
New home for two

The breeze gently blows the curtains.

  This cool morning, with the chirping of insects and birds, and the soft sunshine, is really depraved. An Feng has been sleeping very well recently, and he woke up early, but he is reluctant to get up. The cat hiding in his arms is sleeping soundly, and a few strands of hair fall on his face, which is a bit itchy.

He once fantasized about this warm scene. When he woke up and opened his eyes, what he saw was the morning sun, what he saw was his lover, and what he enjoyed was warmth. There were not so many worries and worries, only the faint emotion of interdependence. ...everything satisfies him now.

   "Hmm..." Joanna murmured softly, twisting her body to get closer to each other, feeling his heartbeat on her back.

  She touched An Feng holding her hand, closed her eyes and said, "Hi."

An Feng smiled, maybe she hasn't woken up yet... bowed her head and kissed her shoulder, her skin was white and delicate, by the standards of white people, her skin was very good, without freckles, just like the skin on her face, soft and rich elasticity. She felt An Feng's kiss and said with a smile, "No."

  An Feng whispered in her ear: "I found out that your position is very sensitive."

  She turned around and faced him: "You guessed wrong, I just like to be kissed by you."

  An Feng smiled: "You can really argue, who couldn't stand it last night?"

   "It's you." Joanna nodded his chin, "Hey, I need to report tomorrow, what are your plans?"

  An Feng said: "I don't want to leave you."

  Joanna also said: "Me too."

  An Feng said: "That's easy, let's continue to live together."

  Joanna kissed him: "The correct answer."

  An Feng was surprised: "Is there any other answer? Do you think I will let my sweet wife continue to live in the school or around? God doesn't allow it!"

  She smiled: "Your mouth is so sweet."

  An Feng continued: "So you like to let me kiss you."

  Joanna will report to UCB tomorrow to continue her MBA career. Although in An Feng's view, it doesn't matter whether she studies or not. Anyway, as the wife of a billionaire, she is destined to enjoy life all her life, and work will be isolated from her, but since it is her wish, she naturally agrees.

   After the two got up, they warmed up for a while, and flew to San Francisco by helicopter.

Considering the problem of going back and forth, it is best to keep Joanna within a 30-minute drive from the school. With this as the radius, Berkeley is the first to be ruled out. Although there are a lot of local housing, it cannot satisfy An Feng. Ordinary housing, crowded Environment...the rich need to be clean!

He set his sights on the west of Berkeley, across the San Francisco Bay, and found a place called "San Rafael" in the north of San Francisco. This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery, good greenery, good security, and a coastal building. Most of the residences have private marinas, a typical wealthy area.

Although the local area is more than 30 kilometers away from Berkeley, there are cross-sea bridges and expressways leading directly to Berkeley nearby. It is not like the congested environment of Los Angeles. There are few local vehicles. According to Anfeng's driving style, it takes at most 15 minutes to get there. When the family arrived at school, Joanna could not be more than 20 minutes late? According to American standards, this is a performance of moderate distance, neither far nor close, and can produce distance beauty...

  An Feng thought it was good, so he contacted the real estate agent and made an appointment to see the house.

  Due to its excellent conditions, most of the houses in San Rafael have been sold, and the price is between one and two million. Only the upper middle class or the wealthy will live here. An Feng's conditions are even more stringent. Neighbors are too close together, and he doesn't want Joanna to be seen naked when she is naked. Then the area must be spacious, with front and rear yards, a swimming pool, trees and flowers, and the most important thing is the marina!

  The Queen's cruise ship is used for traveling around the Caribbean or around the world, while the small yacht is used for getting bored or gathering with friends!

  So a yacht marina is essential.

Facing the big and powerful customers, the agent turned his mind very quickly, without having to think too much, he found out from the computer the ones that met An Feng's conditions: "Sir and Madam, look at this area, the scenery is very good, the transportation is convenient, and the houses are well-built. The area is large enough, and almost all come standard with swimming pools and private docks."

  An Feng took a few glances and nodded: "Not bad."

  The agent said with a smile: "Because of its convenience, the house price will be higher than other areas."

  An Feng smiled contemptuously: "The only thing I consider is what pleases me."

  The intermediary dare not talk nonsense anymore, this person is really rich...drive them to visit the site. There are two sets of luxury houses for sale, both of which are located next to the "canal" deliberately dug by the real estate developer to bring in sea water, and then every household along the river builds docks and moors yachts to satisfy the luxury enjoyment of the rich.

  The two houses for sale they visited were not first-hand, but it is almost impossible to get a first-hand house in San Rafael, and Americans don't care too much about these, as long as they live well, other things are not considered. Most of the luxury houses in the United States are constantly changing hands, and few people will live there for a lifetime.

The two houses are not far apart because they are on the same river. Anfeng mainly depends on the layout of the house and the surrounding environment. The first house is very good, with 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, a front and back yard with a swimming pool and a dock, and a living area More than 3,000 square feet, converted to nearly 300 square meters. Of course, real estate developers in the United States are very kind, and the housing area does not include the front and back yards and gardens. If you add them all up, it will exceed 1,200 square meters.

  Generally speaking, it is good. The government requires that the houses sold by real estate agents must be equipped with basic equipment, that is, wiring, lighting, kitchen utensils, etc., to ensure that residents only need to carry their bags to move in. This is very considerate. And like an empty house in China, it is generally not allowed to buy or sell.

  An Feng discussed with Joanna and continued to visit the second house with reservations.

  The second set has the same total area, with front and back yard gardens, a swimming pool and a private dock, planted with some palm trees and tropical plants, full of greenery. It has 3 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. At first glance, it looks smaller than the previous one, but in fact, the three bedrooms are very large, and the living area reaches 4,300 square feet, or 400 square meters. The design of the house is stylish and simple, with very little furniture, but it feels clean and comfortable.

   "It looks so clean," Joanna said, clearly pleased.

   "Let's go visit the backyard." An Feng pulled her to the backyard. A row of palm trees planted by the swimming pool blocked part of the harsh sunlight, leaving a shadow on the water. According to the agent, the swimming pool is equipped with a standard filtration system and a constant temperature heating system, so you can play in the water even in winter.

Through the swimming pool, a platform with a guardrail was built at the place leading to the pier, and two wooden tables and lounge chairs were placed. You can drink a cup of tea in your spare time, look at the calm river in front of you, or hide in the shade of the trees and relax. Stay for a while... An Feng feels that the attraction is too strong. The problem of the lack of rooms is not considered at all. It is basically used to make love and get tired of the world of two people. How can there be so many guests.

  Joanna came to the pier and looked at the yachts moored by her neighbors: "It's really nice, it's very quiet, and a medium-sized yacht can be parked here."

  The wife and adults have spoken, and An Feng only needs to act cool.

   is commonly known as "how many meters".

  The agent smiled and said: "The price of this house is 3.2 million US dollars, bring all the furniture and electronic equipment."

  It is much more expensive than the surrounding ones, but it is fully furnished and you can move in with your bags. Without hesitation, An Feng chose this place, signed the contract with the smiling intermediary, and issued the transfer check. The whole process took only a few minutes. The intermediary accepted the check and the contract, and left a business card to say goodbye with a smile.

  The next step was to visit with Joanna. They chose a room with a luxurious bathroom as the master bedroom, and then took notes on the furniture that needed to be replaced. Although it looks clean, but some beds, bath towels and so on, I can't guarantee the habits of the previous owners of the house.

An Feng looked around, the room was very spacious, the bathroom alone was 20 square meters, equipped with a hydrotherapy pool with massage function, and a deceptive shower room - because it is transparent, usually a couple washes in it, and the other in the bathroom. Look outside, create a hazy vision to increase the interest of life, and then run to the bathtub for a mandarin duck bath, and think about it until tomorrow... The designer is really a TM genius.

Go downstairs and browse the living room again. In addition to the glass wall to make the living room bright, there is also a study room and a gym. The gym is not big, but it can lead to the small garden in the backyard. Joanna can sit on a mat on the grass. Do yoga on it, strip naked and no one can see.

"Also here, replace this table with a teak one, and the stool should be rounded and padded so that you can hold me." Joanna pointed to the areas that needed improvement, and was only in charge of giving orders, Ann Feng followed her and jotted down a few pages. Sure enough, women are naturally suitable for housekeeping.

   "Is there any more?" An Feng raised his head and asked.

  Joanna thought for a while, then shook her head: "That's it."

"Of order, my wife." An Feng put the pen in his pocket and started to make a phone call: "Hey, Angela, please trouble you if you have anything to do, but before that, I think you need to call an assistant to help you record. "An Feng looked at the few pages in his hand, he was sure that Angela couldn't memorize so much.