
Spending money is not easy

After finishing the arrangements, you have to wait until the house is furnished and other procedures are completed before you can move in, but the intermediary will handle it properly. The two returned to SLO. That night, his father-in-law invited An Feng to be a guest, and he naturally couldn't refuse. After a long time, facing his father-in-law and mother-in-law, his mentality became calm.

  Go to the meeting in the evening and dress semi-formally, because everyone is familiar with it, and there is no need to make it like a palace dinner. Frank is the warm temper of the American, and he is not too particular. He stopped the car and walked into the house. Dinner was being prepared, and when he was bored, he played with Andy who came to pester him.

  Andy, the little devil, climbed onto the sofa, turned around and sat down, his feet couldn't reach the ground, but the bear's words were down-to-earth: "Hey, Bruce, are you going to take my sister away?"

  An Feng teased him: "Of course, she is my wife. From now on, keep your eyes open and stop pestering her, otherwise I will fight you."

  Andy said old-fashionedly: "Oh, please! I don't have a tendency to forget the year, and I am a dedicated person, and I already have a girlfriend."

  An Feng was amused.

  Seeing that he didn't believe it, Andy stated the facts: "Her name is Gina, a very beautiful girl, you know, with blonde hair and a charming face. I spent two days at school and a strawberry to capture her heart."

  An Feng showed admiration: "You are amazing! When I was six or seven years old, I didn't know the difference between a girl and me."

Andy raised his head proudly: "Learn from me, women are hard to understand, you have to find a way to please her, give up your time watching the ball, and have to weave sweet words. Hey, men are too tired to live , you are not at my level, it is difficult to understand this kind of complicated mood."

Joanna, who came over, heard it and said with a smile: "Don't pay attention to him, he's memorizing TV lines again. If he says Helen, it's on FOX. If it's Lulu, it's on CBS. Of course, if it's Gina, that's true, but it's been said a thousand times."

  Andy sighed: "The last one, don't tell women everything easily, just now is a lesson. There are some things that we men can only communicate with each other."

   After finishing speaking, he stood up and patted An Feng on the shoulder, then jumped off the sofa and wandered to the restaurant.

  An Feng looked at this ostentatious child, dumbfounded, and said to Joanna: "If any family has such a child, it will definitely be very happy."

  Joanna shook her head: "If he gets into trouble, you'll be annoyed."

  The dinner atmosphere was very relaxed. As parents, Frank and Kelly discussed future arrangements and life issues with the young couple at the dinner table. There are experience guidance for them, and there are also memories of past experiences, which can be regarded as the life experience of the predecessors, and there are places worth learning from.

Then I asked about the wedding arrangement. According to Western customs, the woman's family should be responsible for everything. This custom has a long history, and it came from Europe. The most classic is France. Every time the French royal family marries a daughter , In order to show the honor of the royal family, countless wealth was given as dowry... The queen gave birth to more and more, and the royal family was reduced to the point where they dared not marry their daughters again. The reason is that there is no money.

  This is a tortuous story about saving face... After hearing this, An Feng said, "Actually, I plan to let us be responsible for the expenses in this area."

  Kelly listened and shook her head: "This is a major event in Joanna's life. Although it is different from ancient times, we should spend some money besides blessings."

  Joanna listened, and said: "Then share a part with each other, you prepare the family items, and we will choose the location and form."

   Continued to discuss some details, and then they agreed on this approach. It seems to be the same, but the cost of choosing a location can be high or low. According to An Feng's consistent thinking, if he spends a sum of money unhappy, he will feel uncomfortable. He even hopes that Joanna will try "Local Bride".

   After finding out the picture, I made jokes for her for a long time.

  The next day, I packed my luggage and drove along Route 5 to Berkeley.

   It's another autumn school season, and the campus is once again bustling as before. There are more vehicles coming and going on the quiet road, and a group of students dragging their luggage stroll along the roadside, chatting and laughing happily. An Feng slowed down the speed of the car, and slowly moved forward in the direction indicated by Joanna.

There are veterans and newcomers mixed on campus. The veterans usually keep their heads down and are familiar with the surroundings, while the newcomers look left and right. From time to time, they are wooed by the propaganda organization of the fraternity or sorority to distribute a flyer... Green Onion Campus , An Feng feels so nostalgic.

  Joanna is familiar with registration and reporting. After arriving at the place, she relaxed and took the materials to report to her department organization. An Feng was in charge of acting cool, wearing sunglasses and leaning against the car door looking at passers-by boredly. If he added some poses, no one would suspect that he was a car model.

   After a while, Joanna came back with a happy face.

   "Hi, have you been approached?" Joanna asked with a smile. The new semester has a new atmosphere. She is wearing a brightly colored printed skirt, and her jewelry is just two diamond earrings, looking youthful.

   "Isn't this the lady in front of you?" An Feng took off his sunglasses and put his arms around her waist, "This unknown lady, can I kiss you?"

   "But I don't know you yet." Joanna's big eyes were innocent.

   "Please forgive me for not being able to help myself." An Feng kissed her lightly on the lips, "Now I declare, beautiful lady, you are my prey."

  Laughter came from the side, the two turned their heads, Daisy and a white man were looking at them.

   "Hi, Daisy, long time no see!" Joanna went to hug her with a calm face. It was a coincidence that she continued to study here.

  Daisy let go of Joanna, looked at An Feng again, and said with a smile: "If I didn't know, I thought you were going to stage a love at first sight melodrama."

  An Feng smiled slightly, and looked at the man beside her: "Daisy, who is this?"

   "My boyfriend!" Daisy took the hand of the man beside her and said sweetly: "I was stimulated by Joanna, and I posted sweetness on Twitter all day long!"

  Joanna smiled: "I'll give you the chance."

   "My name is Harry, nice to meet you." Daisy's boyfriend looks very sunny, and belongs to the kind of team captain that girls like.

In comparison, An Feng is much calmer. Perhaps because of age and experience, the two have completely different styles, but they also fit the personalities of Joanna and Daisy. Joanna has a calm temperament. She likes the type of An Feng. Daisy Xi is more lively, and the captain of the team is more suitable for her.

  Actually...Harry is not the captain of the team. He is Daisy's junior. An Feng asked Joanna to get in the car, walked slowly through the crowded road, and left the school.

  Driving across the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge and back to their holiday mansion in San Rafael, An Feng called the moving company and housekeeping service, which required an appointment—but it was fine to add money. The two companies came to the door quickly and started the service according to their requirements.

  The hostess was in charge of the house, and An Feng, who had nothing to do, sat on the small platform outside the house, surfing the Internet with his laptop. There was one last thing on his mind: the yacht. Now that there is a private dock, there is absolutely no shortage of yachts. He screened the ones that met his requirements on the website provided by Angela.

Among the top ten yacht brands in the world, at least three are from Italy, so Italian yachts are famous all over the world, just like their famous Ferrari sports cars. In yachts, Riva, Faraday and Azimuth are all top-notch. Similarly, The supply is relatively large.

   This means available in stock.

  An Feng is now focusing on instant enjoyment, and has no patience to wait another year and a half. The spot that best meets his requirements is the spot. And according to the size of the canal and the wharf, it is not realistic to want a medium and large yacht like Roger last time, because its length alone exceeds the wharf.

  You can only choose a smaller one. In fact, it doesn't matter if it's smaller. Medium and large yachts generally need to hire a driver. In order to enjoy it, they also need a chef. For small and medium-sized ones, you can drive them yourself.

  The yacht driver's license is not difficult, much easier than a car, and can be obtained in ten days. With An Feng's learning ability, it can be done in four or five days at most. A yacht that is too big is difficult to drive, a smaller one is no problem, and you can enjoy a complete two-person world. Now they are playing Sweet Life After Marriage.

Based on the actual situation, after experiencing the luxury of Azimuth last time, I am very yearning, but it usually sells yachts that are more than 30 meters long, which are too big and inconvenient to dock. The canal is only 40 meters wide. It will be very troublesome for novices to turn around when the yacht is lowered for a few meters.

Riva has a boat that meets An Feng's choice, and it is known as the "Rolls-Royce" of yachts. Feng looked down full of joy, it was good, but there was no stock.

   Sure enough, everyone will grab all the good things. After a little more thought, I stopped focusing on Italian yachts and looked at British ones. There are also many famous brands in the UK, such as Princess, and the small and medium-sized yachts in the V series are also luxurious.

He took a fancy to an ivory white yacht of the princess, about 15 meters long, fast, flexible and spacious, equipped with a teak table, a bar and a U-shaped sofa, a large bed in the lower living area, an office area, a kitchen and a heated shower room . The upper front deck can accommodate three people sunbathing, and there is a large teak platform at the stern, which is the most suitable place to sit on, soak your feet in the sea water, and snuggle up to each other to enjoy the sunset over San Francisco Bay.

  The most important point is that it is in stock, and the price is not too high. Because some personalized decorations are added to the stock, the price is 520,000 US dollars, and it will be delivered within five days. The conditions are so good, only 520,000, An Feng dialed the phone without hesitation and contacted the dealer.

  Looking up at the sea in the distance, I always feel a little less... Motorboat, yes, it is a motorboat! Yachts are generally equipped with a tow hook, which can pull a smaller two-person motorboat out to sea, so that you can get closer to the sea water and play more freely. After thinking about it, I went to order a motorboat.

  After finishing, he stretched his waist and sighed: "It's really not easy to spend some money."