
Lunar Enclosure

It is said that the Sinclair family and An Feng are the most destined. At first, the old lady favored An Feng like a sixth sense, and then started more cooperation with him, and thus contacted people from all walks of life. Even at the beginning, Bazel doubted whether he had the strength to cooperate with their family.

  He admitted that he was wrong. If it wasn't for Matthew's insistence and his mediation to stop the dispute between the fertilizer giants, perhaps there would be no prosperity today. As Matthew said, An Feng is underestimated every time, from an unknown kid to a highly respected dignitary.

  Matthew joked: "I believe he traveled from a time and space in the future to modern times."

   Looking back now, it is a good explanation. But jokes are jokes, the reason everyone accepts in their hearts is the genius and his strong team.

Bazel is also old now. Although bio-drinks can keep them alive for a long time, including the technology revealed to them by An Feng, people will always get tired. He is currently only in charge of the general direction of the consortium. The younger generation of his family had more contact with the An family.

  This time the kingdom's horse racing festival, the members of the Sinclair family are basically all present, the old and the young appear on the same stage. In addition to the hereditary titles of nobles bestowed on them by Joanna, as well as the unexpected strength of the kingdom, I am afraid that some family members will have to take root here in the future.

  Walking around with An Feng on the racetrack, chatting and talking, recalling the past. Bazel, just like his mother at the beginning, gradually let go of power and let the family descendants take over the management of this huge consortium. Currently the Sinclair family is the richest family other than the An family.

  Out of trust in Bazel's ability, An Feng has always looked up to him, including a set of family business philosophy. In fact, these two groups are complementary. An Feng is responsible for exporting technology, and Sinclair is responsible for expansion and management. The two groups have always cooperated closely, and there have been few conflicts.

   Bazel naturally hopes that this close and unsuspecting cooperation can continue to the next generation, and even go further. The same is true for An Feng. He is in the Jianghu, and he has few friends who can't get along at all. In terms of business operations, without a consortium, he would not be able to handle the stalls all over the world.


  The three days of the Horse Racing Festival are a time for An Feng to catch up with old friends.

Everyone is usually busy, and if there is a gathering, it will not be so complete at one time. The members of the several big families of the consortium are all here. Among the dozens of people, more than a dozen of them bear the title of hereditary nobles. These nobles can also set an example. It has contributed to the economy, and its influence is not bad.

  When it comes to Sardinia, the most commented by the outside world is admiration and envy. As a nobleman there, he obviously has a lot of face. The kingdom expands its influence in all aspects, and the status of citizenship is also a kind of honor. For things like face, it is better to create it yourself than to ask for it from others.

  The young heroes get along happily. During the horse racing festival, they even come to the back garden of the palace to learn equestrianism. Alice is a woman in this respect, and the demeanor of a professional player is perfectly interpreted in her. The younger ones also made friends with their own circles.

Margaret, the little girl Joanna likes, also appeared at the private dinner as scheduled. She is similar in age to Fred and has frequent visits. Charlie plans to send the two brothers and sisters to study in Sardinia in the future, so the little girl Was talking about these things with Joanna.

   "Do you like my frequent visits, ma'am?" She turned to look at Joanna, her eyes and smiles were sincere.

   "Of course, honey," said Joanna.

   "Then I will come here to study in the future—if you don't find me annoying." She smiled, "I feel very free to chat with you."

   "You are really pleasing." Joanna also smiled, "But I won't find you annoying, you are just like Alice when she was young, very lovable."

  Alice turned her head and said to William next to her, "She is looking for a future princess."

   "Huh?" William put down the knife and looked at the blonde girl.

   next to Fred embarrassed.

   "Don't make random guesses!" An Feng on the opposite side warned her with his eyes. But to be honest, Joanna really likes...girls who are not too different from Fred's age and meet her requirements for appearance and temperament, and often invite them, and Fred is also called.

  I'm afraid this is really the rhythm of choosing a princess.

An Feng holds a positive attitude towards free love. As a future princess, no matter whether she is born as a commoner or aristocrat, the child's like is the most important thing... But don't go too far, for example, if you have a history of marriage and drag your family along Yes, life is depraved or something.

   Not to mention the royal family, even ordinary families are not willing to accept it.


  In addition to these activities, An Feng also has arrangements for the future.

   It is expected that in April next year, aerospace companies will use their new "exploration" aircraft. This is a nuclear-powered aerospace plane that can carry 20 tons of heavy objects into the sky, with a unit price of 2 billion US dollars. The company manufactures two and plans to set up a second base on the moon.

At present, all countries in the world are paying attention to this matter, because it is related to the size of the exploitable area of ​​the moon. If Sardinia really builds a second base, they will be one step closer to the "more than 10 million square kilometers". Expand the area to about two million square kilometers.

The Americans are very upset about this, but there is nothing they can do about it. Sardinia is not a soft persimmon. In addition, the three European countries, Britain, France and Germany, are very close to them. Europe also has the idea of ​​uniting and strengthening itself. " NATO's role in the face of interests is limited.

  An Feng is very clear that France does not currently have the ability to independently develop the moon. Although Europe can also land on the moon, they have to set foot on it and build defensive bases, one sky at a time. So France is likely to want to cooperate with Sardinia to develop the "more than 10 million square kilometers".

Such enthusiasm for developing the moon is not only due to strategic considerations, but also because of the stimulation of Sardinia. Weapons and smoke grenade effects—but a doomed plan.

  Because Sardinia doesn't care at all, and the United States will show off its tenth generation fighter jet tomorrow, and it has nothing to do with them. Anyway, they just do what they like, exploring the moon. The Americans took the opportunity to promote the exploration of Mars and the construction of a Mars base-Sardinia did not respond at all.

  They just focus on doing things and succeed.

  This is one of the reasons. With the development of nuclear fusion technology, the precious nuclear materials of the moon are known as the focus of future strategic competition, and a new energy source after the complete depletion of oil. Therefore, it is very important to enclose a piece of land on the moon for backup, even if it will be commercialized after a hundred years.

  An Feng did this out of consideration for the long-term future. Strategic reserves are one thing, nuclear energy is very important, and a space force is also a manifestation of strength. Then lay the foundation now, because it has a plan in its heart that may be planned until he grows old, or even further: starry sky exploration.

  The information in his head stays at 99% indefinitely, but some intermittent data show that this will be the answer to why he was chosen, where the mysterious content came from, and where he should go. It is as important as preventing doomsday disasters, if not more crucial.

  He was looking forward to the final answer.

  Even if there is no warning, he is also interested in the starry universe.

  He successfully went into space three years ago, and he has done it three times in succession. He once flew dozens of laps around the earth in the X-2 aircraft of Aerospace Corporation, and experienced zero gravity and spacewalking. He also plans to wear a special exoskeleton armor to land on the moon before the age of sixty.

   At that time, he will be able to appreciate how magnificent the land he circled is.

  He also wants to build a spaceship—with artificial gravity. In this respect, it can take the form of self-rotation, using centrifugal force to create a slight gravity, even if it is only 0.3G, it is better than floating without gravity. The second is a powerful engine that can accelerate the spacecraft to a quarter, or even a third of the speed of light through decades of acceleration-this means that the spacecraft is a giant.

   It may be the influence of high technology in his mind. He wants to build a spacecraft capable of interstellar ocean travel, explore the surrounding area of ​​​​more than ten light years, and see the outside world. But I'm afraid it will take hundreds of years to complete—he doesn't have such a long lifespan, and this is left to future generations to complete.


  An Feng's plan has already been calculated into the future.

But focusing on the immediate reality, foreign resources have already made many countries tense with the successive test flights of Aerospace Corporation's aircraft. Those who are capable want to compete, and those who cannot compare want to cooperate...such as European countries, although they are developed, their economic aggregates are large. Can't play with superpowers.

  It is very important to reach cooperation before Sardinia makes another "moon-earth" trip.

The United States wants to conduct a high-profile test and win over its friends, but not long after this happened in France, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom actually made an unofficial visit—suddenly, the Sardinian official received the test five days in advance I heard the news, and then the British came.

  This time it is informal, the Prime Minister VS the Prime Minister, and it is impossible to know what to talk about.

  The news channel of Lubianshe did not broadcast it, but related disclosures were made on the website. It is speculated that in addition to the hotly discussed military-industrial mold cooperation in the UK, there is also the recent very popular issue of lunar enclosure. Speaking of enclosure sports, the ancestors of the British were good at it.

   But this time we have to rely on Sardinia. The informal interview with the other party is also for the issue of cooperation. Grind your lips on the price you need to pay. They can play Joanna's love card, but love is one thing, money is another, and if the two are out of balance, there is no talk.

  The British Prime Minister left after only one day, and then the Germans came. But unlike the sudden unofficial visits of the previous two, Germany had previously cooperated with Aerospace Corporation on some projects. Specifically, Germany was responsible for doing chores, and Aerospace Corporation just lacked parts manufacturers.

  The high-tech industry is not good in the world, but Germany is still the top in the traditional machinery industry. It is a good job to do miscellaneous things-of course, it is cooperation with the outside world, because even if you participate in 1% of the research and development work, it is also called cooperation. It's just that there are too many people here.

  The outside world also has reason to suspect that there is trickery in it.

  At present, apart from Russia, several countries in Europe that are doing better have contacted successively. In the competition for lunar resources, a single European country cannot compete with China and the United States. And Russia? After Putin died, Mao Xiong was still struggling with domestic corruption. The Soviet Union's wealth was almost exhausted, and it was difficult to keep up with the mainstream of the world.

  Cooperated with Sardinia and became a breakthrough point in the European aerospace industry.