
MMORPG: High Heaven

What would happen when a transmigrated soul comes back to his home land to meet it in ruin ? After being gang up on by his enemies, Wilder Dies and his soul is sent back to earth But what awaited him was a very shocking scene, his homeland earth had been taken over by monsters, and his race, humanity had become a third class race on their very own planet However a ray of hope still shines, as mankind had found a way to attain strength, and this method is through the MMORPG High Heaven Having lost all his powers, wilder sets forth on the path to get to the top once more But upon logging into the game he was driven to excitement The game was a replica of the world he had just come back from "even in death you will not be able to keep me from taking back what's mine" he said with excitement Armed with the knowledge of his previous life Wilder Aims to become truely powerful WARNING!!! This is not a pure Mmorpg, it will fluctuate between the real world and the game world The system itself is not sentient and will not behave like it is, but the entity that it came from will scheme in the shadows

primodial · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
142 Chs


Wilder's eyes suddenly snapped open.

He couldn't see anything but a strange blank screen, and when he tried to feel his surroundings, it felt like he was trapped in a box.

"Is this what the afterlife looks like?" Wilder thought to himself.

This was a strange feeling at the very least; never in any books had he ever seen this description of the afterlife.

but here it was, right in front of him.

[beep immortal soul transfer is complete.]

Wilder heard the voice of the system once more, and his facial expression changed.

Whether it was joy or surprise, Wilder felt a rush of excitement rush through his body.

The announcement meant that he had woken up in another one of his clones, and that was the reason he was excited, and why wouldn't he be? He just escaped death once more, which would make anyone excited.

"Yes, take that Fate group," he screamed at the top of his lungs as he flashed a certain hand sign in the air.

After a few minutes of jubilation, Wilder stopped and tried to observe his surroundings once more.

Truthfully, he couldn't remember building any clones in a place like this.

This place was a small box-like structure, where you could fit a human being, and there was a large screen in front of him. He was seated on a small chair. It really was strange. Of course, Wilder couldn't remember all the clones he created, but this one in particular seemed to be different from his usual style.

He then looked at the screen more intensely, and gradually, a look of shock appeared on his face.

"this face….." Wilder thought to himself as his hand slowly trailed onto his face.

This was his original face. It was what he looked like before the heavens pulled him from Earth the only difference now was that he had medium length pitch black hair with some golden highlights attached from the scalp.

But he saw it die in the immortal world.

"What is it doing here?" he thought to himself.

"System where am I?" Wilder asked the system

[Note: The host is no longer in the immortal world; the host descended into the mortal world.]

The system announced in Wilder's head

"The mortal world?" A frown suddenly appeared on Wilder's face. He was confused; the mortal world was closed off from the immortal world when heaven's Will collapsed, so how could he have possibly come here.

It was a real mystery. Wilder asked the system, but the system kept coming back with errors, stating that it didn't know exactly what happened.


All of a sudden, a beeping could be heard from inside the small cube as the side of the cube slowly slide open, revealing a dimly lit room.

"Oh," seeing the doors slide open, Wilder tried to stand up and walk, but as soon as he took a step, he felt a piercing pain in his left leg.

"What the hell?" Wilder stared intensely; it felt like he had a sprained ankle, but then again, his leg was quite slim, to the point that it seemed sickly.

"What's that about?" Wilder thought as he tried to pull himself out of the cabin.

After struggling for a good minute, he finally made it out.

And right outside the cube cabin was a little cane. Wilder picked up the cane as it seemed like it was probably meant for him, he then used it as support to walk into the room.

The room looked exactly like a dorm room inside a university, though it only had one bed, but Wilder didn't remember ever going to the university; he was still in high school when the heavens will pull them out of earth.

Wilder was really confused, and he kept asking the system questions, but it kept giving him error codes. He even tried to use Immortal energy, but couldn't. He didn't really understand what it all meant, but he figured that with time and a little bit of exploring, he would come to understand.

Wilder then walked towards the door that led outside the room and opened it.

Maybe he would be able to get some information at the very least from the people outside.

The first thing he saw was a very long hallway, but there was no one there; it was quiet and dark, as if no one had lived in that place for years.

Immediately, Wilder picked a direction and started walking, and not long after, a light appeared at the end of this long, dark hallway.


Wilder opened the door that led outside the building and stepped onto the streets.

The first thing that assaulted him was the shining sun as it bore down on his skin and pierced his eyes to the point that they became watery.

After a few seconds, Wilder finally got himself

The streets looked quite normal, just like those from his memories on earth; it was just that it wasn't as busy as he remembered; a car or two passed by as compared to the lines of cars you would normally expect to see in a city.

Even the people that walked past him were few, and no one seemed to be bothered with him.

Wilder was still observing the place when


All of a sudden, an ear-piercing sound emitted from above the city sky, causing Wilder to immediately look up.

Wilder's eyes widened with shock.

There was a monstrous whale-like creature flying over the city.

Wilder quickly fell back as he quickly held onto the side of the building.

A monster like this, even in the immortal world, could shake anyone to their core.

"Shit, this cant be the mortal world?" In all his memories on earth, he had never seen anything like this.

"What is a gigantic beast like that doing here amongst mortals?" Wilder thought in his mind.

if it attacked now there would be massive casualties and for him who couldn't use immortal energy right now? it would be hard to survive

But after a while, the creature gradually left and flew into the distance, and surprisingly, no one seemed to be bothered, nor was there any panic whatsoever.

Wilder looked to the left; he was just now noticing that there was a dome over the city.

It looked like glass, but at the same time, it wasn't glass.

At this point, he had the slight temptation to go over and touch it, but the fear of the awkwardness made him think twice.

But that couldn't stop him from staring.

Beyond the glass dome was a vast expanse of wasteland; it looked like a desert, to be honest, and a few mountains could be seen right in front of him.

"Hello there, are you a student of the Warhawk Academy?" All of a sudden, an aesthetic and angelic voice resounded next to Wilder, causing him to jump backwards.

In front of him was a good-looking girl in uniform, but this didn't seem like the average high school uniform; it seemed like military grade uniforms.

"Who are you?" Wilder inquired, and though it seemed like a rude and stupid question, he couldn't control his words.

"My name is Emma. What about you?" The girl said, in a rather innocent and cute tone.

Wilder was still in a state of shock; she had popped out of nowhere.

"How could someone sneak up on me so easily?" Wilder thought to himself.

"The insignia on your hand tells me you are a student of the Warhawk Academy. I would like to invite you to our yearly party at the..." She spoke hurriedly as it seemed like the conversation seemed to be going nowhere.

Wilder looked down at the back of his hand, which held an insignia of a Blackhawk, but even at that, he still paid attention to her as she explained that they were holding a party for the third-year students of the Warhawk Academy and she was here to invite all the students that live off campus. She then pushed over a flyer to Wilder.

Causing him to stare at the designs

It read

Warhawk Academy year 3 graduation party

After explaining the whole thing, the girl walked past Wilder and kept on moving.

Wilder could only look at her from behind as she skipped away.

At first glance, it seemed as if he had been teleported back to his old life, but things looked completely different from what you remembered.

Even now, he was still confused about the whole thing.

"Maybe," Wilder said, as he looked down at the flyer, but before he could complete his line of thought.

"What are you doing outside here?" A voice resounded from behind Wilder, causing him to flinch.

"What is it with these people here and sneaking up on people?" He just wasn't used to not being able to use immortal energy to sense his surroundings.

Normally it was close to impossible for anyone to get the drop on him without any special means, but just today it has happened more than three times, it really pissed him off.

As he turned back, he is met with a 6'ft tall girl in a tank top.

This girl was the definition of buff, as her six packs were so defined.

She stood in front of Wilder, towering over him.

This girl was incredibly fit.

"I told you that you're not to leave the chamber until you get back to warrior status," she said to Wilder in a rather cold tone.

Wilder raised his eyebrows.

"Warrior status? What's that?" Wilder asked her

But before he could say anything else, he felt himself being lifted off the floor and onto the shoulders of the girl.

"What the hell, let me go!" Wilder couldn't believe it.

. She picked him up like a paperweight, put him on her shoulders, and started walking back into the building.

"Let me go!" Wilder kept on screaming at the top of his lungs.

He didn't want anyone to see this, as he thought that they would think that he was into something like this.

Though, Wilder was clearly blushing

Not long after


The girl slammed open the door to the room Wilder had just come out of

She then walked in with Wilder on her shoulder. She walked all the way to the cube-like box and dropped him inside.

"I am not going to lose my scholarship because of you," she grumbled as she grabbed a strange helmet and put it on Wilder's head.

"Get to the warrior level or no outside world for you."


Power stones and golden tickets 

I would like to point out that this is weak to strong, and not overpowered I understand how it looks like, so bear with me until he gets some power

primodialcreators' thoughts