
Horse Racing Festival

The issue of urban law and order has come to an end, but the discussion on illegal immigration and crime prevention has just begun. The country needs to establish more comprehensive laws to fill the vacancy, especially the issue of police force at the discretion of local governments, especially in large cities. Need to strengthen.

  But the queen can't control this aspect. At most, she listens to the report of the prime minister and the opinions of the parliament. Whether the following things are done well or not, the eyes of the masses are discerning. Although there is a monarch in this country, it is highly democratized, and residents have the right to vote for important positions such as mayors, councilors, and police chiefs. If the government is not doing well enough, the local council representing the people can still raise doubts. If the situation is bad and the public opinion is strong, the Congress will intervene.

  If Congress can't handle it...the Queen has to deal with them.

  From the perspective of the entire social environment, compliance with public opinion is reflected in every corner. The opinions of the masses are powerful, and the government must pay attention to them. Whether it is social welfare or living conditions, this place is top-notch, and it has naturally become the happiest country in the south after Northern Europe.


   On August 10th, the Royal Horse Racing Festival opened on time.

   This year, the Horse Racing Festival is ushering in its eighth edition. From its initial obscurity to its current focus, it uses the old method of the royal family - filling it with money if there is no history. It is also the most effective. Naturally, the Horse Racing Festival cannot be compared with the 300-year-old Esco horse racing in the UK, but during these three days, the rewards of various competitions are irresistible to professional athletes.

  The event will hold three-day equestrian events, horse racing, and a polo game that can entertain the masses. The arrangement is exciting enough. The comfortable outdoor environment is also a good social platform. The various fashions and hats are eye-catching. Even if you don't know horse racing, watching the scenery is interesting.

   On the morning of the 10th, the racetrack not far from Moncalieri was already overcrowded.

  Gentlemen and ladies from all over the world, and tourists from foreign countries will join this feast of horse racing and socializing. The entrance of the racecourse is crowded with people. The weather in August is a bit hot, with the temperature hovering around 32 degrees Celsius. It is a challenge to wear a gentleman's three-piece suit outdoors.

The talented Ans Industry has a solution. They installed a mist cooling system around the racetrack. The machine diffuses the artificial mist to the surrounding area. Using the physical principle of evaporation and heat absorption, it continuously absorbs heat during the diffusion process, which is enough to reduce the environment by 10. Celsius.

  If the weather is suitable, they will also artificially rain a few days in advance to reduce the temperature of the city—even if necessary, their atmospheric processors can force the formation of dark clouds to gather around the racetrack, raining a day in advance, and reducing the overall high temperature.

   This is a combination of burning money and technology.

Therefore, the whole process of the horse racing festival, the surrounding area of ​​the racetrack is very cool, the air conditioner in the box is running for a long time, the large atomization system is also constantly working, Anshi Industry can even prevent global warming, and the atmospheric processor directly interferes with the weather, not to mention these Minor issues with cooling in localized areas.

  At nine o'clock, the royal family's open carriage entered the venue, and a family of three—because Fred was not old enough, and occasions involving gambling and alcohol were not suitable, were excluded. The queen and the prince are sitting side by side. Today she is wearing a printed morning dress and a hat that is not exaggerated. She has necklaces, earrings, brooches and other accessories on her body, giving people an eternally graceful and luxurious queen.

The gentlemen and ladies at the scene paid attention, and some even picked up binoculars to observe... Some careful people felt that the appearance of their queen seemed younger, although today she wore heavy makeup, eye shadow, false eyelashes and the like, lipstick It's a warm, bright red, but it feels vibrant.

The prince next to him is not so obvious, probably because of his attire. Like other men, he wears a three-piece suit and a high hat. A white pocket square is exposed from the breast pocket of the suit, and a flower is stuck in the neckline. He is facing the crowd wave. He got a very enthusiastic response.

In fact, there is also An Feng's consideration. He didn't let himself look too young. Thirty-two or three-year-old was Joanna's most beautiful years, and he preferred mature ones. After all, they were all in their fifties, so it was a bit tender. That...so judging upwards that he should be in his early forties.

  Alice is very satisfied with this look, she thinks that her father has a temperament at this age. She also dressed up to attend today, with a beige morning dress, a bright red hat, and a little light makeup, enough for her to control the style of a princess, and she was waving frequently in the carriage.

The carriage passed by the audience stage unhurriedly and stopped on the other side. An Feng invited the two ladies down. The cameras on the scene would also take some pictures of their looks today. They stood there for a few seconds, amidst the cheers Walk up to the auditorium, which has an area dedicated to the royal family.

  The special host of the racetrack began to broadcast the race and arrangements.

  Everyone in the auditorium can operate through the handheld device, including downloading the program list, knowing the schedule and break interval, placing bets and selecting excellent photos taken by the on-site photographer. The wireless network covering the racetrack is enough for tens of thousands of people to enjoy it.

  The first day mainly held traditional horse racing and dressage competition in the three-day race. There are a total of six traditional horse races, all of which are top-notch hot-blooded horses. Professional riders gather to stage top-level races. Audiences inside and outside the racecourse can log in to the racecourse website to place bets.

  The audience will try their luck to some extent, but there are only tens of hundreds of euros to play, not many big ones, and the rest of the time is either discussing horses or celebrating beer and champagne. In addition to watching horse races, this place is also a place for socializing, where everyone can relax outdoors and broaden their social circle by the way.

  After the royal family was seated, the visiting guests arrived.

   Most of them are old friends, and most of the nobles of the kingdom are concentrated on them. The partners of the consortium, especially those with a focus on Europe, all hold the nationality of Sardinia and have the title bestowed by the queen. Now they each bring their wives and friends to greet each other.

   In addition to frequent greetings, there are introductions of new friends—mostly young. Because the old friendship is not a year or two, the consortium deserves attention is the young blood. Many of them are the younger generation of big families, and the future stage will also belong to this group of young people.

  She is not the crown prince, but men and women are equal, and she will be an important figure in the family in the future. Naturally, she has the responsibility to manage this huge family business, which is also the reason why she is engaged in business. Among them, Roger's sons and daughters, Edward and Jessica, are all close friends of Alice.

   There is also the newly-acquainted princess Hayat, the two who love equestrianism hit it off right away. William, who is one year older than Alice, is also dressed as a gentleman. He wanders in these aristocratic circles, and Wang Le's child Harry is among them... The brats back then have all grown up.

Joanna also has her circle. A group of ladies who are not convinced by the old are gathering to discuss clothes and decorations. It is estimated that men can't get involved... An Feng left the auditorium, walked around with old friends, and strolled in the viewing area , casually chatting about something.

  Bazel is older than before, seventy-five years old, but because of the maintenance of the bio-drink, he can still move freely. Last year they went hunting together on horseback. The old man is very strong. Using a handheld device, Charlie placed his bet on horse number five for the next race.

  Bazel asked: "I heard that you plan to buy another island?"

  An Feng shook his head: "I am still unwilling to accept the rumors from the outside world."

  He asked: "Why? The French overpriced?"

  "The price is acceptable to the government, but I feel sorry for asking the price for that place, and there is a more ideal way."

  Bazel said: "You are a rare royal family in history that does not rely on wars to expand its territory. Other countries have earned their heads and blood for an acre of land."

  An Feng smiled: "I just found a better shortcut."

   "His Royal Highness! Your Excellency the Marquis!" Several gentlemen who came towards them took off their hats and nodded to them, and Bazel chatted with them a few words.

After Bazel gave up his American citizenship, he also accepted the title of nobility in Sardinia. At present, "Marquis" is the highest title that non-royal members can get. After a few years, the queen will bestow titles on them one by one.

   Bazel's son, Charlie, will be given a title after becoming a Sardinian citizen, and his two children will come to Sardinia. The Royal Academy of Cagliari is a world-renowned institution. Although it has been established for a short time, it has funds and the support of the Royal Academy, and its strength is unparalleled.

  An Feng looked at Charlie: "How are the two children? Are they coming here?"

  He nodded: "They have long hoped to come here on vacation, and now they are probably in the playground."

  An Feng said: "Joanna likes Margaret very much, the little girl is very pleasing, and she wants to meet if she has the chance."

   "We will definitely visit."

   "The horse race is ready to start." Bazel said at this time.

  They came to the fence closest to the track, and the people who were talking stopped talking and came to the front. Some people picked up binoculars, and some looked up at the live broadcast screen. The racehorses on each track are already in place, and with the command of Qi Run, the racehorses start to run wildly.

The No. 5 horse that Bazel is optimistic about got the third position at the start, and competed with the second place on the straight line. The first place gradually opened up the distance. When cornering, the No. 5 horse won the second position. Started chasing the number one, but back on the straight track, the number one always kept ahead.

   "Unfortunately!" Bazel was disappointed, "I thought it could become a dark horse!"

   "How many bets?" An Feng asked with a smile.

  "Five thousand ohms." Bazel looked up at the screen. The No. 5 horse won the second place. After crossing the line, it ran a little longer before stopping, which showed that its spirit was very excited. People also like this kind of hot-blooded horse the most. It can't stop when it gets on the track, and it keeps running wildly.

  An Feng said: "You are one of the few people on the scene who play such a big game."

"Have gotta have some fun," Bazel said, "like your moon base, which at first seemed incredible, but now it's all going to come back to please you. I guess your idea of ​​Corsica is to use the land of the moon Let's change it? More than 10 million square kilometers, it's not easy to defend."

  An Feng nodded: "You guessed right, I just want to negotiate in this area, you know Europe is very concerned, right?"

   "Imminent," Bazel said.