



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 311 The Biggest Problem Is The Relationship Between Konoha And The Daming House

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It is also dark, Orochimaru's darkness is much purer than Danzo, Third Hokage.

He is black for some purpose, but what about Danzo and Third Hokage?

Darkness is almost everywhere.

It's fine if you are black, at least don't use the banner of the village.

Don't go under the guise that it's for your own good, everything is for the village.

Qian Yue left, Jiraiya's face was full of tangles.

His original intention was to win over Qian Yue and then push Tsunade, who knew it would turn out like this?

The relationship between Qian Yue and the higher-ups really couldn't be eased, and it was more serious than he imagined.

"Would you rather support Orochimaru's rise, and hope that the teacher will come down as soon as possible?"

Whose problem is this?

Qian Yue?

Jiraiya couldn't say such a thing even if she had no conscience.

From the beginning to the end, Qian Yue has always regarded Konoha as his home, and has never done anything harmful to the village.

It's a pity that because of blood and identity issues, they are always targeted inexplicably, and the source of everything is born from the top.

Is Third Hokage wrong?

Jiraiya thinks something is wrong, and there are still many problems.

But he couldn't jump out and fight against his teacher.

Pushing Tsunade to the top is already a last resort.

It's not Jiraiya's style to take the initiative to jump out and challenge him.


"Damn!! Why did it become like this?"

Jiraiya was holding back her unknown anger and had no place to vent it. She wanted to scold someone but didn't know who to scold.

Back in the tent, as soon as Qian Yue walked in, he was stared at by two pairs of curious eyes, which made him dumbfounded.

"Ask, as long as I can tell you, I won't hide it from you."

Minato and Nawaki have been messing around with themselves, most of the secrets they should know, and they have nothing to hide.

"Ms. Jiraiya, he is looking for you"

"Because of Orochimaru."

"Ms. Orochimaru?"

Nawaki sat up immediately. It is understandable for Nawaki to be anxious when it comes to his teacher.


Nodding, Qian Yue spread his hands and said:

"Because your good teacher got mixed up with Danzo, you know who Danzo is, and Jiraiya was worried about something going wrong, so she came to me."

Minato looked at Nawaki, and Nawaki was immediately confused.

Even if Orochimaru is blackened, at least Orochimaru has nothing to say about Nawaki.

In Nawaki's heart, the teacher Orochimaru is like his family.

Now the teacher I respect is mixed with the person I hate, and even dyed myself black. The most uncomfortable person is Nawaki.

Qian Yue did not choose to hide anything because of Nawaki, and said frankly:

"Because of certain things, Orochimaru wanted to compete with Fourth Hokage, and began to reject Hatake Sakumo-senpai when he was in the village, I believe you can see it.

At present, Orochimaru and Danzo are cooperating, and the two are in a united front. If Orochimaru takes power, no one can predict what impact it will have on the village. "

"So he came to you and hoped that you would persuade my sister to let her participate in the competition, right?"


After a long silence, Nawaki spoke.

Now he is no longer the funny boy who said that I want to be Hokage in the past.

Even if his wish has not changed, it is not easy for him to become Hokage,

At least for a short time, there is no hope. Hatake Sakumo and Sannin are mountains in front of him.

It is not easy to cross these mountains and reach the end to achieve your goal.


Qian Yue nodded slightly: "Master Hokage did not reject Hatake Sakumo's rejection, maybe it will intensify in the future."

"Because of the Hokage faction?"

Nawaki lowered his head and clenched his fists,

He has long been tired of this set of rhetoric, and said that everything is for the good of the village.

Minato patted Nawaki on the shoulder: "Look out, some things are beyond our control."

"Yes, or not."

Leaning on the chair, crossing his legs, Qian Yue replied:

"Even if it's not the Hokage faction, as long as there is no problem with it, Hatake Sakumo is a candidate for the Fourth Hokage. The mistake is that the warriors of the Hatake family are more serious, which will make them involuntarily lean towards Daimyofu. This is a village. unacceptable thing."

"So being excluded is inevitable, and the biggest reason is the Hokage half-sleeve, which cannot be accepted casually."

"Besides, it was nominated by a famous name."

The relationship between villages in various countries and Daming Prefecture is very complicated.

Konoha's daimyo mansion is the appropriation machine, and the appropriation machine is a little restless. It wants to hold military power in its hands, which touches the root of Konoha.

The relationship between Konoha and the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire is not as harmonious as it seems on the surface.

The Daming Mansion has been wooing some of Konoha's families and powerful ninjas overtly and secretly, and Konoha will regularly clean up some people who are doing things in the Daming Mansion.


Fortunately, everyone was restrained and did not make any excessive moves.

No matter how much Danzo dislikes the Daming Mansion, it is only a superficial threat at most, and he dare not make a real move. Otherwise, on the scale of the root, it would be an easy matter to destroy the Daming Mansion.

"And what about Orochimaru-sensei?"

"The situation in Orochimaru is more complicated. How should I put it, I should have cooperated with Danzo and touched some things that shouldn't be touched. After all, your good teacher likes to do research, and many researches are forbidden by the village."

Are you saying that Orochimaru-sensei is doing taboo research?

Nawaki's eyes widened and he couldn't help gasping.

This is going to God, once it is exposed, it will definitely be a big earthquake.

"Okay, let's rest, we have to go to the coastline camp at dawn."

It's time to talk, Qian Yue is not worried that Nawaki will go to Orochimaru to question him.

If it was the old Nawaki, it might have done that, the current Nawaki is not stupid, even when it comes to Orochimaru.

"Mr. Qian Yue really did not disappoint me."

Putting down the information scroll in his hand, Orochimaru smiled happily.

After receiving the news, Yagura will go crazy with anger, right?

This scene must be very interesting.

Is there any good news?

Nara looked curiously at the information scroll on the table, but Orochimaru didn't approve, and he didn't dare to read the contents of the scroll.

"have a look."

Knowing that his little assistant must be itching in his heart, Orochimaru smiled slightly and threw the scroll over. Nara Shikahisa hurriedly caught the scroll, opened it, and was dumbfounded.

Am I dreaming?

Qian Yue and Minato did such a big thing without making a sound.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 312 The News Spread, Everyone Was Shocked

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Mist Ninja Village should be going crazy with anger.

If it wasn't for the information sent by Jiraiya, Nara Lujiu would have wondered if someone was teasing them and deliberately giving false information and news.

This seems a bit unbelievable.

After a while, Nara Lujiu murmured:

"My lord, is this true?"

Qian Yue sneaked into Wunin Village, directly took down the Mizukage office building, and blew up a lot of buildings.

Mizukage was killed and injured, and the loss was huge, and the life and death of Third Mizukage was unknown.

This is simply a heifer blowing, it's already awesome.

"You don't believe Mr. Qian Yue has such strength?"

Orochimaru asked with a smile.

Nara, who was so shocked that his claws went numb, opened his mouth for a long time, and finally could only nod with a wry smile.

He knew that Qian Yue was very strong, so strong that even a strong man like Hanzang would be afraid.

But Hanzo dared to infiltrate Mist Ninja Village by himself, to bomb wildly?

He has ten lives not enough to die! !

Even most of the experts in Mist Ninja Village have already left the village.

The rest of the ninjas can kill Hanzo with their lives.

It happened that Qian Yue did this incredible thing.

A person who forcibly disturbed Wunin Village had no temper at all, and when it was over, he could still pat his butt and leave gracefully.

"I believe he can do it, so I entrust this task to him."

Smiling confidently, Orochimaru felt that he was the only person in the village who knew Qian Yue's strength best.

Even Tsunade is inferior to myself.

After all, Tsunade will not sit idle and do research on how strong Qian Yue is.

And he Orochimaru will.


After working with Danzo, this idea became more and more obvious.

"Send the information back to the village and announce it by the way."

"Yes, my lord."

After Nara Shikaku left, Orochimaru let out a strange laugh:

"Mr. Qian Yue, I am looking forward to it more and more."

Once upon a time, Orochimaru's concern and attitude towards Qian Yue was only because of the direct relationship between the senior and the junior, and nothing else was involved.

If so, it was also due to Qian Yue's unreasonable talent and strength.

But since he cooperated with Danzo and obtained some research specimens from Danzo, Orochimaru became more and more interested in Qian Yue.

The command warship of Mist Ninja Village is still floating on the sea, and the command warship has been moving, and will not give the enemy any chance to lock.

Even though it was late at night, Yagura, who was the commander-in-chief of the front line, was still busy.

"My lord, urgent information from the village."

People from the intelligence department rushed into the headquarters without even knocking on the door.

"give it to me."

Yagura didn't care about his subordinate's faux pas, urgent information means something important happened.

"Yes, my lord."

After the people from the intelligence department handed over the frontier to Yagura, they stood aside obediently.

Because of his small stature, Yagura could only sit on a raised chair. He opened the scroll and spread it out on the table.


In the next second, Yagura shook his hand and swept the cup on the table to the ground.

The cup bounced on the wooden floor a few times, but it didn't break, and Gululu rolled to a corner.

"how can that be!!"

Yagura stood up in disbelief, grabbed the scroll and looked at it carefully.

His face changed instantly, his lips trembled slightly, and the hand holding the scroll was too hard, causing the scroll to be damaged.



Slamming the scroll on the table fiercely, Yagura roared angrily: "Lori Qian Yue!!!"

Seeing Yagura who was trembling with anger and furious, the intelligence department was scared like a little Madara dove, hiding in the corner and trembling.

I'm afraid that this adult who has been stained with the blood of countless compatriots will directly kill himself in a fit of anger.

Yagura roared loudly, waking up all the people on the battleship, and even the ninjas on the surrounding battleships jumped up.

Without knowing it, they thought that an enemy was attacking.

"grown ups!"

A group of people rushed into the command post, looked at the shivering little Madara dove hiding in the corner, then looked at the almost cracked tabletop and the almost torn scroll, feeling a little puzzled.

What's the matter, my lord?

Make such a big fire.

Although Yagura's reputation in Wu Ninja Village is not very good, and many of his own people died in his hands,

But the ninjas in Mist Ninja Village have rarely seen Yagura lose his temper like this.

Everyone subconsciously looked at the scroll on the table.

After reading a few lines, they couldn't help but gasp.

Is this really true?

How dare Konoha do such a thing?

This is crazy.

When Yagura was furious, the news also came back to Konoha.

The intelligence department has special channels for information transmission, and it doesn't take too long to transmit the news from the coastline camp back to Konoha.

Third Hokage, who had just fallen asleep, hurriedly put on his clothes and sat in Hokage's office.

Emergency information came back from the front line, no matter how tired he was, as Hokage, he had to get up.

Is it because of too little sleep?

Or am I getting old?

Feeling a little dizzy in the head, Third Hokage laughed at himself and took a few deep puffs of the pipe to refresh himself.

Once upon a time, even if he didn't sleep for a few nights and days, he wouldn't have such a big reaction. Unfortunately, as he grows older, even an iron man will sometimes be unable to bear it.


After the situation stabilizes, take a good rest for a while.

Third Hokage felt he needed a vacation.

Thinking about finding a suitable opportunity to give himself a vacation, Third Hokage untied the seal on the scroll and spread the scroll open.


After taking a second look, the pipe dangling from his mouth fell on the table.

Third Hokage stood up in shock, thinking he was dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes and looked again.

No dizziness, it's true.

"Immediately notify the Elders and Assistant Hokage to come see me, by the way, and Tsunade!!!"


The people of Anbu didn't know what was written in the scroll and left the Hokage office.

"Get lost!! Can't I let my old lady have a good rest?"

How long?

How long has it been since you had a good night's sleep?

Tsunade, who didn't have a good rest, couldn't help but start cursing.

It seems that since the outbreak of the war, she hasn't had a good rest. The daily affairs of the logistics department are piled up like a mountain, which makes her have a big head and work overtime at any time.

Jia finally seized an opportunity and went home to sleep in. As a result, he was woken up by Anbu's people not long after he fell asleep.

No one would be in a good mood at this time, let alone the irritable Tsunade.

After being scolded, Anbu ninja could only explain with a wry smile:

"Master Tsunade, this is an order from Master Hokage. There is urgent information from the front line. Master Hokage asks you to go to Hokage's office immediately."


Reluctantly getting up, Tsunade, with a chicken nest head and a pair of dark circles under his eyes, couldn't help scratching his messy hair, and wailed:

"It's all because of Qian Yue, the little bastard."

If it wasn't him, how could my mother do such a thankless thing.

I'm furious.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 313 Danzo: Why Is This Kid So Heaven-Defying? Plan Hastily

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Tsunade felt that he was crazy, so he listened to Qian Yue's suggestion and sat on the post of head of the logistics department.

It's all right now, I'm so busy running around, even sleeping late is a delusion.

Don't you know that lack of sleep is the biggest damage to a woman's appearance?

Bastard boy, when you come back, I want you to look good.

What kind of neck is stuck, now the old lady's own neck is stuck.

After dawdling for a while, Tsunade packed himself up and rushed to the Hokage office building, yawning.

Before her, Konoha's high-ranking disgusting trio had arrived.

Danzo walked into Hokage's office and sat on the chair without saying a word.

Mitokado Homura rubbed his eyes, looking like he had just been awakened from his sleep.

"Hiruzen, what happened? You are in such a hurry to find us."

With a pipe in his mouth, he smoked heavily, and Third Hokage didn't care whether Hokage's office would be filled with smoke. Hearing this, he replied:

"Koharu, you guys rest for a while, let's talk about it when Tsunade comes."

After hearing this, Utatane Koharu showed a dissatisfied expression, but didn't say anything to Tsunade.

Just sit down and fold your arms, close your eyes and meditate.

The relationship between Utatane Koharu and Tsunade is like fire and water, and everyone has long been used to it, let alone unhappy, it is normal to start antagonizing on the spot, and it is no surprise.

After a long time, the door of the office was finally pushed open.

In the past, Utatane Koharu would definitely reprimand Tsunade for not having any sense of time, and just waiting for you alone?

After being stunned by Tsunade too many times and getting stuck in the neck by Tsunade more times, Utatane Koharu also learned to be good.

As long as Tsunade doesn't take the initiative to provoke, she won't be idle and trouble Tsunade.

Every time it was not very pleasant, and I was stuck on the neck, I was stupid to oppose you Tsunade.

"What does the old man want from me? Can't we talk about it tomorrow? I'm almost exhausted."

Walking into Hokage's office, Tsunade complained.


Third Hokage's tense face eased a bit, showing a smile:

"During the war, the material transfer of the logistics department was very frequent, and you have worked hard during this period."

"Okay, this is what I asked for. If you are really afraid of my hard work, give me a vacation."

Tsunade is too lazy to listen to these sensational and unnutritious words, if you have the ability, you can give my mother a vacation!

Even if it's just one day, let me get a good night's sleep, recharge my batteries, and relax.

It's a pity that Tsunade's desire to sleep in is doomed to fail.

Third Hokage smiled and shook his head, did not answer this question, and changed the topic:

"I called you here today because of the front line."

Here comes the business.

The drowsy Tsunade cheered up even though she wanted to sleep on the table for a while.

"This is urgent information sent back from the front line. You all should read it. Maybe the upcoming war will put a lot of pressure on us."

Third Hokage passed the scroll down.

Danzo sitting on his right just raised his hand, but found that the scroll was already in Tsunade's hand, so he could only put his hand down depressed.

According to the order of positions, the scroll should first go to Danzo, the assistant of Hokage, then to the elders, and finally to Tsunade.

After all, even if the head of the logistics department is one of the top executives, his status is lower than that of the elders and Hokage assistants.

The difference is that the Hokage assistants and elders may not have real power, but the head of the logistics department will always have real power.

Tsunade is not one to play by the rules.

She doesn't care about the order or not, she only knows to get things done as soon as possible so that she can go back to rest early, otherwise her sleeping time will be occupied again.

After grabbing the scroll, Tsunade opened it to read. As for Danzo who was about to take the scroll?

Cool off first, I'll give it to you after I read it.

For Tsunade's rash move, Third Hokage never cared.

"Okay!! Well done!!!"

Looking at the contents of the scroll, Tsunade's drowsiness disappeared.

The whole person stood up, and slapped the table hard twice, regardless of whether the table could withstand her huge force.


Looking at the banging table, which already had many cracks and was almost falling apart, Third Hokage and others couldn't help but twitch their eyelids a few times.

"Didn't Yagura of Mist Ninja Village want to play hide-and-seek and consume our patience and energy?

Let's see how he plays now! ! ! "

Yagura has been running around and messing around, and Konoha has long been upset.

Well now, your rear is on fire, I don't know if you Yagura can hold it.

Even if you can bear it, will the senior management of the village still be willing to bear it?

"Yes, yes, it's not in vain that I have valued him since I was a child."

The spirited Tsunade couldn't help but praise, but Third Hokage had mixed feelings in his heart.

When he saw the scroll, he was shocked.

He couldn't believe that Qian Yue could sneak into Wu Ninja Village and do such a big thing.

Inexplicably, Third Hokage's back felt a little chilly, after all, he had done a lot of inhumane things in the past.

If Qian Yue is pushed into a hurry, and Konoha is also attacked, then Konoha will be in bad luck.

Maybe he Sarutobi Hiruzen was sitting in Hokage's office one day, and suddenly a Tailed Beast Bomb flew over and blew him up.

At this moment, Third Hokage raised Qian Yue's danger level by two levels again.

"You all have a look."

Throwing the scroll to Danzo casually, Tsunade raised an eyebrow at Third Hokage and asked:

"How about old man, doesn't it feel incredible?"


Third Hokage coughed suddenly:

"It's a bit unbelievable. I always thought Qian Yue was a very strong kid. I didn't expect him to have reached this stage. It seems that what Third Kazekage said was right. Qian Yue does have the potential to rival the First Generation."

Are you not old-fashioned?

Apart from Danzo who was looking at the scroll, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura all stared at Third Hokage in astonishment.

"It's not necessarily shoulder-to-grandfather, but it's right to be strong."

This kid has a long face for himself.



It should have been good news, but Danzo's face became more and more ugly the more he looked at it.

This is good news for Tsunade and the village, and nothing less than bad news for him.

Isn't Lori Qian Yue's growth a bit too heaven-defying?

Even Tailed Beast Bomb, a unique skill that should only be controlled by tailed beasts, can be used.

Where the hell did this kid get a Summoning beast like that?

Thinking of Qian Yue's Summoning beast, Danzo felt powerless.

Countless people were wondering where Xiaobai came from, and how Qian Yue signed a contract with Xiaobai. This kind of Summoning beast, which is not a tailed beast but is comparable to a tailed beast, is simply outrageous.

The most outrageous thing was that he also signed a contract with Qian Yue.

It seems that the plan needs to be advanced as soon as possible.

I can't drag it on any longer.

Trying to show a calm demeanor, Danzo handed the scroll to Utatane Koharu, and Mitokado Homura came up to read it together.

"This is impossible!!!"

Compared to Danzo, Utatane Koharu looked like a ghost, and Mitokado Homura was no better.


Tsunade with arms folded smiled disdainfully:

"Is Orochimaru's information still wrong? Why don't you go to Mist Ninja Village to investigate?"

"Koharu doesn't mean that."

Mitokado Homura stepped up to help smooth things over:

"We were just taken aback by Qian Yue's strength. We didn't expect that he could rely on the Tailed Beast Bomb to develop such a terrifying technique as the Spiral Tailed Beast Bomb. It seems that his Summoning beast gave him a lot of help ."

"Now is not the time to discuss these things."

Seeing that Tsunade and the elders had a tendency to fight each other, Third Hokage cut off the tendency in time:

"Mist Ninja Village suffered huge losses. They haven't caught Qian Yue and Minato yet, so they probably won't let it go. Yagura wants to consume, and the sneak attack plan will fail. I'm afraid a big war is coming."

"Isn't that what Orochimaru and the village were looking forward to?"



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 314 Tsunade: Does He, Danzo, Want To Build A Second Medical Department?

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Looking at Tsunade, Third Hokage nodded slightly:

"In general, Orochimaru's plan is very good. The two children Qian Yue and Minato have also completed the task very well. Next we need to face the all-out war from Mist Ninja Village. Everyone, be prepared Bar."

Fighting head-on, Konoha is not afraid,

What Konoha is afraid of is all kinds of troubles in Mist Ninja Village. After all, the initiative at sea is in the hands of Mist Ninja Village.

Tsunade was the first to leave Hokage's office after discussing the matter of total war, and she needed to go back to catch up on sleep.

The three of Danzo stayed behind.

Tsunade left, and all three looked at Third Hokage, the purpose of which was self-evident.


"do not talk."

Third Hokage knows what they want to say.

Qian Yue's destruction of Mist Ninja Village and the strength of the means used have already made Danzo and the elders feel deeply threatened.

As soon as they opened their mouths, Third Hokage knew what they wanted to say.

Or want to do something.

Raising his hand to interrupt Danzo, Third Hokage shook his head and said:

"Danzo, Koharu, Homura, it's a time of war, and I want you to keep the big picture in mind,

We will talk about the matter of Qian Yue in the future. I believe he will not do anything harmful to the village. "

"Sarutobi, aren't you afraid of losing control?"

One Hatake Sakumo is enough to cause headaches, Qian Yue jumped up after him,

It was like a spike stuck in the flesh, making Danzo uncomfortable.

The stronger Qian Yue is, the more uneasy they are, and they may even jump over the wall in a hurry.

"I'll take care of these things. I trust Tsunade and I want to trust her."

After tossing and tossing again and again, there is no way to end every time there are some moths, Third Hokage has long since wanted to do these small tricks.

In addition, during the war, everything focused on the overall situation.

Third Hokage believes that with Tsunade around, Qian Yue will not mess around.

Third Hokage was determined not to make trouble, and Danzo and the elders could only leave in disappointment no matter how reluctant they were.

It's all Orochimaru's fault! !

In the end, Danzo put all the blame on Orochimaru.

If it wasn't for Orochimaru's eagerness to make great contributions, after being dragged down by Yagura for a while, he couldn't help but transfer Qian Yue to the front line, this kind of thing would not have happened.

Danzo didn't want to see Qian Yue jump up again.


Orochimaru's idea is very simple, if he can successfully win the battle, it depends on himself.

If not, start shaking people.

It doesn't matter if you make Qian Yue jump up, after all, Qian Yue will not take the initiative to make him an enemy.

Qian Yue jumped up, only Danzo and the elders would suffer.

For his own benefit, Orochimaru will certainly not consider the feelings of Danzo et al.

After all, Qian Yue has jumped up, and it is impossible to threaten him as a candidate for Hokage.

Just grasping this is enough for Orochimaru.

This is also the biggest difference between Qian Yue and Hatake Shuo Mao.

"Danzo, is there anything else you want?"

Danzo, who had just left, went back and forth, and Third Hokage put down the documents in his hand in doubt.

Walking into Hokage's office slowly with a cane, Danzo said coldly:

"Sarutobi, why was Gen's material application rejected again?"

If Third Hokage could really harden his heart and push Danzo to the end, he wouldn't be called Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As expected, eventually the root recovered and was once again in Danzo's hands.

What makes Danzo uncomfortable is that his multiple material applications have been rejected.


Third Hokage froze for a moment:

"Gen's material application was approved by me personally, how could it be rejected?"

"and many more!!!"

Danzo asked him to apply for supplies, and he approved, but Danzo couldn't get the supplies.

The reason was that the application was rejected.

This shows that the problem is not with him, but with Tsunade.

Because Tsunade is in the logistics department, it means that all the materials that are paid out and entered into the account need to go through her hands.

Danzo wants to get what he needs, not only the approval of Third Hokage, but also the consent of Tsunade.

The material application must have been rejected by Tsunade, but Danzo will not go to Tsunade because of it.

He knew that Tsunade would not kill himself, so he could only come to Third Hokage.

Tsunade seems to have dismissed it several times.

It seems that this matter needs to be dealt with.

After thinking about it, Third Hokage said:

"I'll take care of that."


"Hmph! If you didn't hand over the logistics department to Tsunade, how could such a thing happen!!!"

Danzo couldn't help complaining, whining in various ways.

How did Tsunade sit on the position of the head of the logistics department? You don't have any clues in your own mind?

Ignoring Danzo's complaints, Third Hokage came to the logistics department himself, and he wanted to have a good chat with Tsunade.

Tsunade would get stuck in the neck of Danzo and the elders, Third Hokage knew that.

But it's enough to get stuck once in a while, and it's easy to get stuck every now and then.

Tsunade was busy running around. The whole person almost jumped into a pile of documents.

These are all material application documents, or material entry documents, which need to be checked and stamped by her one by one.


Everyone was numb, Tsunade had to pick up the wine bottle and took two sips of wine.

Before, she wouldn't do this.

But after the war broke out, the work pressure was too great, and Tsunade had to use alcohol to relieve the pressure.

Fortunately, her drinking is still drinking, and she is still very good at it, but she only takes a few sips occasionally, and she doesn't get herself drunk.

Third Hokage already knew about Tsunade drinking at work.

He is well aware of the pressure on Tsunade, so he chooses to turn a blind eye.

As long as Tsunade isn't drunk and crazy, it's fine to miss work.

Satisfied with the belch, her mental state improved a lot, Tsunade threw the bottle aside, she was afraid that she couldn't help but drink too much and end up drunk.

"Master Hokage."

"Hey, old man, why are you here?"

Hearing the people outside saluting to Third Hokage, Tsunade reacted.

"It's okay, just come and take a look."

Third Hokage looked around the office with a smile.

Although it is a bit chaotic, but fortunately Tsunade has a good working attitude, even if he drinks occasionally, he will not strike or mess around.

Putting aside the position issue, Tsunade is sitting as the head of the logistics department, and Third Hokage is very relieved.

"Then take your time, I don't have time to accompany you."

After stamping the document and putting it aside, he skillfully picked up the next document.

"You rejected Gen's application for supplies?"

Suddenly, Third Hokage said something.

After confirming that the materials were all right, Tsunade was about to stamp the seal, but when Third Hokage came up with this sentence, she was stunned:

"Danzo went to sue?"



As the vice president of Hokage, he was stuck to death by the head of the logistics department. It is not pleasant to spread such words. Third Hokage coughed:

"Danzo has no choice but to do this, he"

It's okay if Third Hokage didn't say anything. As soon as he said that Danzo had no other choice, Tsunade stood up and cursed loudly:

"Is he still forced?"

Tsunade laughed angrily, clapped the seal in his hand vigorously, and the seal was shattered, and the corner of Third Hokage's mouth twitched.

Luckily Tsunade knows her character, she has a spare.

There is no need to worry about not being able to work without the seal.

"What does he mean by necessity?

Come, come, old man, tell me what is forced.

The fart is a big one, and the materials requested are almost more than the entire Anbu!

How many people are there?

Why are so many supplies needed? "

"I approved all the materials needed, but he, Danzo, came here almost every once in a while."

"That's all for normal consumption, all kinds of medical supplies, all kinds of medical equipment, all of them, what does Danzo want to do?

Want to turn the roots into a second medical department? "

"Look at this application for yourself!!"

Opened the desk, took out an application and handed it to Third Hokage, Tsunade said angrily:

"Just such an application, I have come several times, and every time I send it for a different reason, why should I approve it?"

"The whole village needs to serve the root?"

"What the hell is he Danzo trying to do?"

"Complaint? I haven't filed a complaint yet!!"

Before Qian Yue left, he specifically reminded Tsunade that Danzo might take the opportunity to make trouble when the war broke out.

Tsunade took this to heart.

It turned out well.

Applications for various materials are constantly being sent over.

Do you think she, Tsunade, is too busy and dizzy?


Looking at this material application document, Third Hokage's eyelids jumped up.

This is almost the same as what Danzo sent in the complaint just now, except that the reason for the application has changed.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 315 Within Three Days, I Want To See The Supplies Returned

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Isn't this just nonsense?

and many more! !

"Gen's material application is almost the same as Anbu's?"

Third Hokage, who had never noticed these before, jumped up.

How many people are there in Anbu, and what about Root?

"you ask me?"

Tsunade sneered:

"All of them were approved by you and stamped, which is reasonable and reasonable. I can only agree."

Apply normally, review normally, even if Tsunade wants to get stuck, he can only approve it.

That's all, Danzo still doesn't give up, again and again, it's greedy to the extreme.

As if the logistics department needed to serve him Danzo, everything was his.

This, this, this is impossible.

Does the root need so many supplies?

Is it wrong?

Glancing at Tsunade, who was already furious, the Third Hokage couldn't handle it.

Completely numb.

An old face fell down:

"I will investigate this matter. You did the right thing. In the next period of time, all material approvals for Gen will be rejected."

Hey Danzo, you want to reroot, I approve, give you supplies, give you money, people give too.

How about you, come to trick me in another way?

If it weren't for Tsunade's continuous rejection of material applications, which made Danzo come to sue, Third Hokage didn't even know that Danzo had done so many good things.


Unless Third Hokage is out of his mind, he will give Danzo so many resources.

He had intentionally suppressed the development of Root, and kept Danzo hanging.

Don't let the roots become useless, and don't let the roots grow too strong.

"Forget it at all, even Anbu's application for materials is one after another, old man, what are you doing?"


Tsunade's complaint shocked Third Hokage completely.

Anbu's supplies, have you applied for several times?

"You do not know?"

Even Tsunade was dumbfounded:

"Didn't the application say that Anbu needs reform and needs a lot of supplies?"

Third Hokage: ""

"I do not have"

Third Hokage wanted to explain, but as soon as the words came out, he stopped immediately.

Tsunade looked at him with a gloomy expression, without needing to explain, he also guessed why Anbu would apply for supplies many times.

It's all Danzo's tricks.

Apply in the name of Anbu. As for where the materials go, you have to ask Danzo.

To put it bluntly, it is used to arm Anbu. To put it bluntly, it is possible to resell it.

I dare not say anything else, Anbu's various supplies, except clothes and masks, other items such as weapons and equipment, emergency medical kits, etc., are sold for a lot of money.

As for where to sell it, as long as you dare to sell it, there are many people waving banknotes to buy it.

Third Hokage has not written such an application, so the question is, where did the application come from?

Who approved it, who stamped it?

This Danzo is amazing.

One-stop service to the end.


Others are doing a full set of plays, but he is good, cheating people and doing a full set.

Catch Third Hokage and go straight to death.

Maybe it is knowing that Third Hokage generally does not ask about these matters, and Tsunade will not report to Third Hokage when he has nothing to do, so the loophole came out.

Maybe there are other people among them.

"You handle it yourself. Within three days, I want to see these supplies returned."

Tsunade didn't bother to fight with Third Hokage, or go to Danzo.

Since she is in charge of the logistics department, she should do some things that the logistics department should be in charge of.

It doesn't matter how you applied, whether it's messing around or being corrupt, in short, something is wrong now, and these materials will be sent back to me.

Otherwise, we'll see.

"All material applications from Anbu and Gen this year will be rejected!!!"

Shutting the door shut, Tsunade yelled at the assistant arranged by Third Hokage, who nodded in fright.

As for whether Danzo's body is serious enough to need crutches, I'm afraid only he himself knows.

Confused, Utatane Koharu didn't ask any questions, and sat on a chair waiting for Danzo's arrival.

There is news so soon?

What happened?

Is it Danzo's problem?

Mitokado Homura noticed that Third Hokage's complexion was not right, and quickly pulled Utatane Koharu's clothes. Utatane Koharu was stunned, then reacted, and explained:

"If possible, I don't want to bother you, let's rest for a while and wait until Danzo arrives."

What time, you Danzo are still digging holes for the village, this is war time! ! !

"I'm not complaining, it's just that the medical department is under a lot of pressure, and I need to deal with many things."

Sure enough, some special means are needed.

Danzo thought that the material application was settled, so he went to the Hokage office building in a leisurely manner with a walking stick.

"Hiruzen, why did you send someone to inform us again? Is there something you can't fix?"


He, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was scratching his head, wondering where to deduct some funds to buy more supplies to ensure the consumption of the war.

Can Tsunade be bypassed for the major events happening in the village at the moment?

How do I know, just wait.

Utatane Koharu caught the implication.

As a result, Danzo was secretly digging and doing all kinds of things.

Soon, the familiar sound of crutches and footsteps approached from far away.

"Master Danzo, Master Hokage invites you to visit Hokage's office as soon as possible."

When I was sleeping well in the middle of the night, I was called up for a meeting.

Third Hokage took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said:

Sitting on the chair, Third Hokage trembled a little while speaking, it was not cold, but alive.

Once this kind of thing is discovered, no one can bear it.

On the contrary, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, who are representatives of the elders, came very quickly.

Hearing the footsteps approaching from far away, Third Hokage's face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Hiruzen's face was not very good.

Tsunade not coming?

After the meeting was over, I went back and was busy with work, but Anbu's people came again.

As soon as he walked into Hokage's office, Utatane Koharu complained.

Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu secretly made eye contact, and Third Hokage didn't care about the flirting, the two kept blinking.

This time Third Hokage only informed the two of them and Danzo, without Tsunade.

"I know."

"Let Danzo come to see me, and the Board of Elders come with me."

In Konoha, only Danzo would come to the Hokage office building in a leisurely manner with a walking stick.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 316 Danzo Is Relieved Of His Post And All Of Them Are Arrested

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What did he do to make Hiruzen so angry?

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura saw Third Hokage's face and knew without guessing that Danzo was in trouble.

Maybe Danzo, who just got back the root not long ago, will be beaten to the end again.

As the footsteps stopped, the office door was pushed open, and Danzo walked in slowly.

"Sarutobi, but the material application has been dealt with?"


As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Danzo realized something was wrong.

Third Hokage's face was uglier than dead parents, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura also looked at him inexplicably.

Instinctively, Danzo knew something was wrong.

After all, he did a lot of shady things behind Third Hokage's back, so Danzo was somewhat psychologically prepared.

"You still have the nerve to ask me about the supplies!"

Third Hokage's seven orifices were full of smoke, and the fingers pointing at Danzo were trembling:

"Danzo, tell me, what's going on with this supply?

You said that Tsunade stuck with you. I went to the logistics department in person to find out that you are so good at Danzo. I applied again and again for different reasons. "

"It's nothing more than a root. You even applied for Anbu's supplies. Who gave you the right?"

No way.

Utatane Koharu and Homura stared wide-eyed, opened their mouths slightly, and looked at the expressionless Danzo in surprise.

When is it, do you still dare to do such a thing?

No, if it is just an application, Third Hokage must be aware of it, the problem is

Judging from the current situation, Third Hokage is obviously unaware, so who wrote the application? And who stamped it?


Thinking of this, the two gasped in unison.

Danzo's courage has grown fat!

This is Hokage's right.

It's okay for you to borrow Hokage's name. If you are found out, at most you can say a few words without pain.

But you, Danzo, even dare to get Hokage's seal, that's your problem.

"Speak, why don't you speak?"

Danzo remained silent, and Third Hokage became angrier:

"Who gave you the right?

I don't remember receiving a similar application, who stamped it for you! ! ! "

Danzo has already represented without refuting, he admits these things.

Otherwise, with Danzo's character, if he is slandered, he can jump up to eight feet high.

"Hiruzen, don't be angry, maybe it's just a misunderstanding."

Utatane Koharu hastened to smooth things over. She didn't want this matter to become a big problem, and it would be very troublesome.

"Maybe I made a mistake? Danzo, speak up."

"As long as he can give me a reasonable explanation, then I believe this is a misunderstanding!!!"

Third Hokage's chest rose and fell, showing how angry he was at this moment.

He wondered what Danzo could explain.

"If you think the old man has misunderstood you, I can have Tsunade come over right away to confront you."

Believe in Danzo or believe in Tsunade, Third Hokage must choose to believe in Tsunade.

You can tell with your eyes closed that Danzo is up to no good.

Tsunade didn't dare to joke about such things.

"Danzo, you are talking!!"

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura were also in a hurry and kept urging.



Under Third Hokage's constant questioning and various urgings from the elders, Danzo also got angry:

"The supplies are all applied by the old man, because the roots have suffered a devastating blow and need to be restored, but Tsunade is stuck for various reasons. The old man can only choose to use this method to mobilize the supplies. Everything I do is for the village. ."




Such an awe-inspiring dumping of the pot made the people of Third Hokage go numb, as did Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura.

If it seems familiar, once upon a time, I also liked to use this sentence to persuade others, but I never thought that I would be forcibly persuaded one day.

Third Hokage felt that he was uncomfortable, worse than beating a dog.

"What about the supplies?"

You are for the village, I believe you, what about the supplies?

There are so many materials, you can't consume them at all.

"Don't tell me everything is gone.

That's all for general supplies. Why do you apply for various medical supplies and medical equipment in my name? What are you doing, Danzo? "

"Does Gen want to change careers and become the second medical department?"

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura were too shocked to speak, and they could only act dumbfounded as the audience.

At this time, their brains were blank, and there was only one thought in their minds:

How dare he?

Not only did Danzo dare, he actually did it.

It was done without anyone knowing it. If Third Hokage hadn't personally gone to the logistics department to find Tsunade, this matter might have been hidden for a long time.

As for the materials taken away in various names and reasons, they have naturally been turned into funds and invested in the research institute.

Not to mention handing over all the materials, let Danzo take out a tenth, but he can't take it out.

For his own sake and to do research, he wished he could sell all his equipment in exchange for research funds.


Even so, what he and Orochimaru are working on together is still a bottomless pit, and I don't know how much money will be invested to achieve results.

The old man has no shame in his heart, everything I do is for the village.

Danzo stood in the office expressionlessly, without any intention of opening his mouth. No matter how Third Hokage asked him, he just kept silent.

"Danzo, you really don't want to talk?"

Third Hokage endured again and again, and was on the verge of breaking out, but Danzo remained silent.

"good very good!!!"

"From today onwards, the old man will completely relieve Hokage from his post as assistant to Shimura Danzō, and immediately take down all the people with roots and imprison them."

The root people are all loyal to Danzo, these Third Hokage knows.

He also knew that even if he killed Danzo, he couldn't command the root people, so he arrested them all and locked them up.

If it weren't for decades of friendship, Third Hokage would have wanted to win even Danzo.

"Yes, Lord Hokage."

Anbu's ninja acted immediately.

Utatane Koharu hastily advised:

"Hiruzen, is this too decisive, why don't you slow down? Maybe Danzo will regret it after a while."

Facing Utatane Koharu's persuasion, Third Hokage said coldly:

"Do you want the old man to fire him and arrest all the root people, or do you want Tsunade to announce all this?"


After staying for a few seconds, Utatane Koharu resolutely remained silent.

When I didn't say it, you can deal with it however you want.

All of this is Danzo's own doing, and it's nothing to do with it internally.

If Tsunade is pushed into a hurry and everything is announced, maybe their elders will suffer accordingly.

At this time, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura dare not continue to help intercede.

It's good to be able to protect yourself.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 317 When Did Konoha's Genin Become So Fierce?

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What is surprising is that even if the post is dismissed and Gen's people will be arrested and locked up, Danzo has not wavered in the slightest.

Still kept silent, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

There was a big earthquake in the village.

However, the news was tightly blocked, and no news spread out.

There was no accident in Mist Ninja Village, everyone was in a state of dismay, especially Third Mizukage, who was seriously injured.

He directly gave an order to Yagura, asking him to lead troops to attack the Fire Nation camp, leaving no room for relaxation to Yagura.

Let Yagura's various preparations in the early stage be in vain.

Faced with the order given by the village, Yagura had no intention of resisting, and gathered the ninja army of Wunin Village.

Wu Ninja Village is preparing, and Konoha is also preparing, but Orochimaru, who is the commander-in-chief, is not in a good mood because his partner Danzo has fallen.

Orochimaru was still waiting for Yagura's arrival, but instead of waiting, the enemy got bad news.

Danzo was slapped to the end by Third Hokage because of frequent swindling of materials, a very thorough slap to the end.

Looking at the situation of Third Hokage, it doesn't seem like he gave Danzo a chance to go home and retire.

If it weren't for decades of friendship, Danzo would even go to jail.

Anbu's ninjas were reporting the situation in the village at the headquarters. Although he was in a bad mood, the smile on Orochimaru's face remained undiminished.

"So now I can only rely on myself, and my partner can't give me any support anymore?"

Why did Orochimaru work with Danzo?

Isn't it because Danzo can get a lot of medical equipment and research samples that he can't get?

Now that Danzo has been planted, with Orochimaru's character, he will definitely kick Danzo away.

Anbu's ninja bowed his head respectfully and replied:

"Although Mr. Danzo has been relieved of his duties, the support he deserves will continue. Please rest assured Mr. Orochimaru."


"I'm afraid this is not support, but a warning."

When this happened, Orochimaru wanted to kick Danzo away, and Danzo naturally had to find a way to prevent Orochimaru from kicking himself.

Everyone is not a good person, Xiao Jiujiu knows what each other is thinking, and no one can think of doing it alone.

Anbu's ninja lowered his head and did not speak.

He is only responsible for bringing Danzo's words to him, as for what Orochimaru will think, it has nothing to do with him.

He is just a mouthpiece, a mouthpiece planted in Anbu.


A cold light flickered in the vertical pupils, and Orochimaru was obviously ready to kill.

It seemed that they sensed Orochimaru's intent to kill him, and Anbu's ninja didn't have the slightest intention to resist.

Even if Orochimaru killed him here, he still wouldn't resist.

The clenched fist was slowly released, and Orochimaru's dilated vertical pupils gradually recovered, and he waved his hands and said:

"Go back and tell Danzo that the cooperation is still the same, but his plan must start as soon as possible, and I can't wait too long.

As for the things in the research institute, after the war is over, I will continue to follow up,

Let him prepare funds, without sufficient funds, no research can be carried out. "


The Anbu people respectfully agreed.

Glancing outside, Orochimaru put away the smile on his face, and said lightly:

"You go, don't appear in front of my eyes if you have nothing to do."

Are people in Anbu still so active?

Glancing at the Anbu ninja who left quietly, Qian Yue walked into the headquarters together with Minato and Nawaki without thinking too much.

The three of them don't know what happened in the village.

Third Hokage ordered to block the news, and Tsunade didn't take the initiative to reveal it.


Except for the top management and a small number of Anbu people, no one knows that Danzo has been beaten to the end and has gone home to retire.

"Teacher Orochimaru, you are looking for us, do you have a special task you want to entrust to us?"

After leaving the Uzumaki country camp, the team returned to the coastline camp, stayed in the camp, rested idly, and waited for the arrival of the army of Mist Ninja Village.

Smiling again, Orochimaru took out two scrolls of information and handed them to Qian Yue: "Take a look at these two scrolls of information."

Qian Yue opened the scroll and looked at it.

Quickly frowned.

"Seven Ninja Swordsmen? Didn't the village send people to encircle and suppress them?"

"Don't worry, keep watching."

Orochimaru signaled Qian Yue to continue watching.

"Ms. Orochimaru, don't tell me it's true."

"This is where the accident happened. After the battle, the rest of the people ran away. Anbu's people have been tracking them down, but unfortunately they couldn't find anyone. I need the rear to ensure sufficient safety, so the three of you made a trip."

So Might Dai be dead?

Three of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were brutally killed, and four escaped. Among the four who escaped, two were seriously injured, and two were frightened and ran away.

"When did our Konoha's Genin become so awesome."

Qian Yue opened the second scroll, and then the whole person fell into a Spartan state, and his pupils dilated a lot in an instant.

Not to mention Minato and Nawaki, even Orochimaru was shocked when he first received the news, and his reaction was not much better than Nawaki.

"What's wrong?"

First, Qian Yue killed a watermelon mountain puffer ghost and snatched the big sword Samehada.

Three of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen died, which was less than in the original book, and four escaped. Qian Yue felt that Orochimaru was looking for them, probably to find the remaining few.

"f**k, who is so fierce?"

"Then why did you come here today for the rest of us?"

If it wasn't for the fact that Orochimaru gave the scroll, Minato and Nawaki even thought it was a bluff.


Does Konoha have such a fierce person?

Can you believe it?

I'm going, is this a fate that cannot be avoided?

Nodding, Orochimaru clicked on the map:

It's too bad luck that there are seven ninja swordsmen.

"A guy named Might Day did it."

Since when did Konoha have such a ruthless Genin?

"It is said that this Genin named Might Dai practiced a body technique called Eight Inner Gates, based on exploding his own life, and almost wiped out the Seven Ninja Swordsmen."

Eight Inner Gates is strong but it is a pity that the side effects of using it are too great. This is a physical technique that almost kicked out the finale. It is a pity that after the outbreak, basically people are gone.

It's like a dream for one person to defeat the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Why I haven't heard of it.

You must know that in the ninja assessment of this period, if you fail in other subjects, it is difficult to successfully advance if you pass only in strength.

"Because it is related to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, I will give you an S rank for this task."

Nawaki looked at Minato, Minato shook his head slightly, he also found it incredible.

"It's true. What happened a few days ago is just that the person who escaped has not been caught yet, so the news has been suppressed by me."

From this time on, Eight Inner Gates came into everyone's eyes, and only then did Might Guy receive preferential treatment.

Otherwise, in the case of Might Guy, it would be very difficult to become a ninja, let alone a Jōnin.

This doesn't seem real in any way.


Then sneak into the land of fire to cut off Konoha's supply route, only to bump into a Genin named Might Dai.

Nawaki looked back at Orochimaru, who nodded with a smile:

Seeing Qian Yue's eyes puffed up, with a look of surprise, Minato and Nawaki approached, and they looked at the contents of the scroll:



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 318 Your House Is Next Door, So You Insist On Coming To My House To Sleep?

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Handing the quest scroll to Qian Yue, Orochimaru patted his shoulder and said:

"If you can find them, it's best to arrest them, if not, kill them directly.

If the other party has already escaped from the territory of the Land of Fire, your mission is considered complete. "

"it is good."

No nonsense, Qian Yue put away the scroll, gestured to Nawaki and Minato, turned and left.

Minato and Nawaki followed suit.

For Qian Yue, such a task is considered free.

As expected, the remaining four of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, even if they did not die, would directly flee the Fire Nation and find a place to hide.

That's what the three who escaped in the original book did. They would rather be rebels than return to Mist Ninja Village.

Because they knew what would happen if they failed the mission and returned to the village to wait for them.

Don't underestimate the blood and mist rule of Mist Ninja Village. Mist Ninja Village in this period is extremely unfriendly to ninjas. If you are not careful, you will die.

A small crime is enough to make you die without a burial, let alone a mission failure?

This is why Mist Ninja Village is the village with the most defected ninjas among the Five Great Ninja Villages.

After tidying up, the three of them left the camp. On the way, Nawaki said with emotion:

"I still fantasized about fighting the Seven Ninja Swordsmen on the battlefield, but they disappeared in a daze."

"I think it's the Seven Rendezvous who beat you?"

Minato dismantled the stage directly.

Qian Yue glanced at the two who started to quarrel, and said with a smile:


"They were defeated unjustly, each of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is an existence of Elite Jōnin level, otherwise it would not be possible to be selected to form the Seven People.

Their strength is not weak, it's just that you underestimated the physical skill of Eight Inner Gates. "

"I'm afraid it's not so easy to practice this kind of pervert physical skill."

When others travel to the Hokage world, they wish they could learn Eight Inner Gates and Flying Thunder God Technique.

But Qian Yue didn't have this kind of thinking, it doesn't matter if he can learn the Flying Thunder God Technique the best.

As for Eight Inner Gates, which uses life to enhance attacks, let others carry it forward.

Even if the scroll of the Eight Inner Gates Physical Technique was placed in front of him, he would not learn it.

After arguing for a while, Nawaki and Minato stopped. Nawaki, who suffered a little loss, was a little depressed.

Minato raised his eyebrows triumphantly, distanced himself from him, and walked to Qian Yue's side.

"However, several days have passed. Senior Orochimaru has only issued us a mission now. Let us go after the remaining people. I'm afraid it's too late. These people probably have fled the territory of the Fire Kingdom."

"It's easy to escape. Even if we can't catch anyone, our mission can be completed, as long as we ensure the safety of the material transportation route."

Rubbing the ribs just poked by Minato, Nawaki grinned:

"I'm just curious, where they will flee to, and if they flee back to the land of water, will they still be alive?"

"The possibility is very small. Either they left the Fire Nation and hid elsewhere, or they hid somewhere in the Fire Nation to recuperate."

Returning to the country of water will only make them die faster.

As long as the remaining people are not stupid, they will not choose to return to the country of water.

Their only way out is to become rebels and hide.

Fortunately, Wu Ninja Village and Konoha are currently at war, and when Qian Yue sneaked into Wu Ninja Village to sabotage, he also killed many Anbu people.

Even if it is known that these people have defected, it will be difficult for Mist Ninja Village to send people to hunt them down in a short time.


Half a day later, the three arrived at the battle location.

"Your teacher will really find us something to do."

After searching around the battle site, Qian Yue pushed Nawaki angrily.

A few days had passed since the battle, during which time, many ninjas from Konoha came to investigate in person, and the task was released to them after several days, and when they came to the scene, they even found some clues about Mao.

"Go! Go! Go."

Nawaki, who was implicated for no reason, clapped Qian Yue's hand away dissatisfied, and complained:

"If you have a problem, you can go to Teacher Orochimaru, don't deliberately trouble me, I am still depressed, why did the teacher entrust us with such a task."

After a few days, many clues that could be used have gradually lost their value, not to mention, it has rained in the past few days.

Not to mention Nawaki, even Qian Yue wanted to say something to Orochimaru at this time:

"P! You're cheating."

After some searching, the results were similar to those in the intelligence scroll, only some footprints and dried up Bloodline.

The most embarrassing thing is that the four people fled from three different directions.

Obviously he was so scared that he didn't even care about his companions, he only cared about running for his life, afraid that Might Dai, who had transformed into a Saiyan, would kick them again.

"Minato, you are the fastest, you go to the north, Nawaki west, I will go to the village to check, we will meet in the village."

"it is good!"

Minato threw one of the kunai to Nawaki. After his investigation, if Nawaki needs it, he can fly there first and take Nawaki a while.

The three immediately separated and looked in different directions.

Qian Yue didn't expect to find the traces of the enemy. If it was so easy to find, Orochimaru would not entrust them with this task.

Just let Anbu's people go out and it's over.


Let them carry out this task, mostly for the sake of insurance.

Two hours later, Qian Yue decisively chose to give up.

He decided to go back to Konoha first, wait for Nawaki and Minato to return, and see if there is any harvest from their side.

Because of the war, there were fewer caravans going to Konoha. Fortunately, the flames of war did not spread to the territory of the Land of Fire. Most of the ninjas who infiltrated the Wunin Village wrecked around the border, and the interior of the Land of Fire was relatively calm.

Back in Konoha, Qian Yue decided to go home to take a shower and change into clean clothes.

It's just that he didn't expect to open the door, and saw someone who didn't look sleepy, lying on the sofa in a deep sleep, snoring and drooling.

Sure enough, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she cannot be beautiful when she is sleeping.

"He even drank!"

Just getting closer, Qian Yue smelled the smell of alcohol on Tsunade's body, and pushed her twice with his hands:

"Your house is next door, you came to my house to sleep?!"

It's fine if you come to my house to sleep, but you still drink and eat my snacks! !

You Tsunade are really promising.

Tsunade, who was sleeping, noticed someone pushing him, and woke up instantly. He jumped up from the sofa, and reached out to grab Qian Yue.

Qian Yue was speechless, just now he was sleeping like a dead pig, but the next second he jumped up like a frightened rabbit, the attack came first before he woke up.

Avoiding the hand that was grabbing towards him, Qian Yue tapped Tsunade's head with his index and middle fingers.


There was a knock on the forehead, and there was a muffled bang, and Tsunade woke up now.

The beautiful eyes that had just opened were full of anger: "Smelly brat, what do you mean!!!"

In the whole Konoha, only Qian Yue dared to knock her on Tsunade's head like this, even if she just woke up, before seeing the person clearly, Tsunade knew without a doubt that it was Qian Yue.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 319 Danzo And Orochimaru, Just Grasshoppers On A Rope

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"You still have the nerve to say, look for yourself, what has my house looked like?

Messy sofa, snack pockets all over the floor, and chicken bones"

Qian Yue's angry face turned black.

Rubbing his forehead, Tsunade lazily shook his hand:

"I finished eating at home, and I was too tired to work overtime, so I came here to find something to eat, and then fell asleep."

He closed his eyes and squinted for a few seconds, as if remembering something, Tsunade opened his eyes suddenly:

"How did you come back?"

"Orochimaru gave an inexplicable mission to track down the traces of several people. Because the time interval was too long, I didn't find any clues. I will go back to the village first, wait for Nawaki and Minato to return, and then return to the battlefield together."

Knowing that Tsunade is unreliable, Qian Yue can only do the cleaning.

"Scare me."

Hearing this, Tsunade felt relieved:

"I thought you got into a fight with that Orochimaru guy and ran back."

You think too much, Orochimaru is not Danzo.

There is still some possibility of switching to Danzo, Orochimaru

Come on, he and Danzo are two different personalities.

Even though it's all dark, Danzo will f**k you all kinds of things if he doesn't like it, but Orochimaru won't.

Even if you have conflicts with him, he will not deliberately torment you, he will only secretly look for opportunities to kill you for the last time.

"There is no one in the logistics department? Look at how tired you are."

Messy hair, big dark circles, and clothes with a strange smell, Qian Yue couldn't believe that Princess Konoha could be so sloppy, thanks to the fact that he liked Tsunade a lot in his previous life.



Fan, the goddess outside, is completely raising pigs inside.


"Forget it."

Tsunade feels that his life has been plunged into darkness.

"I was very busy at first, and I couldn't even guarantee the time to sleep. As a result, the incident with Danzo, an old man, broke out. I was pushed to the end by the old man and sent back to the elderly. The people in the root were also imprisoned. In order to track down some people who were cheated by Danzo The supplies I walked almost didn't exhaust me."

Danzo planted?

Qian Yue was stunned.

This is quietly, and no news has come out.

It was quite sudden.

"What's going on, what good is that old guy doing?"

"What else can I do, pretend to be Hokage to write a material application, and get a Hokage stamp myself, but because I got stuck with materials, the old man came to the logistics department and found that it was all a good thing Danzo did."

Speaking of this, Tsunade became angry and patted the sofa with gritted teeth:

"You don't know, this old guy used various methods to get away a lot of supplies, but in the end only a little bit was found, and the rest of the supplies were gone. This old guy didn't say a word, and he didn't want to say where the supplies went."

f**k! ! !

What a big melon.

Qian Yue felt that he had lost 100 million, and such a big event happened, and he was not in the village.

What a pity, what a pity.

Who would have thought that Danzo would fall in a daze?

Qian Yue, who is familiar with the plot of Hokage, didn't think of it himself.

"These materials should not be recovered."

After sweeping up the trash, Qian Yue walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and looked at the contents.

"You mean the supplies were all disposed of by Danzo?"

Tsunade chased him into the kitchen.

"Does this still need to be said?"


Qian Yue mixed the eggs and said without looking back:

"The restoration of the root requires a lot of money and materials. This is not the point. The point is that Danzo and Orochimaru are currently partners. What do you think they can come together for?"

Orochimaru figure Danzo gave funds, experimental equipment, and research materials.

And Danzo's picture is Orochimaru's research talent.

Qian Yue was sure that the missing materials were definitely disposed of by Danzo, and posted the money on the research room.

After all, doing research is very expensive, there is no absolute right, and Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura can't help.

Danzo does not have enough funds, and Tsunade is in charge of the logistics department, which means that the materials are stuck. As a last resort, Danzo can only choose to go to extremes in exchange for enough funds to provide Orochimaru for research.

In addition, after the material application was blocked, Orochimaru also approached Tsunade, which is the best proof.

Is it necessary to find Orochimaru in person to investigate everything clearly?

No, it's useless to find Orochimaru.

Otherwise the old man will notify Orochimaru as soon as possible.

Since you are partners, if you don't tell Danzo, I'll go to Orochimaru.

It's not that Third Hokage didn't think about this idea, and finally he gave up.

Leaving aside that Orochimaru doesn't have time for these shitty things, even if Orochimaru had time, both of them would have been in the dark all the way.

Find Orochimaru, Orochimaru said he didn't know, can you kill him and probe the memory in his mind?

Even Orochimaru has already prepared his speech, and the research room on the surface, you can go to check it if you want.

I can even show you the way.

As for the Danzo thing, I don't know, you've got the wrong guy.

"This old thing is really disgusting."

Tsunade gritted his teeth angrily: "The old man just asked him to go home to take care of the elderly. If it were me, he must go to jail!"

It's a pity that Tsunade is only the head of the logistics department, not Hokage. She has no right to let Hokage assist him to go to prison and accept torture.

Otherwise, with Tsunade's temperament, Danzo will definitely go to the interrogation department for a walk.


It is precisely because Danzo understands this that he is so unscrupulous.

He knew that Third Hokage would not punish him too severely, and the removal of his position and rights was already the most serious punishment.

For such a punishment, Danzo really doesn't care, even if Third Hokage won't let him return to the high-level circle, don't forget Orochimaru.

No one can escape a grasshopper on a rope.

"Then you may have no chance. He has cooperated with Orochimaru. Orochimaru has really become a Fourth Generation project. Do you think Danzo will continue to retire?"

Besides, Anbu has already been infiltrated.

Qian Yue is sure that there are many rooted people in Anbu, these people apparently obey the orders of Third Hokage, but they are actually Danzo's people.

As long as Danzo gives an order, these people will jump out without hesitation.

Tsunade scowled.

"Why did Orochimaru choose to work with such an old thing?"


Again! !

Tsunade was annoyed to find that as long as the Third Hokage was around, no matter how big a mistake Danzo made, the Third Hokage would take care of him, at most let him go home to retire.

What the hell is this called.

One Third Hokage is enough, now there is one more Orochimaru.

When Third Hokage abdicated and Orochimaru took over, Tsunade couldn't imagine the scene at that time.

"It would be great if I could kill this old guy directly, eh~ it smells so good"

Haven't eaten all day.

Smelling the aroma, Tsunade resolutely put Danzo's problem behind him. The world is big, and eating is the biggest thing, and other things can be put aside first.

In fact, killing Danzo is not as difficult as imagined. The best way is to catch the opportunity and kill Danzo first.

At that time, Third Hokage had no choice but to help Danzo.

The second is to lay off Third Hokage.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 320 Kushina Becomes Strong Again

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In the end, the source of everything is still on Third Hokage.

If it wasn't for his connivance, Danzo wouldn't have such courage.

Look at the Five Great Ninja Villages, apart from Konoha, which village's shadow assistant dares to play like this?

Only Third Hokage has given Danzo such rights.

After eating, Tsunade continued to sleep, Qian Yue tidied up and left the house.

Danzo was beaten to the end, these things have nothing to do with Qian Yue.

It can only be said that Danzo was taken down, which can only be regarded as a happy thing.

"Qian Yue!!!"

Knowing that Qian Yue was back, Kushina was very happy, and hung directly beside him, complaining dissatisfiedly:

"You all left the village, even Miss Mikoto, Miss Tsunade has to go to work, too busy to spend time with me, I'm almost bored to death."

"I really want to go to the front line with you."

Friends, relatives, and loved ones are all on the frontlines, and Kushina must be alone in the village alone.

However, Tsunade is busy with the logistics department and has no time to accompany Kushina at all.

"It's not something I can decide."

Putting Kushina on her lap, Qian Yue pinched Kushina's wrinkled nose and joked:

"Why don't you throw a few more Tailed Beast Bombs out, maybe it will scare Master Hokage to allow you to leave the village immediately."

Thinking of the stunned expressions of Third Hokage and others, Qian Yue wanted to laugh.

"No need, Konoha is my home now, I don't want to bring any damage to the village."


Humming and clapping Qian Yue's hand away, Kushina proudly said:

"I tell you, my strength has become stronger again."

Hugging Kushina, Qian Yue, who was smelling the girl's fragrance, couldn't help but be taken aback.

Got stronger again?

In Kushina's situation, there is no possibility of a sudden increase in strength.

Kushina would not be ashamed to show off the ordinary bit by bit accumulation.

Then the only possibility that Kushina's strength has increased a lot is that she has been completely recognized by Nine Tails.

Because Qian Yue reminded, Kushina has been in contact with Nine Tails since he was a child, coupled with his changes, the conflict between Kushina and Nine Tails is not as big as in the original book.

After all, in the original book, Kushina has bound Nine Tails with diamond chains for more than ten years.

Without the accumulation of conflicts over the past ten years, coupled with Qian Yue's change, the relationship between Nine Tails and Kushina has become much better. Nine Tails is also willing to lend Chakra to Kushina, and even actively cooperates.

After all, it doesn't want Kushina to die in a daze, and then change to a strange Jinchūriki and be sealed again.

Compared with Mito, Kushina has given Nine Tails a lot of freedom.

Even so, Nine Tails didn't fully accept Kushina either.

"Why are you getting stronger again, this is clearly the strength of the old man!!"

Inside Kushina, Nine Tails roared dissatisfied.

These two started again, I don't understand you human beings, what's the point of cuddling and kissing all day long.

Nine Tails' protest made Kushina blush, Nine Tails was right, it was a sudden force.

"Didn't we agree on Kurama? Besides, I'm Jinchūriki, you're a tailed beast, and what's yours is mine. Why should we make it so clear?"



The old man is too lazy to talk to you.

Nine Tails snorted, indicating that he didn't want to talk.

Qian Yue didn't know that the Nine Tails inside Kushina was protesting.

Sand Shinobi Village is weak, but the Second Ninja World War led to Sand Shinobi Village's crushing defeat, and it is still repaying sky-high war compensation, which will cause the development of Sand Shinobi Village to stagnate.

Reluctantly, Qian Yue had no choice but to accompany Kushina on the streets, starting the shopping mode.

He yawned and waved his hands.

If Kushina can persecute Third Hokage ruthlessly, Qian Yue believes that Third Hokage will compromise in the end.

But will the war between Konoha and Mist Ninja Village become the trigger for the third Ninja World War?

As he gets older, Third Hokage seems to be softening his temper.

Cloud Shinobi Village was also destroyed once because of Eight Tails' rampage, and Rock Shinobi Village was always a spectator.

"Stop talking about that, let's go shopping."

Needless to say, Rock Shinobi Village and Cloud Shinobi Village, both villages have not experienced the Second Ninja World War, and it is the time when the soldiers are strong.

The former Ninja has gone downhill, like the setting sun in the sky, although it is still shining, the scorching temperature is constantly dropping.

If Ohno Konoha Shinobi can't help jumping out, I'm afraid Konoha will feel very uncomfortable.

"This matter is a bit difficult. Judging from the current situation in the village, it is very difficult for you to leave the village."

Fortunately, it was only two bottles of sake. If it was replaced by two bottles of shochu, Tsunade would not have to eat the barbecue, and he would just lie under the table and finish the job.

This point, Qian Yue is not sure.

If Third Kazekage has the courage, maybe he will wage war again.

He felt that shopping with Kushina was more tiring than fighting in and out on the battlefield.


After waking up, there is delicious barbecue to eat and wine to drink. Tsunade began to choose to let himself go. Before eating a few slices of this meat, she had already drank two bottles of wine.

Just a Mist Ninja Village is not enough.

That's why Qian Yue said that it was very difficult for Kushina to leave the village.

In particular, it is even less likely that the higher-ups will voluntarily make concessions and agree to her leaving the village.

As long as the war breaks out, the previous war indemnity will no longer be fulfilled, and the indemnity treaty signed between Konoha and Sand Shinobi Village will also become a piece of waste paper.

It's a pity that Kushina is unwilling to tear her face like this, because if she chooses to force the high-level, Tsunade will also be very embarrassed.

It is not easy to force Konoha to this point.

Kushina's face turned red, and he thought that this girl was shy again because she was close to him, but he didn't think much about Nine Tails.

The little rich woman was in a good mood, so she almost moved the commercial street home.

If it wasn't for Qian Yue saying that he was hungry, and Tsunade was still lying at home, it is estimated that Kushina could go shopping for a few more hours.

It was rare for Qian Yue to come back, and Kushina took his hand and left.

"What's wrong with you boy? Listless."

In the barbecue restaurant, Kushina had a happy smile on her face, but Qian Yue just stared blankly.

Sand Shinobi Village, Cloud Shinobi Village, Rock Shinobi Village?

"Being stronger is a good thing."

If it will evolve into the third ninja world war, which side will not be able to resist jumping out first?

The stronger Kushina is, the higher her security is. After all, there are quite a few people staring at Nine Tails, especially Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu, who are no easier to deal with than others.

Looking at the sake bottle set aside, the corners of Qian Yue's mouth twitched twice.

Unless Konoha has to let Jinchūriki play.