

However, after thinking about it carefully on the way, I had to be cautious, so I made an international call to Wang Le, and the video image was transferred to the display screen in the back seat. Seeing this guy's sleepy eyes, he probably just woke up and couldn't say anything. Come on. An Feng said first, "Ke Ke has found a boyfriend."

   "Oh." The confused Wang Le responded, and suddenly opened his eyes: "What? Say it again!"

   "The girl has found a new boyfriend. The Chinese seem to be a bit of mixed race. He is in his thirties. He looks passable, but he doesn't know how it actually is."

   "Aiya." Wang Le smiled, "I don't have to worry about it now."

  An Feng despised: "You are too unqualified to be a brother. The other party's character is not determined, so you rush to push him out?"

   "That's right!" Wang Le nodded, "You have to supervise this guy for me, find out what's going on with this guy, if he's still the same as that **** last time, I'll send him to the South Pole!"

   "No! My dad is going to send him to the moon!" Alice leaned her head, "Uncle Jim."

   "Alice's idea is better." Wang Le said, "What's the situation now?"

   "Get ready to have dinner with them." An Feng said, "What can I do for you?"

   "Take a good look at the reality of that kid, I believe your vision." Wang Le said, "If it doesn't work, what is the number of the killer organization?"

  An Feng: "..."


  Traffic jam in the evening, looking at the superconducting maglev train passing by at a speed of more than 500 hours, I feel that any car on the road is crawling like a snail. With the growth of the city and the increase of the population, the traffic planning of S City decades ago began to show signs of fatigue, and it was in line with the "first traffic jam".

  Finally, we came to a Michelin-starred restaurant. With the increasing influence of China, the number of Chinese food on the red book is also increasing. This is a two-star restaurant, which was booked in advance, and it was already overcrowded when we came. Follow the waiter to sit down and take the menu.

  In order to liven up the atmosphere, Wang Keke said: "Mike is very familiar with Chinese food and can cook it."

   "Oh?" An Feng looked at him, "I am also familiar with Chinese food, can you tell me?"

  The topic unfolds like this, from meals to preferences, from preferences to conversations, from speeches to outlook on life, values... Even if you don't know the situation, you can feel nervous from the questions and answers. Especially in the face of a powerful figure like An Feng, I feel a little bit on pins and needles.

  Wang Keke felt that her boyfriend's hands were shaking if she continued talking, so she came to make a rescue: "You guys are here this time to participate in the equestrian tour?"

   "Yes, I am a player." Alice said proudly, "Maserati Centennial Equestrian Tour, I participated as a one-star professional rider."

   "You are amazing." Wang Keke smiled, "A girl who can enter the career threshold at the age of nineteen is definitely a talent."

   "It's just the environment of my family." Alice said that when others praised her seriously, she wanted to be proud, but it often turned into humility.

   "Is it tomorrow afternoon?" Wang Keke asked.

   "Yes." She nodded.

   "Then you have to take a good rest. You will play tomorrow and adjust your condition tonight."

   "It's okay, I'm just showing up as a friend, and I don't want to compete for rankings." Alice said with a smile, "I'll go to cheer for my cousin and make a show."

   "Are you interested?" An Feng asked suddenly.

  Mike glanced at Wang Keke before saying, "I have time in the afternoon, if possible."

  An Feng said: "Of course welcome, the more people the better."

   This dinner was a bit slow, and the topic was varied, but it was obviously meant to be an assessment. As a bystander, Alice listened with interest. Wang Keke didn't interfere too much, so he let him test it. She was sure her family would know all about it before long.

  When leaving at night, An Feng and Wang Keke walked in front, and Alice fell behind to chat with Mike.

  Wang Keke asked: "What do you think of him?"

   "Shall I tell the truth?"

   "Of course to be honest, I don't have much time to tweak at my age."

An Feng said: "The overall situation is good. From the conversation and preferences, it can be seen that the family background is good, the personality is humble, and the details pay attention to your feelings and opinions. It can also be said to be careful. It complements your character of making decisions—if you live in real life If it's also very good, I think it's okay."

  She said: "Thank you for your evaluation."

  An Feng said: "Don't talk politely, we are good friends, and as elders, we should fulfill our obligations."

   "It's very kind of you," she said.

   "Actually," An Feng smiled, "many girls think I'm good... I think so too."

   "Haha." She laughed, "I mean it."

   "I didn't lie, did I?" An Feng said, and opened the car door beside the road for her.

  Wang Keke looked back at the two people who followed, and said to An Feng: "We will be there on time in the afternoon."

   "Welcome." An Feng said.

  Watching them leave in the car, the ghostly Alice came over: "Dad, what are you looking at?"

   "Score in my heart." An Feng said, "I have to give you Uncle Jim an answer tonight."

   "I feel very good!" Alice walked on the sidewalk at night with his arm in her arms. Followed by two cars, five bodyguards.

   "Little girls like this kind of man who is half vicissitudes and half youthful." An Feng said to her, "But sometimes, too many people think it's good, which will make you feel insecure."

   "Yes." She nodded, "Dad, you know a lot."

"I'm from here." He smiled. "Although parents' interference is unacceptable, there are countless cases that prove that the parents' judgments are often correct in the end. It's a pity that God makes youthful and impulsive children and old-fashioned and calm parents , are always in conflict."

   "Dad." She looked up, "I will refer to your and mom's suggestions in the future."

  An Feng looked at her and asked, "Tell me, what conditions do you want to ask me again?"

   "There are no conditions." She said, suddenly angry: "I hate it, I don't want to tell you!"


  The next afternoon, An Feng attended an event at an international racecourse in S city.

  The title sponsor of the theme is Maserati, which is associated with equestrianism and holds tours around the world. On the one hand, it is to create traditional luxury, and on the other hand, it is to enhance influence. Maserati has been operating very well in recent years, and the president series has always been a royal model and enjoys a high reputation.

There were also many audiences and media present in the afternoon. On the one hand, due to the effectiveness of China's economic construction, social conditions have improved, and big cities are following the old path of developed countries in Europe and the United States—beginning to take time off from heavy work to enjoy and relax. Activity.

  Men present mainly wear suits and dresses, while women wear various morning dresses and colorful hats.

  An Feng also brought his daughter on stage, the difference is that Alice has changed into equestrian clothing, and An Feng is holding the coat. The weather was a bit hot, so she only wore POLO shirts before going on stage. The appearance of her with her hair **** and a helmet in her hand was recorded by the live camera. She is also always the focus.

  Although she is only nineteen years old, she is different from some undeveloped bean sprouts. Because of her good life and heredity, she is 1.73 meters tall. She has a good appearance and figure, and her personality is also popular. It's a pity that although the princess is extroverted, she is still relatively conservative in her attire.

  Alice doesn't care about the outside world, she is talking with Cousin Xiaoyu. Ms. Liu Yu is now over 30 years old, married two years ago, and has a husband who is like-minded. As the vice president of Maserati's Asia region, a Viscountess and a strong woman, her aura is not weak.

It's a long story, but the girl Xiaoyu in An Feng's eyes came to work in Sardinia after graduating from university. Great location. The Queen has bestowed upon her the title of hereditary viness.

  Because of her promotion, Maserati's influence in China has continued to increase.

  The current equestrian tour is a public relations event. The senior executives of the racetrack and Maserati are present, and there are distinguished royal family members, which is very eye-catching. Some celebrities in the business world brought their female companions to attend, as if it was an outdoor social event.

  The beautiful Ms. Liu Yu came over to say hello. She is the husband holding the child, and she also has a bright smile on her face. It seems that the family assignment work is ok.

  Liu Yu stepped forward: "Hi, sister Keke, uncle!"

   "Hi, long time no see!" Wang Keke hugged her, "You've been very busy recently."

   "I also want to take a vacation." Liu Yu said with a smile, "But I have to finish my work and find a sunny and cool beach?"

   "What do you say, Uncle?" she said.

   "I agree." An Feng nodded with his arms folded, "Are you still used to it, or next time I propose to transfer you back to Europe at the board meeting?"

   "No, do things here first." She said, "Add some seniority."

   "It's up to you." An Feng nodded.

   "Your Highness." Liu Yu's husband came, also of Chinese descent, named Zhang Kai, an early immigrant from Sardinia, whose parents were intellectuals. He and Liu Yu got acquainted on campus, their personalities complemented each other, and they entered the palace of marriage naturally. He is also open-minded about housewives and men.

   But he was a little afraid of An Feng. An Feng said a few words to him, then looked at the child in his arms: "Little guy, do you still remember who I am?"

  The one-and-a-half-year-old boy in his arms waved his hands at An Feng and smiled with his mouth open.

   "Interesting." An Feng shook his little hand.

  The equestrian arena is also very exciting. Usually, those who are passionate about equestrianism need some capital. A good horse costs millions, and tens of millions more. Someone was discussing the racing horse that Alice transported by air, which is said to be worth tens of millions of dollars... This time it was used in the obstacle course.

  The obstacle race at this station kicked off, and Alice's appearance order was relatively high, seventh. When the lady in a black slim coat came on stage, the audience burst into applause and cheers. Like her mother, she passed the timer calmly and started to run wildly.

Alice's equestrian talent is very good. She became an international first-star rider at the age of nineteen, and the difficulty is also one-star now. It is not a big problem for her. The triple jump, which is the most error-prone, is also defeated by the horses under her. Overcome with an easy rhythm and finally finished with zero penalties.

  Her right hand was holding the rein, and she raised her left hand and waved it around, very gracefully.