
Disassembly transfer

The temporary setback in the United States cannot stop the consortium from attacking in an all-round way.

Mainstream media, including "Wall Street Journal" and "Reuters", are all talking about this matter, saying that from January to April, the financial giants headed by Heyman experienced ups and downs from joy to bad news, and there are many short sellers. The turmoil has passed, and the market is once again clear about the joy.

   There is nothing wrong with such a comment. The media have used past experience to judge that the U.S. financial stability has indeed been restored in the future. But most people have underestimated the global plans of the behind-the-scenes consortium and their huge funds that have nowhere to spend, and the game has just begun.

Global trade also leads to a serious mutual influence on economic changes. In the last financial crisis, the most obvious ones were the United States and Europe. Once the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, Europe on the other side of the Atlantic also followed suit. The method is different and relatively stable.

   To put it simply, the consortium wants to grasp all the trends and laws and make a bet on the future.

   It doesn't look easy, but there is currently no better way to spend the funds they deposited.

In May, the United States was calm, but some European countries complained, saying that the financial giants headed by Soros and Cohen in the United States, their investment companies, and hedge funds were shorting the euro, but because the behavior could not prove whether the hedge funds jointly shorted it, it was difficult to define Violation.

These Wall Street giants took advantage of the Texas consortium and released bad news when the dollar was rising to scare Europe, whose economy was not very stable. As a result, they fell in panic, and the hedge funds made a fortune, billions Dollar money flows to the United States.

Two incidents occurred on Wall Street in the first half of the year: the giant led by Rand Investment Bank was suspected of shorting the US dollar and was investigated, the company's stock price fell, and the high-level executives had no intention of recovering; and the financial giants may conspire to short the euro, the Ministry of Justice went around without any results , The giants made billions.

   It is the European and Texas consortium that pays.

  But the tycoons riding horses in Anfeng Manor did not have the slightest awareness of losing money. They talked and laughed happily, competing with each other in equestrian skills. Bazel, who is in his sixties, is old and vigorous. Taking bio-drinks for a long time makes people not feel his specific age, and he is more energetic than what An Feng has seen in the past.

  Bazel rode across the triple jump barrier, and the crowd applauded.

  Bazel patted the horse's neck: "Good horse! Although he is older, the actual experience is not weaker than that of the younger ones!"

  Austin said: "If you don't show up, who will know the strength?"

   "It makes sense." Matthew said, "Let the younger perform first this time."

  They obviously have something to say. They keep commenting on the current economic situation. The recent days have indeed been ups and downs. It makes people feel that this game is not easy, because they will be against many people. Of course, the appearance cannot determine the result, just like the good horse praised by Bazel.

   "Then the center of gravity will be completely shifted?" An Fengce immediately stepped forward.

  Austin said: "First put it in Europe, when you bet on its future rise, and now someone helps us lower the price, how comfortable it is!"

  An Feng said: "I feel that the situation is chaotic now."

Matthew said: "In fact, we are all the same, specifically how those flexible heads operate, and where our funds are used. When you regard yourself as the commander who is only responsible for giving orders, ignore the process, and wait for the end. When it comes out, it will be clear."

   "It's the same." An Feng said, it's easy to think so, that is, I invest, wait for a period of time, and then recover the cost and profit.

  Bazel turned his horse's head around and said: "We have to transfer some capital in the United States. The probability of passing that bill is very high."

   Matthew said: "It's not a good thing for GDP."

Matthew said this lightly, but it is definitely bad news for the U.S. economy. If the capital of the consortium is transferred... the revenue of the main large companies of the consortium will safely exceed 4 trillion U.S. dollars. If half of it is taken out, the U.S. GDP will also be corresponding This part is missing.

   So this is their trump card, and it's going to be used. The outflow of a large amount of American capital, even if the American economy is prosperous, will scare many people. They will think that it is a superficial illusion, and it will develop into fear and caution. This move is almost irresistible.

  Whether it's a program requirement, or a **** bill, they've got to do it.

At present, the U.S. Congress is also focusing on reviewing the proposed draft to establish new rules to check the economic behavior of multinational companies overseas, because a senator broke the news that a bunch of giants have accumulated nearly trillions of funds, which the tax bureau failed to calculate Taxes and fees may reach 300 billion U.S. dollars.

  However, it is one thing for a congressman to speculate, but another for whether there is evidence.

As a result, tricks will definitely be detected, but the amount will not be so large. The operating investment, taxes and management expenses of enterprises in various places are all within the scope of deduction... This is not an easy thing to pass, and it is not easy to check if it is passed. Clear, there may not be any results after checking...Complicated things.

  In May, Anfeng UK partners started discussions.

   Then he told Joanna about the recent changes and an important decision of his: splitting the Gene and Tima Biological Research Center.

  Joanna was surprised: "Why did you dismantle it? It still holds a lot of shares in the company. How should we deal with it?"

  An Feng said: "A lot have been transferred and are held by individuals or offshore companies. The current structure of the research center is bloated, and the operation is no longer convenient."

  Joanna asked: "Then what is your plan?"

  An Feng said: "I just want to divide it into several parts, medical, genetics, and botany."

   "There are efficiencies, but how do you place them?"

An Feng continued: "I plan to transfer the medical department to the UK, and control it with your capital, your personal, your own company, charitable funds, etc. Other departments... To be honest, apart from the holding of patent shares in these years, R&D has already Not much progress, can stay in the US."

  Joanna understood: "You just want to share the company shares held by the research center?"

   "That's right." An Feng nodded.

   "Is it because of the recent problems in the United States?"

An Feng nodded: "There is a part of the reason. If the controversial bill is passed, many things will become clear, and it will appear that the funds are too large. In addition, you pay attention to charity and assign the medical department to you and your name. The charitable fund has a wider impact."


   There has been a big news in the medical world recently.

  The well-known Jean and Tima Biological Research Center recently announced that due to management and funding issues, the board of directors unanimously decided to dismantle it.

Over the years, the research center has been the benchmark of biotechnology, especially medical technology in the world. Every major breakthrough has been made by them, and they have produced five Nobel Prizes in total. Honorary coronation of the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

  But now the sudden announcement of dismantling shocked the medical world.

  Many people have doubts: Is the world's strongest research institution going to disappear?

  However, Joseph, the director of the research center, held a press conference to express his official attitude. The split of the research center is a matter of operating efficiency. There are too many combinations of different institutions, making it difficult to implement unified management, and due to operational problems, it is impossible to coordinate every department.

Joseph also brought good news. The research center will not disappear. The main body remains in the United States, but several important departments are dispersed. The most concerned medical department is transferred to the United Kingdom and is held by the great philanthropist Joanna Baroness. Shares also belong to her charitable fund.

  In order to facilitate management, the foundation's medical organization is combined with the medical department, named "Elizabeth Medical Society".

   For this decision, most people agree.

  Because Joanna has a good public image, she is a pure philanthropist to the outside world. The medical department was acquired by her, and people are willing to believe that it will continue to make contributions to the world's medical cause. According to subsequent statistics, the support rate for the research center's move was the highest, reaching 90%.

  Other departments have also been adjusted accordingly, or disappeared, or established.

  In fact, the technology and patents belonging to the research center are almost zero, and they have been transferred out in the past few years and become held by individuals or companies. Only the headquarters still enjoys certain dividends. Dismantling the huge research center has been listed as a major issue a few years ago.

The current headquarters is similar to Bida Company. It seems to be an unshakable giant in the global bio-drink industry, but in fact, apart from being active in the United States, the proportion of foreign subsidiaries in name is very poor. In the British subsidiary , the head office only holds a 2% share.

The others are all held by the consortium, and Joanna and her companies account for 40% of the shares. Even Beta Company has handed over the production and technology authorization. The production authorization can freely set up processing plants, and the technology... is actually in the medical field. In the hands of the department, it has already been transferred.

   It seems complicated, but in essence it is only partially dispersed, and the total amount is constant.

If you are interested in statistics, you will find that the companies invested by the Texas consortium have changed over the years. The company holds fewer shares in subsidiaries. It is a "subsidiary" in name, but it has actually been controlled by other business organizations. Only production or The patent license is still in hand.

  The taxes and fees that the United States can collect have been greatly reduced, and when calculating GDP, it will definitely shrink. Correspondingly, other countries give preferential treatment. For example, in the United Kingdom, the government gives the "Elizabeth Medical Society" tax incentives, and the corporate income tax is only 15%, while in the United States it is 35%.

  If the medical association makes a profit of 100 million U.S. dollars, it will pay 35 million in income tax in the United States, but only 15 million in the United Kingdom.

  There is a reason for the high tax rate in the United States. The investment environment is good, and the opportunities and benefits are greater, while the conditions in the United Kingdom are naturally not as good, so preferential policies are needed to attract people. For the medical sector, which is mainly based on medical research and charitable services, there is not much profit, and taxes are more symbolic.

This series of turbulent measures will cause a large amount of capital outflow from the United States. Not only the Texas consortium is considering overseas and the European environment, but some other companies are also looking for markets outside the United States. relatively popular vocabulary.

  The reason is that the tax rate in the United States is too high, and companies try to transfer the company's registration to a country with a low tax rate through acquisitions and reorganization. This is tax inversion. The consortium is doing the same thing now, but it is more inclined to get the funds out and make the United States tense.