
MMORPG: reincarnation of the Magi user.

in a world where being a magi user is an worthless occupation in the popular game [second Life]. one man tried to succeed with it but ultimately failed. given a second chance, he reincarnated when the game was just released. can he do it this time? or will he fail again.

Joel_Linqvist · Video Games
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going into the game.

it was now two days later and the pod is set to arrive in about 3 hours. so i decided to make myself a some food, cooking up some curry with meat and vegetables.

seeing as the pod is coming in an hour I clean up the kitchen. cleaning up an good spot in the middle of the room, suddenly hearing a Knock on my door I open it to see that my pod has arrived, some guys lifted it into the middle of the room,

the pod weight 300 kg and is about 5 meter long and 3 meter wide, it's a wonder how strength enchanting drugs have developed lately.

the game isn't starting till tomorrow so I still have some time to relax.

thinking of what to do I suddenly remembered something, taking out my phone I dialed a number I didn't think I would ever call again.

*ring* *ring*

"hi bro is something the matter? you usually don't call me out of the blue like this" the other end said after picking up.

this was my best friend who I hadn't talked to in 7 years, 5 years into the game I did something to him that broke our friendship forever.

"hey you there, did something happen?" smiling at the mistake I made before I vowed to never do that again. "I heard that [second life] is gonna come tomorrow" I said trying to think of something else.

he's name is Oliver he's an average 175 cm long, he's an rich guy and way to straight forward, so he gets intro problems a lot, but he means well.

"yea I heard! I'm am going to be a legendary warrior in it" he laughed happily "and I will be a mage at your side" i said while laughed "I wanted it to be a cute girl but I give you permission" he said proudly.

talking for a while more I hung up and took a shower before bed.

waking up at 8am he did some stretching to pass the time, the game didn't start till 10 am so he had some time.

finally the game was starting in just a few minutes, taking a small snack I hoped Into the game.

opening my eyes after joining the game I was in a dark void. [hi welcome player to the fantastic world of Ficustone] I heard a voice almost robotic but still kinda human.

[please choose your base class.



[magi user]

[please take note that you can't change your base class after you choose one of them]

picking magi user because it's the one I'm most used to.

[please choose your race]





[Goblin (can evolve)]



I choose the Elf because it has a small buff to mana with I really need in the early and late game. magi users have almost 10times more attack then the other classes, but it's annoying as fuck to level your magi's up.

[please enter your name]


suddenly appearing in a small town, I saw a sign that stated [Lorenia] "the same starting town as last time" I said with a bit of nostalgia. 'system'

[name: Gentlewater]

[race: Elf

[class: magi user]

[title: none

[HP: 100

[MP: 15]

[DEX: 20]

instead of going after quests or grinding I did something that would seem retarded if you didn't know how to use magi's, I sat down and started to tap into my consciousness, finding someone else in it i tried to connect with it, it didn't really try to stop me so after about 2 minutes I successfully connected with it.

[Ding you are the first person to connect with a magi, you got magi users currency 5000 orbs.]

"what do you want" I heard cold male voice "hi meteo I seemed like the connection was successful". "give me a tribute or get lost" "haha you seem angry today" I joked, but he didn't really find it that funny.

opening the orb shop I bought an amulet as tribute. it usually takes a long time to figure out what your magi like but I already memorized most of them.

"you aren't as dumb as you look" he said still having a cold voice but it's a bit friendlier now.

[Ding you are the first one to get a magi to level ten. you got the title (the love of a magi) you get 10% more in all your stats]

ignoring everyone around me because quests in the beginning town give basically no rewards. moving out of the village I made my way towards the enchanted forest.

wanting to get one more magi before I move towards the next area, I move into the forest.