
nvestigation "illegal"

Only An Feng came up with this method.

  But the effect was good. After waking up the next day, Fred got a Christmas gift from his mother's stockings. The bigger the puzzle area, the more intelligence and patience it will test. And for the little genius, it was just a game with a little more thought. After five days, he announced that it was completed, which won the praise of the adults.

  After Christmas, the family went to England.

Besides going on vacation, An Feng also has something to talk to Bazel about. The relationship between this plan is too complicated. After discussing it with Joanna privately, he couldn't figure it out, so Bazel, who is familiar with the overall situation, needs to explain it. , they live very close together, both in the southwest of London.

   The outcome of the discussion remains complex.

Dozens of investment companies, fund management companies, foundations, banks and other industries are involved in this, and even the real economy will also play a role. For example, if Bida stops supplying to a certain country, it will definitely cause inventory Prices go up, money goes out.

  Bazel is not a financial professional, anyway, they are going to make a financial move that will make the giant cold.

  An Feng didn't care about it, and followed everyone, and everyone was prosperous.

   Rest in the villa at the beginning of the month.

In the afternoon, we encountered the rare sunny weather in London. They leaned on the wooden deck chairs in the yard, covered with a blanket, and basked in the sun leisurely. The robot served them snacks and drinks. The two children were playing on the swings. Ruth pushed Fred, laughing.

  An Feng flipped through the "Glamour" magazine in his hand: "The ranking of the best dressed of the year is out."

   "Let me see." Joanna stretched out her hand.

Every year, the magazine likes to make rankings. Due to its great influence, the rankings have also attracted many people's attention. This year, Joanna still maintains the third place. She doesn't make many appearances, but there are amazing people in the equestrian events in June. Performance, styling wins favor.

  Joanna was naturally happy, but she frowned again.

   "What's wrong?" An Feng looked at her.

  She complained a bit and said: "The ones in front of me are always young girls in their twenties. Do you think I have fallen behind the times?"

   "Huh?" An Feng was surprised, at least he ranked third. How can such a high ranking be related to not keeping up with the times?

  Seeing that An Feng was silent, she said, "You think so too?"

"How is it possible!" An Feng shook his head resolutely, "You look about twenty-six or seventeen years old, I'm sure it's because you don't have many appearances, next year you will make more appearances in front of the camera, and I will go to Hollywood with me in March Party, walk on the red carpet, and guarantee to win the first place next year."

Although she knew she wasn't young anymore, she was still in a good mood when she heard the compliment. She took out the small mirror in her bag and looked at her face. Her face could not tell her age. She had been drinking top-quality biological drinks for a long time, and her appearance had been fixed. Only one's own temperament is changing.

  Seeing her smiling in the mirror, An Feng also smiled. This psychological level is still very easy to pass.


  Since January, the world economy has been undercurrent.

  After An Feng returned to California, he also continued to pay attention, and at the same time strengthened the communication with the members of the consortium. This is not a small investment. If the matter is big, he may have to invest hundreds of billions in it, or even more. It is the wealth of an invincible country, not a pile of waste paper.

January was relatively calm, the US dollar rose slightly, and gold continued to fall. In recent years, the price of gold has risen and fallen, and generally speaking, it is falling, so investors have different opinions. However, the consumption of gold in Asia is very high, and aunts always feel that Holding gold is better than any currency.

After February, the situation has changed. The debts of several developed countries in Europe are being consumed. On the surface, there is a thriving trend. Whether it is the euro or the stock market, this change has attracted investors of all sizes. This is in contrast to the uncertainty of the US dollar pattern.

  An Feng knows that the consortium is already making a move. They are betting on the future in Europe and North America. The difference is that they are long (think rising) and short (think falling). Some previous cases were different, they started from various aspects. The dollar's decline has already begun to show signs.

In March, the U.S. Congress reviewed the draft on the investigation of gray areas such as offshore accounts of multinational companies and offshore financial behavior. The rules also required major companies to keep accounting records. It's on the Republican side.

  In contrast, the public supported the move.

  Because of the good public relations methods in the early stage, newspapers and media are intentionally or unintentionally promoting the gray methods of these large companies, so as to accumulate funds and tax avoidance methods. Even more daring media mentioned the inside story of offshore company accounts being secretly held by Americans. This is another move by the U.S. government to lift the financial fig leaf after forcing the Swiss government to release UBS account data of Americans.

  But soon, under pressure, the media deleted the relevant reports.

An Feng began to feel that the concealed life of being a rich man was about to leave, but it would not be too soon. Even if the bill was passed, it would be the first to investigate multinational companies, and then it would be the turn of private private means—this would have to be done by people in the offshore financial district. Agree, there is no such thing as six or seven years.

This time the Democratic Party is very firm on this bill. It seems that in response to this, the US dollar began to decline, and some groups bought a large amount of gold, which is also driving up the price of gold. The two ends of the balance have changed. The Internet also began to appear brick speech.

The fall of the U.S. dollar is not a good thing. In order to prevent this, the Americans have a large amount of gold reserves. Maybe this is just a drop in the bucket for big countries, but the hegemony of the U.S. dollar is based on many aspects, such as the U.S. military power, technological power, Even social influence.

   There is a joke that once the United States runs out of money, it will drive its aircraft carrier fleet to the door of other countries to make a few rounds to ensure that they will buy U.S. debt.

  The matter is not that serious now, because the consortium has just taken the first step, and the subsequent rounds of bombing have not yet come.

   At this moment, the situation suddenly changed.

  An investment company located on Wall Street was visited by the Ministry of Justice one day in early April for unknown reasons. The next day, three foreign-invested companies were investigated. The Ministry of Justice required their hedge funds to keep documents such as transaction records related to the U.S. dollar to investigate whether they were suspected of colluding to short the U.S. dollar.

   The basis for judging whether short selling is illegal is very vague. Generally speaking, it is to investigate whether senior executives have negotiated a specific price and conspired to trade. The evidence that is most likely to be caught is a party. Several financial crocodiles chatted at a dinner party and reached an agreement in secret, but were caught by spies and convicted.

  When An Feng got the bad news from Matthew, it got even worse. Matthew answered another call and said to him, "Several executives from Rand Investment Bank have been arrested."

   "What's going on?" An Feng frowned.

The Rand Investment Bank is the obvious target of the consortium, and it is also a giant on Wall Street, but it was suddenly visited by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Ministry of Justice and the FBI, and several of the top executives were invited away, including a well-known Wall Street investor. Genius Johnny Heyman.

  Matthew explained on the phone: "The specifics are not clear, but we can only say sorry."

  An Feng knew it was not safe on the phone, so he didn't say much: "God bless them."

  The specific reason is still suspected of joint short-selling. This time their opponents came prepared, and when the Texas consortium started to move, they launched an attack. The next day, the "Wall Street Journal" began to report on the incident, focusing on the joint shorting of the US dollar by domestic investment companies and foreign companies.

The newspaper said the Department of Justice has knowledge of at least several high-level fund managers who attended a private dinner in Manhattan, New York in March, led by financial tycoon Johnny Heyman and reached a deal with them that also included illegal shorting of the Canadian dollar. , Combination behavior of long yen.

  As soon as the report came out, the financial world was in an uproar.

To say that Hyman's reputation is not small, a billionaire, a celebrity of the Rand Investment Bank, many of the decisions he made have an impact on other industries, and he is also a weathervane for some people to judge... Generally speaking, he is the BOSS, and the judicial The Ministry has now invited this BOSS away to investigate, and a sensation is inevitable.

   If they maliciously shorted the euro, it would not be surprising if it was the British pound - Americans have always been like this.

   But conspiring to short the dollar in turn is rare.

  Heyman, who was invited to go under house arrest for investigation, was also very straightforward in the face of questioning, and he was surprisingly cooperative.

  The dollar's ​​decline stabilized the next day. Everyone thought that the financial tycoon was under investigation and the illegal short-selling case should be over, but if they saw Heyman's calm look when he was under investigation, they would know that things would not be easy. Colleagues on Wall Street are even more aware that Heyman is just a spokesperson.

   Standing behind the investment bank is the capitalist Robin Dross. He is currently using GP's quantum communication technology to talk to the real behind-the-scenes people through a communication method that cannot be deciphered. Although the Rand investment bank was investigated, the Justice Department did not decide to move Dross.

This guy is too big, he is a member of the Texas consortium, and behind him are several industry leaders. Some things have not yet come to an end, just like two countries can have a war of words, but they will definitely not develop immediately. Like nuclear war, the logic here is the same.

  An Feng got a decision from Matthew: "Give up Rand Investment Bank."

   That is, the spokesperson was completely sacrificed, but the consortium will treat things related to him well. At present, the opponent is moving too fast, and the blockbuster of the consortium has not been dropped, and the opponent is shooting with machines. As a result, the consortium, a giant that is ready to go, is a little hesitant.

  This matter did not hurt the overall plan. The consortium is multi-faceted, the main body is in Europe, and the US dollar, Canadian dollar and Japanese yen are considered extra money.

Affecting the U.S. dollar is only an inevitable side effect—Johnny Heyman and his like have only touched the surface of the matter. He thought that the boss of the company would take advantage of the situation to short the U.S. dollar and earn tens of billions. Trillions of funds have laid more than one line.

   These series of actions are just appetizers, and the main event is still to come.


As for the U.S. government, the president answered a call from former President Anderson. He brought some suggestions: "On certain matters, enough is enough. You have to know that there is no absolute victory. If you continue to develop, you will only lose to both sides, and it will even turn into an unmanageable situation." endgame."

   "Mr. Anderson, are you reminding me?" said the current president.

   "I'm just offering a suggestion as an outsider, you should know how muddy the water is here."

   "I will consider your suggestion."

The current president didn't hear what Anderson said, and he thought it was about those bills. Although the influence is very wide, many congressmen are against it, and even the former president has come out to speak out, but if these vampires can also bleed, Taking risks may lead to greater success.

  Anderson smiled wryly as he listened to the busy signal on the phone. He has done his best, and what he did is the maximum that the Texas consortium can tolerate. He knows how powerful they are, because he has personally watched them grow in the past ten years. If it is a confrontation in the United States, maybe the government has a chance of winning.

   But these guys have taken root all over the world.