
Unequal Showdown

At eight o'clock in the evening, the professional security team arranged by Matthew arrived.

   The leader is a middle-aged man named "Simon". He is serious and earnest. He analyzed the current situation and minimized An Feng's chances of being in distress, that is, he would hardly encounter any accidents under the circumstances of actively cooperating with the other party. Therefore, the current security is mainly based on concealment.

  Currently, there are five special agents and 20 field agents in charge of this matter, and the rest are under intense deployment. Simon once served as a security officer for a certain candidate, and he is of high quality and strength. It can be seen that Matthew is serious about this matter. Although his tone has always been flat, he will never be polite to this kind of person who dares to hinder him from making money.

After Guli communicated with the other party, they left four people, three men and one woman, and the rest stayed in the city and acted separately. One part scouted the surrounding terrain, and the other part cooperated with the police. Although Johnson didn't know their purpose, the city The cooperation of the police is required.

The four secret agents lived in the name of An Feng's friends, and they also mentioned their status as security experts, saying that they wanted to help install some burglar alarms... Everyone knows that An Feng has a lot of friends, and seeing that Gu Li and them get along very well, There was no doubt that their loitering around the house was considered a favor.

  In less than an hour, Anfeng's house was covered with infrared and motion detectors, which were turned on at a certain time, and an alarm would sound as long as someone approached.

An Feng handed over his mobile phone, and Simon took out the SIM card and used it on another mobile phone, telling him: "This mobile phone has built-in anti-eavesdropping and active tracking software, and there are two sets of locators. You'd better keep using it until the threat is neutralized."

An Feng held it in his hand and looked at it. It was bigger than ordinary mobile phones, and the brand he had never seen before. Seeing his curiosity, Guli explained: "This is a specially customized encrypted mobile phone. You can write your own needs. There is a built-in tool that can change the number of the phone, as well as software that changes the voice, which can be used for simple fraud, and the transmitter can be used as a satellite phone."

After listening to Guli's words, Simon smiled: "You know a lot, but the computer experts of the secret service team really work, by connecting the built-in chip of the mobile phone, performing interference or virus implantation, remote eavesdropping, base station positioning and other work, These tracking and anti-tracking efforts rely on technology."

   "That means the equipment is better." Gu Li explained to An Feng.

  Simon is not angry: "Just because of this, let us be famous in the industry, buddy! For security, the hardware level must be strong!"

An Feng knew why Gu Li was like this, because there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Although Gu Li is not high-profile, he has always been proud of being in a top school. He has extensive knowledge in the field of security. Unfortunately, An Feng is just a low-key rich man, not The president is frightened every step of the way, he can't show his strength.

  An Feng slept soundly at night. There are so many experts in the room. If something really happened, he would admit it. But these worries are unnecessary. He just said to the other party that he would actively cooperate, unless the other party's head was caught by the door, he would do things that would cause trouble for him.

   Also in order not to worry his family, he didn't tell them anything.

  The next day, when the technical team was in place, Simon said: "We need to carry out technical positioning, and try to procrastinate as long as possible."

   "Understood." An Feng started calling the other party.

  The phone rang a few times and connected, but the other party didn't speak, so An Feng spoke first: "I know who you represent."

   "I'm glad you called, Mr. Ann."

   "Stop talking nonsense, and let those of you who can manage things come and talk to me." An Feng said boldly, there is no need to waste time with small things.

   "Wait a moment." The other party said.

  Technology group has two people staring at the computer, one of them is wearing a headset. Just now An Feng understood a little bit, one is trying to remotely implant a virus into the opponent's mobile phone, if it is a smart phone, it will be tricked; the other is trying to turn on the GPS or use a mobile base station to perform triangulation.

  Security is only passive, taking the initiative to eliminate threats is the most rapid and proper defense.

  Ten seconds later, another voice came: "Hello, Mr. An."

  The voice is high-pitched, and through the distortion of the software, it can no longer be recognized as it was, and the other party still has a sense of defense. An Feng said, "Tell me about your conditions."

   "We hope to acquire 30% of Tailan's shares in your hand for 4 billion." The other party was also straightforward enough to directly show his hole card.

   "Impossible." An Feng rebuffed straight away, "At present, everyone promised to give 10 billion, but you cut more than half of it casually. This business cannot be done."

   "This is not a negotiation." The other party said indifferently, "We just give you a topic for you to choose, and you can only choose to accept it or not."

  An Feng said: "I can accept it if you want, but you have to raise the price up."

   "I'll say it for the last time, it's impossible. Mr. An, the only thing you can do is accept, and we only need 30%." The other party said confidently.

  An Feng was annoyed: "Then I can't agree, you are bullying too much!"

  The other party laughed: "It's a pity that we can't reach a reunification. Finally, I would like to remind you sincerely, be careful of the people around you, there are many accidents in the world."

"I'm not afraid of you!" An Feng dragged the other party back, "I know what you guys want to do, as long as someone dares to do something to my relatives and friends, I will immediately transfer the shares to your competitors, and the monopoly technology will make you unable to look up for the rest of your life , let you go to decline and perish!"

  The other party smiled: "You want to threaten me instead, this is not a good idea."

"Isn't it, it's not up to you to decide, give another price, 8 billion, we don't need to tear our skins, we both lose, what do you think?" An Feng looked at the two technicians, reported the progress with Guli gestures, and quickly tracked them down , An Feng's tone was angry, but his face was calm.

   "No, we are saying the same thing, 4 billion for 30%." The other party's position is very firm, even if An Feng shows weakness, he has no intention of changing.

  An Feng took a deep breath: "Then come on, I'm not afraid of you!"

   "We'll see." The other party said, and the phone was hung up.

"Successful tracking!" A weak-looking technician said calmly, staring at the computer all the time: "They have some tricks, the mobile phone is equipped with an anti-eavesdropping device, the GPS is dismantled, and a fake base station is used. It took some time to crack it, but they The approximate location has been revealed..."

  An Feng couldn't understand it at all. Non-professionals still don't know how to find the opponent within a hundred or two hundred meters around the base station after a rough positioning.

   But this is not what he cares about. Apparently the security team thinks this is a very good breakthrough point. After some discussion, their plan came out.

  Simon said to An Feng: "Mr. An, now there is a quick solution to the trouble, of course there is a little risk, do you want to try it?"

There is nothing to do with An Feng in the future. More support from the security team has arrived at the local area, and has scanned An Feng's face, and used a 3D printer to create a silicone mask that is exactly like him. A security guard with a similar build The employee puts it on and prepares to drive his sports car out.

  What is An Feng doing? Riding leisurely with Joanna, what to do... This is Simon's plan. He seemed to know the reason, or he was very confident in Matthew. He said that even if he broke his face, the other party would not hurt him easily, because it would anger Sinclair and the consequences would be serious.

  So An Feng has been very leisurely.

Although they did not participate in the operation, according to Gu Li, they would pretend to be An Feng and drive out in a panic. On the one hand, they would lure snakes out of their holes, and on the other hand, they would use the data of the base station location to let the police who are familiar with the locals identify strange people in the city. people and make arrests.

   After wandering around for an afternoon, the news came: the target was captured.

  After An Feng heard the news, his only feeling was: Is this the end?

I was so disappointed, I thought I could see some exciting spy battle scenes, but I saw the special agents sitting in the house all afternoon with coffee cups, chatting, making phone calls, and then the mission was completed. They will cooperate with the police to deal with it, and another group of people who were brought out by them...

  They all kept silent on the grounds of secrecy, but Gu Li knew exactly what to do: "To a certain extent, the pain that does not show traces cannot be used as evidence in court."

  An Feng understands, this is punishment.

   Talked to Matthew on the phone that night.

Matthew said: "The security troubles on your side have been resolved. To be on the safe side, they will continue to stay around for a while. We will track down the people behind the scenes, but don't worry, you won't be involved. We have sent a special message, and if we think about it secretly Anyone who engages in tricks will have a hard time."

  An Feng said: "I'm not worried about this, I mean, what if it wasn't done by Monsanto, what if it was a smoke bomb thrown by other opponents?"

  Matthew listened and said with a smile: "No... Sorry, it's my fault. We used some discriminatory language against them during the negotiation, which may be too much."

  An Feng was curious: "What did you say that made people directly threaten me?"

"Negotiation, it's a bit of a prank. We exchanged customers one by one, and the price we offered might be a bit misunderstanding, and then the misunderstanding was not cleared up in time. The attitude of some people in our negotiating team is not very good. Without explaining that much…"

   After all, An Feng was still very confused, but felt that the matter was caused by the negotiating team being too arrogant.

   And Matthew's calm attitude further confirmed his guess.

As for the result, those guys who were caught in the police station all had a criminal record. They used to do fraud work, and they were watched by the FBI for a long time. You will encounter a tyrannical security team, and the entire army will be wiped out in just two moves.

  An Feng feels a bit thunderous and rainy, how dare they play so loudly with such unequal power? Could it be that they are weak, but that they are too strong?

   Still puzzled, but things are about to end.

   It's just a bit difficult to accuse this point, because there is no direct evidence, and a phone recording can't prove anything, it can only show that those fraud gangs used Monsanto's identity to cheat.

  When things were at an impasse, a senior executive of Monsanto was blasted out of the car window with a shotgun on his way home from get off work. He was fine because the gun was not aimed at people, but the senior executive peed in his crotch.

   After this incident, the trouble really came.