
MMORPG: reincarnation of the Magi user.

in a world where being a magi user is an worthless occupation in the popular game [second Life]. one man tried to succeed with it but ultimately failed. given a second chance, he reincarnated when the game was just released. can he do it this time? or will he fail again.

Joel_Linqvist · Video Games
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enchanted forest

magi's are annoying to level because they have triggers to raise there level separate from you but the down side of it is that but they also have triggers to decrease there level.

like Meteo for example if you hurt monsters he will gain EXP but if you take damage he will lose EXP, the amount is proportional to how much damagr is given/taken so it's hard to level them, but they are extremely powerful as compensation.

what I see directly efter entering the forest is a pack of level 5 Wolf's. usually these monster are impossible to hunt the first few hours of the game but thanks to Meteo these monsters are a complete joke for me.

using Meteo's magic which didn't have an element, using 1 MP for the attack I one-shoted the first enemy.

[Ding you leveled up, you got 5 stat points]

leveling up because I'm still technically level one I killed the remaining ones leveling up 2 more times. walking deeper I killed two more pack's of Wolf's and only leveled ones because I'm now the same level as these monsters.

seeing a big cave Meteo who has been quiet as far suddenly said "there's an magi safe in that cave" getting excited because what I hade knowledge of was that it existed a epic tier wand there.

magi safes are a small crystal that if you open and defeat the magi that comes out of it, you get to use the magi's power.

walking into the cave it was completely dark, except a light a long way in, stoping to use my stat points because I'm definitely going to need it.

(author's note: I completely forgot to add somethings to the system interface and I'm sorry about that but now I have fixed it)

[name: Gentlewater]

[race: Elf

[class: magi user]

[title: the love of a magi

[level: 5]

[HP: 100/100]

[MP: 25/25]

[DEF: 10]

[DEX: 25]

[AGI: 25]

after walking for about 10 minutes I see what was there, it was a big throne room with it's doors completely open it was about a 50 meter in every direction, and at the far end of it was a throne with a hulking Orc that is 10 meter long and just it's arm muscles are bigger then my whole Body.

in the middle of the room was the magi safe on top of a pedestal, the Orc suddenly stood up and started to walk towards me every step made the room shake. taking out the two meter long axe from his back.

[Orc boss - level 10]

seeing his leg suddenly stiffen i moved away just as he slashed down at the place I was a second ago creating a small crater. Orc's aren't really that fast but they have an scary amount of explosive speed.

charging up 5 mana into an attack i shoot it into its back, it came about 5 centimeters in before stopping and disappearing, turning around pissed about what I just did towards it, it suddenly started running towards me.

using 1 mana just to shoot it in the eyes, while it couldn't see I ran behind it, shoot it into the same place again I drilled into it a few centimeter more.

repeating the process twice more, I see something glowing, what's glowing is it's mana core, only boss is have these and magi's love these so getting one race's there level by a lot.

but the problem is that they disappear when the boss die so you have to extract it before killing it. using my last remaining two mana I shoot it into both of it's eyes so it becomes stunned for a bit longer,

running towards it I slide under it and jumped up onto it's back.

climbing up till I reach the hole I created, taking ahold of it the Orc suddenly became enraged sensing the danger, but it was already to late.

ripping the crystal out of it's body the Orc suddenly became lifeless falling down with a big thud.

[you where the first one to kill a boss do you want your name to be heard yes/no]

pressing yes because why not, it will be easier to get people to team up with me for the dungeons that are physically impossible to even enter with out a team.