"That is how we both died." I narrated to father.


Really 'rule free' Qiren will really go to that extent to make who is it again Wei Ying... 'Wei' as in Wei Change and Cangse Saren's son?" Father joked then asked

"To answer about uncle we are all desperate that even Xiongzhang join in making Jingshi an emperor smile storage room... As for the second question yes he is Wei Changze and Cangse Saren's only son. I'm sure his parents already died. His parents died when he is 5 years old. I'm only months older that him. So he is currently roaming around Yiling now..." I said

"Yiling... Do you want me to bring him here?..." He asked me.

" Want him to live free not encaged in 3465 rules of gusu."

" So what do you want to do?..."

" Bring him again to lotus pier...but must talk first to Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan. Must first clear about their relationship so that my Wei Ying will not suffer."

"As you wish your Excellency." My father tease

" Let's go to Yiling your Excellency."

"A-die...stop teasing..."

"Why can't I tease my son?... Aya... Let's go now." Father said

I can finally see you again Wei Ying. I'll make sure you will have the life you deserve.


This is currently my longest chapter I made....

Thank you for reading hope you'll continue to read...

Sorry again for the grammatical mistake you found if there are any I really tried my best to fix my grammar...

Also about the information like the name of the demon and the no. of cloud reccesses rules are just made up...

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