
The power behind the scenes

The day after the shooting incident, a security supervisor under Matthew who was in charge of the incident received a letter at home, which was a boring advertisement, but the supervisor who kept his heart unexpectedly discovered that there was something extra on the letter paper, something out of it. Out of professional caution, he sent it for testing, and the report found it to be deadly ricin.

   Poison inside the envelope! The supervisor broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, it was only ricin and there were no wounds on his hands, otherwise it would be enough to kill him. Thinking about it further, what if it was replaced by anthrax, which is almost extinct? He is dead! After much deliberation, this is not murder, but a warning.

  He immediately called Matthew.

   Far away in New York, after Matthew received the call, his face was gloomy, as if the weather was about to rain. He has always been used to domineering, and he is rarely threatened like this. Although he did not directly target "Sinclair", everyone understands this kind of warning: tell your dogs to behave, or you will be in trouble.

  He called another assistant: "Have you found out the clues provided by Simon?"

  The assistant said: "Not yet."

  Matthew frowned: "I still don't know who they are? What is their purpose?"

   "Investigating, I asked them to send more staff, it should be-"

   "Should?" Matthew was upset.

  The assistant said seriously: "I'll send someone to deal with it, and find out as quickly as possible."

   "Go down!" Matthew waved his hand and shouted again: "Come back! Call the company's security supervisor, now!"

  The assistant backed out cautiously, and Matthew rested his chin in thought. Of course, the matter was not as simple as he had promised An Feng. The guy who was following him was indeed caught, but Simon learned from them that there was another group of people, including the person who threatened him on the phone, and their whereabouts were even more strange.

  Although it is not known whether it is the killer or what is still hiding in the dark, the clues all point to Monsanto. The result was a shotgun smashed car window. Monsanto can't afford to mess with Sinclair, but there are people behind them! After Matthew realized this, he realized that things were not so easy to pass.

   "The Hearst Group? These billions are not easy to get." Matthew's plan to make money easily was destroyed, and the negotiation between the giants was calm on the surface, but in fact there was an undercurrent.

   Three minutes later.

  A tall security supervisor with a black suit who couldn't hide his bulging muscles and an expressionless face knocked on the door and came in, and stood two meters in front of Matthew with his hands behind his back.

   "Rich, is there any other contractor who has taken up domestic business recently?" Matthew asked.

  The tower-like guy said: "There are generally no large groups in domestic affairs, and they are mainly small-scale. If necessary, they are contacted through international intermediaries."

  Matthew shook his head: "It's not the purchasing head, I mean PMC."

  Rich said: "There are quite a few more, such as the three-leaf jungle and Dane International, but they have no business in China and only accept VIP customers."

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Matthew raised a finger: "Contact them first to see if it is possible to provide a standardized military defense team in the near future, with a scale of tens or hundreds of people, the more the better. Also, take a peek and see if they are willing to accept private work..."

  Rich listened for a while, and finally nodded: "I'll get in touch right away."

  An Feng received another call from Matthew the next day.

Matthew told the truth, which is not good news. Although his life is still peaceful and leisurely, the transfer of technology involves the interests of too many people, especially when the negotiating team is playing around with others, the group behind the scenes is nervous, so Take shortcuts—by attacking the weakest side, of course.

Because of this, An Feng was unlucky. He expected that he would have to negotiate the transfer by himself, so he would definitely not be able to play it. Even if it was a transfer, the price was not optimistic, and he was not good at bargaining, so he gave himself an ideal price of 7 billion, with a bottom line of 5 billion. However, he did not expect that things were more complicated than he imagined.

Yes, this kind of thing won't happen if we talk about it properly. At most, the transfer price is lower. Many companies are willing to buy it at a price of tens of billions, but in order to make more profits, the negotiating team sent by Matthew Playing tricks, on the one hand, promised a group of benefits, let Monsanto quietly buy 21% of the minority shareholders, and promised to give them another 30%, but they had to keep it secret, because they created tension and planned to sell Anfeng's hands at a high price The 40% here means that both sides are making profits and raising the price. As a result, the paper can't cover the fire. The other side plans to acquire 40% of the company. two things.

In the end, Monsanto was going to pay a big price to acquire 21%, but it failed to get 30% from Anfeng. It felt like being played like a monkey. Aim at An Feng, attack him, and directly take 30% of "them".

   Knowing the truth, An Feng felt so innocent, didn't he just want to sell the shares at a higher price? The crow's mouth actually came true. I once said that I would encounter threats, intimidation and other bad things. Now all my brains have come, and there are still a group of ghosts wandering around in the dark, I don't know what they want to do.

   Matthew, who felt An Feng's resentment, smiled: "Don't worry, you think about the bright side. If you negotiate by yourself, their methods are even darker."

   "It's not funny!" An Feng was depressed, but he also knew that some people in the Sinclair family were playing tricks under the covers. If they came by themselves, they would have no power, what confidence would they have to negotiate with them? Maybe there is—that is, sell as quickly as possible to the party with the highest bid. Because not everyone likes to play black games. Canada Potash, Mosaic, etc. are all well-behaved negotiations, and only the people behind Monsanto are messing around.

Matthew solemnly said: "I assure you, I will arrange for Dane International's professional contractors to be stationed in the small town where you live as soon as possible. In addition, I will communicate with the governor and local councilors to let them pay more attention to the situation there. things, arrange police patrols, and give contractors the green light."

  Regarding personal safety, An Feng was not polite to him: "I want that kind of authentic mercenary, he must have fought in war, and it is best to put the city under martial law!"

  Matthew smiled and said: "Don't worry, air and land patrols, I guarantee you won't even lose a hair! If necessary, I will invite the FBI to help, okay?"

  Although it was a joke, it could be heard that Matthew was serious.

  After An Feng hung up the phone, Joanna came over and said with concern, "You don't look very pretty."

  An Feng smiled and said: "Maybe it's hot. Let's not talk about it, let's go to the swimming pool to cool off. The weather is really bad recently."

An Feng's performance is the same as usual, and there is no shortage of things to play and enjoy. Occasionally, he and Joanna go to the city to have a meal or go shopping... It's just that his "friends" plan to stay here for a long time, and Gu Li doesn't know how to play. Knowing whether he is afraid of the cold, he wears a black suit all day long, disappears quietly, and occasionally finds him checking some strange props on his body, as if he is guarding against something.

  Matthew received Simon's latest report.

  But Simon said that they quit, because it involves too much, and their company only contracts security work, and does not do murder and arson.

  The meaning is very clear, and the other party is also prepared.

Matthew feels like gunpowder, and Monsanto is nothing to be afraid of, but the people behind them are disgusting, he has dealt with them, and these people don't have many rules-although it is not a wise choice to confront the Sinclair family, but how can a group of hillbillies understand So many boxes!

Matthew, like his mother, has the arrogance of the British colonists towards the United States. Obviously, he will not bow his head. His generation is still alive and well.

   Just when Matthew entered the state, feeling that life was a little challenging, and was about to pick up the phone to call the heroes from all walks of life, Bazel Sinclair in Texas had a video communication with him, and the focus was on this matter. Bazel's complexion was not good, and he asked immediately, "Do you want to fight?"

  Matthew couldn't stand up in front of his elder brother, and argued: "Someone bullied me."

   "Bullying you?" Bazel wanted to laugh and get angry at the same time, "Why did I hear people from the Hearst Group say that you deceived them, and you are aggressive and refuse to apologize?"

  Matthew couldn't hold back anymore, he laughed: "You know the temperament of those country bumpkins all too well. They hang around in front of me like flies all day long, and they dare to threaten my benefactor."

  Bazel asked: "With three billion, are you going to protect him?"

Matthew knew that he was referring to An Feng, and said, "Just? No, his contribution is at least four billion U.S. dollars, pure profit! I haven't had that much pocket money for a few years! Although he is a bit naive, do you think this kind of person Why not? His brain is so powerful, a genius! Can you see the graphene battery clearly? There will be processor chips next, not many billions, but what about hundreds of billions, trillions in the future? There is also research on cancer cells , my mother has been thinking about it, she said that she is tired of chemotherapy and frequent medication, I have found someone to investigate the research center, and the strength is really great."

   Bazel said cautiously: "It's just that we don't know him very well."

Matthew laughed: "Look at your outdated old thinking! What if he married Joanna? Is it worth it? My grandmother was also named 'Stanwell' before she got married. Besides, the Republican Anderson was not a Democrat before, I don't see you doubting his loyalty."

  Bazel heard this and said, "Is that why you decided to bring him in?"

   "He has potential, why don't you win him over? O'Hare has become president, so why are you still sticking to a set of boring white supremacism?" Matthew asked back.

  Bazel said: "He is really lucky, three billion can get you."

Matthew shrugged: "Money is part of the reason, but the main reason is that I think he is pleasing to the eye, a little silly and straightforward. This kind of person gets along with him very easily. He won't engage in so much scheming with you. He just wants to make some money. Live a leisurely life. Don't look at him holding the company. In fact, he doesn't like to manage things. He just wants to pay dividends, and everything is pushed to us. So if you really give him some benefits, he will remember it, form a habit, and automatically stand with us. "

  Bazel's tone relaxed a little: "Monsanto is a small player, but the Hearst Group that supports them is a bit troublesome. Unlike us, there is not enough food to fight."

  Matthew said: "So I have to put my attitude on and let them know that I am serious."

Bazel thought for a while, and said: "Okay, leave this matter to me. You remove those 'armies' tomorrow. What would it be like to ask a group of mercenaries to fly planes near other people's houses if you have nothing to do? The next family meeting, I should recommend you for the most boring guy of the year!"

  Matthew grinned: "Hey, you still have a better temper than me, and I will convince you. If I confront them, nothing good will happen."