



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 301 Governance Of Nawaki, It's You Lori Qian Yue

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What weird question are you asking?

I am still single! !

Cough cough, at least currently single.

What a strange question, Jiraiya couldn't figure out why Qian Yue used such a metaphor.

"I mean like, like!"

Qian Yue emphasized, for example, two words.

Minato was speechless, but still thought about the question seriously, and then gave his own answer:

"Although I don't want to accept this fact, the child is innocent.

If I choose to leave this world too, I think of another world, my wife, ahem, my future wife, may not forgive me either.

After all, children need to be accompanied by their families to grow up, which is the best. "

Minato, who grew up alone, knows what it means to let a child grow up alone.

So his answer was, he wouldn't do such a thing.

It wasn't that he was afraid of death, but that he was afraid of not being forgiven.

Even if he is called a coward, he will accompany his children to grow up.

"Yes, yes, a good father, so you give birth to a whirlpool Naruto."

"You go away! My son's name is Namikaze Naruto, ah bah, not Naruto!!!"

Looking at Minato arguing with Qian Yue, his face turned red with excitement.


Obviously not happy with the name Naruto.

Jiraiya murmured to herself in confusion:

"Isn't it good to be called Naruto?"

and many more! !

Whether the child is called Naruto is not the point, the point is the whirlpool

This idiot, Minato, is dating a girl from the Uzumaki clan?

Minato liked Kushina a lot before, he knew it.

But then didn't he dislike it?

Who would have thought that without Kushina, Minato would come together with other girls from the Uzumaki family. Judging by Minato's appearance, it seems to be possible.

"Sure enough, he has grown up."

Suddenly, Jiraiya sighed.

Qian Yue and Minato stopped, and Qi Qi looked back.

Minato is okay, he hasn't realized that there is something wrong with what he said,

Qian Yue asked directly:

"Have you found a girlfriend?"


have to! !

Just keep arguing, you two heart-piercing brats, and pretend I don't exist.

you or me?


Inside the tent, Nawaki sat sullenly, doubting his life.

Minato and Qian Yue looked at each other, Qian Yue said you come, I will get something to eat.

After eating a few meals of dry food, the bird almost faded out of Qian Yue's mouth.

If it wasn't for his strong refusal, Jiraiya would even want them all to eat Bingliangwan.

Whoever eats Bingliangwan will know, the taste is indescribable, unless necessary, Qian Yue will never touch it.

"Don't comfort me, I'm fine, just a little depressed."

Before Minato could speak, Nawaki blocked him.

"Although there was a gap before, I always thought that if I worked hard, I would catch up with you, but it turned out that I was too naive.

There is still a huge gap between us, maybe this is the difference between ordinary geniuses and super geniuses? "


I'm at a loss, just watch it.

What else can Minato say, he can only look at Nawaki and feel sorry for himself.

Qian Yue, who was thinking about what to eat, kicked over:

"Go and move the firewood, or you will eat the dry food yourself later."

"Okay, right away."

Nawaki rubbed his butt, stood up subconsciously, and walked outside, only after a few steps did he feel something was wrong.

I'm so miserable, you still want me to work?

"Complaining about a hammer, I want to complain about going to your teacher. Your teacher won't let you go. It has something to do with us. If you keep talking about it, your mouth will be sewn up. You haven't been beaten for a while. ."

Seeing Qian Yue began to curse, and pulled up his sleeves to hit him, Nawaki disappeared with a whoosh.


Minato couldn't help laughing and gave Qian Yue a thumbs up.

Sure enough, to manage Nawaki, you still need Lori Qian Yue to help.

Qian Yue and Minato have already figured out Nawaki's character. Even though he is moaning now, he will be resurrected with full blood in less than two hours, alive and kicking.

As for hitting?

I've had enough of that thing since I was a child, and it's impossible for Nawaki to be directly beaten to pieces.

At most, it just made him depressed for a while.

Is Nawaki weak?

In fact, he is not weak. If he makes up for his shortcomings and works hard for a few years, he will be an Elite Jōnin, the pillar of the village.

It's a pity that there is a saying that says so.

Comparing people to others can piss people off, and you have to throw them away if you compare goods.

In comparison to Tsunade alone, Nawaki is unquestionably outstanding.

It is obviously unreasonable to compare Tsunade, but also to compare Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

Who makes Nawaki a direct descendant of Senju.

There is no way to compare it with Qian Yue Minato, one of the two is cheating by himself, and the other is born with cheating.

Countless people dream of becoming a ninja, becoming a Jōnin, an Elite Jōnin, and Nawaki can achieve these goals.

With a little effort, Kage-level is not impossible.

This is already Nawaki's natural advantage.

If he didn't have cheats and relied on self-cultivation and training, and became an Elite Jōnin or Kage-level powerhouse in his twenties, then Qian Yue would be able to wake up from his dreams with a smile.

To sum it up in one sentence, Nawaki's skin is itchy, and cleaning up will make him recover quickly.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 302 Wunin Village Is Not A Dragon's Pond And A Tiger's Den, Sneaking In Alone

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It was about the same as Qian Yue predicted.

After eating and resting for a while, Nawaki returned to his usual heartless temper.

Not only was he not depressed anymore, but he also offered to help Qian Yue and Minato as a reference and give advice.

Although recovered, Nawaki is still somewhat uncomfortable about this matter.

Fortunately, he is not an unknown person.

Qian Yue and Minato act together is the best match, if he goes along, maybe it will cause Qian Yue to be distracted from taking care of him.

Although I felt uncomfortable, fortunately, people like Nawaki were not happy at that moment.

It will take less than two hours to recover.

Qian Yue has always thought that Nawaki's character is quite good.

He would rather Nawaki make a fuss on the spot than Nawaki, like some people in the original book, who is awkward both openly and secretly.

When meeting that kind of teammate, Qian Yue would definitely slap him to death.

"Safety is paramount."

Patting the shoulders of Qian Yue and Minato, Jiraiya told them solemnly:

"It's nothing if the mission fails, you must come back safely."

"Teacher, we will return safely."

Minato promised with a smile, it's a pity that his promise didn't bring Jiraiya's peace of mind.

Qian Yue looked at the other party in disgust:

"It's almost done. It's just a stroll around Wunin Village, not Longtan and Tiger's Cave. I'll see if you look like we're going to have an accident. What, you want us to have an accident?"


Jiraiya's eyes widened.

What the hell do I mean?



"Teacher, let's go first and talk after the task is over."

Minato suppressed a smile and left with Qian Yue.

Ahhh! !

You two little bastards, come back and explain clearly to me! ! !

Jiraiya was successfully broken by Qian Yue.

There was no one to argue with, Qian Yue and Minato had already flown to the uninhabited island where everyone rested before.

Patting the clothes, Qian Yue complained:

"I didn't expect that Jiraiya turned out to be a mother-in-law, why didn't I notice it before."

Minato didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"The teacher is also worried about our safety. After all, we are going to infiltrate Mist Ninja Village."

This is much more exciting than messing around behind enemy lines, just do it in one step, and if you want to do it, set up Mist Ninja Village!

"Alright, you stay here to rest, restore Chakra, and I will notify you when I enter Mist Ninja Village."

"Cloud Shinobi Village has sneaked in, so what's the matter with Wu Shinobi Village?"

Admittedly, infiltrating Mist Ninja Village is more difficult than Cloud Shinobi Village.

After all, you can walk in Cloud Shinobi Village swaggeringly, but not in Wu Shinobi Village, they don't welcome outsiders.

Not to mention during the war, all kinds of censorship must be very strict, and outsiders will not be easily put into the village.

The biggest question is, what about the difficulty of infiltrating? Can the risk factor of Wu Ninja Village and Cloud Shinobi Village be the same?

It is no exaggeration to say that a Third Raikage can increase the danger factor of Cloud Shinobi Village by several stars.

Third Raikage can do it, but Third Mizukage may not.

An old guy who is so old that his teeth are falling out, and he is almost covered with coffin boards.

He is still an old guy who is controlled and cannot make casual moves, and is easily exposed when he makes a move.

Qian Yue wished that the Third Mizukage would jump out and fight with him, so that the people of Wunin Village could see what kind of existence the Mizukage in his village was like.


"Be careful and let me know when you arrive."

Minato still told him worriedly, and shook the kunai in his hand.

Qian Yue brought his special kunai, only need to inject Chakra, Minato will be able to detect it, and then fly to him.

In Minato's view, Xiaobai fell into a deep sleep, and Qian Yue's strength will decline a lot.

It is very dangerous to sneak into Mist Ninja Village alone.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine if I push Mist Ninja Village horizontally."

Before the voice fell, Qian Yue had disappeared.

The corner of Minato's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help raising a middle finger in the direction Qian Yue left.

Just blow it up, and push Wunin Village horizontally. If we can push Wunin Village horizontally, what are we doing all this?

What kind of battle is there to fight? It's not good to just push Wunin Village?

"Poor mountains and bad waters."

Walking on the sea like walking on flat ground, he hurried to Wuren Village, Qian Yue's breath was completely subdued.

In addition to being close to Mist Ninja Village, the sea is shrouded in a thick layer of dense fog. Unless the distance is too close, it is difficult to find someone walking on the sea.

If someone else did this, he would probably be exhausted before reaching Wunin Village.

But Qian Yue is not afraid.

He doesn't have many other things, only Chakra, and he is not afraid of consumption at all.

Speaking of which, Qian Yue really admired the people from the Land of Water.

Although there are many islands in the country of water, most of the islands are full of strange rocks, which are not suitable for the development of agriculture at all.

But the country of water relies on these barren islands, and it is not easy to forcefully raise a Wunin village.

This is much more difficult than Sand Shinobi Village building agricultural greenhouses in the desert.

The land of wind is full of deserts, at least there are many oases that can be used to develop agriculture, but what about the land of water?

It is shrouded in heavy fog all year round, and the land that can be planted is still very scarce. It is really difficult to develop agriculture.

Ordinary crops are probably difficult to grow here.


You can refer to the country of rain, the place where even the rice can be drowned, one can imagine how harsh the environment is in these places.

It's no wonder that other villages have been trying to carve up the Land of Fire, but the geographical environment of the Land of Fire is too superior.

It's a pity that there are a group of officials and lords who only know how to eat, drink and have fun. The economic development of the Kingdom of Fire is not as good as that of a mountainous country like the Kingdom of Thunder.

"Trash, it's all trash, get out!!!"

Qian Yue has jumped over the chain of the island and is heading towards Mist Ninja Village.

At this time, they were ensnared by the ghost lamp sent by Yagura, and they were still looking for their traces.

Numerous large and small islands greatly increase the difficulty of investigation and search, and no trace of the enemy can be found.

The Ghost Lantern Institute can only use the most helpless method to investigate one by one, searching every island.

But what drove him crazy was that it had been two days, two full days of searching, and he hadn't even seen a hair of the enemy.

Thinking of being ridiculed by Yagura for not being able to do things well, or even pressing himself on the bench, the ghost lamp has the desire to kill people.

"Damn, where are these bastards hiding!!"

On the commanding ship, Yagura looked at the information sent back, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a touch of sarcasm.

The Ghost Lantern Institute frantically searched for traces of the enemy, but Yagura believed that the enemy might have already evacuated.

After searching for two days, there was no trace of the enemy. This is the best proof.

Even if the enemy does not withdraw, countless large and small islands will become obstacles to the search.

Find it, or never find it.

Even during the war, they should be united to face foreign enemies, Yagura still hoped that Yan Lantern would be held back, so as to save this guy from making trouble for himself all day long.

"Can there be any news from the Seven Ninja Swordsmen?"

"My lord, they have successfully sneaked into the land of fire and are about to cut off Konoha's supply line."

"Hopefully, they can successfully complete the task."

The seven ninjas, the Ghost Lamp clan and the family ninjas who had a good relationship with the Ghost Lamp clan were all sent out, which caused the overall strength of the army to drop a lot.

However, Yagura would rather the overall strength of the army decline, and he does not want anyone to give him eye drops at this time.

Since everyone is jumping in a panic, it's best not to come back.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 303 The Night Is Dark And The Wind Is High, Killing Night

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Unbeknownst to Yagura, his wish will soon be granted.

Because after the Seven Ninja Swords sneaked into the Land of Fire, they set their sights on a material transportation force.

And among this transportation team, there is a Genin named Might Dai, who will give the arrogant Seven Ninja Swordsmen a big surprise.

"Konoha really looked down on our Mist Ninja Village, and sent Genin to escort the supplies. Only two special Jōnin escorted them."

After sneaking into the Land of Fire, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen feel like fish swimming in the sea, free and easy.

No longer subject to constraints and controls, you can do whatever you want, and you don't need to look at Yagura's face anymore.

Putting the beheading knife on the ground, Pipa Shizang grinned, showing his fangs.

"I seem to smell the shouts and screams of the enemy."

Tsukasa Yebaitou closed his eyes and took a deep breath, revealing a mouthful of fangs that were almost the same as Pipa Juzang.

Coupled with his big nose that occupies almost two-fifths of it, it looks like a suture monster at this time.

Tong Caoye baited people's words, which made others laugh out loud.

"It's a pity that Lori Qian Yue is not in the Land of Fire, otherwise I really want to kill this Konoha genius and take back the big sword Samehada."

Pipa Shizang sneered: "The watermelon mountain puffer ghost is such a waste that he can even lose the most important weapon in the village."

Although the Seven Ninja Swordsmen have no problems on weekdays, there are a lot of fights in private.

There are seven ninja swords, seven people, seven special weapons, so who will become the boss has become a serious issue.

Almost none of the ninjas who grew up under the rule of blood mist were good stubble.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen are the best among them, and each of them has the blood of the enemy on their hands.

Whoever becomes the boss of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen will naturally have a fight.

On weekdays, the Xiguashan puffer ghost is relatively strong, and there are faint signs of overpowering others.

Who would have thought that this unlucky guy would run into Qian Yue when he was out on patrol, and he was so confused that he even snatched his weapon away.

Political and diplomatic negotiations failed to bring Samehada out.

Even the people of the ghost lamp family failed to summon Samehada Summoning back with the scroll Summoning.

Qian Yue has a lot of seals on Samehada, Wu Ninja Village is undoubtedly dreaming to get Samehada back.


"Everyone, the target has appeared."

Not to mention the Seven Ninja Swordsmen who sneaked into the Fire Nation, Qian Yue has successfully approached the Wunin Village.

If he knew that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were sent out by Yagura and sneaked into the land of fire, he would definitely be applauded and congratulated:

Hope you run into a Genin named Might Dai as soon as you go in.

So that the ninja world can see how terrifying Konoha's Genin is.

The journey went smoothly, even though the patrols and blockades of Mist Ninja Village increased a lot due to the war, they still couldn't stop Qian Yue's footsteps.

With his breath restrained, as long as he didn't jump out in a fair manner, even those perception ninjas hiding in the dark would not be able to detect Qian Yue's existence.

"According to the information collected by Hatake Sakumo, the secret door should be here."

Every village has places for Anbu ninjas to come and go, and Mist Ninja Village is no exception.

Unfortunately, Hatake Sakumo also collected information on this.

For this, Qian Yue could only give a thumbs up from the air and say something awesome!

It would not be easy for him to sneak into Mist Ninja Village to collect so much information, let alone Hatake Sakumo, who is not good at illusion.

Strangely enough, Hatake Sakumo, who is good at Taijutsu and swordsmanship as well as Lightning Style, has the best ability to collect intelligence in Konoha.

In this aspect, even Jiraiya and Orochimaru dare not say that they are better than Hatake Shuo Mao.


If there is a secret door, Anbu's people will naturally guard it.

Noticing someone approaching, Anbu's person was startled, subconsciously raised his head, but what he saw when he raised his head was a pair of Sharingan with three hook jade slowly turning.

The ninja guarding the secret door rolled his eyes and fell slowly against the wall, lying on the ground without moving.

"Smooth than expected."

Passing over the Anbu ninja lying on the ground, Qian Yue entered Wunin village smoothly.

Seeing that the opponent fell down in a daze, he didn't choose to make up the knife, otherwise he would be easily targeted if he smelled blood.

The places where Anbu came and went would be hidden in the village. Qian Yue glanced at the darkening sky, jumped onto a tree calmly, took out the meat pies he had prepared in advance, and ate them.

He needs to fill his stomach first, and then slowly toss Wunin Village.


By the way, insert Kunai on the tree, inject Chakra, and remind Minato that it is time to come.

On the small island, Minato had been waiting patiently, but a day passed, and Qian Yue didn't move.

Even with absolute confidence in Qian Yue, Minato was secretly anxious.

Why is there still no movement?

Little Sun sat on the tree pole, a little uneasy, and frequently raised his head to look in the direction of Wunin Village, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything.

The island was shrouded in thick fog, and Minato could only be regarded as lonely after all.

It was almost dark.

Minato wanted to scold in a hurry, and according to the time, as long as Qian Yue worked harder, he could reach Wunin Village at most in the afternoon.

It was almost dark, and there was still no movement.

"Could it be that we encountered enemies on the road?"

"Should I inform the teacher and Orochimaru-senpai?"

Minato started thinking wildly.

Forget it, wait a little longer, if there is no movement after dark, please notify Teacher Jiraiya.

It was getting darker and darker, and just as Minato was about to deliver a message with a toad, he sensed the movement of the Flying Thunder God's coordinates.

Minato was overjoyed, and quickly flew over along the coordinates.

"Eat something first, and then perform the task."

Qian Yue handed over the meatloaf, Minato was speechless, and sat down next to Qian Yue:

"Why are you only contacting me now? I thought you had encountered an enemy and couldn't escape."

"There is no enemy, it's just walking slowly."

Qian Yue burst out laughing, Minato's imagination is really rich enough.

If I encounter an enemy, I will definitely notify him immediately, how can I hurry so leisurely.

"And the moon is dark and the wind is high to kill people, haven't you heard of it?"

"It's easier to do things when it's dark."


Taking a bite of the patty, Minato was worried about Qian Yue and hadn't eaten all day, so he was hungry. Qian Yue's words made him complain:

"Wu Ninja Village can't see the moon, only killing night."


Depend on!

You don't bar, you feel uncomfortable, right?

Qian Yue looked up at the foggy sky, but he really couldn't see:

"The people in Wunin Village are so miserable, it's so difficult to see the moon."


Minato was choked, looking for someone everywhere, Qian Yue smiled and handed over the water bottle.

After eating and resting for a while, Qian Yue put away the kunai:

"I'm going to carry out the mission, you wait for me here, come back when you feel the coordinates are activated, just take me away."

"Don't you need my help?"

"No, there are too many people, I can't let go, you just stay here and rest.

Traveling a long distance is not easy, I need you to continue to lurk, maybe the people in Mist Ninja Village will mistakenly think that I haven't left yet, and look for me everywhere, which will cause chaos in their own village. "

Compared with the original book, Minato is influenced by Qian Yue, so that his reputation is not obvious.

The Flying Thunder God Technique has not been revealed to the outside world, and the enemy has not yet collected relevant information.

Qian Yue felt that letting Minato hide first might not necessarily bring a surprise to the enemy.


Standing on a relatively tall building, looking at the entire Wunin Village, Qian Yue shook her head regretfully.

If this is in Konoha, you can still enjoy the night view, but unfortunately in Wunin Village, you can't see anything.

Not to mention the dense fog, the rule of the blood fog has led to Wunin Village, and there are not many pedestrians on the streets after dark.

You must know that it will be dark at this time, if it is replaced by Konoha, it is definitely one of the busiest time periods of the day.

The entire Wunin Village is quiet, it looks like a ghost village, and there are not many lights at night.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 304 See What That Is? That's Tailed Beast Bomb

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"If Mizukage's office building is bombed, Yagura will jump in a hurry. I don't know who is controlling Third Mizukage, Black Zetsu or White Zetsu."

Shaking his head, these messy thoughts got out of his head.

Qian Yue raised his hand, and Chakra of different colors quickly condensed in his hand, as if there was an extra Tailed Beast Bomb in his hand, and the Tailed Beast Bomb was spinning rapidly.

Xiao Bai fell into a deep sleep, but Qian Yue could still use his Chakra.

Man-made Tailed Beast Bomb, as long as you have your hands, there is no difficulty.

"Damn it, why did the desire to defecate disappear?"

The Mizukage office building, where Hatake Sakumo sneaked into the toilet that was destroyed, has now been built.

At this time, Third Mizukage is sitting on the toilet, doubting life. To be precise, it is White Zetsu A Fei who is doubting life.

When he first took control of Third Mizukage, he could still feel the need to poop, but now he doesn't have any urge to poop.

This frustrates Ah Fei, and his desire to feel pooping is in vain.

Mizukage-sama spends more time in the toilet every day.

In the Mizukage office building, the Anbu ninja who was in charge of secretly protecting Third Mizukage felt strange.

Since their recovery, Master Mizukage has been squatting in the toilet for a long time every day, just like some difficult households who have constipation that cannot be treated.

And the time spent squatting in the toilet is getting longer every day.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, someone noticed the light shining in the dark night.

A purple-black ball suddenly appeared.

Why does this thing look so similar to Tailed Beast Bomb?

As long as there are villages with tailed beasts, almost all have experienced catastrophic incidents of tailed beasts running wild, and Mist Ninja Village is no exception.

And there are quite a few tailed beasts running wild in Wunin Village.

Among the five major ninja villages, it can definitely compete with Sand Shinobi Village.


Tailed Beast's runaway means that Wu Ninja Village has suffered a lot from it.

Many old people in Anbu can still recall the scene where the tailed beast went berserk.

The Tailed Beast Bomb used by the Tailed Beast has exactly the same appearance as this black ball that suddenly appeared in the night.

"No, it's Tailed Beast Bomb!!!"

"Omg, someone threw the Tailed Beast Bomb over here!!!"

When the cohesion of the Tailed Beast Bomb reached a certain level, Qian Yue unceremoniously threw the spiral Tailed Beast Bomb towards the Mizukage office building.

"Eat a big ball of Laozi!!!"

Although Thunderbolt is more penetrating, when it comes to destructive power, Tailed Beast Bomb is the most powerful.

Naturally, Qian Yue would not let go of the opportunity to invite Mist Ninja Village to eat Tailed Beast Bomb.

Throwing the Tailed Beast Bomb to blow up the village for fun, this kind of thing Qian Yue has imagined countless times.

It's just that the village he imagined bombing is not Wunin Village, but Konoha.

He just took this opportunity to show his fangs, so that some old guys in the village should restrain themselves, and stop coming here to provoke him.


"Hurry up!!!"

The fastest responding Anbu ninja hissed.

But will the Spiral Tailed Beast Bomb give them time to defend?

Obviously not, even if they have time, the spiral Tailed Beast Bomb is not something that ordinary people can stop.

The terrible Chakra breath erupted, and the whole Mist Ninja Village exploded.

Many people looked up in amazement at the spiral Tailed Beast Bomb flying towards Mizukage's office building, including Minato who stayed in the dark to rest.

Looking at the spiral Tailed Beast Bomb with a diameter of more than three meters, Minato swallowed subconsciously.

Others don't know, but he knows how terrifying the power and destructive power of this thing is.


Misfortune is coming to Mist Ninja Village.

Perhaps after today, Qian Yue's name, which has disappeared for several years, will spread throughout the ninja world.

Let Qian Yue become an existence that all the villages are vigilant and afraid of.

If ordinary human power could stop the Tailed Beast Bomb, the Tailed Beast would not be synonymous with disaster.

Not surprisingly, the spiral Tailed Beast Bomb crashed straight into the Mizukage office building.

Everything happened so suddenly, even if someone noticed the spiral Tailed Beast Bomb flying out, no one could stop it.

In the original book, if the Flying Thunder God Technique is not too heaven-defying, and the Vajra chain Tianke Tail Beast of the Uzumaki family, no matter how strong Minato is, Konoha will be razed to the ground by Nine Tails.

For details, refer to the Tailed Beast Bomb that almost flattened several mountains in Nine Tails, and you will know the result.

Once this thing explodes in Konoha Village, the consequences can be imagined.

"Tailed Beast Bomb?"

Ah Fei, who was still annoyed that he couldn't poop, was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he jumped out of the window.


A strong explosion followed, and a huge red mushroom cloud almost leveled the Mizukage office building and surrounding buildings hundreds of meters away.

The mushroom cloud tens of meters high almost illuminated the entire Wunin Village, and the buildings in Wunin Village shook.

Few of those caught in the shadow of the Tailed Beast Bomb escaped alive.

Facing the Tailed Beast Bomb, which is so destructive as Ultimate, manpower seems so insignificant at this moment.

Gone, the Mizukage office building is gone.

"It's powerful."

The explosion that had been rehearsed for several years was finally born, and Qian Yue was very satisfied with the power of the spiral Tailed Beast Bomb.

Looking at the razed Mizukage office building and surrounding buildings, Qian Yue couldn't help whistling, which felt exciting.

No wonder Tailed Beast needs to spray a Tailed Beast Bomb to blow it up.


Sure enough, explosions are art, no wonder Deidara is so obsessed, even Qian Yue is a little fascinated.

"Cough, cough, cough!! Damn it, what happened, did the tailed beast go berserk?"

Ah Fei, who had escaped the catastrophe, was dressed in tattered clothes, revealing his pale skin under the clothes, which was inseparable from the old man:

"No, there is no breath of a tailed beast."

A Fei thought it was the tailed beast from Mist Ninja Village who ran away.

But he didn't feel the breath of the tailed beast, so here comes the question, how did the Tailed Beast Bomb come about?

It almost killed him! !

God can testify that he, Third Mizukage, was still sitting on the toilet, and a Tailed Beast Bomb flew from nowhere and crashed into Mizukage's office building.

If he hadn't run fast, he would probably have been blown to death.

The Tailed Beast Bomb came too suddenly and appeared inexplicably, and the Mizukage office building disappeared in a daze.

However, the people of Wu Ninja Village quickly realized that the most famous assassination force surrounded the building where Qian Yue was located in the shortest possible time.

"Who dares to act presumptuously in my Wunin Village!!"

An old man with a badge of a ghost lamp embroidered on his clothes appeared, his ashen-faced, vulture-like eyes were fixed on Qian Yue.

Looking at that look, I wish I could eat Qian Yue raw.

"My lord, this person seems to be Lori Qian Yue from Konoha."

Qian Yue's murder of the Xiguashan puffer ghost has caused a lot of trouble, and his intelligence information has already entered the database of Wunin Village Anbu.

The assassination team also belonged to Anbu's branch, and these people would naturally recognize Qian Yue.


Ghost Lantern patriarch was taken aback: "Lori Qian Yue?"

"Lori Qian Yue, how dare you sneak into our Wunin Village, bomb Mizukage's office building, and assassinate Mizukage-sama!! Do you know what you have done!!!"

Because of being too angry, the patriarch of the Ghost Lantern was a little incoherent and out of breath.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 305 Running And Exploding, Known As The Blasting Ghost

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Although he didn't like Third Mizukage's ruling policy, Qian Yue, as a member of Konoha, sneaked into Wunin Village and forcibly blew up Mizukage's office building.

And Third Mizukage is missing, and it is not known whether he was killed by the bomb or fled.

When this kind of thing happened, it undoubtedly gave Wu Ninja village a few slaps in the face, and the face was swollen by them.

After the news spreads, Mist Ninja Village will become a joke.

First, the puffer ghost on Xiguashan was killed and Samehada was robbed. The village wanted to get the weapon back through diplomacy, but was rejected by Konoha.

Then Hatake Sakumo sneaked in to assassinate Third Mizukage, which led to the outbreak of war.

Well now, Lori Qian Yue sneaked in, even the Mizukage office building was blown up, Third Mizukage is dead or alive.

Ganqing Wunin Village is like a abalone seller in Goulan, anyone can run in and walk around, and then leave with a pat on the butt?

"I know."

Facing the question from the head of Ghost Lantern, Qian Yue smiled, looked at more and more people around, and spread his hands:

"Didn't it blow up the Mizukage office building?

It's such a big deal, I'm going to turn your anxious words upside down. "


The ghost lamp patriarch couldn't wait to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The Mizukage office building was blown up, but you say it's not a big deal?

Then tell me what is a big deal?

"kill him!!!"

"Revenge for Mizukage-sama!!"

Third Mizukage is missing, the Mizukage office building is gone, and even the surrounding buildings are gone. There is only a large pit at the scene and the wreckage of the building.

The Mist Shinobi ninja who mistakenly thought that Third Mizukage was dead all turned red-eyed.

Even before the Ghost Lantern patriarch's order, someone couldn't help but rushed up, wanting to kill Qian Yue.

"Ha ha!!"

Qian Yue's outstretched hands quickly closed, and several handprints were completed in an instant.

"No, stop him!"


Seeing Qian Yue's hand pressing on the tiles of the roof, the head of Ghost Lantern's eyelids twitched, and raised his hand to point at Qian Yue:

"Water Iron Cannon Technique."

A water drop like a bullet shot out from the finger of the ghost lamp patriarch, and flew towards Qian Yue like lightning.

However, the bullet-like water drop pierced through the place where Qian Yue was standing just now, leaving a small hole.

Qian Yue's had already left, replaced by a huge black shadow.


The four-story building could not bear the weight of the ten thousand snakes and collapsed.

The gigantic Ten Thousand Snake raised its head, which was comparable to a house, roared, opened its mouth wide and bit the people around it, flicking its long tail wildly.


Amidst the screams, figures flew out and smashed on the surrounding buildings, even smashing them down.

"Little ghost, today you will die!!! You will definitely die!!!"

The patriarch of the ghost lamp felt humiliated. A little ghost blew up the Mizukage office building. He was not afraid of the ninja threat of himself and the village, and released the Summoning beast to destroy it.

"Hahaha, Wan Snake should destroy it as much as possible. If you want to eat snacks, just eat it, it's enough for today!!!"

Qian Yue was not afraid of the threat from the head of the Ghost Lantern, and laughed to make the snakes move.

Such a big Summoning beast, if it doesn't cause a little damage, it will be sorry for your reputation as a thousand snakes.

like i can too

Watching the rampage of ten thousand snakes, knocking down a lot of buildings, Minato, who was watching from a distance, gritted his teeth, bit his finger, and slapped the seal on the ground.

bump! !

Gama Bunta appeared in Mist Ninja Village, and his huge body was noticed immediately.

Another one?

A ten-thousand snake has already caused the chickens to jump, and now another big toad comes?

If this is the rhythm of death!

No, who released the Summoning beast?

"Little Minato, what do you want from me?"


Wencai looked at the surrounding environment, and found that Ten Thousand Snakes were destroying crazily, and a large group of Mist Shinobi ninjas were trying to besiege, hoping to stop it.

Blinking her two huge eyes, Wentai still had a pipe in her mouth, and whenever she saw Ten Thousand Snakes eating people, she felt uncomfortable.

The snakes at Ryūchi Cave are rude and will eat anything, unlike the toads at Mount Myōboku, which only eat bugs.

"Wentai, create as much chaos and destruction as possible, this is the mission of Qian Yue and me."

"Okay, you stay away."

The Summoning beast originally needed to assist the person who signed the contract to fight, and Bunta did not refuse Minato's request.

Even if it doesn't like Ten Thousand Snakes, it's a big deal that you play your game and I play mine, just don't interfere with each other.

After Summoning Bunta, Minato ran away decisively.

Prevent people from Wu Ninja Village from staring at themselves.

His next task is to ensure enough Chakra and take Qian Yue and himself away smoothly.

"Water Style Iron Cannon Jade!!"

It is very simple for Wentai to destroy, and it will be over after tossing.

What the hell is going on?

Mizukage Village is almost in chaos. No one expected that a peaceful night would turn into this. The Mizukage office building is gone, and two huge Summoning beasts are wreaking havoc crazily.

One relied on his head iron to slam into various buildings frantically, and the other carried a knife more than ten meters long, spraying water while chopping.

"It's really persistent, if that's the case, then, eat me a big ball!!!"


The head of the ghost lamp led the assassination team to chase Qian Yue, and Qian Yue observed the surrounding situation while running.

Wan Snake is working hard to complete the task he gave, and he doesn't even care about eating more snacks, all kinds of damage, whatever is convenient.

Minato gave Qian Yue a surprise by getting Wen Tai out. Although Wen Tai is not so strong, when it comes to sabotage, Wen Tai is no worse than Wan Snake.

A big knife of more than ten meters cuts everywhere, just ask if you are afraid.

"Not good, dodge!!"

The thunder ball flew towards him, and the head of the ghost lamp's eyelids jumped, and he dodged with an exclamation.



It's a pity that he was able to dodge, but the assassination troops following him to kill Qian Yue didn't have such good luck and quick reflexes.

The destructive power of the thunderbolt is not as good as that of the spiral Tailed Beast Bomb, but its penetrating power is second to none. No building can stop the bombardment of the thunderbolt.

"Little devil, you are courting death!!"

"Hahaha, come and chase me, let's talk after you chase me."

"Spiral Tailed Beast Bomb!! GO!"

While provoking the Ghost Lamp patriarch, Qian Yue threw the Spiral Tailed Beast Bomb and Thunderbolt.

Anyway, he has a lot of Chakra, so he is not afraid of being consumed, and both Thunderbolt and Spiral Tailed Beast Bomb can be used quickly.

The people in Wu Ninja Village couldn't stop them even if they wanted to, they could only watch Qian Yue running around, bombing all the way, like a walking demolition ghost.

The sound of explosions, screams, and cries wove into a tragic tune, which lingered in the sky above Wunin Village.

The entire Wunin Village has almost turned into a hell on earth, with fires caused by explosions burning everywhere, countless buildings collapsed, and a large number of villagers lying on the ground crying, corpses can be seen everywhere, including ordinary villagers and ninjas.

"Damn, damn!!!"


Qian Yue didn't fight with the ghost lamp clan's long-spirited Qiqiao, Qian Yue didn't fight at all.

Running around, bombing everywhere,

What frustrates the head of Ghost Lantern the most is that his speed is not as fast as that of Qian Yue. Qian Yue deliberately took him around like a dog, and then exploded and destroyed all kinds of monsters in front of him.

Is this kid a monster?

How many Thunderbolts and Tailed Beast Bombs did you lose?

Why can ninja throw Tailed Beast Bomb?

The condensation speed is faster than the Tailed Beast Bomb. Although the Tailed Beast Bomb is not that big, the explosion power is not small at all. This is really evil.

It's over, it's over now! ! !

Seeing the tragic situation in the village, the head of the ghost lamp's heart was bleeding.

Suddenly Qian Yue in front stopped, and the leader of Guideng thought that Qian Yue was tired, so he couldn't help being overjoyed.

He was finally able to catch up with this nasty kid.

Must kill him!



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 306 I Was Just On A Mission And The Culprit Was Orochimaru

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kill him! !

It's just that the ghost lamp patriarch didn't expect that although Qian Yue stopped, he turned on the Sharingan.

The three hook jades slowly turned in the eyes, as if they were brewing something.

not good!

This reaction made the ghost lamp patriarch secretly startled.

Qian Yue's name is the most popular in the ninja world, how did it come about?

Didn't it start because the powerful illusion controlled the Third Kazekage?

Even the third Kazekage couldn't bear it, how many people can ignore Qian Yue's illusion?

This kid wants to use illusion to control me!

The ghost lamp patriarch couldn't care about anything else, so he withdrew and retreated.

While retreating, he did not forget to close his eyes tightly, for fear that he would be suddenly hit.

At this moment, he was startled into a cold sweat.

After chasing Qian Yue for a long time, he didn't realize until now that Qian Yue's illusion couldn't even be supported by Kage-level experts.

For a moment, the Ghost Lantern patriarch felt rejoiced and angry at the same time.

Fortunately, Qian Yue didn't use illusion on him.

What made him angry was that he didn't realize this, and was dazzled by the anger, like a fool running around with Qian Yue.

Do you realize what the problem is?

The head of the Guideng clan was anxious and angry, he stood far away and didn't dare to approach casually, and lowered his head, not looking into his own eyes, Qian Yue couldn't help laughing:

"I wanted to play with you, but the time is almost up, and my mission is over, so see you next time."

Who wants to meet someone like you?


"Lori Qian Yue, you ruined the village like this, do you still want to leave?

Even if the old man goes all out today, if he doesn't want this old life, he will keep you! ! ! "

Hearing that Qian Yue was about to leave, the Ghost Lantern patriarch raised his head and stared at Qian Yue regardless of any illusions or illusions.

He was afraid that Qian Yue would disappear in front of his eyes, and then run away.

As long as Qian Yue is hidden, it will not be easy for Wu Ninja Village to find him out.

At this time, it is too late for Wunin Village to rescue, how many people can be sent to chase and kill Qian Yue?

Besides, Qian Yue is not Hatake Sakumo.

Besides, during the war, more than half of the ninjas in Wu Ninja Village were sent out, and there were not many strong ones left in the village. What would they use to hunt down Qian Yue?

It is said that Sand Shinobi Village is miserable, and there are not many strong people who can get on the stage.

In fact, Mist Ninja Village and Sand Shinobi Village can be regarded as difficult brothers.

Sand Shinobi Village can't pull out a few, and the same is true for Wu Ninja Village.

"Wait until you catch up with me first."

Qian Yue laughed, a small crater exploded in the ground under his feet, and his figure disappeared like a ghost.

The pupils of the ghost lamp patriarch's eyes shrank.

What kind of monster is this! !

Doesn't he have any shortcomings in physical fitness, swordsmanship, illusion, and ninjutsu?

chase yourself?

It's not that Qian Yue is bragging, but with the speed of the old guy, the ghost lamp patriarch, it is difficult to catch up with Nawaki.

In terms of speed, Qian Yue has never been afraid of anyone,

Of course, a trick like Minato doesn't count.


It was easy to get rid of the ghost lamp patriarch. As for the surviving hunting troops, want to keep up with Qian Yue's footsteps?

Undoubtedly dreaming.

"Qian Yue, won't this make a big fuss?"

Both Wan Snake and Wen Tai left.

All kinds of damage to them were besieged by the ninjas of Mist Ninja Village, and both Summoning beasts suffered a lot of injuries.

Today's Wunin Village has been messed up.

Seeing the tragic situation in Mist Ninja Village, Minato couldn't help but shudder, it was terrible.

"What we want is to make trouble, otherwise Wu Ninja Village will continue to play hide-and-seek, and if we want a quick victory, we must force them,

Besides, we are only responsible for completing the task, and Orochimaru has to take the blame. "

The task was given by Orochimaru, if you have any hatred, you can just find him and you'll be done.

"Let's go, we can go back to rest and celebrate."

What does Orochimaru's pot have to do with me, Lori Qian Yue?

I'm just following orders, if you want to hate you, hate Orochimaru.

If you feel that Orochimaru is not enough, you will hate even Third Hokage.

It was really unlucky for Wu Ninja Village to run into the evil star Qian Yue.

Minato shook his head as he looked at the messy Mist Ninja Village.

There are some things that he should not worry about, what he needs to do now is to take Qian Yue away with him.

Putting his hand on Qian Yue's shoulder, Minato reminded: "Qian Yue, you have to go."

In the next second, the figures of Qian Yue and Minato disappeared in place and left Wunin Village.

Appeared on the island where he rested before.


This small island can be regarded as a transit point for the Flying Thunder God Technique. It is a bit stressful for Minato to directly cross the sea.

With a transfer station it's different.

Even Minato in this period can easily take Qian Yue back and forth on the road.

"Quickly, over there, Lori Qian Yue's Chakra breath disappeared here."

"Everyone listens to the order, surround this area, and find people out!!"

Countless angry Mist Shinobi ninjas gathered together, frantically looking for Qian Yue's figure.

Although Minato got Wen Tai out, he kept hiding in the dark. After Summoning Wen Tai, he moved to other places.

Therefore, the people of Mist Ninja Village did not notice Minato, and all focused their attention on Qian Yue.

A large number of ninjas surrounded the area where Qian Yue disappeared, digging three feet to search for it.

It's a pity that Qian Yue has already left, and it's impossible for these people to find Qian Yue after searching Wu Ninja Village.

This is definitely an unforgettable night for Wunin Village. No one thought that the enemy would sneak into the village and stir up the village by himself. This kind of thing is for Wunin Village since its establishment. , or the first time.

What Qian Yue did also successfully ignited all Ran's anger.

"Too much deception!!!"

Even if he is usually a funny person, a clown in the eyes of Uchiha Madara, but a clown also has a temper.

He was blown out of the toilet in a daze, and almost died. Ah Fei, who controlled Third Mizukage, was very angry.


"Great, Mizukage-sama is fine!!!"

"Mizukage-sama is still alive."

The Mizukage office building was razed to the ground, and everyone's hearts were shaken. Everyone mistakenly thought that Third Mizukage had been cooled down.

Unexpectedly, Qian Yue's figure was not found, but instead, he found Third Mizukage lying in the ruins, his breathing was unstable and his body was covered with injuries.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 307 Is The Sabotage So Thorough?

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Successfully found Third Mizukage, which is undoubtedly great news for Mist Ninja Village.

Even if the village lost a lot, as long as Third Mizukage is still alive.

Otherwise, Wu Ninja Village will face the trouble of Mizukage replacement.

For Mizukage's position, God knows what will happen!

Even the heads of one's own people may bloom.

At that time, who the hell still wanted to fight Konoha?

"Master Yuan, Master Mizukage found it, and suffered some injuries, but the injuries are not serious."

The news that Third Mizukage was safe and sound was quickly sent to Master Yuan.

"It's fine."

Master Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Today's Wunin Village can't stand Mizukage's alternate turmoil. It is fighting with Konoha externally, and internally the village is in chaos.

Master Yuan has lived a long time, and almost watched Wu Ninja Village walk over step by step.

Even he himself did not expect that Wu Ninja Village would be disturbed like this by an enemy.

"Send the news to Yagura and do your best to rescue."

When this kind of thing happened, everyone would feel angry, and Master Yuan was no exception.

If it is normal, you can still condemn Konoha.

Or pull the Daming Mansion, or other villages to put pressure on Konoha, and ask Konoha to give an explanation.

But now the two villages are fighting, and Konoha's people sneaked into your Wunin village to destroy it, you have no place to reason.

Others will only laugh at you for being incompetent in Mist Ninja Village. Being disturbed by a kid like this doesn't have the strength that Dai Ninja Village should have at all.

Why Qian Yue alone can make Wunin Village go crazy?

In addition to Qian Yue's own strength pervert, it is also inseparable from the war.

Because Wu Ninja Village declared war on Konoha, and the two villages were fighting, most of the strong people in Wu Ninja Village went to the front line, and very few strong people stayed in the village.


In addition, Qian Yue was unwilling to fight with the people of Wu Ninja Village, so he kept on destroying with his black asshole.

In just a few minutes, Wu Ninja Village was messed up, and then he patted his ass and left with Minato.

After Qian Yue left Mist Ninja Village, many people still haven't recovered and figured out what happened.

It was indeed sudden.


Looking at the villages that were still burning in many places, Master Yuan could only let out a long and powerless sigh.

If the war did not break out, most of the strong men in the village would stay behind. Does Qian Yue dare to be so arrogant?

There is no doubt that it will not work.

Even if Qian Yue dared, under the interception and influence of a group of Mist Ninja Village powerhouses, there was no way to cause so much damage.

It's a pity that there are no ifs and regrets in the world, and it is useless to regret some things.

Because of the war, Wu Ninja Village was empty of strong people, giving Qian Yue a chance to make a fuss.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't find Third Mizukage, otherwise I really want to ask him to dance."

Sitting on the ground to rest, Qian Yue felt deeply sorry, even though he had been arguing for so long, Qian Yue was actually not tired.

On the contrary, it was Minato who was tired.

With such a little consumption of Chakra, Qian Yue can bear it.

Minato, which can be transferred over long distances, cannot.

No, at this moment Minato was already slumped on the ground.

Make a mess, capture Third Mizukage if you get a chance, and see if he's really being controlled by White Zetsu.

Or Black Zetsu himself.

Unfortunately, Qian Yue did not find any trace of Third Mizukage.

After all, the Mizukage office building disappeared quite suddenly, and it disappeared with a bang. Who knows if Third Mizukage will be killed by the bomb.

A ninja is a typical attack with high defense and low defense. As long as you are unprepared and suddenly bombarded by the spiral Tailed Beast Bomb, let alone Jōnin, Elite Jōnin, even a Kage-level powerhouse with insufficient defense means will burp.

A strong person who was stabbed to death by a small kunai would be caught in the palm of his hand, not to mention something with amazing explosive power like the spiral Tailed Beast Bomb.

After all, not every ninja has such a terrifying defensive power as a third generation thunderstorm.

Even if Third Mizukage was not killed, he would definitely lose a layer of skin.


Minato: ""

Being targeted by you Lori Qian Yue, I don't know if it's the luck or misfortune of Third Mizukage.

Thinking of the result of being controlled by Qian Yue's illusion, Minato couldn't help but shudder.

Subconsciously took a few steps back to the side.

It was as if Qian Yue would use illusion on him.


I said Third Mizukage, you Minato run the hammer?

Speaking of which, Minato is one of the victims of embarrassing illusions.

"As for you, I don't use illusions on you."

"As for."

Minato nodded seriously:

"I don't want to experience that kind of death scene again."

"Depend on!"

Qian Yue raised his middle finger in disdain and cursed:

"It's not that you're a bitch yourself, but after learning the Flying Thunder God Technique, you start to swell. You can't blame me for that, okay?"

When Qian Yue used the dance illusion to control Minato, it was still because Minato was too inflated and wanted to f**k him.

In this case, Qian Yue will definitely treat him to the Ga Dance Club Death set meal.

Because of this, Minato was ridiculed by Nawaki for half a month, until Nawaki was also tricked.

From here on, the two tacitly chose to forget about this incident, as if it had never happened.

"We're sparring!!"

"I believe you ghost, you little sun with thick eyebrows and big eyes is also lying, whoever's sparring will kill you without saying hello, or use Flying Thunder God!! If I didn't react quickly, I almost overturned the car. "

"Ahem!! I just want to test it, I don't want to sneak attack you."

"f**k off, you've done everything and even tested."

After talking nonsense for a while, after Minato recovered, the two left the transit island and returned to the vortex country station.

Inside the resident command, Jiraiya is waiting anxiously.


On the other side, in the shoreline station, Orochimaru is also waiting for news.

In the headquarters, the impatient and irritable Jiraiya picked up the water glass.

Qian Yue and Minato happened to appear, and Jiraiya's hand holding the cup subconsciously shook, with a surprised smile on his face.

The two returned safely, and Jiraiya's hanging heart also fell back.

"Mr. Jiraiya, thank you."

Back at the garrison headquarters of Uzumaki, Minato sat softly on the chair as if his body had been hollowed out.

He took the cup from Jiraiya's hand and took a few sips of water.

this is my cup

Water is also my own to drink.

Looking at the tired Minato, Jiraiya swallowed the words back, it's just a glass of water, just drink it.

Besides, Jiraiya is not sick, Minato is not afraid, what is he afraid of?

"How about the mission?"

Jiraiya asked impatiently.

Qian Yue waved his hand:

"It's not bad. A lot of buildings were blown up. Wunin Village was very lively. Many people died, and there were even more wounded. Even Wanshe and Wentai also caused some damage."


Asking you is tantamount to asking for nothing!

Jiraiya looked at Minato, who rolled his eyes.

You just say no and it's over, why do you still involve me, I need to rest, brother.

Under Jiraiya's watchful eye, Minato recounted it in detail:

"Qian Yue sneaked into Wunin Village, and then I followed him, and he started to carry out his mission. Well~~ First, the Mizukage office building was blown up, and many buildings were also damaged. In short, the damage was quite serious. I believe it will not take a while , it is difficult for Mist Ninja Village to recover."

"You blew up the Mizukage office building?"

Jiraiya was dumbfounded.

My darling, let you do the damage, are you doing it so thoroughly?

The people of Mist Ninja Village are going to be mad with anger now.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 308 Worry From Jiraiya

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The Mizukage office building was blown up!

If this were replaced by Konoha, all of Konoha's ninjas would be fried.

"In addition to the Mizukage office building, some more iconic buildings were bombed.

As for what it is used for, I don't know, and I didn't pay attention to it.

The old thing from the Ghost Lantern Clan led people to chase me all the time, but I didn't pay attention to where it exploded.

In a word, the damage is very serious, and Mist Ninja Village will definitely jump, or it will arouse their blood. "

"The mission of Minato and I has been overfulfilled, right?"

It's more than just arousing blood, Qian Yue thinks that Wu Ninja Village might fight Konoha desperately next time.

"It's done, it's definitely done."

Jiraiya laughed:

"Isn't that what Orochimaru wanted?

Anyway, he is the one who has a headache, so I don't need to worry about it. You two have a rest, and then go back to the coastline camp. "

Returning to Shoreline Camp?


Minato asked suspiciously.

Qian Yue shrugged and pointed to Jiraiya:

"He is afraid of causing trouble, the Uzumaki Country camp is only a sub-camp, and there are not many ninjas stationed here.

The main thing is to rely on the coastline camps.

I just made Mist Ninja fly like a dog. Once Mist Ninja Village knows that I am here, they might try their best to attack the camp. "

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!!!"


Jiraiya was taken aback.

If this word gets out, does Jiraiya still have the face to hang out with Konoha?

I'm afraid I'll be laughed to death.

"This is what Orochimaru meant. He said that the mission is complete, and the people of Mist Ninja Village will definitely watch you two. When the two of you return to the shoreline camp, you will definitely attract the attention of the enemy.

It's not that I'm afraid of the enemy and want to send you away. "

I, Jiraiya, will not carry this pot! !

It's obviously Orochimaru's fault, it's unreasonable for him to blame Jiraiya!

"Are you really afraid?"

Qian Yue lengthened his voice.

"Really not, I promise!!"

Jiraiya hastily patted his chest to reassure.

Minato shook his head with a wry smile.

Teacher, why haven't you reacted yet?

That bastard Qian Yue was just teasing you on purpose, but I didn't expect you to get into it by yourself.


Noticing that the disciple's expression was wrong, Jiraiya realized that she had been tricked.

"Okay, you two, go down and rest, and return to the coastline camp after dawn."

Leaving the headquarters, Qian Yue and Minato returned to the tent, and Nawaki who was sleeping soundly jumped up immediately.

Seeing clearly that the people who came were Qian Yue and Minato, they breathed a sigh of relief and continued to sleep on their stomachs, but two seconds later, their eyes suddenly opened:

"Your mission completed?"

"The task was overfulfilled, and Mist Ninja Village was blown up into a mess. Don't sleep, clean up. We will return to the coastline camp tomorrow."


Patting Nawaki on the shoulder, Qian Yue threw some firewood into the stove to light it up, took out the prepared beef and put it away, after tossing all night, it was time to eat something delicious.

Nawaki didn't dare to disturb Qian Yue who was grilling meat, so he had to aim at Minato.

Minato, who wanted to rest for a while, couldn't stand Nawaki's torture, so he just got up and told the story in detail.


Nawaki felt like he was missing a million dollars.

"Next time, I will definitely bring you with me next time."

Minato chuckled, and Nawaki looked hopeless.

There is another fart next time.

It's not bad to encounter this kind of thing once in a lifetime, do you want to have a second time?

You want to fart.

"That Orochimaru guy, you can rest easy now."

After passing the news to Orochimaru, Jiraiya can finally relax and drink some tea with her legs crossed.

There have been a lot of bad things recently.


Thinking of Orochimaru's recent changes and rejection of Hatake Sakumo, Jiraiya knew that Orochimaru was eyeing the Third Hokage's position, or that he wanted to be the Fourth Hokage.

Just because Jiraiya doesn't care about these things doesn't mean he can't see it.

Growing up together, or a companion who was born and died again and again, Orochimaru wants to become Hokage, and Jiraiya will definitely support him.

Unfortunately, Orochimaru and Danzo got mixed up, which made Jiraiya conflicted and tangled.

Danzo is not a nice guy.

Everyone knows that Orochimaru once hated people like Danzo.

As a result, Orochimaru, who hated Danzo, got mixed up with Danzo, which no one expected.


Now Jiraiya is worried. He should have supported Orochimaru, but Orochimaru and Danzo got mixed up, and this matter directly changed.

Especially at the point of repelling Hatake Sakumo.

The most outrageous thing is that Third Hokage also agreed.

"Teacher, what are you thinking?"

Since the outbreak of the Second Ninja War, Third Hokage has been doing all kinds of coquettish operations frequently, directly blinding Jiraiya's eyes.

This series of bad things finally came to an end when Tsunade took charge of the logistics department.

Some high-level people contained and threatened, and a series of bad things were solved.

Jiraiya is still very happy, but it's a pity that she hasn't been happy for a few years, and new troubles have come again.

"It would be nice if Tsunade became a Fourth Generation project."

Whether it's Tsunade or Orochimaru, Jiraiya doesn't care who becomes Hokage.

However, after Orochimaru and Danzo got mixed up, Jiraiya felt that it was better for Tsunade to take the top position, and Hatake Sakumo

To be honest, from being rejected by the high-level, it means that he has lost the opportunity.

But it is not easy for Tsunade to compete for the position of Fourth Hokage.

At least the current Tsunade doesn't have the slightest idea of ​​wanting to be Hokage.

"Would you like to talk to Qian Yue?"

Third Hokage is operating more and more, and he is always the shadow of the elders and Danzo entrenched at the top.

Facts have already proved that these old guys have too much power and are not of much benefit to the village.

Hatake Sakumo has lost his chance.

Orochimaru and Danzo became a team.

The best way to break the situation now is to push someone strong enough to change everything.

This is in line with Konoha's development.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 309 It's Good If Your Teacher Doesn't Add To The Flames, But You Expect Him To Stop It?

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Jiraiya will think about and think about many things, but he never speaks out.

If it doesn't work, choose to escape.

Just need to search for a savior all over the world.

Since it is difficult to make a decision, escape has become the best way to deal with it.

If it is Jiraiya in the original book, I will definitely choose to escape.

Because he didn't want to involve himself in the vortex, but he couldn't calm the vortex.

He can only choose to escape.

But now Jiraiya doesn't need to escape, because there is someone in front of him who can carry the tripod, and this person is Tsunade.

Tsunade had no desire for power, and didn't even want to climb up. It was because of Qian Yue that he was forced to sit in the post of head of the logistics department.

Now that Qian Yue can let Tsunade sit on it, how about going further?

It is enough to go one step further and become Hokage.

Status, status, strength, and prestige, Tsunade meets every requirement, making him the perfect candidate for Fourth Hokage.

Instead of letting the higher-ups keep messing around, and let Orochimaru and Danzo mess around, it's better to just push Tsunade up.


I need to talk to Qian Yue.

The more he thought about it, the more something went wrong, Jiraiya left the headquarters and headed towards the tent where Qian Yue's team lived.

"Hey, it seems that it's better to come early than to come by coincidence."

Before getting close, he could smell the aroma of barbecue. Jiraiya's originally serious face showed a wretched smile, and he touched it like a thief.


Nawaki cheerfully picked up the barbecue and opened his mouth wide, but the next second the barbecue was gone.

What about barbecue?

What about my spicy skewer?

"Don't look at it, you don't even know it was snatched away, you might as well stop calling it Nawaki, and just call it confused in the future."

Qian Yue couldn't stand it anymore and kicked him.


Fortunately, I had already prepared, and even got Jiraiya's share.

Otherwise, if this guy comes to eat, he can only watch helplessly.

In the end, it will evolve into Minato watching helplessly.

Because Minato couldn't bear to let his teacher watch him eat, he would definitely give the barbecue to Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya you are too much!!"

Nawaki jumps up and accuses loudly.

"Ahaha, it's so hot, hiss~~ it smells so good."

Jiraiya laughed, dodging Nawaki's kick, and chomping while hiding, Nawaki almost cried out of anger.

What a teacher!

Minato really wanted to cover his face, pretending that he didn't have this teacher.

Qian Yue handed the last skewer of barbecue to Nawaki, and Nawaki's anger calmed down.

Convince you, you have your share on the grill, do you want to grab it from Nawaki?

Speechless, Jiraiya, who usually swallowed the barbecue, did not forget to tease Nawaki and Minato. Minato had black lines all over his head, and Nawaki yelled angrily.


Restless eating! !

Qian Yue raised his head, and the Three Tomoe Sharingan turned slowly, Jiraiya, who was teasing his disciples and Nawaki, froze for a while, and immediately became honest.

He didn't want to taste Qian Yue's dance illusion package.

"Huh~~~" is finally over.

Minato sighed, looked at the barbecue in his hand, hesitated for a while, and decided to solve it by himself.

Jiraiya already ate one, no need for Minato to contribute his own.

Although Jiraiya is still watching helplessly, Minato does not contribute his own barbecue.

After all, he also wanted to fill his stomach.

After eating the barbecue and drinking a cup of hot tea, Jiraiya revealed the purpose of coming here.

"Qian Yue, I want to chat with you."

Can't it be said here?


Looking at Minato and Nawaki, Qian Yue nodded slightly, followed Jiraiya and left the tent, not forgetting to remind them:

"Pack up your things, and when I come back, we will return to the shoreline camp."

"What do you think Jiraiya is talking to Qian Yue about?"

Nawaki Eight Trigrams tweeted Minato.

Minato wiped the water on his hands calmly:

"It should be some secret thing, don't be curious, if you can tell it face to face, Teacher Jiraiya will not hide it from us.

Pack your things obediently and don't think about eavesdropping, otherwise Qian Yue will get angry and you will know the consequences. "

Minato knew that he couldn't persuade Nawaki, nor could he stop him, so he simply moved Qian Yue out.

The main reason is that Nawaki was too curious, he really went to eavesdrop, and he was going to be beaten up by Qian Yue.

"Cough cough."

Nawaki, who looked unnatural, coughed, stiffened his neck and forcibly quibbled:

"From what you said, do I, Nawaki, seem like the kind of person who is very curious?"

"Be confident, remove the word like, you are such a person, don't talk nonsense, pack up quickly."


The two left the camp one after the other and stopped on a reef by the sea.

"Senior Hatake Sakumo has been ostracized, you should have noticed that, right?"

Qian Yue has been smart since he was a child, and he doesn't look like a child at all. In addition, Qian Yue has also been targeted. He believes that Qian Yue can understand Hatake Sakumo's feelings and the embarrassing situation at this time.


Nodding, Qian Yue looked at the endless sea and replied:

"It is somewhat targeted, but it has become more and more serious recently."


Jiraiya froze for a moment.

Qian Yue looked back:

"Since senior accepted the canonization of Hokage Half Sleeve, some things have changed.

This kind of thing should be rejected. Unfortunately, the warrior spirit of the Hatake family is too heavy, and they take daimyo too seriously. "


Did it start here?

Jiraiya didn't even think about it. After all, although Hokage's half-sleeved sleeve was proposed by a daimyo, Third Hokage agreed on the spot.

Who knows that there are so many unknown secrets hidden in it.

"It was just a sign before, and now it's officially started?"


Qian Yue didn't care about these things, and said lightly:

"You'll have to ask Hokage-sama and Orochimaru about that. Orochimaru has become more and more strange since he messed with Danzo."

The Uncle Snake who used to have a confident smile on his face is gone forever. Now Uncle Snake has a cold aura, which is full of strangers.

Or he will still have a smile on his face, looking approachable, in fact, anyone with a keen sense can detect Orochimaru's aura of intimacy.

It is clear that Orochimaru has lost his way in the pursuit of immortality and has completely escaped into darkness.

"He wanted to become the Fourth Hokage, so he began to target and reject Hatake Sakumo-senpai. Although the teacher was not on his side, he did not stop all this from happening."

Stop the shit!

It's a good thing if he doesn't fan the flames, why stop him?

You are simply thinking too much.

Sitting cross-legged on the reef, facing the sea breeze with a faint smell of the sea, Qian Yue made a gesture of opening his hands and embracing the sea.


What is this kid doing?

Open your arms and embrace the sea?

"If it's okay, I'll go back first."

You called me out to talk about things, but you talked about some irrelevant things, Qian Yue was about to get out of here.

"do not!!"

Qian Yue was about to leave, Jiraiya was in a hurry, and quickly grabbed him:

"I really have something to do with you!"

Then you say it! !

Qian Yue really wanted to kick Zi Lai Yue into the sea.



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 310 Hokage Is Not Old Yet, So Why Is He Willing To Step Aside Casually?

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After steadying Qian Yue, Jiraiya also sat down cross-legged, with a sad face on her face:

"Since getting involved with Danzo, Orochimaru has become more and more wrong, and the teacher can stop it, but he chooses to turn a blind eye.

Now that the village is at war with Mist Ninja Village, I'm afraid that the matter of Hatake Sakumo-senpai will cause some big troubles. "

Didn't expect you, Jiraiya, to think about these things?

Qian Yue was surprised.

After all, Jiraiya is a habitual choose to avoid people, it is indeed surprising when he talks about these things seriously.

He was right, if he continued to be targeted, he would really be in big trouble.

Not to mention the original book, the death of Hatake Sakumo definitely had a great impact on Konoha.

Qian Yue even dared to say that even if Hatake Sakumo was not dead, Sand Shinobi Village would not dare to fight against Konoha easily.

Don't forget that during the Second Ninja War, Hatake Sakumo was like a god of killing, killing the people of Wu Ninja Village in fear.

But because of some rumors, Hatake Sakumo couldn't think of killing himself for a while, and then he was gone.

It was something that happened in peacetime, and it caused quite a shock.

If during the war, a village hero was forced to death, one would know how serious the consequences would be without thinking about it.

"It's useless for you to tell me these things. I am still one of the excluded people. You have found the wrong person to confide in."

Qian Yue can only give Jiraiya a look that I can't help.

"I'm not talking!"

Jiraiya was in a hurry, and patted her thigh to explain:

"I'm telling you this because I hope you can also face up to these problems. I hope you can persuade Tsunade to take a step forward and become the Fourth Generation of the village."

"Cough cough!!!"

Qian Yue was choked, her eyes widened in shock.

Jiraiya is so bold that she wants Tsunade to become Fourth Hokage.

Scratching his messy hair, Jiraiya smiled wryly:


"Although it's not good to say that, I hope the village can develop smoothly.

The current Orochimaru, Danzo, and even the teacher have brought instability to the smooth development of the village. "

"I made some bold guesses. I think Orochimaru must have a purpose in wanting to be Hokage."

Become a Hokage?

The previous Orochimaru didn't have this kind of idea, and Third Hokage will not give up his position casually.

Even if Orochimaru had an idea, he wouldn't show it.

But now everything has changed.

As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be demons. Orochimaru must have a purpose in doing this, and Jiraiya can be sure of this.

Thinking is too narrow.

You might as well be bolder.

More than a purpose, Orochimaru's purpose can scare people to death.

You Jiraiya already thought of this, so I'll just give you a hint.

"Tsunade rejected Gen's application for many medical equipment and precious medicines. For this matter, Orochimaru came to Tsunade."

Slowly burn your brain cells, I will flash first.

After finishing speaking, Qian Yue left directly, leaving Jiraiya sitting messily in the wind.

What is the relationship with Orochimaru when applying for medical equipment?

It didn't matter before, but now it seems to matter because Orochimaru is using those things.

After being rejected by Tsunade, Danzo had nothing to do, and Orochimaru even went to find Tsunade in private. Doesn't that explain the problem?

Orochimaru and Danzo are secretly doing some special, or not so good, research.

As soon as this idea came out, Jiraiya was able to conclude that it was true because he knew Orochimaru too well.

Just as Orochimaru knew him and Tsunade.

There must be something wrong here.

Maybe Orochimaru wants to be Hokage so he doesn't get stuck

Jiraiya stood up in shock.

"No, I must find out what Orochimaru and Danzo are trying to do!!"


Jiraiya couldn't sit still.


If it wasn't because of the war that he couldn't get away, he even wanted to go back to Konoha directly and start investigating to be at ease.

"Qian Yue, wait!!"

I'll go, you can't finish it, you can talk to Tsunade about this kind of thing, isn't it good?

You want me to persuade Tsunade to compete for the Fourth Generation project?

Are you sure you didn't tease me?

Qian Yue stopped in his tracks, rolling his eyes speechlessly.

"Don't rush to run, you haven't told me your thoughts yet."

Jiraiya came after him.

Qian Yue just talked about Orochimaru, but he didn't give any comments on his proposal.

How can this work?

You Lori Qian Yue and Tsunade have such a good relationship, you should also contribute to this kind of thing!

Besides, if Tsunade becomes the target of the Fourth Generation, it will be good for you too.

Don't look at Qian Yue no longer being targeted, but all this is just a superficial phenomenon.

Jiraiya didn't believe it, and Qian Yue couldn't see the high-level attitude towards him.

"What can I think."

Qian Yue said speechlessly:

"Please, I myself belong to the type of being targeted, you want me to give you advice and help on this kind of thing?

You might as well talk to Tsunade yourself, maybe Tsunade will kick Orochimaru down with a single heart, and then sit on the throne of the Fourth Generation. "


It's that easy, I'll find you?

I'm going to talk to Tsunade about this

I'm afraid Tsunade will beat me up.

"This ahaha."


Jiraiya scratched her head and smiled dryly:

"Because you have a better relationship with Tsunade, so I think it's appropriate for you to persuade Tsunade to compare me."


Is this a question of fit or not?

Qian Yue raised his hand weakly and gestured a few times:

"Let's be honest, right now Tsunade doesn't have any intention of becoming Fourth Generation."

"Why?" Jiraiya asked loudly.

"She's too lazy to sit in the logistics department on weekdays and is tired of calling out all day. You let her be the Fourth Generation item. Do you think she will agree?"

Saying that, Qian Yue pouted.

Jiraiya was stunned for a moment, it seemed to make sense, Tsunade in private was indeed a little

"Besides, what's wrong with Orochimaru's rejection of Hatake-senpai? Could it be that if he rejects Hatake-senpai, he can steadily become the Fourth Generation?

Don't forget that Master Hokage is not too old, but he has no intention of abdicating. "

Looking around, Qian Yue approached Jiraiya and lowered his voice:

"Being Hokage is the dream of an old guy like Danzo, you think he'll make it easy for Orochimaru?"

"If it were you, would you accept a person with a black spot as a Hokage?"

Orochimaru felt he could hold Danzo steady and use Danzo as a pedal.

Coincidentally, Danzo also thinks the same way. Orochimaru will not lose to Danzo if he is hotter than ruthless. If he uses his relationship, Orochimaru will be much worse than Danzo.

No need to guess what the result will be.

Even if Orochimaru gets his wish to sit on the Hokage throne, he won't be able to sit for long.

As long as the opportunity is found, as long as the tolerance period passes, Danzo promises to pull him down.

The most frightening thing is that Orochimaru himself is not clean, as long as the public opinion rises, even if you are Hokage, you have to give way obediently.

Mixed with Danzo, Orochimaru dared to say that he was clean, and Qian Yue could turn his head off and give him a kick.

"Instead of worrying about these things, you might as well pay more attention to the current people, they are the most inefficient lamps!"

Shaking his head, looking at Jiraiya who was lost in thought, Qian Yue pulled away, walked a few steps, stopped suddenly, and said without looking back:

"If Hokage-sama and the elders still don't change anything, then I would rather support Orochimaru to take over, at least Orochimaru won't cheat his own people casually."